Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Sara 'Rabbit' Lin

"That AI voice is eerie as hell." Sara grumbled idly over the open comm as they were briefed on their respective tasks. It was a bit jarring to have such a upbeat voice deliver information they needed to deal death, but Sara just chocked it up to the designers having particular tastes. It was Bifrost after all, everything on the planet revolved around fighting these days. Training to fight, scrapping old war machines to prepare slightly less older ones to fight, talking about fighting, encouraging people to fight. Of course there was the actual fighting as well, what with pirates, overly aggressive scrappers, corporations and the occasional advance team of UEC or LTS forces, it was a rare day not to fire a weapon at least once.

Sara herself found herself fighting more and more as well, especially as her work with EINHERJAR expanded. Fighting alongside her fellows became more and more rare as she found herself working with more and more mercs. Some she'd recognize, most she'd never see again. The 'regulars' as Sara had dubbed them she knew more by voice than face. Her father would be rolling in his grave if he could see her now, but mercenary work was the only way for Sara to really take the fight to the enemies of Bifrost, rather than playing firefighter, so at least for the time being, a merc she'd be.

She listened idly to the chatter as the assorted team of AUG pilots sorted themselves into ad hoc teams- fairly normal these days. Most of the voices speaking up expressed their intention to take out Ultima Universal's communication systems. With only a few so far chiming in to actually take the fight to the Corp.

"We're supposed to fuck up their comms, not our own." Sara teased the apparent rookie, as they seemingly fumbled around with their comms.

"Property damage sounds right up my alley." Sara giggled, her voice light and soft despite it's supposed sentiment. "I'll provide close air support for our little bunker busters."

Within the cockpit of her AUG, Sara quickly flicked a few switches, designating herself R-18 and Redknight- and whoever else wanted to smash some steel into one squad.

"All green, all green," Sara called, noting her AUG's readiness. Her voice still light, but clear and crisp, without having to strain an ear to hear her. Chevalier is good to go, Rabbit standing by."
Talk about fast moving, mecha and posts it would seem
the bifrost natives

Tallow identifies their alignment as chaotic chaotic
I figure a decent comparison would just be like a Gundam vs a grunt mobile suit. In a straight matchup the AUG armor outfights the MA 90% of the time, skill probably comes into account, and some rarer jumbo MA might be trouble, but generally they must rely on numbers or tactics to overcome an AUG team.

For your perusal, let me know if anything needs fixing! The Chevalier is basically my take on an apache attack helicopter, but AUG

Galahad Caradoc

Galahad dreaded every step he took towards his childhood home, not just because he wasn't looking forward to being home so soon, but also due to the company he kept. His family guards for their part, reacted more or less as he expected-at least no weapons were drawn, though one could never really sheath lances. The Caradoc Manor was a large home of classic Edrenian architecture, built from slabs of white marble and gilded with the Caradoc family crest. For all of its grandeur, the home felt as cold and imposing as it always did as Galahad made his way up the steps of the building. At the front door, a man at arms silently welcomed them, holding the door open for they entered. The interior of the manor was just as opulent as the outside. Fine carpeting stretched across the cold marble floor, its high walls and ceilings adorned with gold and jewel encrusted weapons and artwork. The ceiling itself was a tapestry of the Caradoc family line, and its accomplishments, starting generations back, endless depictions of gallant Caradoc men bearing pristine silver and blue plate.

Underneath a mural of his own likeness stood his father, Artorias Caradoc. None to pleased to see what Galahad had brought back home. Galahad couldn't help but sigh as his father demanded an explanation.

"It appears as though his Majesty's call also extended to mages, spies, and swords both named and nameless." Galahad replied curtly. The two men stood across from one another, a sourcless tension between the two, almost palpable enough to snap like a band. " Leonhart has instructed me to find and end the Blight. Our groups were picked by the king himself. If this troubles you, I advise you to take it up with your nephew."

"Insolence." The older Caradoc practically spat, though whether it was directed towards Galahad or the king himself was not entirely clear. "To bring the Demon to your own home, to stand in front of her with your back exposed. Galahad, I know not if you are a fool, or merely foolish. How bleak things have become."

"The demon, the spy, the sword and the mage helped me save the king from an attempt on his life." Galahad reminded him, "Without them, Edren's future would be considerably more bleak."

"Regardless. I'm sure you'll be thrilled to know that we do not plan to stay for long. Once we resupply, we'll be off." Galahad stated curtly, though the sound of the door opening behind his father stopped any further reply.

"Surely you don't plan to leave without even having dinner with your family?" in almost stark contrast to the cold callousness of the two Caradoc men, this voice was considerably warmer, as his mother stepped out to greet the Kirins.

Very few would note 'stealth' as one of Echo's strong suits, but throughout this deployment it had been surprisingly apt at just that. Perhaps both the cloaking technology and leadership of Rasch provided assistance in that, but nonetheless, Echo's warform, along with the rest of the team had managed to get the drop on a group of targets. While the others moved in to form a killbox, Echo more or less stayed stationary, hanging back to preparing a base of fire while also negating it's biggest weakness to stealth- it's size and noise it would make if it moved.

With their first strike prepared, Echo's weapons began to power up. Unfortunately, no amount of cloaking would mask the telltale whine of an Unztadlig's beam cannon, but luckily for them all, they did not delay in ambushing their targets. Salvatore and Alice's weapons struck first, followed by the tarrhaidim. A moment later the whine grew to a crescendo and a lance of energy surged towards the power armored trooper, the fresh smell of burnt ozone lingering in the air. A split second later, two streams of tracers swept across the automata positions as Echo charged forward on antigrav boosted legs. With luck, the enemy squad would believe the fire was coming from the Unztadlige platform alone, drawing any return fire towards it's thicker armor, while the rest of the squad maneuvered to collapse on the remaining targets.

Where stealth was not in Echo's toolset, attacking over open ground was. Maneuvering with it's heaviest sections of armor facing forward while autocannons and beam cannons turned the mechanical centaur into a veritable porcupine of weapons fire. For good measure, a second blast from it's main cannon struck where the power armor trooper was positioned.

Alert. Platform is now attempting to draw fire. Advise. Avoid entering projected movement path. Elaboration. Platform mass likely to cause extreme physical trauma in event of collision.
Love me some mecha... Will definitely be reading through this.

@Psyker Landshark don't yell at me pls
After some thinking, I don't know if I'll have the time to be able to commit to this RP, best of luck to everyone though!
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