Shatterscape's throat squeezed ever tighter as she rampaged through the city. Caring not about pedestrians, cars, buildings or anything else that came between her and her partner, she turned them aside with her massive gauntlets, ripping through the obstacles as one might rip apart a piece of paper. Screams rung through the night, hushed whispers talking about an evil spirit with baleful, red eyes that wanted naught but to wreck havoc upon the living until daylight eventually banished with; idle talk that most other towns would dismiss. However, in this cursed town of Hibusa, they gained very real substance.
Then Shatterscape came within reach of her body, giving rise to a new urban legend where a young woman hurried through the night to find her lover, only to collapse as she could no longer take the strain. But the dark magical girl discarded that too. She gave no spare glance to the medics who tried to stabilise her body; in fact, the glare she gave them would have shredded their wills had they not been controlled by Kiyo. She all but ripped herself out of her restraints, the IV, the bandages in process of being put on her, opening up her wounds. They bled red pain that pounded through her whole being, serrated knives digging into her flesh. And yet, this body - it could be replaced in twelve days. But Evil Eye could never be.
Hotaru emerged from Shatterscape, embracing her partner.
"You are all right..." Moments before, her gauntlets endangered countless lives. Now, they held between them someone precious and dear, squeezing Kiyo while her body worked on fixing itself. Now that her magic was actually housed directly in it, wounds became lesser by the moment and the medics could cease their work to return tending to the townsfolk. Not that Hotaru cared. For now, she relished the feeling of a warm body in her arms, the presence of her trusted partner, mixed with the ashen feeling of failure on her lips. She had not protected Kiyo well enough.
"You are all right." The gauntlets squeezed tighter. They were probably a little painful for Evil Eye now, but Hotaru had to hug her - she had to remind herself that she was still there. The light girls have not taken away Kiyo from her.
Then Shatterscape came within reach of her body, giving rise to a new urban legend where a young woman hurried through the night to find her lover, only to collapse as she could no longer take the strain. But the dark magical girl discarded that too. She gave no spare glance to the medics who tried to stabilise her body; in fact, the glare she gave them would have shredded their wills had they not been controlled by Kiyo. She all but ripped herself out of her restraints, the IV, the bandages in process of being put on her, opening up her wounds. They bled red pain that pounded through her whole being, serrated knives digging into her flesh. And yet, this body - it could be replaced in twelve days. But Evil Eye could never be.
Hotaru emerged from Shatterscape, embracing her partner.
"You are all right..." Moments before, her gauntlets endangered countless lives. Now, they held between them someone precious and dear, squeezing Kiyo while her body worked on fixing itself. Now that her magic was actually housed directly in it, wounds became lesser by the moment and the medics could cease their work to return tending to the townsfolk. Not that Hotaru cared. For now, she relished the feeling of a warm body in her arms, the presence of her trusted partner, mixed with the ashen feeling of failure on her lips. She had not protected Kiyo well enough.
"You are all right." The gauntlets squeezed tighter. They were probably a little painful for Evil Eye now, but Hotaru had to hug her - she had to remind herself that she was still there. The light girls have not taken away Kiyo from her.