Awaiting in the cemetery around the Chapel, was no one. At first it looked like no one that is. Further inspection revealed, near the door, a couple rows in, sat a woman. She hadn't seemed to notice new people, but they would notice her. She was speaking softly to a gravestone. One of the few still intact after the carnage of the town. The language was unknown, until with a turn of her head and a flash of pointed ears, revealed it to be Elvish.
She turned back to the gravestone, speaking softly and standing. She dusted her trousers off and moved closer as Valentina and Kharne approached the Chapel. The first noticeable thing would be the fact that she was an elf; the second was the obvious blindfold sitting across her eyes. She didn't say anything for a moment, head turned down a little before lifting back up. "Are you here to investigate the Chapel as well?"
Her voice was on the softer side, almost soft enough to be missed. Not only was it soft though, it was heavy with an accent. She probably didn't speak English often. Her head turned towards the Chapel, up towards the bell, but it could also be towards the flicker of light in the window. She turned her head back to them and offered a small smile, then gestured with her hand towards the Chapel. "Best to not wait, yes?"