Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Karaage! Rice! A big bowl of ramen!

Aaah, this was the best!

Her brown hair bouncing with each step, a smile as radiant as the most blinding sunburst on her lips, the wielder of the Chi-mechframe Hinotori practically skipped into the dining area, a tray looking positively overloaded in her arms. Of course, this would hardly be an unfamiliar sight.

For Fukada Hoshiko was something of a black hole when it came to food.

And what better way to enjoy delicious food then alongside her fellow pilots?

Her smile parted into a wide grin as she approached the others. Chatting over a meal was the best, and it felt like a great opportunity to get even closer with everyone.

From the very start, Hoshiko's opinion had been that since they were going to work together, it only made sense to make friends and get to know one another. Being cold and super professional or whatever was no good, especially when they were going to live together on Horizon. To that end, she had spent free time trying to get to know everyone as much as she could. Hanging out was the best way to make friends, after all.

These six months had been surreal, to be honest. Hoshiko never expected to experience anything like this. To be living in a base in the sky. To be teamed up with a bunch of older girls and use a cutting edge piece of technology. But it was a chance to keep people safe, to make sure no-one ever got hurt again.

She had to take that chance.

"Hi, everbody!" declared the brunette, cheerfully, immediately sitting down close to the others and setting her tray down on the table as she did. "This is great, isn't it?! I'm so hungry! Itadakimaaaasu~!"

The following scene could be described as something of an assault on all that was edible, as Hoshiko began devouring her food at a pace that would have seemed impossible to anyone unfamiliar with her eating habits.

"Haaah~" she paused in her rampage against the food world for a moment, a hand to her cheek, "So tasty~!"

  • Name: Fukada Hoshiko
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: A bright and chipper young Japanese girl of average height for her age. See below for more detailed physical appearance.
  • Personality: A cheerful and exuberant, friendly girl. She always tries to see the best in others, and in spite of the dire situation that humanity faces she never seems to let anything get her down. To her, always pushing ahead, always keeping her head up, and always facing forward is the way she treats her life. Hoshiko is friendly to a fault, almost aggressively trying to get to know others and introducing herself with a smile on her face. She is perhaps a little too open at times, and can be a little senseless. She is deeply dedicated to the idea of protecting others and saving people, claiming that the reason she's still alive is because someone saved her, so she should pass it on. However, in spite of this bright exterior, Hoshiko's personality is not all that it seems. Deep down, she nurses a deep sense of survivor's guilt, which compels her to do everything she can to throw herself wholeheartedly into protecting others and making sure no-one else has to suffer. This is often to a dangerous disregard for her own safety.

    But if she burns out protecting people... is it really so bad...?
  • History: Hoshiko was an ordinary Japanese girl before the Echidna struck. Even as the crises worsened, her family kept an optimistic attitude, certain that eventually everyone would pull through and that the next day could always be better, an attitude that imprinted itself on her heart. And indeed, it was in this way that they persisted. It seemed this optimistic attitude really was leading to better days, as parts of the world began to recover. Their hometown became a safe haven, not as secure as the big cities but still protected from any major threat.

    The optimism could only last so long.

    The semblance of normalcy in her hometown was shattered.

    Preparing for a school trip to the local natural history museum, which both herself and her best friend Aoki Megumi were very excited about, an attack by a Warped that seemingly appeared from no-where claimed the lives of one of her teachers and many of her peers, leaving any survivors cripplingly injured before it was finally destroyed. Among those injured was Megumi, who suffered a crippling injury to her lower spine that would rob her of the use of her legs. As for Hoshiko, she remembers a sharp, stabbing pain in her chest as a piece of debris punched a hole in her heart. An injury that should have been lethal without immediate medical attention, and yet Hoshiko recovered miraculously the next day. This was because she had been infected, an Echidna parasite entering through the open wound and accelerating her healing process.

    Now an asymptomatic host of the parasite, Hoshiko struggled with the quarantine. As soon as she was able to, she wanted to...

    She didn't know what she wanted to do. She felt a hollow space inside of her. And yet, she kept smiling, because that was what had got her through everything before, right?

    The first thing she did when she was able was to visit Megumi, who was still hospitalized.

    She learned she would never walk again not long after.

    When she was scouted, Hoshiko jumped at the chance.

    She couldn't let anyone else suffer ever again.
  • Skills: Hoshiko is quite athletic, fast on her feet. She can think quickly, but is rather dense when it comes to school subjects. If you count eating as a skill, Hoshiko is quite accomplished.
  • Chi-Mechframe: Hinotori
    • Appearance: "With my two hands, and this frame, I'm going to protect everyone!"
    • Abilities: Hinotori is a high speed melee offense frame. It utilizes rocket boosters arrayed on the back of the armor to propel Hoshiko rapidly across the battlefield and through the air. her chief weaponry is her hands and feet, which she uses to deliver punches and kicks to her opponents. Her gauntlets and greaves are also equipped with boosters, allowing her to increase the amount of force put into each blow by a considerable amount. Highly maneuverable and capable of rapid pursuit, Hinotori allows for a considerable number of offense options in spite of being limited to punches and kicks. Additionally, by building power into a gauntlet, she can deliver an explosive punch for heavy damage.
  • Other:: N/A
  • Name: Fukada Hoshiko
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: A bright and chipper young Japanese girl of average height for her age. See below for more detailed physical appearance.
  • Personality: A cheerful and exuberant, friendly girl. She always tries to see the best in others, and in spite of the dire situation that humanity faces she never seems to let anything get her down. To her, always pushing ahead, always keeping her head up, and always facing forward is the way she treats her life. Hoshiko is friendly to a fault, almost aggressively trying to get to know others and introducing herself with a smile on her face. She is perhaps a little too open at times, and can be a little senseless. She is deeply dedicated to the idea of protecting others and saving people, claiming that the reason she's still alive is because someone saved her, so she should pass it on. However, in spite of this bright exterior, Hoshiko's personality is not all that it seems. Deep down, she nurses a deep sense of survivor's guilt, which compels her to do everything she can to throw herself wholeheartedly into protecting others and making sure no-one else has to suffer. This is often to a dangerous disregard for her own safety.

    But if she burns out protecting people... is it really so bad...?
  • History: Hoshiko was an ordinary Japanese girl before the Echidna struck. Even as the crises worsened, her family kept an optimistic attitude, certain that eventually everyone would pull through and that the next day could always be better, an attitude that imprinted itself on her heart. And indeed, it was in this way that they persisted. It seemed this optimistic attitude really was leading to better days, as parts of the world began to recover. Their hometown became a safe haven, not as secure as the big cities but still protected from any major threat.

    The optimism could only last so long.

    The semblance of normalcy in her hometown was shattered.

    Preparing for a school trip to the local natural history museum, which both herself and her best friend Aoki Megumi were very excited about, an attack by a Warped that seemingly appeared from no-where claimed the lives of one of her teachers and many of her peers, leaving any survivors cripplingly injured before it was finally destroyed. Among those injured was Megumi, who suffered a crippling injury to her lower spine that would rob her of the use of her legs. As for Hoshiko, she remembers a sharp, stabbing pain in her chest as a piece of debris punched a hole in her heart. An injury that should have been lethal without immediate medical attention, and yet Hoshiko recovered miraculously the next day. This was because she had been infected, an Echidna parasite entering through the open wound and accelerating her healing process.

    Now an asymptomatic host of the parasite, Hoshiko struggled with the quarantine. As soon as she was able to, she wanted to...

    She didn't know what she wanted to do. She felt a hollow space inside of her. And yet, she kept smiling, because that was what had got her through everything before, right?

    The first thing she did when she was able was to visit Megumi, who was still hospitalized.

    She learned she would never walk again not long after.

    When she was scouted, Hoshiko jumped at the chance.

    She couldn't let anyone else suffer ever again.
  • Skills: Hoshiko is quite athletic, fast on her feet. She can think quickly, but is rather dense when it comes to school subjects. If you count eating as a skill, Hoshiko is quite accomplished.
  • Chi-Mechframe: Hinotori
    • Appearance: "With my two hands, and this frame, I'm going to protect everyone!"
    • Abilities: Hinotori is a high speed melee offense frame. It utilizes rocket boosters arrayed on the back of the armor to propel Hoshiko rapidly across the battlefield and through the air. her chief weaponry is her hands and feet, which she uses to deliver punches and kicks to her opponents. Her gauntlets and greaves are also equipped with boosters, allowing her to increase the amount of force put into each blow by a considerable amount. Highly maneuverable and capable of rapid pursuit, Hinotori allows for a considerable number of offense options in spite of being limited to punches and kicks. Additionally, by building power into a gauntlet, she can deliver an explosive punch for heavy damage.
  • Other:: N/A
@Crimson Paladin@JessieTargaryen: Do you need any help getting a post up?

An enchanted weapon, then? That explained a lot. At the very least, her efforts had tied the elder beast up, allowing Od to attempt to stop the monster in its tracks. Still, she was in trouble...

Raising her blade, Fio began to cast again. This time, she took greater stock of the battlefield, rather then focusing entirely on the beast and its rider. Indeed, that meant she caught sight of Luna's situation, surrounded by a considerable number of the idiot brigands.

"Of course. Hmph. I guess I'll bale you out, too," commented the Sword Witch as she began to cast. This time, she wasn't putting the most power into her blades as she recited their number and quality. Instead, she was just going to fire off as many as she could as quickly as she could. A rain of swords, sharp enough to be lethal to the average bandit with a direct hit, but otherwise weaker then her previous volleys.

She needed the numbers quickly, given the situation before it.

"And again. Once more... and-!"

Above her, dozens and dozens of magic circles had been conjured into existence, flashes of light like stars announcing the appearance of her phantom blades. There were thirty of them this time, their shapes spinning slightly as the air rippled around them.


The air seemed to sing as the blades whistled past the small witch, this time aiming for around the great beast's feat. A direct hit, at the moment, seemed difficult to accomplish, but if she could distract and surprise the creature...

When she'd spent around twenty of her blades, Fio suddenly adjusted her aim and sent the remaining ten hurtling towards the bandits around Luna.

@Rune_Alchemist@A Lowly Wretch@Pyromania99
I'm going to approach this as if they were never around in the first place, I feel like that's best for smooth RPing.

As for updating, I'll do so in the next couple days!
Co-GM here, that should probably be fine I would think.
I guess I should, I'm just going to have to try and write around them disappearing.
Fio was not happy.

These bandits had someone like that on their side? Someone capable of magic like that, something akin to a spirit, wasting their time with a bunch of raiders and thieves?

When this was all over, she was going to give them a piece of her mind! But first it seemed as if there were considerably more pressing matters to attend to, a target far nearer and more immediately threatening.

The red-haired tuatha man riding what was doubtless an Elder Beast.

"For bandits, they have some awfully strong people on their side," complained the witch, as magical energy traveled up and down the edge of her sword, "But that's just going to make it all the more crushing when they lose!"

Thrusting the blade into the air, another magic circle formed above her, each layer gently rotating as the air seemed to ripple around it. Naturally, she was going to try and hit this one harder. He was riding an Elder Beast, so there was no guarantee that it would do any lasting damage.

But at the same time, a good, direct hit would stop him from attacking the gates and also slow him down for the followup.

"Sura," she began, as a humming sound filled the air, "A single phantom blade. Reinforce. Reinforce. Reinforce. Craft an sword of slaughtering that can pierce the sturdiest of armor."

Steadily, the shape of another sword of light emerged from the magic circle.

"Reinforce. Reinforce. Reinforce. Repeat Eight times. Become the light that pierces."

The sword grew brighter and brighter, almost like a miniature star hovering in the air.

She took aim. It was a stronger spell then her basic phantom blades, but there wasn't any time to pour further power into it.

Fio swung her blade down.


Immediately the brilliant phantom blade hurtled downwards, towards the man astride the Elder Beast.

So I decided between updates in the RP I could do some lore dumping on the setting, particularly in relation to concepts or ideas that I've mentioned in the RP already.

This time I'm going to talk about the Vos Korvungand and the Battle of Fenna.

196 years prior to the current year, black-sailed boats landed on the southern shores of Thaln. Unfortunately for the people of Thaln, these were the Vos Korvungand. Bearing the names of northmen pirates in service of the long-fallen Kingdom of Talderia, the Vos Korvungand were vicious raiders who came in vast numbers aboard their black-sailed boats and had a vise-like grip on Eastern Barukstaed. They had traveled from Barukstaed, stopping briefly along the shores to mount smaller raids as they sailed towards their true prize. Their leader, the ambitious Eigurd Bearbiter, believed he could take advantage of Thaln's often volatile state to cut a path directly to the capital, sacking and conquering as he went. His plan from there was to pillage Aimlenn and slay the King and Queen. To this end, over 30,000 northmen arrived on Thaln's shores. Once the had established themselves, the plan was to contact further reinforcements via Bearbiter's sages.

At first they raided local settlements, destroying them and slaughtering or enslaving their people. But by far their most heinous act came when they attacked the City of Kyss, a religious and trading center of Thaln. They overwhelmed Kyss's defenses, pillaged many religious icons for themselves, and murdered the priestesses, taking the young Moonlit Child(a young girl chosen to convey symbolic blessings in Thaln and tied to one of Thaln's holidays) as a prisoner, believing the young girl to be among the valuable treasures of Kyss that could eventually be sold for great profit and that such a fate would be deeply demoralizing for the people of Thaln. Kyss was transformed into their base of operations in Thaln, its people forced into labor or murdered with the Moonlit Child used as leverage over any who would still attempt to resist.

But some escaped the sacking of Kyss, and fled north. While previously the Vos Korvungand had moved swiftly, their presence was now well known.

But at the time, the King's army was depleted from containing orcish raids to the north. And yet, the Iron Rose Knights, with Saint Elionne motivated by righteous fury, swiftly stepped in to take all 200 of their current members southwards to spearhead a counteroffensive. Though it would take some time to muster more soldiers, the knights departed immediately and without hesitation.

At the time, the Vos Korvungand had sent 15,000 of their men to attack the nearby city of Fenna. It was smaller and less well-defended then Kyss had been, and thus they believed it would be an easy victory.

They could not have been more wrong.

Even as Fenna's defenders seemed to be buckling, they were still holding out just enough to keep the Vos Korvungand forces, lead by Eigurd Bearbiter himself, at bay.

It was during a prolonged assault that the Iron Rose Knights arrived. Fully armored and astride armored horses, they attacked in a massed cavalry charge, taking the Vos Korvungand completely by surprise. A wall of steel crushed their right flank and tore through their forces in an utterly devastating blow to the attackers.

It only got worse for them from here.

The battle spiraled out of control as the Iron Rose Knights slew more and more of their number, and Fenna's defenders mounted their own counterattack. 15,000 began dwindle increasingly rapidly, and the true death blow to the attackers came when Saint Elionne killed Bearbiter, decapitating the pirate lord.

It is said that not a single Vos Korvungand survived the battle of Fenna, righteous vengeance having ensured that not a single was spared.

With the King's army arriving in the following days, a swift move was made to retake Kyss. The pirates were unprepared for the attack, and were soon crushed, the Moonlit Child and all remaining prisoners freed. Few Vos Korvungand remained to flee the shores of Thaln.

Many of the clergy had been beheaded and their heads used to adorn the walls of Kyss. They were taken down, and given a proper burial. so many had perished, and yet at the same time so many had been saved.

Kyss had been liberated, and the vicious pirates driven from Thaln's shores.

The Vos Korvungand were crushed utterly. So many of their number, including their leader, had died in a disastrous attempt to pillage the heart of Thaln. Their hold on Eastern Barukstard collapsed, and they vanished completely.
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