Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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I'll be updating tomorrow.
@Click This: It is funny how that turned out.

I admittedly totally forgot to keep a running list for people who wanted in, so if you happen to take a look I'm sorry!
The RP does have openings, I just hadn't gotten around to responding yet.
Any efforts to butcher the creature more thoroughly would discover that the animal's midsection had considerably more tender, fattier meat, while the limbs were as tough as the neck. The organs of the creature appeared roughly as would be expected, but it was difficult to determine if the animal was mammal, reptile, or something entirely new.

"Um, she's... she's right," Flora nodded, "Lady Ashte, I mean... you squeeze it from the base onto the wood. Then you rub the wood together and it starts really fast."

Indeed, squeezing the base of the conical flower would cause it to release a sweet-smelling, orange-colored fluid, that would burn slightly if touched directly with bare hands. Applying it to sticks would cause those sticks to ignite swiftly when rubbed together, permitting the swift construction of a cooking fire.

Meanwhile, the birds seemed to remain, watching the corpse of the herbivore closely as they did. The glassy-winged creatures, too, were lingering overhead, clearly intent on seeing if they could get any meat for themselves.

While they weren't threatening, the scent of a large, fresh, dead animal could easily draw something else in...

@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Raineh Daze@Click This
There they were! As the air whipped past her body, Hoshiko could see the targets ahead. They were more humanoid then some of the more powerful Warped, their bodies hutched and bulky with muscle, the larger ones sporting horns and large tusk-like fangs. Oni and goblins... at least, that's what they looked like to her. She didn't really know about individual classifications beyond threat level, but these definitely weren't the stronger types.

Even if they were, Hoshiko's response wouldn't change!

"Alright, let's go!"

Drawing back her right arm, she could feel the heat flowing through her gauntlet. There was a steady thrumming sound from within, which built into roar as a gout of flames suddenly spat from the vent at the rear of her gauntlet, shooting into the air. The flames built, growing more intense, until-

Hoshiko hurtled towards the ground, becoming a red and white blur with a streak of fire behind her, careening directly towards one of the largest Oni Warped. The booster on her gauntlet roared as she came into range, closing directly on her target before it could even respond.

Her fist slammed down, and the monster's face crumpled inwards like a tin can, fangs snapping and hurtling off in opposite directions as it head snapped backwards, body carried by her momentum. Hoshiko's fist went entirely through the Warped's skull, shattering its head to pieces and leaving nothing behind.

The sheer velocity of Hoshiko's drop caused her to slam into the concrete, cratering it beneath her, but Hinotori absorbed the shock easily. It was just like jumping off some playground equipment!

The flames from her gauntlet's booster faded, and as the oni Warped's body fell behind her, the brunette straightened. Fists raised in a boxer-like stance, legs squared, she inhaled...

She was ready.


Elise and Norika were greeted with a somewhat different sort of opposition.

The bulky, red-skinned, horned Warped took notice of their descent somewhat more quickly, many of them standing atop ruins. While the smaller, more goblin-like creatures weren't in the position to attempt to counter their descent, the oni were. Seizing great chunks of debris, they began to lean back and hurl them skywards in an attempt to strike the descending Frame pilots out of the air. Their aim wasn't particularly good, but the bellowing beasts were doing their best to hurl as much debris skywards as they could.

But the pilots would be able to sport something else.

Just visible in one of the larger ruins was a long shape, something moving, crawling on innumerable humanlike arms. It was at least a few meters in length, but had yet to fulling reveal itself. Whatever it was, it was seemingly waiting for them to draw closer before emerging in full.

Hoshiko felt rather deflated. She'd been trying to do her best, but Norika still didn't want to open up to her. Wasn't it important for them to all know one another and be friends if they were going to work together? The more they knew about one another, the better that they could work together!


Before she could complete that thought, Norika had already left. It was time for their meeting, after all. The brunette didn't hesitate, hurrying along with the others. They had a job to do, after all!

Sandra was really pretty, but this was a bad time to be thinking about that. Instead, Hoshiko focused on what she was saying. They would be working with her homeland, to take back Saitama and make way to protect the innocent people of Japan and reclaim their lands from the Warped! Naturally, the girl was ready for this. No matter who it was, she was always read to help out. And taking back more of her homeland felt plenty meaningful even without considering how many people she'd help in the process.

"You've got it, Morrison-san!" declared Hoshiko enthusiastically, flashing the thumbs up towards the owner of the Horizon as she did. So she'd be going with Pyra, huh? That was fine by her!

Even though she flashed a wide grin towards her teammate, the girl could feel her heartbeat quickening, pounding in her chest. She didn't want to let it show, but she was feeling pretty nervous. But she was going to help retake Saitama today, and that meant there was no way she was going to let nerves get in the way!

After stopping by the changing room, now changed into a simple red, white, and gray leotard and retrieved her device from the engineers. It was through this little necklace that she could equip her Chi-Mechframe, and fight back against the Warped. Well, that and the Echidna currently merged with her heart, in a state of permanent dormancy.

She was going to use this to fight for others.

Hoshiko made her way to the hanger.

As she reached the door, the brunette gripped her necklace in one hand.

"Alright, let's do this!" she declared, nodding to herself with a confident smile on her face, "Hinotori, ignite!"

The necklace glowed brightly, like a star on her chest, flashing once before light washed over her whole body. After a few moments, the light began to build, gathering over her as it began to form distinct shapes. With a flash, layer by layer, each piece of her Chi-Mechframe began to appear. First there was the base layer, manifesting over her body, including her small skirt. Then came the first layer of armor, starting a few centimeters from her body but sliding into place, locking over her and forming the most basic portion of Hinotori. The third flash heralded the arrival of the more complex parts of her armor, creating Hinotori's silhouette. The building light disappeared entirely with the formation of the boosts on Hoshiko's gauntlets, the final piece of her Chi-Mechframe.

When the lights faded away, the shining armor that was Hinotori gleamed on her body, a shine of its own seeming to emanate from the anti-Warped weapon.

It was time.

"Hinotori, launching!"

With that, Hoshiko sprang from the Horizon, and into the open air, the wind whipping past her as she began to hurtle downwards...

Naturally, her rocket boosters would be used to control her descent!


Why was this happening?!

It was enough to try and adjust to the sight of her own body, this slender, petite figure she'd deliberately modeled on characters she found attractive and cute, but now the elf found herself in the embrace of a pervert. A pervert who was way too close. Incredibly close. Close enough that there was quite literally no space between them.

"Wh-who wouldn't be embarrassed?!" Sefira exclaimed, frantically. Being called cute was bad enough, and no way she wanted to undress this lewd weirdo. What would that even lead into?! The thought was almost making her pass out on the spot!

And it was only going to get worse, as she felt hands scrubbing her. She was an adult! She didn't need this kind of assistance! Why was this happening to her?! What did she do to deserve this kind of treatment?! Why, out of everyone who could possibly have run into her to help her out, was it this perverted shenke player?! Was she the kind of person who ogled their player character in their underwear!?

The petite elf's face was practically glowing pink, and one could swear that the water on her body was being converted directly into steam from how much the humiliation was blazing away inside of her. The only solace she could possibly take is that no-one else could see this, but given that meant she was alone with Kokoma that didn't exactly provide much reassurance.

"I-I-I didn't need this kind of heeeeelp..." whined Sefira desperately, noting with no small amount of concern that the scrubbing definitely didn't seem intended solely to get rid of the river muck, "Wh-wh-what are you even doing?!"

Sorry for the delay, update incoming today or tomorrow.
"That's great, Du... ra... um... Durakku-san!"

It was always good to hear Norika was doing well! Sure, she seemed a little strained and distant, but Hoshiko was used to that from the prickly girl. Really, it was just good to hear that such a young girl was still doing fine even though she'd been taken on for something as big as this.

It was a little sad to hear she didn't want to be called by her first name still, especially since Hoshiko had been trying her best to get to know her better. But the brunette would at least try her best with the girl's surname! For some reason, even though she'd gotten okay enough at English, she still struggled with it.

"I'm doing great too, this food is sooooo goood~" she added, cheerfully, as she proceeded to polish off another heaping amount of food. The crispness of the karaage, the richness of the ramen broth... so delicious! She would go back for seconds if not for the fact that they had to go on a mission soon.

"Oh, hey, Teodora-san!" the older girl had just walked in, so of course Hoshiko's hand shot into the air to wave towards her with an exuberant greeting.

In between inhaling her meal like it would disappear at any moment, Hoshiko caught sight of another one of her fellow pilots entering the dining area.

It was Norika! Hoshiko struggled with her surname a little, so she ended up referring to her as Norika most of the time. To be honest, she was surprised there was a younger pilot then herself on the Horizon even after six months. Of course she'd never asked Norika's age, but the girl was so tiny and cute that had to be the case, right?

She was pretty prickly, though. Hoshiko honestly wasn't sure how to approach making friends with her, but ultimately she'd decided just to try being nice and friendly towards her. Eventually she'd open up a little as long as things went well!

At least, that's how the brunette thought about it.

Thrusting one hand into the air, the long errant strand of hair atop her head bobbing from side to side, Hoshiko waved enthusiastically at the other girl, a bright grin on her face.

"Hey! Hi Norika-san! How are you?" she called to the smaller girl, enthusiastically.
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