Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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The experience of a thorough cleaning the first time she ever removed her clothing after becoming Sefira was possibly the most embarrassing experience of her life. The elf, cheeks still deeply flushed, was now hugging her knees up to her slender body, silently giving the shenke quite a look.

Cute new body this, take care of herself that... it wasn't as if she didn't know these things, but that didn't mean that having someone else do it for her was any less embarrassing. Especially when that person had serious case of wandering hands.

Still, at least she was clean now. All the goo was gone. Her hair, her skin... everything.

Her eyes drifted down to regard her own body for a moment, before she found her cheeks growing even hotter and quickly averted her eyes again.

It was bad enough after being washed like that, but Sefira felt even more embarrassed with Kokoma still present...

She was a little surprised when the other girl started talking about her life before the game suddenly became real. She worked at a Black Company? That sounded miserable. Not that it excused her behavior, but no wonder she seemed to be throwing herself into this new world with gusto.

Still, that didn't mean acting this way was appropriate!

"... I'm a university student," Sefira said, after a few moments of hesitation, "I was working on my studies, I played Emerald Odyssey as one of my hobbies."

The momentum from Hoshiko's ascent could only carry her so far. The moment her fist made contact with the massive crow-like Warped, she only had a few moments left before she began to descend again.

She took this opportunity to try and convey her plan to Pyra.

"I'll keep its attention!" she cried, trying to speak over the sound of the whipping winds and the flapping wings of the massive avian monster. She was confident she could do that, and if she did that not only could she hammer the Warped with her own attacks but Pyra would be able to bombard it with ranged attacks.

With a roar from her boosters, the brunette was sent rocketing back up and to the side, out of the way of the path of the tengu warped's beam of wind. Below, it blew apart several more oni-warped, the monster having little regard for others of its kind.

Powering her boosters again, tearing through the air, Hoshiko attempted to position herself above the creature, adjusting her trajectory in a bid to bring herself slamming feet-first into its back.


Dark fluid, not immediately identifiable as blood, spurted from the writhing, severed arms of the centipede-like warped, as they rapidly snapped back and retracted back into its split head, vanishing into its body. With a sound uncannily like a gagging, coughing child, it spewed more of the dark red fluid from its body, now.

But it wasn't due to injury. No, it had transitioned to attempting to use a ranged attack, spewing the fluid out as a foul-smelling blast.

Below, wherever it landed darkened, and the Warped corpses it fell upon began to rapidly decay, plantlife blackening and wilting. While it was unlikely it would have such a swift effect on someone clad in a frame, nor did it appear to damage anything but organic material, it was equally likely that enough of the dark red fluid still begin to rot any living thing that it touched.

When the shots struck its flank, blowing off one of its many flailing arms, the creature shifted its attention for a moment, spewing more dark fluid towards Elise.


The creature's form was ever so briefly visible. A glimpse of pale skin, of black hair. A limb bent in an odd fashion. But the warped was impossible to fully identify at the moment. Its movements were also swift, brief glimpses of it sometimes crawling along a wall or clambering through rubble at a high speed...

Even the beams of energy fired upon the warped were unable to reach their target, its rapid and erratic movements increasing their pace to evade the attack, its barely-visible form completely fading as it moved.

It would take more then that to pin the creature down.

It was heading right towards the Japanese forces' flank. In a few moments it had already nearly reached them, a hazy visage of long, backwards bending forelimbs reaching out...

@Martian: You haven't been removed, you're free to keep posting! I'm sorry to hear how things have been, I hope you're better now.
@Sanity43217: That's off the table. Golems do exist in the setting, but they're either more like walking armor or improbably human-like, and neither are robotic.
@Sanity43217: Yes, it is.
An oni reaching out and grasping for her was met with a punch that shattered the bones in its arm, before about blew a hole through its chest. Another kicked in the head hard enough to crush its face into the concrete. Yet another was subject to an hammer-like blow that nearly snapped its entire body in half.

Around Hoshiko, the circle of dead Warped was widening. Their numbers were steadily thinning. That was what she was here for! To take the heat off the Japanese military, permanently. As long as she was doing her job, that meant they were facing drastically less risk of being killed, or worse.

So she was going to throw herself at it harder and harder.

As her fist obliterated the chest cavity of another oni, impact rocking up through her arm, a piercing shriek seared through her ears. Wincing, the brunette had to step back, out of the range of immediate attack. While it didn't leave her ears ringing, it was a painful sound that had come entirely out of no-where.

Casting her gaze skywards, she was able to locate the source. An enormous, black-feathered bird, resembling a huge crow, bearing down on Pyra. Its body released a wave of razor-like gusts of wind, tearing through many of the remaining oni Warped and the scenery around them. Feeling air rushing towards her, Hoshiko sprang to the side, feeling a razor gust rip through the spot she had just been standing in.

With the combined assault of the oni hurling stones from below, and the tengu rushing towards her...

Hoshiko had to do something! She couldn't let Pyra try and take that on by herself!

Taking a deep breath, powering on the thrusters on her armored feet, Hoshiko crouched. With a roar of both rockets, a flash of flames and light venting behind her, the frame pilot was propelled into the air. It whipped past her, errant strand of hair wavering in the rushing wind as she hurtled upwards. Feet meeting a flying piece of debris, she sprang off it to another. Then another. Then another. Using the debris in the air as stepping stones, Hoshiko made her way up towards the avian monster, raising her right fist back and preparing to bring it down as soon as she reached the Warped.

She was going to hit it as hard as she could!


The centipede-like creature seemed unperturbed by Norika's evasion. It let out a strange sound, something like a chuckle that ended in a rattling gag, as the many arms streaming from its mouth stretched longer. They twisted in a manner impossible for arms with normal bone structure, widening their reach in an attempt to cut off the petite pilot's escape routes. In full, the creature was at least thirty meters, with the arms extending from its split head offering it considerably more reach as they stretched unnaturally.

"Got it, Pyra-san!" Hoshiko declared, her body tensing. Now that almost all of the smaller Warped had been taken out, she could focus on the bigger ones. They were already moving to surround her, but that wasn't going to change a thing. She was fighting to keep the Japanese forces safe and ensure that they took back Saitama. She wasn't going to hesitate for even a moment.

Planting one foot forward firmly, she met the first oni Warped was it raised its fists, letting out a shout as she unleashed a flurry of rapid blows into its chest. As it stumbled back from the impacts, a burst of flames erupted from the back of Hoshiko's right gauntlet as the final punch blew a hole through the monster's torso, sending it hurtling backwards and skidding along the ground.

The next Warped came charging form her right, and was greeted with a spinning kick to its side. With a resounding crack its entire ribcage caved in sideways, its spine snapping from the impact and sending it slamming into the side of a nearby building, concrete cratering from the impact.

The next charging oni swung its fists down, forcing Hoshiko to jump back to avoid a direct impact, armored feet scraping along the asphalt. But no sooner then her had evaded the strike then she stepped forward again, crouching low and launching her fist upwards for a devastating uppercut that tore the Warped's head clear from its shoulders and sent it hurtling into the air!

This was fine. She could do this! What was the point of it all of she wasn't, anyway? With each impact that struck her arms and legs, each Warped that perished under her fists and feet, she was clearing more space. She was opening a path for humanity. She was making people's lives better.

That was the point of it all. That was why she was still alive.

A Warped wielding a chunk of concrete swung it down towards her. This time, she triggered the booster on her back, the wind whipping past her as it carried her into the air just above the creature.

Just as swiftly, she switched to the boosters on her hands and feet, hearing them roar to life in a blast of flame as it sent her hurtling back down at top speed, feet-first.

There was a crunching, cracking sound alongside the sensation of impact as she slammed into the oni's back and head, grinding it face-first into the ground.

For the sake of everyone else, Hoshiko take out as many Warped as she had to! Unfortunately, she could only work through them so quickly, and the warped who were now hurling debris at her teammate were a little too far away...

But that just meant she had to fight even harder to get there!


Undeterred by the dead of one of their number, the oni-like Warped proceeded to wrench more debris from the earth. If anything, it seemed as if the death had spurred them to press their assault even more aggressively.

Thankfully, they were not the most suited to a long-range attacks, and their aim wasn't the most on point. Still, a direct hit from one of those hurtling boulders would easily knock a pilot out of the sky.

But that was no-where close to the biggest threat.

Suddenly, from one of the upper windows of the ruins, a long, pale shape exploded towards the nearest pilot. Its length was sufficient to give it considerable reach, meaning it was able to nearly touch its target.

Its body was composed of segments, each vaguely shaped like a human torso. Between each segment was a set of human-like arms, grasping and clutching at the ear, like the numerous legs of a centipede.

Its face was that of a human male's, smooth and entirely hairless with an expression of tranquil peace, though both of its empty eyes seemed to follow the motions of the pilot.

This human-like face proceeded to split open down the middle, pried apart from the inside by another set of pale arms, splitting the head open vertically as grasping hands erupted from within the creature, stretching out on spindly limbs.

Fanilly lowered her blade.

The boars had vanished entirely, just as swiftly as they had appeared. Their numbers had been crushed, and they no longer had the advantage of an ambush. Needless to say, they would not be back soon.

Unfortunately, simply defeating them in battle did not answer the many questions circulating in the knight-captain's mind. Just what was going on here? Whoever had hired the Golden Boars had ordered the mercenaries specifically to target Lady Cal.

"... Search the fallen. If there are any who yet live, detain them for questioning," the blonde knight paused for a moment, hesitating, "... And if they are not long for this world..."

She took a deep breath.

"... Ease their suffering, but not before learning what they know."

They needed information, and these were ruthless mercenaries, but at the same time leaving them to die slowly if they had not been killed outright was unnecessarily cruel.

The Iron Rose Knights were a just order, and those who dedicated themselves to justice could not allow suffering to occur without cause, if they could help it. At the very least, this was the ideal held in Fanilly's mind.

As for Lady Cal...

Martiza had attempted to question her over Haelstadt? For that matter, Haelstadt had their head returned to them, and was now standing behind the young girl and seemingly staring directly at the naga knight.

Fanilly had no idea what to make of Haelstadt. She felt that, had Haelstadt been an ordinary, mortal being, she would have failed to guarantee an ally's survival. The only reason they were still alive was because of something she couldn't possibly have known about.

That made it a failure, no matter the circumstances.

But more pressingly...

What was Haelstadt? How did someone survive being beheaded so? Most undead couldn't survive being beheaded like that.

"The crown?" scoffed Veileena, eyes narrowed, "Fine. I'll inform them exactly what I was doing. And I'll tell them everything I did was in service of this country. I'm plenty used to people judging me by the actions of that bastard. I won't be threatened, snake woman."

The young girl seemed to be quite incensed by what she perceived as a threat.

"Lady Cal?" Fanilly called. She had to try and defuse the situation as best she could, to try and get Veileena's cooperation once again. She was their only clear lead, "Surely you must understand, none of us have ever seen anyone like Haelstadt, short of Dame Tyaethe, perhaps."

"Hmph," insisted the grey-haired girl, "I don't know why I should give you an answer after I've been threatened. Apparently I'm supposed to speak to the crown now instead."

"This... this isn't helping!" Fanilly called to the young girl, who huffed again.

"Then perhaps I deserve an apology, if you want me to answer any more questions."

Was... this real? After all that, now she wasn't going to cooperate because of this?

Among the fallen Boars, a large made with wild red hair was still breathing. Given the considerable hole punched through his armor, it was unlikely he would be alive much longer, but perhaps if he was questioned he would be willing to talk.

As for Sir Gerard...

As the stinging sensation ran through his body, the pain impossible to ignore, a voice that would sound somewhat familiar would drift through his mind. It would not, perhaps, be immediately recognizable, but if he thought back to the catacombs, then maybe...

My, does it hurt?

It said nothing else. In fact, was it even real? And yet...

@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@HereComesTheSnow@Martian@A Lowly Wretch@JessieTargaryen@FlappyTheSpybot@ghastlyinc
Aah, sorry about the delay, brain felt a bit scrambled trying to post here. ^^;

I'll try and get something up tonight still, might have to wait until tomorrow though.
Perfect. The mammoth was down.

Now all she had to do was make sure it wouldn't be able to get back up again.

"Summon: Binding Blades," Fio said, thrusting her sword into the air, towards the fallen beast. The air around the catalyst gave off a low hum, as light traveled up its edge, flickering and building for a few moments. She didn't need to kill the creature in this situation, and that wasn't the desired outcome anyway.

The air above the elder beast flashed with the same light that now surrounded the witch's weapon, a circle of light spreading from its origin point, before suddenly dispensing a stream of blades down at the mammoth. Rather then cutting through flesh, however, these blades instead caused no physical harm as they phased into the creature's body. Rather, the beast would find itself unable to move, as if it had been pinned to the ground by dozens of swords.

The only sensation it would feel was a mild, unpleasant tingle where each blade had struck.

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor
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