Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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While the Boars were attempting to build a formation and punch through the Knights' defensive line...

Fanilly found herself relaxing. If only a little. Not only had other knights joined them, those who had been stationed away from Candaeln due to return if she recalled correctly, but their actions had disrupted the mercenaries' attempts to reform their assault. However, that did not mean there was any reason to let their guard down.

She still suspected a second attack.

"Thank you, Sir Zherun, Sir Rorly!" she called to the newly arrived knights, "I will fill you in on what has occurred as soon as I am able, for now ensure that not a single one of these Boars is able to reach Lady Cal!"

Even the attempts by the Boars to retreat and regroup were faltering. Not only had the knights disrupted them even further, but Haelstadt...

It seemed as if, with ever step, Haelstadt killed another man. Their enormous blade seemed to tear through armor and chain as if it was not there, sheering through steel in a single swing. They cut one man in half in a single swing, before piercing a man through his helment and entirely through his head, lifting the corpse into the air and allowing it to slide off of their Zweihander.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" cursed one of the Boars, the man who had lead the initial charge, "Where are you bastards?! We're being slaughtered!"

It seemed as if the predictions of a second attack were correct. Indeed, another force of Boars swiftly emerged from the foliage, this time many armed with spears. At their head was a particularly heavily-armored man, his figure appearing quite rotund though it was difficult to tell beneath the black plate.

If they were allowed to remain in formation, they would be far more threatening to horse-mounted knights.

"Disrupt their formation! Do not take them head-on!"

Haelstadt was already working on that of their own accord. While they had not strayed much further, the moment any Boar came within range the black-armored knight was upon them, hacking them down in seconds. Until, as they drew their blade from the body of one man...!

Fanilly was unable to move quickly enough.

A black-headed axe came down, and with an ugly chunk, it bit through Haelstadt's neck. With a spurt of blood, their helmeted head hit the ground. The perpetrator was a large, axe-wielding man, a grin on his face.

"... I..."

She should have been more careful. Fanilly cursed herself inwardly. She had just allowed Lady Cal's bodyguard to die, hadn't she? She should have allowed the knights more room to reinforce their ally, who was fighting so hard to protect their lady... She could have done something different, right? She should have...


That, was Lady Cal's voice?

"As long as I'm alive, Haelstadt won't fall. Those morons are about to get the shock of their short lives!"

Haelstadt did not fall. In spite of currently being headless, the black-armored knight spun in place, bringing their free hand around with enough force to break the axeman's neck on contact with the side of his head.

Needless to say, the surprise of the headless knight continuing to fight(albeit clearly having a hard time coordinating after the initial neck-breaking slap due to the current location of their head on the ground) proved quite a distraction to the Boars' reinforcements. If they could break the second attacking force, the skirmish would be won!

@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@HereComesTheSnow@Martian@A Lowly Wretch@JessieTargaryen@FlappyTheSpybot@ghastlyinc
Blaah, I lost an entire post earlier due to a power outage so I'm not sure if I'll actually get things going tonight or not. Sorry.
Hey sorry about the delay, I'll get a post up tomorrow!
I'll give @JessieTargaryen a little more time, but I would like to update this weekend if possible.
@A Lowly Wretch: I think he looks good!
"Of course, village elder," Nobunaga responded, with a nod, "The hunters will be apprehended. I already know where they might be, courtesy of a helpful bystander."

Perfect. Not only had the town turned against the Hunters' purpose, but Enli had behaved exactly as she had hoped. The Hunters' fate did not matter as long as it was one that condemned their actions. Execution or exile would have been her first choice, but showing them the error of their ways? It was hardly a poor decision either. Not only that, but this had all served to turn the townsfolk against the Illuminator. How else did one kill a god but by turning potential worshippers against them?

It could hardly have gone better.

Now all that was left was to see if there were any other leads on the remaining conspirators. Certainly, they knew where they likely were(the obelisk), but more information didn't hurt before they headed out. Thankfully, Novak had already taken care of that line of questioning.

She would not fail in completing her promise by the time they departed from this village. And so, she would have support even in lands apart from this world's analogue to Japan.

Seeds planted for the future.

@Rune_Alchemist@Crimson Paladin
"Let's... let's go," Sefira said, watching as the monster flailing and haphazardly fired its water beams for a moment. "I'm not fighting like this."

The elven girl had no desire to somehow get even more covered in goo and muddy water. It was already going to be a pain washing-Nope, she wasn't going to think about that! Not until she absolutely had to.

"Before it recovers, let's just get out of here," she added, trying to gather up as many fish as she could. Hopefully there was some remaining aspect of the inventory system, so she didn't have to actually try and carry this many fish back to camp. Her strength rating was low, to say the least.

And fish weren't exactly the easiest thing to carry around even if she did have a bag.

@PKMNB0Y@Sho Minazuki
The goblin Necromancer staggered back, surprised to be so directly attacked so quickly. First the blades of water sent him staggering, then the shock to his neck drew forth a garbled screech as he lost his headdress, waving his staff frantically. His twisting caused him to immediately notice the man attempting to flank him, the sickly green light building in the skull's eyesockets-

And then the nem's sword plunged into his back.

The necromancer let out an awful shriek, dropping his staff with a clatter and weakly clutching at the blade protruding from his chest, cutting his fingers on the edge as dark red blood splattered onto the floor.

After a few moments, his movements slackened, and he fell limp.

The goblins that had been reviving abruptly dropped back down, falling still.

The living goblins watched in shock as their leader died before their eyes.

With a flurry of frantic chattering, they immediately began to scatter, their morale shattered. For the moment, at least.

@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin@Zoey Boey
Sorry about the lack of an update, I was weirdly tired all day until not that long ago.
Reply going up tomorrow!
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