Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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"Like I said, if you want to run off on your own, don't blame me for what happens." Rathello remarked. If he was peeved with the lack of attention paid to his very simple rules, he didn't show it. To be fair, this was a lower level dungeon, so perhaps he shouldn't have been too worried, but a history of dying party members never looked good on a solo player's resume, so Rathello liked to keep risks to a minimum.

Luckily Elian had his back, as did Claudia, so he didn't have to worry too much. Goibniu, their defacto leader- as he was the one who had put the party together in the first place suggested that they go through the dorms first, and Elian suggested that they clear the first floor first anyway, which Rathello concurred with.

"Dorms it is then." Rathello nodded in agreement as they approached the first door. Nothing had sprung out at them yet, but this was a dungeon, so Rathello didn't expect it would stay that way for long. He glanced back at the others to make sure they were ready, before he placed his foot on the door to the dorms.

"Knock, knock." Rathello chuckled as his foot kicked the door down, his bulky form quickly stepping through the doorway so the rest of the party could filter in behind and around him.
In SPIRITUM 2 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gerard Biserus

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Came the twin voices of both Gerard and the Princess as they tumbled out of the back of the truck. Thank the gods for Justice and Silje's early warnings or Gerard wouldn't have been able to tell where the bullet sharks were until they were right on top of them. Though things weren't fairing much better for the support mage, bullet sharks traveled a lot faster than he did, and he'd barely gotten the half full Jerry can of fuel below his feet before he felt the ground rumble and a pair of jaws appeared beneath him.

Flimsy steel crumpled beneath the heavy jaws as Gerard scrambled out of the way, a roar muffled by a half gallon of Etherium fuel pouring down the beast's gullet. Shoving Gerard out of the way, the princess produced another one of her light arrows, though this time instead of firing it from a bow, instead threw it directly down the gut of the offending shark. There was a pained roar as the beast literally breathed fire, writhing as it was cooked from the inside out.

Another pair jumped out of the ground, and were subsequently batted away by Gerard's telekinesis, a heavy gauntlet smashing them left and right- though it did little more than make them angry. "This is probably why they suggest we carry bladed weapons with us too, huh?" He grumbled as a wave of magic sent the princess floating into the air, narrowly missing the jaws of one of the sharks. The pair seemed ready to continue their attack, but aburptly turned their heads and charged towards a new source of mist, Silje from atop the RV.

"H-hey! What's going on out there?" The trapped voice whined, "You gotta get me out of here before they come back!"

Perhaps his warnings were too late, as the ground below them rumble and shifted, the mother shark close to the surface as she burrowed beneath them, reappearing as a pair of jaws appeared below the RV and snapped shut. Not quite large enough to get to Silje through the RV, but enough to knock it a few feet into the air as it almost sundered the RV in half, heavy jaws attempting to crush and chew through the RV and Silje with it!

"Shit! Fuck! Help!" Came the piteous cries as the man fell out of the side of the broken RV, his legs no longer pinned, but seriously injured. He opened his mouth to say something more but was cut off as an olive drab crate slid out after him and smashed into his jaw, knocking him out clean. The crate clattered to the ground and cracked open, depositing half a dozen pistols, loaded magazines, a quartet of hand grenades, and a block of plastic explosives.

Undeterred by the metal vehicle frame, heavy jaws forged forward as the mother shark found its target and began to close its mouth, seeking to swallow Silje whole.
Jackie "Frost" Hara


“I need a drink, any drink, so let’s do that? Two gangs…right? So we find one, in a bar, and we go from there,” Wildfire said.

“I’ll get them talking, one way or another. You can count on it…” she added, swiping an imaginary set of claws through the air.

“Besides, Frost’s credits are burning a hole in my pocket. And I could be doing so, so much more with this sweet, sweet pile of Nuyen than standing here.”

“Keep pressing me and there might be a hole in more than just your pocket.” Frost growled threateningly, and though the sentiment might have seemed serious to anyone out of the sisters’ loop, to those in the know, this was just more of the usual. Frost hadn't touched a hair on her sister's head since the day they met- though certainly not for a lack of trying, in their earlier years at least. Nowadays Frost was cybered enough that she could at least track Nadya's movements, though their cat and mouse games usually never went too far while working.

“We've been drinking all day.” Frost grumbled, “Small glasses in a small airplane.”

“And now we can drink bigger drinks in bigger glasses in bigger bars! Just say yes, Frost. Please? Don’t make me pout. Oh! I know! We can sit outside!”

Frost glared at Nadya for a moment, bright beaming puppy dog eyes staring back at her. A vein on Frost's forehead pulsed, a rumble in her throat suggested something close to aggression. With a tired sigh, Frost relented.

“We're supposed to be working, mui.” Frost grumbled, an oversized hand rubbing tiredly at her temples. She was almost certain she felt wrinkles beginning to form on her face. “A self guided tour of Gangland might not be a bad idea though.”

“Fine.” Frost eventually relented, “But first we need to get transportation. Drones and guns aren't exactly subtle in the middle of the city. Work first, then we can get drinks.”

“Moya lyubimaya starshaya sestra,” Wildfire replied, a cheshire cat grin plastered on her face as she reached up with her right hand to softly pat Frost on the cheek, her sister's face notably contorting and slowly burning red- seemingly uncharacteristic to her given handle. “You finally see sense! The Old Timer always said drinking was a full time job!”

“You are most right though! We need a ride. Something discreet. Preferably fast. Something big enough for your many, many guns and the drones of the Josei,” Wildfire added, nodding in Captcha’s direction.

“The old man is full of shit.” Frost grumbled, but nodded anyway, shooting a glance at the rest of the group. “We'll find a ride. Send us your location in the district and we'll meet you there.”

“Yeah, or wherever,” Wildfire said, “Just remember, we charge by the kilometer. And don’t keep us waiting...”

EZ Glossary
Mui = Cantonese “younger sister”
Moya lyubimaya starshaya sestra = Russian:“My Beloved Older Sister”
Josei = Japanese “Lady”
Galahad Caradoc

Fighting in such tight quarters was a real pain, at least for someone like Galahad. Tight corridors and small spaces did little to allow for wide swings of his halberd. At the very least, there seemed to be no one able to follow them through the fire, though it did not bode well for the structural integrity of the building- and Galahad hadn't accounted for Éliane's explosives either, though knowing the Skaeler, he probably should've. Thankfully, at least the gunfire stopped- or at least slowed, one of the Kirin's above must have taken care of the gunner that was pinning them down. That meant they were basically at Mizutanei's doorstep.

The sounds of rapid gunfire were replaced with the muffled thud and shifting of feet and bodies, as the Kirins were likely handling the last of the bodyguards as they spoke. Galahad turned to follow the rest of the Kirin's up the stairs and into the proceeding floor when he heard the muffled sounds of voices. Glancing above him, he saw the slight traces of dust dislodged from movement above, and the creaking of the wood denoting weight and steps. There were several figures in the room directly above him. One was heavy and slowly stepping. A slight ways away was a muffled tone, feminine but unfamiliar. In the opposite direction, Galahad heard a more casual tone- difficult to tell what exactly was being said, but he knew the casual confidence well enough at this point.

A glance around the corner confirmed that weight above was neither Arton nor Rudolf, and he saw Éliane messing with the gun emplacement that had pinned them down. The remaining members of the party were too light footed to have been this one in particular either. Pressing down on the floor below him, Galahad tested the weight and strength of the floorboards and nodded to himself.

In Mizutani's office, the remaining Samurai slowly paced towards Esben, blade at the ready, his eyes darting between the door and Esben, half expecting someone to barge through the door. Turning towards the spy, the samurai held his blade over his head, and yelled, readying a charge. The scream was cut off halfway through as through the floor came Galahad's halberd, splintering through the wood as though it were little more than plywood. The heavy point of the weapon pierced through the bottom of the Samurai's jaw and pinned him to the ceiling above, sword clattering unceremoniously to the ground. A moment later, blued steel and dragonscale armor burst through the weakened floor, following his weapon as the dragoon jumped. Armored boots took the place of samurai sandals in the center of the room as Galahad lightly dusted off the top of his armor, swatting away splintered wood and dust.

"Pardon the intrusion." Galahad apologized, offering both the women and Esben a short nod as he reached up and grabbed the haft of his halberd, pulling it off the ceiling and discarding the corpse with a simple flourish. Now in an open room, he had a bit more space for his weapon, the axe blade slowly interposing itself between Tane and Cir as Galahad pulled off his helmet. Cold eyes glared at Ciradyl for a moment before shifting towards Mizutani, the point of his weapon moving a bit as he gestured for the two to separate "Good evening, Miss Tane. I wasn't aware you had a guest. My apologies, but I believe you have some more pressing matters to attend to."

Shehar Guild Hall

Rath chuckled cheerily as more offered to join the party. Frankly he was a bit surprised they'd rounded out their number so quickly, but Shehar was a pretty busy area, so perhaps it shouldn't have been too surprising. With Elian along, Rath felt fairly confident he could tank just about anything that was thrown at them fairly easily enough, especially if they were looking at Rank C dungeons. Rath was already well and used to participating in high level raids, so this oughta be a walk in the park.

"The more the merrier I say, we'll clear rooms faster with more DPS." Rath remarked as he looked over their growing group. They had Tanking and healing with himself and Elian, a mixed smattering of DPS between the paladin, death knight and ranger, and then they had their artificer- who perhaps was not cut out for higher level dungeons, but they had enough around to carry him.

Outside the dungeon, Rath did much the same as Elian, tied up his horse and set a teleportation marker- he'd have to buy some more teleport crystals soon, he had just the one left and wasn't capable of casting the spell himself. Rath twiddled his thumbs idly as they party began casting their party wide buffs, sizing up the entrance to the dungeon itself. "Sorry, don't have much in the way of party buffs." Rath chuckled, "Mostly just personal buffs- and anything I could cast, Elian does better anyway."

"Some ground rules- since most of us haven't worked together yet. I'm always the first through any door, in case of traps or ambushes. Unless you're able to finish them on your own, don't fight enemies I haven't aggro'd. Rath rattled off like a football coach. "That means don't run off on your own and expect the rest of us to come to your rescue when you get into trouble. We'll go slow through the first few rooms to see how quickly we can clear, if I think we're up to it, I'll pull more and faster." He figured most of the people here knew the basics of dungeon running, perhaps aside from their artificer, but it always helped to keep the basics in mind. He glanced at Elian, "If somehow we get into a situation where we need to choose one person or the other to survive, we obviously keep the healer alive. Uhh... I think that's about it. Anything to add El?"
Will get a post out today!
Galahad Caradoc

As always, Esben had found another way in- a lucky thing the SEED was on their side. Also, in what was seemingly a disturbingly regular occurrence nowadays, something went wrong. Not for lack of planning, or lack of stealth, but the sheer dumb luck of a pair of guards slacking off and going out for a smoke break. On another night, Galahad might've found the change in schedule humanizing, but tonight was not that night. The Kirins were spurred forward, the element of surprise lost, and they now made do with violence of action and the shock and surprise that came with it. Galahad had no need to bark orders, they were all basically stabbing in the dark anyway, rushing their way to the uppermost floors, and dealing with any unfortunate soldier that got in their way.

Galahad found himself rather limited in these close quarters, stuck holding his halberd close to the chest and employing short stabs and kicks, lest his wide swings get caught on a wall or an ally. Luckily, none of these men wore the same armor and had the same weapons as Valheim soldiers did, and his jabs easily pierced and sundered through their relatively light clothing and armor.

The stairway that filled with gunfire might've been a problem had Eve not subsequently filled it with fire, Arton leading the charge up the stairs shortly afterwards. Galahad began to hang towards the back of the formation, where he could swing and stab with impunity to hold off any goons that were trying to reinforce their boss from the lower floors. Out of the corner of his eye, Galahad spotted a man bearing a crossbow, a glinting tip levelled at the firebreathing pseudolon.

Grabbing the half-dragon by the back of her robe, Galahad yanked her a step back, crossbow bolt spiraling through the air her head just occupied. Rearing back, Galahad hucked his halberd down the hall, the heavy weapon knocking the offending man off his feet, through the outer wall, and clear off the building. The sound of rushing wind was accented with the faint noise of a man screaming as the halberd flew back into Galahad's hand. He pushed the black mage onward towards the rest of the party.

"Set the corridor behind us on fire, prevent reinforcements from catching up with us." Galahad said as he stabbed forward at another man rounding the corner, pinning him to the wall. "But lets try not to blow up the building while we're still inside."

Visiting Alora had always been something in the cards- supposedly the resort scene on this planet was to die for, but this wasn't exactly what Sabine had in mind. A a few months ago, if someone told her she'd be getting a month and a half on Alora, she'd have been jumping for joy. She was still jumping of course, though now it was mostly over rubble and pockets of radiation- not exactly her idea of a vacation. Not for a lack of trying of course, Sabine had conveniently parked her mech more or less in the center of the pilots' congregation and was currently lounging in a hammock strung between the mech's leg and the remains of a nearby pillar. In her hands was a scorched magazine, and the remains of the tanning mirror she'd found somewhere within the remains of the hotel did little for her skin- currently clad head to toe in her flight suit. To her side, a holo-display slowly scrolled by, displaying diagnostics information as she was wrapping up the Hare's maintenance checks. Only a scorch mark gouging through the left side of her flight suit from a rather close call signified that their current situation could've been anything other than a vacation to the young pilot.

Not that the situation around them was any better. Even after over a month of hard fighting, they hadn't made nearly as much progress as they needed. The planet was dying. If they didn't take care of the Aberrant threat soon, then the entire planet would be lost within the week. No doubt Howe was beginning to think this was all a wasted effort, and Sabine couldn't exactly blame him either. Sure, she enjoyed flying and fighting- loved it in fact, but brutal attrition wasn't exactly her style, blaze of glory was much preferred. The White Hare was designed for rapid assaults, and instead they were bogged down in what more or less amounted to a slow slog through the middle of Aberrant territory. Damage was slowly but surely mounting, and she down to about a quarter of her smartcannon and missile ammunition, forcing her to rely mostly on her energy weapons for the past few days. But with resources spread thin the way they were, they all had to make do: ad hoc units formed in the middle of fighting, picking up pilots and infantry from depleted and shattered units to fill out their own dwindling ranks.

Commander Aurigae- Ahkari had approached their small formation with a plan: One last daring, all or nothing type of raid. End the Aberrant threat in a day, no doubt at the cost of many- or most of their lives. A suicide run with dubious odds of success at best. Sabine snorted at the thought of the mission being a request. They all knew that at the rate they were going, the planet would be lost before they could get to the Princess. They were going in, or they were pulling out, no two ways about it, though Sabine at least appreciated the courtesy of asking, as unnecessary as it was.

"Safe is boring." Sabine whined. The mirror cracked and broke as it clattered to the ground, magazine unceremoniously dumped aside as Sabine swung off of her hammock and back down to the ground with the rest of the crew. Her footsteps light and bouncy as she casually sauntered over to Howe and swiped the lit cigarette from his fingers, taking a long drag from it as she leaned on the taller pilot. She winced slightly as she stretched the burn on her side, but otherwise ignored the discomfort. With a languid yawn, Sabine fixed her eyes on their current Constellation-Commander and winked. "Howie's right, and you said it yourself, we don't have enough time to take it slow. Might as well quit beating around the bush and hit that bitch where it hurts."

"Besides, as much as I've liked Alora, all the radiation really isn't good for my complexion."


Shehar Guild Hall

It was a bit later than when he usually logged on, but Rathello's eyes opened inside the Guildhall Bedroom he had logged out of the day before. He wasn't the type of Roleplay player that liked to log off in the bedrooms to simulate sleeping, but it gave him a second to get used to his surroundings- he found it a lot easier to get adjusted to movement when he logged off while sitting. Very slowly lifting to his feet, Rathello slowly shifted his weight from one foot to the other, lifting the free foot off the ground before pacing a few times inside of the room. At this point, he didn't expect anything different, but it was more a peace of mind thing anyway.

With the certainty that his legs worked the way he wanted them to, Rathello confidently strode into the main room of the guild hall, idly checking his messages as he did. One of the guys he regularly partied with was in the middle of complaining to a group chat about getting PK'd by the 'Jester', it wasn't the first time Rath had heard about it, but it seemed the guy was striking at dungeon diving teams all over the place. Irritating, and time wasting, but not the end of the world, ultimately- and it sure wouldn't stop Rath from doing dungeon delving of his own. He was about due for a some material farming anyway, one of the Guild crafters he had added the other day had agreed to build him a new sword in return for some rare materials.

"I wonder how long it'll take me to- oh"

Rath didn't even have time to finish his sentence before he saw Goibniu's message pop up in the area chat. He was answered not long after by a healer, so Rath figured now was as good a time as any to chime in as well.

Rathello: I'm in. I can tank, already at the guild hall.

Pausing to switch his interface to display player names, it took only a few moments for Rathello to spot the others- the fact that one was a centaur made it easy to catch the eye. He'd seen a few players like that, but couldn't really see the appeal, though maybe he was biased towards liking a pair of legs. The big firbolg walked over to the pair already in the middle of introductions.

"Yo!" The big man called out cheerily, "Looking for a tank, right? Rath, good to meet ya." He gave Elian a short nod as well. "Heya El, been a while huh? Haven't seen ya since that field boss in Ebrax."
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