Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Edits noted and accepted, @Raineh Daze.
@Rin: Accepted.
@RolePlayerRoxas: Accepted.
  • Name: Shinonome Akira
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "And so, the truth is...!" She is quite short, and sometimes mistaken for a girlish boy.
  • Personality: A no-nonsense and serious girl. There's no doubt that Shinonome Akira's pursuit of her duty is one of the primary objectives in her mind at any given time, and thus she has low tolerance for any mischief-making or similar pursuits, if they interfere with the current objective she has in mind. She is quick to become irritated with such distractions, but does herself have something of a sarcastic disposition in spite of her no-nonsense demeanor. Akira's tendency to make sarcastic comments towards others is not exactly restrained, either. While she is quite patient when it comes to discerning the facts of a given situation, this patience is largely much more thin when involving other human beings. She also has a high degree of confidence in her capabilties. She is actually rather easily embarrassed, in spite of her self-confidence, and becomes incredibly flustered when wearing feminine clothing. Even if being mistaken for a girlish boy also irritates her.
  • Skills: Excellent at deductive reasoning, and also has some training in hand-to-hand, utilizing her small size. Never ask her to cook.
  • Abilities: A magus with a middling amount of magic circuits that are of above average quality. Her elemental affinity is Fire, and thus it is only natural that most of her magecraft is related to fire or destruction, though this does not encompass all of what she can do. While she can generate blasts of fire and ignite targets, her preferred method of offensive and defense is through the used of her mystic code, Salamandra. A pair of black gloves, Salamandra directly utilizes Akira's mana when she snaps her fingers, automatically producing arcs of flame, balls of fire, igniting a target if she has perfect line of sight, or coating the gloves themselves in fire. Combined with reinforcing the muscles in her arms, the final function allows her to strike hard enough for her fist to penetrate a target and then release the flames in an explosive reaction.
  • Brief Backstory: The Shinonome family has maintained close ties to the Association for a considerable amount of time. While they are not considered to be something like an enforcer, scions of the Shinonome family have worked as something of special investigators under the employ of the Association. Primarily they do so out of Japan, but in the past they have travelled to other countries in order to perform their investigations. Akira is no exception, though she has not yet traveled the the association for formal education herself. As her family currently lives in Mifune, it is no surprise that they were contacted to send a representative to confront the Ainsworth family.
  • Faction: Red Team
  • Name: Shinonome Akira
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "And so, the truth is...!" She is quite short, andsometimes mistaken for a girlish boy.
  • Personality: A no-nonsense and serious girl. There's no doubt that Shinonome Akira's pursuit of her duty is one of the primary objectives in her mind at any given time, and thus she has low tolerance for any mischief-making or similar pursuits, if they interfere with the current objective she has in mind. She is quick to become irritated with such distractions, but does herself have something of a sarcastic disposition in spite of her no-nonsense demeanor. Akira's tendency to make sarcastic comments towards others is not exactly restrained, either. While she is quite patient when it comes to discerning the facts of a given situation, this patience is largely much more thin when involving other human beings. She also has a high degree of confidence in her capabilties. She is actually rather easily embarrassed, in spite of her self-confidence, and becomes incredibly flustered when wearing feminine clothing. Even if being mistaken for a girlish boy also irritates her.
  • Skills: Excellent at deductive reasoning, and also has some training in hand-to-hand, utilizing her small size. Never ask her to cook.
  • Abilities: A magus with a middling amount of magic circuits that are of above average quality. Her elemental affinity is Fire, and thus it is only natural that most of her magecraft is related to fire or destruction, though this does not encompass all of what she can do. While she can generate blasts of fire and ignite targets, her preferred method of offensive and defense is through the used of her mystic code, Salamandra. A pair of black gloves, Salamandra directly utilizes Akira's mana when she snaps her fingers, automatically producing arcs of flame, balls of fire, igniting a target if she has perfect line of sight, or coating the gloves themselves in fire. Combined with reinforcing the muscles in her arms, the final function allows her to strike hard enough for her first to penetrate a target and then release the flames in an explosive reaction.
  • Brief Backstory: The Shinonome family has maintained close ties to the Association for a considerable amount of time. While they are not considered to be something like an enforcer, scions of the Shinonome family have worked as something of special investigators under the employ of the Association. Primarily they do so out of Japan, but in the past they have travelled to other countries in order to perform their investigations. Akira is no exception, though she has not yet traveled the the association for formal education herself. As her family currently lives in Mifune, it is no surprise that they were contacted to send a representative to confront the Ainsworth family.
  • Faction: Red Team
@PKMNB0Y: Accepted.
@KoL: Accepted.
Alright, as an update!

The remaining classes open are:

Rider of Black
Caster of Black
Assassin of Black
@KoL: Accepted.
@SSW: I just updated the claims recently.
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