Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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As Alasayana's teeth sunk into the flesh of the creature, it let out one final hoot before finally going limp. It merely twitched a few times afterwards, before stillness completely took it. This did allow the goddess to get a sense of the texture of its meat and the possibility of any toxins. The neck meat was definitely fairly tough, but it also did not appear to be poisonous in any way.

From some distance away, the others of its kind peered through the foliage. Several let out more of their melodic hooting, before disappearing from view again.

Already, it seemed her hunt had caught some notice, the distance sight of what appeared to be several birds alighting on the trees far above, watching as she dragged it back to the others. A few stranger, glassy-winged creatures seemed to drift above as well, keeping track of her movements.

When She reached the others, and Flora was asked about poison and her diet, the small, pale girl fidgeted slightly as she clutched at Ashte's horns.

"I d-don't think so?" she began, "Um, they're..."

She trailed off. She'd never seen what some of her food looked like before being prepared, and Sir Oren had never shown her what it looked like when he hunted.

"Um, oh I... I don't think I would do... any of that..." she added to Ashte's line of questioning. She wasn't sure exactly why Ashte was worried about any of that, but she must have had a reason. Flora herself had never experienced any of these things happening to her, and thus she had to assume they couldn't. But when Aureia raised the matter of fire, the little priestess perked up.

"There's a plant!" Flora declared, "U-um... S-Sir Oren showed me, er... it's... there's something that comes out of the flowers that makes lighting fires really easy..."

Raising her hands, she appeared to try illustrating a conical, hanging shape, gesturing slowly.

"They hang down from big vines."

Meanwhile, O'Menus's search would not prove unfruitful. It seemed as if one of the large trees had fallen, creating a small clearing in the forest. It was mattered with hanging vegetation, secularly leaning against another, even larger dead tree that seemed just as likely to never budge. This created something of natural, partial shelter.

Surrounding it were numerous mushrooms of various sizes, and from atop it several long, grey-furred mammals with sinuous bodies and tufted ears peered at him curiously.

Perhaps it would be best to make certain such an ideal spot was safe, first, however...

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
At least they'd managed to bring plenty of fish back...

But walking back while soaking wet and covered in whatever slime was at the bottom of that body of water was not exactly a fun time.

"Don't mention it," responded Sefira, scowling at Yu as she spoke, feeling a glob of something drip from her hair. Aaah, she needed a bath so badly...!

"... I... need somewhere private where I can wash all... a-all of this off," she said, flatly, after finding a spot to deposit all the fish. There were a considerable number of complications when it came to the matter of cleaning herself up, but at the same time the petite elf absolutely could not tolerate sitting around like this.

Sefira could feel the goo on her skin, under her clothing.

It felt horrendous.

@Sho Minazuki@PKMNB0Y
Anyone need any help getting a post up?
Trying to settle on a concept I like still.
I don't have a character idea exactly yet but I am interested like I said privately!
For a moment, Nobunaga narrowed her eyes at Novak's willingness to parlay when he had nearly been struck by an arrow. However, it seemed like his words had thrown off the hunters more than she expected. Some very interesting words there, words that she would have to have something of a conversation with him over.

Regardless, the most important thing is that they were not paying any attention to her at the moment. Thus, using the poor visibility and Novak's distraction, the petite girl quickly closed the distance between herself and the group, going to the left and around rather then taking a straight path towards them.

When she saw one of the hunters begin to move, she was already breaking into a sprint, drawing her katana as she moved, swinging it upwards... and stopping, just in front of the hunter's neck.

"I think it would be best if you took a step back and considered my ally's words more carefully," she began, crimson eyes examining the hunter who had apparently lost his patience, "Or you'll find yourself missing something very precious."

To be honest, Nobunaga would rather have ended the man's life right then. However, killing him outright without giving him a chance to reconsider would likely draw the anger of his allies.

Getting information out of them would be easier if they were alive and cooperating, not that the girl had any qualms with more brutal methods of information acquisition if necessary.

@Crimson Paladin@Rune_Alchemist
"In that case..."

Nobunaga clapped her hands together. While investigating the hunters of the forest wasn't exactly unimportant, understanding this seal and their specific goals was. No matter what the hunters thought they would achieve, it was obvious the Illuminator was using them as a tool to reach the goal he desired.

"While the actions of the hunters are hardly unimportant, I believe it's just as important to understand what the believe they are protecting."

She swept her cape to the side.

"I shall investigate the supposed location of this seal."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
Needless to say, the tall-legged grey animals were rather startled when a small girl hit one of their number like a cannon, causing it to topple over sideways. With unusual, melodic calls, the younger ones scattered first, as the older jabbed and flailed their forelimbs at the attacker before eventually concluding it was a lost cause and loping after their young, both sets of limbs working in tandem in a strange, hopping gait.

The one pinned beneath Alasayana's small body flailed and struggled, but naturally had difficulty rising. While their long legs allowed them to cover great distances quickly as demonstrated by the others, and they were clearly able to reach high sources of food because of them and their strange tongues, it appeared to be a struggle for them to get up quickly after being knocked over. It was letting out further distressed, melodic hoots. At least, of course, until Alasayana ended it however she chose.

A hunter should know that a distressed prey animal would likely draw unwanted attention. Then again, they were gods, so perhaps the potential of predators appearing was less of a concern?

Shifting slightly uncomfortably at the sight of Alasayana's hunt(though she did not seem to think that it was wrong, merely that she'd rarely seen animals hunted in general), Flora held onto Ashte's horns lightly, scanning the forest for another few moments.

"Um... I don't remember if there was anywhere good for a camp nearby..." she confessed, "I just remember going this way..."

It was likely the little girl had simply not been the one in charge of making camp, and thus would not readily recognize such a location. The tall trees seemed endless, and while that obviously couldn't be the case it likely meant that camp would still be within the bounds of the forest.

@Martian@Raineh Daze@Click This@Rune_Alchemist@Renny@Pyromania99
@JessieTargaryen: It was one of the reasons the first group of attackers was so disrupted and struggling to regroup.
There we go. Can't help but think it's much worse then the one I lost but I didn't want to leave the update until any later.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything, please tell me if I did.
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