Avatar of vietmyke


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1 yr ago
It is certainly not 'optimal', but it *is* doable, depending on what you want to do with it. You could go swords or valor bard and play them more like a warrior with some magical ability
2 yrs ago
One might say your villain arc has begun. Embrace it.
2 yrs ago
Man do I love watching the circus


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Will try to get a post out soon. In the middle of packing up my place. If I don't get anything up in time, assume Bear-Rath is just smacking things with his claws, generally putting himself between the big boss and the party
Galahad Caradoc

Galahad barely had the opportunity to blink before Izayoi interjected herself into his and Valon's duel, the ringing clang of steel reverberating across the deck. It gave him the opportunity he needed to collect himself, Valon's words proving his fears right, Valheim was supplying him with some sort of help. Valon was a talented Dragoon, no doubt, but something about his strikes felt heavier than they should've, there was no way he could've grown so much in so little time otherwise. Though Galahad didn't have much time to ponder as the water and boat shook, vicious naga heads appearing as the Siren took to the battle in earnest.

He cursed himself as he caught his footing, Izayoi was right- he was so focused on his duel that he'd neglected everything else happening around them. He trusted the Kirins to be able to fight, and in that regard, they'd done their jobs admirably, but the Valheimr were crafty, using their mobility and range to harry the party from well out of reach of their melee fighters. The water rushing across the decks did little to make things better for them, wild sprays buffeting and threatening to wash the Kirins and their allies away.

Glancing up, Galahad saw the incoming Naga head, Rudolf attached to its base with his blade. Looking back at Izayoi, Galahad moved before he spoke. Armored gauntlets grabbed the Mystrel woman's attention as Galahad tumbled onto his back and shoulders, bringing his legs in and pressing his feet against her.

"There!" Galahad shouted, his halberd pointing at the Rudolf and the Naga heads above them before he braced himself against the ground and kicked his feet as though he were jumping. Wood splintered and Galahad's shoulder strained as Izayoi was launched clear into the air high above the beasts on a trajectory that would take her past the young Rudolf.

"You must have a death wish Caradoc!" Valon taunted him, diving towards the prone Kirin with his spear, only to stop mid charge as Esben's bullet cracking against the metal of his armor, hitting his shoulder and sending him tumbling. The armor bore the brunt of the damage, but gave Galahad enough time to recover to his feet and bring his polearm to bear.

"Eliane!" Galahad's voice cracked like thunder over the din of battle, he glanced at the Skael woman gleefully laying down fire with her newly obtained weapon. He pointed an armored finger at the flying faux-dragoons, peppering away at the Kirins and the crew from on high. "Shift focus! Nail the fliers! Crew! Cover her!"

There was a ring of steel against steel as Valon and Galahad continued their duel in earnest, the younger Dragoon leaping at him again with the spear. His strikes were faster and harder than Galahad remembered, the more experienced Dragoon only managing to hold himself even with the traitor.

"You look like you're getting tired Galahad, perhaps it's time to retire?" Valon laughed, slipping underneath Galahad's guard and lunging with his spear. Galahad grunted and cursed in agony as the heavy dragon killing spear punched clean through his armor, nailing his shoulder to the mast. As Valon attempted to wrench the spear out to deliver a killing blow, Galahad found his opportunity. Galahad's gauntlet clad fist held the spear fast, driving it deeper into his shoulder as he lifted off the ground and drop kicked the traitor Dragoon, the full force of his legs caving in Valon's chest plate and sending the Dragoon flying across the deck.

"Neve!" Galahad's voice strained as he attempted to pull the Valon’s spear out of his shoulder, his blue gauntlet now stained red.
In Regalia 19 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll try to get a post out tomorrow or tonight
In Regalia 22 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Mirandae>

I do like these a lot. Though this is my intrepretatioms of them.

Neon is like "oh, it is you again?" in that demure look.
Akuma and Laura are like "Yeah!" and really happy go lucky. Accadia pride!
Cassiel is like "This is my practice makes perfect portrait sculptured casual look"
Matthias has that really intense stare as if a star in an action movie.
Lisabeth has a polite smile with bemusement as she just saw you doing something dumb.
Yrkhala is that goth on school portrait day or a police line up.
Nyx looks like she is contemplating the best way to devour your soul.

Aloha! Accadia takes it easy 🤙
In Regalia 23 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae Holodecks seem kinda like a sort of augmented reality device, probably a type of portable advanced computer and headset to interact with internet via holograms displayed over their headsets- kinda reminds me of cyberdecks from Shadowrun

Vibroblade is a blade that vibrates. From star wars and other Sci fi media, it vibrates (at times fast enough to heat the blade and make it glow) to make cutting attacks more deadly/devastating. Sci-fi-ify your standard sword!
In Regalia 26 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Galahad Caradoc

The relative peace of their trip could only go so far- as it seemed, all good things had to come to the end. The call of an incoming attack wasn't exactly a surprise at this point, but Galahad would've been lying if he'd hoped they'd managed to get away. If anything, the appearance of a Valheim airship just solidified how extremely advanced they were in comparison to the vast majority of what their continent had regularly available.

Quickly pulling on his armor, strode out to the deck of the ship with as the rest of the Kirins began to filter out, helmet in the crook of his arm, halberd sharpened and poised for battle in his other. He expected the airship to fly over them before dropping a clutch of soldiers. It was a surprise then, when Galahad caught a glimpse of steel, a man crashing down from the sky landing within inches of Izayoi with a strike hard enough to crack the deck.


Galahad stared at the purple armored knight in clear shock, clearly not expecting a Dragoon to have came out of a valheim ship. To make it worse, a mockery of his own martial traditions followed the offending Dragoon, some score of Valheim faux-dragoons leaping out on powered machines to meet them as well. To make matters worse, Galahad recognized the armor. Before he even spoke or lifted his visor. It was Valon. He spoke with the same casual candor that Galahad remembered from their time together during the war. Valon was- to Galahad's knowledge a loyal and faithful soldier of Edren, so why was he here? With Valheim, no less. His nonchalant turn of phrase did little for Galahad but to stoke his anger.

"Traitorous scum." Galahad spat, pulling his own helmet on over his head. "You and I both." The Dragoon snorted to Izayoi, the anger he felt overriding and keeping at bay whatever subtle chanting was threatening to dull his senses- at least for the moment.

He barely registered what Valon had said to Rudolf- Shilage- apparently. Galahad recognized the name, but he'd already packaged the words into another compartment in his mind to be dealt with later. Galahad was already in the air, diving towards Valon even as the other Dragoon jumped at Rudolf. The harsh clash of steel against steel echoed as polearms crashed, purple and blue dragoons crashing into the deck. A wide sweep was caught with a with the back of another, Valon stepping forward to shove Galahad back with a kick to the chest.

"I always wondered which of us was better, Caradoc." Valon laughed as he swung their polearms crashed together a second time, a powerful pull and push threatening to throw Galahad off balance. Galahad was surprised, he didn't remember Valon being that strong. "I'm disappointed Galahad! I don't remember you being this weak!" The purple Dragoon taunted him twisting the head of his spear and grabbed the neck pushing the sharpened edge and driving it into Galahad's side, the accursed song beginning to slow Galahad's instincts. The cold metal bit into his armor, warmth and pain quickly flowing in as Galahad managed to kick him off.

Without missing a step, Galahad countered, quick, but hefty twirling blows from his heavier weapon breaking apart Valon's guard. The younger Dragoon cursed as Galahad's axe blade went to cave in his skull, ducking in time for Galahad's axe to clip the pointy top of his helm, tearing the helmet off of him. Valon flashed an angry glare at him, Galahad taken aback for a moment as he swore he could've seen something pulsing in the younger dragoon's veins, an unnatural, faintly purple glow.

"What have they done to you?" Galahad asked, sidestepping out of the way as Valon made a short leap and stab, spear tip piercing the deck. Galahad countered with a leap of his own, soaring high up into the sky. Valon jumped up after him, but Galahad caught himself midair, a swing of his halberd against the mast suddenly arresting his momentum. Galahad kicked out with his foot, driving the armored boot into the sternum of the rising dragoon, sending the man careening back into the deck with a mighty crash. Galahad pushed off the mast, bringing his halberd to bear as he dove down on the fallen Dragoon, but was tackled out of the air by one of Valon's faux-dragoons. Edreni and Valheim Dragoons crashed into the deck, giving the purple dragon knight time to recollect himself.

"Close! But not quite Caradoc!" Valon taunted him, wicked spear twirling in his hands as he prepared for another leap towards Galahad.
In Regalia 28 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Mirandae I may need a moment to think about music because tbh the first thing that popped up into my head was the Moana soundtrack and while it gives me a bit of a giggle, I don't think it exactly fits him!

@Aeolian I threw a little ffx joke into the CS too- I like to think people meme Akamu's laugh like people do with Tidus
In Regalia 28 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Here is my submission: your local dudebro, but like nice! Obviously open to suggestions and changes if needed- but he is now here for @Mirandae to peruse at your leisure

Bear's out of the bag! Though I think Elian knows Rath can wildshape, this particular shape is probably new to her
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