Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Fio lowered her sword.

"... What a bunch of fools," commented the Sword Witch, a derisive glance directed at what little could still be seen of the fleeing bandits. Even with that beast, a bandit rabble like that assaulting them was doomed from the very start.

Nodding quietly to her queen's words, the girl turned on her heel and quietly stepped off the wall, the wind whipping past her as she fell. Before she hit the ground, a blue platform of light spread beneath her feet, and she lightly bounced in the air for a moment before descending a far more harmless drop, bending her knees only slightly as she landed.

Her hat, however, nearly departed from her head, and had to be held on with her free hand.

She would allow her most well-behaved doll to accompany her to hear the Queen's words. The rest would have to stay home. If all three of them behaved well...

That was categorically unlikely. There'd only be one. But in the off chance they all behaved, she would take all three.
@Feyblue: I was imagining her not outwardly minding her situation, but then sometimes she just wonders like "what is it like to wear a dress like that".

Basically, deep down she does wish she could at least sometimes be more outwardly feminine.

She will still become terribly embarrassed if she actually does somehow end up in a dress, though.

I was thinking pairing ice magic and a thin-bladed sword for her, since I always think that's a cool pairing when it comes to magic knights.
@Feyblue: Really sorry to hear that! I hope it clears up soon, or at least doesn't get too bad!

On a lighter note I also wanted to say I think I have settled on an idea.

Super pretty, serious, justice-oriented "boy", she was raised to pretend to be a boy because her father wanted his heir to continue his legacy of fighting for justice/honorable service. Said father is also extremely bishonen, so it's easy to pass off his daughter as an exceptionally pretty son.

Considering ice magic as well, if that's already taken I'm sorry I didn't notice. D:
Hmmmm. Well, might have a more clear idea now then!
@ERode: If I didn't feel like I wrote male characters pretty badly that might be an option. ^^;

But I'm also little worried about having a ton of princely types I guess? I'm trying to figure out something that plays well off the rest of the cast we have so far at least.
Okay, so I'm starting to get something of an idea I think.

I really like playing tsunderes, so I'm considering a character along those lines, since I feel like my initial idea of super dashing extremely pretty boy knight who actually turns out girl who is either unintentionally or 100% intentionally flirtatious towards other girls is actually a bit too much of an overlap right now with some other cast members so far.
Just wanted to post to say I'm still thinking on an idea, just trying to come up with something that doesn't pose too much overlap and fits in well!
Alrighty time to think of a concept after I read through all this lore.
For a few moments, Sefira found herself regarding the shenke as more of a person as opposed to a ball of raving perversity. It was an insight into who she was beyond the fact her hands tended to wander.

Of course, she soon received a stark reminder of those habits when they got out of the water.


In some ways, this was worse then being undressed. For while she was now dry and clean, her Starlight Mage outfit was not yet ready to wear.

Which meant the clothing she had prepared was for her other class.

Sefira didn't like playing Sage. She didn't take the class seriously. It was a backup, meant only for when she had no choice but to play healer.

So, unlike her Starlight Mage gear, she'd paid no attention to making it look like a serious mage outfit. She'd just gone for something that looked cute.

As she squirmed, forced into her Sage gear, the reality of the situation was upon her.

For Sefira was now wearing a schoolgirl uniform. A red ribbon around her neck, the familiar white and blue colors. A pleated blue skirt and black thigh-high socks with remarkably modern-looking shoes for a game set in a fantasy world.

It had been an event outfit.

"... A-ah... aaah..."

Worst still was the 'headpiece', a pair of ribbons that pulled her hair up into lengthy pigtails.


Blushing furiously, her entire face practically glowing red, the blonde elf made her way back to camp.

Maybe interested, but there's a lot of interest so I'm not sure there's room. ^^;
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