Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Her eyes shut, her hands clasped in prayer, Fanilly only just noticed the presence of someone else in the shrine. Of course, there was no reason someone else couldn't enter. The shrine was meant for the use of all the Knights. It just so happened that she was the one kneeling in prayer now.

For Sir Rickert. For the sake of continued success against all enemies. For these reasons, she had to make sure her words reached the goddesses.

Se'd have to arrange for word to be sent to the Knight's family. She hadn't spoken with him enough to know exactly who he had now left behind, but-


She was torn from her thoughts when she felt a finger prod her in the forehead, opening her eyes and leaning back.

"O-oh, it was you, Dame Cecil!" she stammered, placing one still-armored gauntlet over the spot where she'd been poked. She knew someone else had entered the shrine, but she hadn't expected this at all!

"E-er, I was finished, anyway, so..." she trailed off uncertainly. She at least hoped that her prayer hd made it to the ears of the goddesses. If Dame Cecil wanted to pray as well, she didn't want to get in the way. But Dame Cecil mentioned wanting to join her?

The blonde girl-knight took a deep breath.

"You may join me, if you like."

Fanilly had managed to compose herself once she spoke again, at least enough to project some measure of authority. At least, it's what she hoped.

To be honest, she wasn't entirely sure why any of the knights would wish to speak with her now, after she had succeeded in losing one of their number already.

@ArkmageddonCat: It is.
The irritation Fio felt towards the Fomorian's behavior was only mounting with every word out of her mouth. Continually mocking her appearance... she was a mature lady! And... and she definitely didn't need any potions like that, where did a prisoner get off making those kinds of offers?!

As she opened her mouth to speak, however, Niall intervened.

It wasn't as if she didn't understand what he was doing, but merely because she understood it did not mean Fio approved. Brutal treatment of prisoners, especially a prisoner that she had taken herself, was not what she sought after. Even if the prisoner was a Fomorian.

"... I should like if you stepped back and left her alone, thank you very much," Fio folded her arms across her chest, "The interrogation hasn't even begun, and won't until we have brought her to a far more secure location."

Adjusting her hat, the Sword Witch stepped closer. Her purple eyes were narrowed. A Fomorian was a being of curses and hatred, that much was true. But that didn't mean that behaving as a common barbarian was the correct way in which to deal with one that had been taken prisoner.

"Besides, torture and brutality are far from the ideal method of seeking information," she continued. Certainly, the Fomorian seemed to have little pain tolerance, but that was yet another reason not to utilize such methods. It poisoned the well. Hurting someone could make them say anything just to make it stop.

The Sword Witch had her own methods in mind.

"She is my prisoner, and I will handle her interrogation when we have returned," added the petite witch, "Not in the middle of a battlefield."

A high demon...

And that big nasty creature was still coming towards them, too, as most of the other maids had decided to focus their efforts on the high demon instead.

But that didn't stop the big monster from attacking, did it? They needed to address that, didn't they?

Senya was certain it would be stupid not to do so, and noted that none of the other maids had the immediate idea. But the beast was still distracted...

So she'd keep it off of them.

The diminutive little dark elf leaned forward and broke into a sprint. To an observer, it would look ridiculous to see a little girl towing along a weapon as big as she was at such a speed as this, but nevertheless she did so without a single sign of effort, hair teased at by the wind behind her. Bringing her weapon to bare, she let out another barrage of shots, splitting the head of another of the hounds down the middle and repelling another as she swiftly closer her distance with the creature.

The best way to protect her fellow maids was simply to stop it from moving entirely.

Darting beside it before it was able to notice what she was doing, Senya targeted the back of one of its legs. She had no way of knowing how much its anatomy fell in line with that of a normal living creature, but she knew this spot was vulnerable.

The bayonet mounted on her weapon flashed, gleaming in the monster's fiery light, as she thrust it all the way to the base into the creature's flesh.

Without delay, she pulled the trigger.

@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Waylon@Click This@Sniblet@Rune_Alchemist

They had crushed the bandits utterly. Slain the wicked man who called himself their King. The people of Aimlenn, the people of Thaln, were thankful.

Their duty to the weak, the defenseless, had been fulfilled.

A captain should be proud of their success. Introspection wasn't uncalled for, but surely a battle ending with only a single casualty and the enemy utterly destroyed should be treated as a rousing victory.

And yet...

The golden-headed knight-captain departed from the others without much aside from a confirmation of their good performance. It was not their fault.

Surely, surely, the blame lay on her shoulders.

Sir Rickert should not have perished. The battle should not have ended with even a single death among the knights. She could have done something differently. She should have done something differently. Saint Elionne had crushed the Vos Korvungand, destroyed the great heathen army without a single death among her forces.

This shouldn't have happened.

The image of Sir Rickert hewn apart in a single stroke remained in her mind.

Candaeln's courtyard was a popular place, both for simple reading and relaxation and for training. But it was also the home of the pointed, curved structure that was the fortress's shrine. An integrated structure designed for the worship of both Goddesses, it sported stained glass windows of intertwined lillies and roses, a tiered garden of both plants, and a sacred pool and eternal flame for prayer.

It was here that Fanilly made her way to, still clad in her armor.

The young girl's voice came out in a heavy sigh, her eyes travelling up the garden and towards its peak. There stood a pair of statues. The slender frame of Reon, her blade held crossed over her chest and her spear projecting downwards, and beside her Mayon, taller, her hands at her sides and holding a mirror and a bow.

With the clanking of her gleaming armor, Fanilly plucked a lily and cast it into the flames. Then, she took a rose and crumpled its petals into the water.

Then she knelt before the shrine, hands clutched together in prayer.

"E vanna ney sienne. Oh, goddesses. Please, let the lamps light his way safely. May he find peace and bliss within your domain, so that his death may be eased. May he find the happiness he so earned."

First and foremost of all was the prayer for Sir Rickert. It was all she could do, even as she cursed herself for that fact, now that he was no longer with the living.

"... May those who fought with honor be blessed. May we find further success in protecting the weak and defeating the wicked. May your blessing shine upon all who seek to do good."

To request the goddess's continued support in their endeavors, too, was natural.

She had to do everything she could.
With physical bindings in place, Fio no longer had to maintain the magical ones, allowing them to dissipate into blue lights. Her entire body sagged with relief, small shoulders shuddering slightly as she gulped in air for a few moments. It was a freeing, refreshing feeling, given how difficult it had been to rapidly switch between and simultaneously maintain that many spells in such quick succession. Not that she couldn't have kept doing it, of course. Far from it. But instead that it was simply taxing.

Less relaxing were the words of her new captive, and the fact she felt that all too predatory gaze travel over her body and linger in certain places.

"I-I'm plenty tall," she shot back, eyes narrowed, "Besides, it's not as if anyone would expect you of being a monster who perversely twists living things into abominations for the sake of nothing but experimentation, so I don't think you have any room to criticize anyone else."

And yet, her hands did shoot up reflexively to cover her chest. She wasn't... she was a mature lady! No-one with a rational mind would mistake her for anything else!

But this was a Fomorian, so of course she'd say silly things like that.

Looking away sharply, the small witch rose on her somewhat wobbly, slender legs, taking a deep breath as she did.

"No," she responded flatly, to Luna's question, "But we should be able to learn something from her, even if she won't talk."

Indeed, there was more then one method to discovering information.

Ah, it was already time to kill, too? Good thing she was ready.

Senya raised her weapon. There was no need to be precise right now, aside from avoiding her fellow maids. All she needed to do was, broadly, aim at the big ugly beast and the other approaching creatures, and avoid hitting any of the other maids.

... Were there people inside its stomach...?

Parts of people...

With a click, Senya attached the belt of ammunition to the feed on the back of her enormous gun. Then, she placed both hands back on it again and adjusted her aim.

There was a whine as the barrels of her weapon began to spin, which only grew in volume as she trained it on the hulking beast and the creatures surrounding it. Steam began to vent from the sides, a hissing sound joining the rising volume of the whining, whirling barrels.


What followed was a roar as the barrels erupted with flames, enormous bullets hurtling towards her target, ripping the air as they did. No further enhancement was required, as one of the approaching hounds was struck in the head and had its entire skull obliterated, jaw sailing through the air and vanishing some distance away before the rest of its body was riddled with holes and spewing all sorts of foul fluids. Senya dragged her aim across the approaching targets, sweeping over them before coming to rest on the largest beast, to fill it with as many bullets as possible.

@Pyromania99@AzureKnight@Waylon@Click This@Sniblet@Rune_Alchemist
  • Name: Mina "Tepes"
  • Race: Vampire
  • Age: 556, appears about 10 currently
  • Appearance: "The fact you think this would be satisfying for me isn't amusing." She is around 4'3 or 129 cm in height.
  • Personality: Cruel. Capricious. Cold. All of these words describe the vampire who goes by Mina Tepes. She is unconcerned with human life, and far more driven by her own amusement. Killing the enemy? It comes naturally. And there's hardly a reason to concern herself with the average person, is there? In fact, if they can prove valuable as a meal, why not take a drink? Indeed, Mina Tepes is a cruel and callous girl who sees those around her a meal, or a tool for her amusement. Or at least, that's how it was not so long ago. Her recent defeat has left her severely weakened. While she is still capable of some forms of fighting, it is nothing compared to her prior power. She has begrudgingly acknowledged her need for a contract to reliably sustain herself. It can be said that, in a clinical manner, she is quite protective of her contracted human, if only to ensure her own survival. She also seeks venegeance on the one responsible for her loss of power. In spite of her circumstances, she remains high-handed and arrogant, and prone to mocking others, though she can be perfectly personable if required. Perhaps it is due to her upbringing as a noblelady. She bears a sadistic streak, and finds her partner's unwillingness to kill(or even drain) others while they are Resonant quite irritating. Still, in spite of all this cruelty, this cold demeanor, can it truly be said there is nothing else to the vampire? That she bears no other feelings in her heart but her own self-interest? Certainly, she acts as such. However...
  • Abilities: Even after losing much of her personal power, Mina Tepes is highly dangerous to the average person. She is stronger and faster then she appears, traits which are imparted to the girl who shares her contract. As a vampire, her body can regenerate from significant damage. But after losing much of her power and much of her body, she is far more reliant on Ether(and fresh blood) to maintain this healing ability and continue to survive. As a monster of human origin, her resistance to the corruptive and parasitic nature of Grudges is more akin to a human being's as well. If not for her severely depowered state, she would not require a contract to fight them. When in Resonant state, due to the constant flow of blood and ether, the united form of both contracted girls manifests unrestricted healing ability as long as the brain and heart are at least half intact, similar to the abilities she once possessed. Her primary form of offense is the use of blood, her own or that shed by others, to form projectiles and weapons that she may wield. Due to the high levels of ether she once possessed due to frequent feedings over hundreds of years, she was also capable of firing her magical energy as a "Moonlight Cannon", in an offensive form akin to a laser. This is no longer possible for her, at least currently. Finally, there is a discrepancy in her blood, ever since she was defeated, that she cannot put her finger on. Whatever its nature may be, she has yet to discover...
  • Skills: Due to her upbringing and her long life, Mina is well-educated and versed in a variety of subjects. However, she is not very likely to share knowledge without being prompted, as watching others struggle to figure something out she already knows amuses her. Her practical skills are woefully lacking due to a lack of necessity.
  • History: Once upon a time, a little girl was born very sickly. Her parents, no matter how their riches, how much power they wielded, were unable to prevent her condition from worsening with each passing day. No-one expected her to make it beyond her tenth birthday. She could no longer leave her bed, and every hour her breathing grew more shallow, more painful. They had prepared long for this. They had already purchased a coffin. But then, a miracle occurred. An implausible, impossible event.
    A mysterious stranger offered to save their daughter's life, to cure her illness. He didn't even ask for payment.
    How could they reject such an offer, even if it was a fool's hope?
    As it turned out, his promise wasn't empty. After only a short time with their daughter, her breathing suddenly became better. She was able to sit up and talk again, and soon she could even get out of bed.
    But something was different. The sun hurt her, she described it like it was burning her. Her eyes were red. Her teeth, her canines specifically, had become sharp. Like a pair of fangs.
    The stranger left without explaining what he had done, but her parents were soon able to figure it out. Their beloved daughter had become a vampire. Her life was saved by twisting her into a creature of the night. But they didn't reject their daughter. Instead, they embraced her, and tried to build a life for her. Tithes of blood from their subjects became commonplace, and servants were made to serve as her meals, given benefits for keeping quiet about their role in maintaining her life. Among them was a young servant girl from a local family, of the same age as their daughter. Not merely a provider of blood, but a companion for a girl who couldn't step outside during the day.
    There was a revolt. Perhaps it was because the people had discovered their their daughter's nature. Perhaps it was because of mismanagement of their lands and people. Perhaps it was both. Regardless, their home burned, and the girl's parents were slain before her eyes as they called her a monster. When her companion tried to defend her, she was slain too.
    They cut her. They burned her.
    A monster.
    They murdered her parents. Her friend. They caused her so much pain. And they called her a monster?
    Then she'd be a monster.
    The girl was stronger, faster, then even an adult man. Her injuries mended in seconds, no matter how severe. She didn't need skill to overpower the rebels.
    They were all dead by morning. Every single one. The town was empty of all life, except for the girl.
    She was a monster now.
    Hundreds of years passed, and she was a monster throughout them. If that was how people thought of her, then she would simply fulfill their expectations.
    A Living Curse was what they called her, and it was a title she came to embrace. While she could not grow naturally, by the manipulation of ether she was able to obtain an adult form, and she killed those she pleased and drank from anyone she desired.
    Those who tried to hunt her were killed, too.
    It was when, on a whim, she came to the land of Japan under a year ago, that all of this changed. A figure wielding a strange eastern blade found her one night after she had drank her fill, and attacked her. Their fight was long and intense, but in the end the blade cut her effortlessly, and when she attempted to regenerate she was cut again and again. Entire sections of her body became useless, destroyed, and she nearly faced true death. However, she managed to drag herself away, the figure having mysteriously vanished while she was unconscious, and regenerated what little remained of her body. She was weakened. She couldn't recover fully. Her adult form had been destroyed, returning her to childhood.
    It was quite recently, in a particularly dire situation, that she forged a contract for the sake of her own survival, targeting a girl in a desperate situation.
    She'll have her revenge.
  • Other: N/A

Vampire done, history ended up loooong. Other bios to be finished.
It was only obvious that the monstrous, gigantic skeleton was effectively an extension of the smaller figure. And thus their target became more obvious. Exactly where the sword was located wasn't immediately clear, which was all the more concerning, but Aleksiya was hardly about to allow herself to be shaken by something like that. No matter what, this monster would be destroyed.

The moisture in the air condensed, the crystal form of another spear of ice materializing over the diminutive vampire's right shoulder. Then another, over her left, and a third above her head.

"Hmph, I don't need an order to know that's the best idea," she said with a dismissive huff, even though she immediately moved in compliance with Giselle, targeting the smaller figure as she swiftly advanced. Certainly, she disliked the feeling of being commanded by someone who by all rights as her equal at most, but at the same time willfully ignoring a solid piece of strategy wasn't a show of her pride. It was a show of stupidity.

Eliminating the smaller figure that seemed to puppet the skeleton was, as of their current information, the most solid choice they had.

Her first ice spear hadn't managed to penetrate its armor. So, at closer range, from a better angle...

Sprinting around to the figure's right, her ice spears tilted towards it and launched all at once while Giselle attacked.

@Rune_Alchemist@ERode@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@Click This@Pyromania99
  • Name: Kawano Akane
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance: "Is she streaming right outside the bathroom...?" Akane stands at about 157 cm/5'2.
  • Personality: Outgoing and confident, Kawano Akane has a tomboyish disposition with a mild interest in sports and a tendency to dress in more boyish clothing. A straightforward person whose personality is reflective of a common sense approach to reality, even in spite of the fact she is surrounded by the unreal. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she is an ideal match for the cloudy-minded and unusual girl who happens to also be a giant skeleton. While there is no denying she cares about Shiroyama "Higasha"(could she have tried to pick a real name at least?!), she often finds the girl exceptionally exasperating to deal with. Still, she's never had a single thought of making her leave. Even before they formed a contract. Akane is often at odds with people who appear to display a lack of common sense, in spite of her contracted yokai being precisely one of those sorts of people, and isn't about to hesitate to express her feelings in such situations. The straightman, some would say. Still, Akane isn't without her quirks. She has a secret adoration of adorable things, one that embarrasses her deeply if it's ever pointed out.
  • Abilities: Her contract with "Higasha"(why is it so bad?!) permits Akane several exceptional abilities even when they are not in Resonant form. Her physical abilities are greatly enhanced, allowing her to deliver powerful blows and move very rapidly. She has o actively turn this off in order to actually engage in normal physical activity. She is more durable then she would appear, though does not receive any specific healing abilities. When in their Resonant form, Higasha becomes a somewhat smaller, spectral version of her skeletal self, acting as an immensely powerful melee attack that follows Akane's movements. She can also fire Higasha's fists off at range to strike more distant targets.
    Additionally, a Gashadokuro being "always hungry" translates to being able to eat a lot and never gain weight when contracted. Who knew?
  • Skills: Akane is an agile and athletically capable girl even without the benefit of her contract. She's also more capable with technology then one might expect, having assisted "Higasha"(why?!) with her streaming setup. She's not sure this was a good idea.
  • Equipment: Nothing out of the ordinary.
  • History:
  • Other: N/A

This first one is heavy WiP, I'm having some trouble with finishing up the backstory. ^^;

  • Name: Mina "Tepes"
  • Race: Vampire
  • Age: 556, appears about 10 currently
  • Appearance: "The fact you think this would be satisfying for me isn't amusing." She is around 4'3 or 129 cm in height.
  • Personality: Cruel. Capricious. Cold. All of these words describe the vampire who goes by Mina Tepes. She is unconcerned with human life, and far more driven by her own amusement. Killing the enemy? It comes naturally. And there's hardly a reason to concern herself with the average person, is there? In fact, if they can prove valuable as a meal, why not take a drink? Indeed, Mina Tepes is a cruel and callous girl who sees those around her a meal, or a tool for her amusement. Or at least, that's how it was not so long ago. Her recent defeat has left her severely weakened. While she is still capable of some forms of fighting, it is nothing compared to her prior power. She has begrudgingly acknowledged her need for a contract to reliably sustain herself. It can be said that, in a clinical manner, she is quite protective of her contracted human, if only to ensure her own survival. In spite of her circumstances, she remains high-handed and arrogant, and prone to mocking others. She bears a sadistic streak, and finds her partner's unwillingness to kill(or even drain) others while they are Resonant quite irritating. Still, in spite of all this cruelty, this cold demeanor, can it truly be said there is nothing else to the vampire? That she bears no other feelings in her heart but her own self-interest? Certainly, she acts as such. However...
  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • History:
  • Other:

WiP as well, ended up being too late to finish it. Hopefully will be done tomorrow!
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