Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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I'm a little concerned on that front.
The goblin's chattering was slowly fading into the darkness. It still sounded quite frantic, terrified even, at their situation. One of their leaders had just been slaughtered, perhaps the leader of this entire band of goblins. And now they were seemingly being pursued. While it first seemed as if there would be no-where for the orc-kin to go, but then it became clear there were crevices, gaps in the walls in some places, through which they were able to slip. Indeed, the buried temple was quite large in size, and rooms branched off on either side.

More disturbing was the sheer amount of bones now scattered across the floor. Somewhat reassuringly, they were extremely aged. While it still implied a tragedy, it was a distant one.

With that being said, the presence of the goblins meant that there had to be some kind of other access point to the buried temple. Additionally, there were multiple paths deeper, and while the goblins were fleeing in terror that didn't mean there were no further threats.

There were no signs of any relics here, so the only choice was to go deeper.

@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey
Her maidenhood? That was... what kind of subject was that to even...!


Sefira's worst fears were realized.

It wasn't as if she could have hid her predicament, that much was certain. But she had hoped, in some way, that maybe she would have had some kind of escape from this scenario. Maybe Kokoma would end up distracted somehow, so at the very least she could come to grips with her new form on her own.

That was not going to be the case.

Sefira stumbled over herself, the petite elf trying and failing to resist the shenke's efforts to drag her over to the river, then further in order to get her away from the other men. If that was it, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad, but-


The starlight mage squirmed frantically, trying to pull away, but it was too late. Her clothing, down to her underwear, was cast aside, landing in a heap with an unpleasant squelching noise.

Immediately Sefira shut her eyes tightly, unprepared to face the truth of her new form. But shutting her eyes around this weird pervert was surely a terrible idea, wasn't it?

Reluctantly, she opened them again.

Well, there it was.

There was no denying it. No attempting to hide from it. This body was hers. This petite, slender, feminine body was her.

Given the fact she was still covered in goo and next to this weird pervert, there was little opportunity to adjust or even start trying to deal with the fact that this was her now. Not when Sefira feared some kind of overly enthusiastic washing targeted at making her feel as embarrassing as possible.

"... I-I... y-y-you..." she stammered, her cheeks flushed pink as she squirmed where she stood. Why couldn't she just have gotten time alone to adjust instead?!

Sorry about the delay, was distracted over the weekened. ^^;

Won't be later then tomorrow though!
The blades vanished moments after they struck their targets or buried themselves in the ground. Only momentarily was the woven light stained with blood before it vanished into drifting motes, leaving nothing behind but the destruction as a sign of its presence.



With a swing of her sword, a thrumming sound filled the air. As the arrows hurtled towards Fio, a small light ignited in the air just ahead of her before birthing a circle much like the ones her phantom blades had originated from. The arrows hurtling towards her bounced harmlessly off her barrier, and any of the defenders in range of her barrier had nothing to fear from the projectiles.

"As if that would be enough," commented Fio, eyes narrowed. There was no chance even an entire army of archers would touch her, let alone this handful!

Of course, given they were in cover, she couldn't get an accurate line of sight on them. But that didn't mean she couldn't disrupt their formation...

"Let's show them how the Sword Witch responds to that! Great Ghost Blade!"

As Fio's barrier dissipated, another circle formed above her. This time, the weight of mana use flowing through her body was a little heavier, but not too burdensome to bear.

As the interwoven blade of light emerged, it was clear it was at least twice as long as she was tall, if not more so. The air around it seemed to shimmer, as if waves on the surface of some invisible body of water had suddenly been disturbed.


With that, the hefty phantom sword was sent hurtling through the air, a whistling sound accompanying it as it careened towards the origin of the arrows.

Alrighty, post incoming this weekend.
Okay sorry about the delay, I think @Pyromania99 should still get something up if possible though.
Is everyone okay?

Oh no.

That was the last person Sefira wanted to hear about any part of her current predicament. But now that the arachne's words had caught Kokoma's attention, it was quite impossible for the shenke to miss the state of Sefira's clothing. Utterly soaked, coated in various kinds of pond muck. Even more unpleasantly the petite elf was quite sure there were fish guts intermixed with the goo. Really, the longer she was stuck like this the worse it got.

But Kokoma...


What choice did she really have at this point?

"I..." she hesitated for a moment, averting her eyes anxiously as she did, "I'm... I-I... my clothes are a mess so..."

Sefira trailed off. By this point she was growing increasingly desperate to be clean, and yet the daunting prospect of actually seeing herself naked as Sefira was also looming increasingly large in her mind.

What a fool.

She'd given him an ample opportunity to save his own life, and yet he still wasted it with gusto. The headless corpse staining the snow crimson, however, seemed to spur the other hunters to cooperate rather then resist.

Good. Fear was an excellent tool just as diplomacy was, even if it was still unpredictable. As Nobunaga listened to the hunters speak, she flicked the blood from her katana and sheathed it on her hip, quietly. So there were two forms associated with the so-called God of Knowledge, and one of them could have gone rogue? While she hardly desired to aid the foolish deity, getting to the bottom of this was quite clearly beneficial to the town itself. It would serve her goal of ensuring that the God of Knowledge was no longer worshipped here, and that learning would be achieved through other means.

"I believe we must investigate this place," she commented, simply, "But know this: If you seek in any way to betray us, you forfeit this second chance. You will not see another sunrise."

The petite girl paused for a moment.

"On the other hand, if your willingness to be of assistance bears out, I am certain the village chief will hear of it."

It was hardly subtle, but sometimes subtleness was unnecessary. Death to traitors, rewards to those who lament their ways and rejoin the fold.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
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