Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Terror was a weapon wielded by the Boars. Their black armor, their ruthless tactics, all of these were intended to bring terror upon their enemies and ensure that they were paid.

And yet today, they were on the receiving end of that terror.

A headless warrior, who had now now only shrugged off multiple spear thrusts to gaps in their armor but had used those attacks to locate the Boars and cut them down, who seemed to be using the line of sight of their own severed head to navigate. A crimson-eyed knight who ignored any injury to simply slaughter one Boar after another.

This disruption only served to weaken them as the other knights attacked from the sides. Fleuri's spear-breaking blows, Gerard's aggressive yet focused assault, Runa's burning sword, and the knights who had freshly joined the fray...

A last ditch effort by one foolish(or perhaps terrified) Boar was ended in a flash by the edge of Fanilly's sword, as she advanced on horseback, the Boars' line no longer able to resist a forward attack. Still, it was not a feeling of triumph in the young Knight-Captain's heart. Even if Haelstadt had somehow survived, anyone else would have died. But at the moment there was no further time to dwell upon that.

For the skirmish was nearing its end.

Another unsuspecting Boar attempting to desperately attack one of her knights was bowled over by her horse.

"Victory!" she cried, "Victory for the Moon, and the Iron Rose!"

The Boars shattered. Their formation completely broke down under the knights' assault. The fact that they were being attacked from all sides, that their formation was no longer effective, and that two supernatural nightmares were among their enemies, was far too much even for the ruthless Golden Boars.

The black-armored commander let out a bellow, a cry of "Retreat!"

The skirmish had ended. The Boars were fleeing, turning tail and scattering into the forest that they had sprang from.

Haelstadt's lengthy blade lowered, blade glistening with blood. Their armor, too, was stained, both by the enemy's blood and their own.

Then they fell to their knees, and, with their hands extended, began to try and locate their head. Indeed, it seemed like they were trying to use their sightline to direct their body to the right location, but that was easier said then done.

It was a surreal sight, to say the least.

@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@HereComesTheSnow@Martian@A Lowly Wretch@JessieTargaryen@FlappyTheSpybot@ghastlyinc
"Hmph," huffed the small girl, "Who do they think they are?"

And that was that.


Fio had zero tolerance for people like this. It was one thing finding yourself struggling in life and believing you had to take drastic measures. It was another thing entirely to band together for the express purpose of preying upon others.

The purple-haired girl brushed her hair back as she strode up the wall, then adjusted her hat. Her sword gleamed in the morning sunlight.

Indeed, the bandit forces seemed remarkably organized for their nature as a rabble of predators, but that was hardly a problem. They were still clad largely in leather armor, still wielding whatever scavenged weapons the had likely stolen from others who they had slaughtered in their pursuit of wealth. The Sword Witch had zero doubt in her own abilities.

All she needed was a clear line of sight.

Finding a suitable spot on the city wall, the child-like girl raised her catalyst, pointing the blade's tip towards the raiders. As she did, the familiar, electric feeling of magical energy coursing through her body began to run its way down through her arm.

The edge of the sword began to glow faintly.

"Sura," she began, eyes narrowed, "Ghost Blades."

The glow on the edge of the sword grew brighter.

"Prepare to cut down my enemies. Manifest five phantom swords in arc formation."

As Fio spoke her command, there was a thrumming sound from above her. Blue circles of light flashed in the air, spiraling constructs of interlaced symbols and geometric patterns from which the shape of a blade emerged. They were themselves similar in nature to the circles they had emerged from, seemingly composed of interwoven light. And yet, the edge they possessed seemed no less keen then their steel counterparts.

"Each one of them must be destroyed. Repeat this process once."

The thrumming grew louder, as another arc of five phantom swords manifest above the first, spaced more widely then the originals.


And again.

"Three times."

Fifteen phantom swords, in increasingly wide arcs, spun gently over Fio's head. The edge of her own, far more solid sword gleamed brilliantly with blue light.

It was time to teach this bandits a lesson.

"Strike them down. Release!"

There was a sound something like the crack of a whip, as each circle tightened for a moment before abruptly expanding until they vanished with a flash of light. Immediately, every single phantom blade manifested was released, slicing through the air as a blur of blue light and hurtling towards the attackers!

Alrighty I'll update this weekend at the latest.
Fiddling with her staff nervously, Sefira didn't exactly know how to respond to being asked if she wanted her clothing washed. It definitely needed it, literally everything was soaked in gunk. And she didn't want to try doing it herself. But that meant... Not being clothed. Even sooner then she intended.

But damn it, she couldn't just stand here like this!

"Y-yes that's... just... just get them clean," she said, finally, shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. Given the fact that there was goo in her boots, this made some unpleasant squelching noises.

"Did... did anyone see any clear water on the way here?" asked the petite blonde elf. She hadn't been looking, herself, but it was only obvious that she badly needed the most thorough bath she could get. Something like a real bath would have been the best, but Sefira doubted that the game world becoming real had somewhat spawned bathing areas out in the wild. Thus, clean, clear water would have to suffice.

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist
"Doesn't it feel like something's about to happen? Doesn't it!? Doesn't it?!"

The doll's pale hair bounced as she jumped up and down in place.

"... I suppose, but I'm not sure why you're so excited," commented the blonde doll, glancing over her shoulder, "Just because something's going to happen doesn't mean it's going to be good. We should be on guard."

Before the first doll could reply, the other, sitting opposite on the desk, faced away from the blonde doll, spoke up, brushing her white hair back.

"On guard? Perhaps that's a good idea for someone as pathetic as you, but I am always ready to pierce any target that Mistress requires me to," she commented with a chuckle, a smirk on her lips.


The blonde doll glared over her shoulder.

"Sitting there and bragging doesn't help, either."

The first doll's shoulders sagged.

This was no good at all...

The girl took a deep breath.

The timing was crucial.

Magic was not simply a matter of desiring something. It was a matter of knowing how to go about obtaining that desire. Only a fool would think you could practice magic with wishful thinking. Knowledge, too, was required.

Knowledge of conditions, of one's own limits, of one's surroundings, of the manner in which a given spell was cast.

She brushed her hair lengthy purple hair back, pointing the sword skywards. Her appearance was almost like that of a child. Indeed, there were few who would be able to tell the difference, given her short stature and youthful looks, even on close inspection.

But she was Fio Fan Fallise, the Sword Witch. And she was going to ensure her practice went off without a hitch. Was it important in the grand scheme of things? Perhaps not.

But timing this spell to the first rays of sunlight was important. It was utility-based, but involved specific locations of the stars and the sun. Not her usual forte, perhaps, but in terms of battlefield analysis it could allow much longer-ranged attacks.

Launching an attack from across an entire battlefield would become possible. Even without being able to see the enemy, if she could target them using this spell then she wouldn't need to see them.

But why was she doing this in the first place?

To assist the Queen?

Fio wasn't completely certain. She wasn't even completely certain she was even who she claimed she was. But at the same time, there was nothing wrong with expanding her repertoire. If she practiced this spell enough, she wouldn't necessarily require this specific timeframe as long as she had enough awareness of the locations of certain celestial bodies...

Now it was time to begin.

She pointed the blade skywards, taking a deep breath. She would begin casting-


Only for the voice of one of her dolls to completely break her focus.


Fio lowered the sword with a heavy sigh.

"... What."

It wasn't a question so much as a statement. A rather flat one.

"Er..." Tirani hesitated, "Mieka and Kukkuro are fighting again..."

Fio brought her palm to her face. Seriously? Tirani interrupted her for this!? They were always fighting! They never got along even once! What did she expect?!

"You seriously-"

And then there was another interruption. A far more important one.

The ringing of bells.

The city was under attack.

"... Go back home, Tirani, and tell Mieka and Kukkuro."

She had to get to the walls. Even if she wasn't certain about the Queen's identity, she was certain that she wouldn't let a single attacker through.
  • Name: Fio Fan Fallise, also known as the Sword Witch
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Hmph. Just wait and see what this witch can do." A very petite girl, easily mistaken for a child even on close examination. She resents this.
  • Abilities: A highly capable witch, from a bloodline of magic users lasting back to the ancient king's times. Fio's catalyst is a sword, with a slender and elegant blade and a blue and gold hilt. She cannot fight reliably with it, but it is an excellent catalyst for casting spells all the same. Her chief method of offense is the conjuration of Phantom Swords, though she can use other forms of magic she favors Phantom Swords for her most direct and powerful method of dealing damage, as the Phantom Swords have considerable armor-piercing capabilities even in their base state when fired as projectiles. Her personal durability is quite low, and thus Fio also has capability in barrier spells in order to protect herself from being harmed. By casting a spell and attaching modifiers to it(such as summoning a number of Phantom Swords then adding commands to repeat the process to add more swords) she can alter it or increase its effects.
    Additionally, she possesses three doll familiars. These familiars are intelligent and have their own personalities, feelings, and specialities.
  • History: Fio's family has practiced magic for a considerable amount of time. It is said that she is descended from a court mage of the Ancient King, and her sword catalyst was a gift to her ancestor that has been passed down through the generations to her. Living in a secluded place, a small but remarkably cozy home, she swiftly gained a reputation as a witch due to her rather irritable interactions with travelers and her rather obvious usage of magic. Given her unique usage of a sword as her catalyst, she has been called both the Sword Witch. Needless to say, given her family history, it was only obvious that she would come to accompany one claiming to be a reincarnation of the King, if only out of curiosity. Can she really be what she claims to be?
  • Anything else: Fio is a rather irritable girl who does not tolerate foolishness. While she hates being mistaken for a child, she has childish mannerisms such as a love of sweet things and a fascination with dolls and small, cute animals. Regardless, she is still a capable practioner of magic and will quickly remind anyone in doubt over her abilities of that fact. Personally, she is not at all certain if Sorcha is what she claims to be. Rather, she desires to find that out for herself, her curiosity being the main reason for her presence to begin with. While her irritable personality can make her rather grating to be around, she does not take alliances lightly and possesses a deep hatred for those who would betray the trust of others.
I hope your knee gets better soon!
  • Name: Fio Fan Fallise, also known as the Doll Witch or the Sword Witch
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Hmph. Just wait and see what this witch can do." A very petite girl, easily mistaken for a child even on close examination. She resents this.
  • Abilities: A highly capable witch, from a bloodline of magic users lasting back to the ancient king's times. Fio's catalyst is a sword, with a slender and elegant blade and a blue and gold hilt. She cannot fight reliably with it, but it is an excellent catalyst for casting spells all the same. Her chief method of offense is the conjuration of Phantom Swords, though she can use other forms of magic she favors Phantom Swords for her most direct and powerful method of dealing damage, as the Phantom Swords have considerable armor-piercing capabilities even in their base state when fired as projectiles. Her personal durability is quite low, and thus Fio also has capability in barrier spells in order to protect herself from being harmed. By casting a spell and attaching modifiers to it(such as summoning a number of Phantom Swords then adding commands to repeat the process to add more swords) she can alter it or increase its effects.
    Additionally, she possesses three doll familiars. These familiars are intelligent and have their own personalities, feelings, and specialities.
    • Mieka: Fond of tea and with a surprisingly demanding personality, Mieka is most often used as an assistant. She is a ladylike girl who insists on ladylike treatment for both herself and her Master. While her offensive power is low as expected, her capacity to manifest small shards of glass as projectiles can serve as a painful distraction.
    • Tirani: In spite of her deadpan look, Tirani is the most childish and playful of the three. She likes sweet things even more then her Master, and has a habit of trying to get her fellow dolls to play games with her. She has absolutely no offensive power, but can provide some assistance in battle via short-range binding spells in the form of vines that spring from the ground and wrap around a target's legs.
    • Kukkuro: The least polite of the three dolls. Possessed of a derisive personality prone to degrading others with her words(even more then her creator does), Kukkuro often clashes with Mieka. She has the highest offensive capacity of the three dolls, wielding a large knife that can shed its own edge in the form of a sort of razor mist.
  • History: Fio's family has practiced magic for a considerable amount of time. It is said that she is descended from a court mage of the Ancient King, and her sword catalyst was a gift to her ancestor that has been passed down through the generations to her. Living in a secluded place, a small but remarkably cozy home, she swiftly gained a reputation as a witch due to her rather irritable interactions with travelers and her rather obvious usage of magic. Given her unique usage of a sword as her catalyst, and her use of doll familiars, she has been called both the Sword Witch and the Doll Witch. Needless to say, given her family history, it was only obvious that she would come to accompany one claiming to be a reincarnation of the King, if only out of curiosity. Can she really be what she claims to be?
  • Anything else: Fio is a rather irritable girl who does not tolerate foolishness. While she hates being mistaken for a child, she has childish mannerisms such as a love of sweet things and a fascination with dolls and small, cute animals. Regardless, she is still a capable practioner of magic and will quickly remind anyone in doubt over her abilities of that fact. Personally, she is not at all certain if Sorcha is what she claims to be. Rather, she desires to find that out for herself, her curiosity being the main reason for her presence to begin with. While her irritable personality can make her rather grating to be around, she does not take alliances lightly and possesses a deep hatred for those who would betray the trust of others. She is also very careful with her dolls, and keeps them from being harmed as much as she possibly can.
I actually have a character idea now and will hopefully be signing her up soon!
How is everyone enjoying things so far? I hope this part isn't too slow. ^^;
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