Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@AndyC: The current Godzilla's first appearance was in 1991, so a bit later then Heisei Goji, and events from there were indeed different. You can keep anything that's not a direct reference to any film continuity.
@AndyC: Once that's done I'll be ready to accept!
@AndyC: Okay for the most part I really like this, I just want to quickly clarify that this doesn't include any of the films aside from the original in its continuity, so it's best to cut out the direct references to Heisei era films, especially since I'm definitely planning on making my own versions of some of the kaiju featured there.

But otherwise hey, I like this a lot!
  • Name: Sekiguchi Eri
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "..."
  • Personality: Eri is a gloomy and taciturn girl. She can come across as cold and distant, and seems to prefer spending time by herself to spending time with others. It's easy to find her buried in some piece of handheld technology, or on the computer, rather then involving herself in any kind of social interaction. Even when someone gets her to talk, she is rather awkward and brief in her manner of speech, and has a rather depressive demeanor. She is typically found on her own, and is very unlikely to involve herself in any kind of conversation. She can even be somewhat standoffish, especially towards adults. While Eri is quite withdrawn with people, she is very fond of animals and can be brought of her shell a little bit with the presence of them. In spite of her distant demeanor, she is particularly sensitive towards being called creepy or weird. Indeed, she is more sensitive then she appears in general, and tends to take things to heart very quickly. While she has far better control over her abilities now, the fact she was once unable to control her telepathic abilities effectively is likely one of the reasons for her withdrawn and isolated personality. In spite of her apparent history, she has little personal hatred for Godzilla, though at the same time she has no resistance to the idea of tracking him for YATAGARASU's purposes.
  • Skills: Eri possesses little in the way of military skill, but her most notable capability is her psychic ability. An esper of considerable power, Eri can detect the presence of others at long range and even read past events or the thoughts of other people. Most notably this is the cornerstone of her use in YATAGARASU, as she is capable of detecting the thoughts and presence of giant monsters such as Godzilla. Her precision grows as she pushes herself harder, but this causes her greater strain, and particularly powerful psychic presences can endanger her wellbeing and even cause her to pass out. Her psychic abilities may possibly develop with more practice. Aside from her nature as an esper, Eri is a surprisingly good cook.
  • Equipment: Eri is never without her smartphone. She is not cleared to use any kind of weaponry.
  • Brief Backstory: Records indicate Sekiguchi Eri was discovered as an orphaned baby in the aftermath of a devastating attack on Tokyo by Godzilla, rescued by Lambda Foundation relief workers and quickly passed on to a foster family. Given she was an infant, she has no memory of the event or her birth family. What she does remember is that, as long as she can remember, she has been capable of hearing the thoughts of others. Initially, she had no ability to control it, and as a child was frequently viewed as creepy due to both her ability to say exactly what people were thinking and her isolated and distant behavior that came as a result. Eri was only isolated further, both due to her difficulty with closing out people's inner voices and the fact others didn't want to associate with her for the very same reason. It was when she was eight years old that the Lambda Foundation suddenly took her from her current caretakers and brought her to the Tokyo Institute for Development of Extrasensory Abilities. It was here that she joined a number of other children who possessed similar abilities to herself, and was not only educated but had her capabilities as an esper tested and observed. Even among those who possessed similar powers to herself, Eri's gloomy and withdrawn attitude left her with little social interaction, and it became apparent that she was the foremost among all the children being tested at the facility which only lead to further isolation as more and more of her time was taken up by tests. Perhaps the only benefit in her eyes was the fact she could now control her abilities more effectively. This is how her life largely continued, until the Lambda Foundation sponsored her addition to YATAGARASU as a form of special detection for giant monsters. While this decision was largely controversial due to her young age, eventually the move was approved. Soon, her abilities will be put to the test.
  • Position Within YATAGARASU: Special Operative for Detection of Anomalous Creatures. She is the new Godzilla detection system
@wikkit: Alrighty, I think she looks good. Accepted.
@wikkit: I'm certainly okay with another psychic. Maybe one of the other top candidates from the research center who got sent along after the initial confirmation for Eri as backup? Could be part of support not only aiding in tracking kaiju but also helping with communications, or even disrupting smaller monsters.
Also a couple things:

Is anyone opposed to setting up an RP discord? I find having a discord server helps with communication between the GM and players quite a bit.

Additionally, I'd really like to keep us moving at at a minimum of one post a week, though I'm willing to let people skip posting cycles if they're unable to make it for whatever reason as long as they let me know first.
@Mangrale: Either or, though I'd lean a more active role just so you have more to do, such as manning the weapons directly or part of the bridge crew.
@Mangrale: Anyone running the weapons systems would be a good angle to go for. It's a fairly large ship, big enough to quality as a secondary base for this unit of YATAGARASU.
  • Name: Sekiguchi Eri
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "..."
  • Personality: Eri is a gloomy and taciturn girl. She can come across as cold and distant, and seems to prefer spending time by herself to spending time with others. It's easy to find her buried in some piece of handheld technology, or on the computer, rather then involving herself in any kind of social interaction. Even when someone gets her to talk, she is rather awkward and brief in her manner of speech, and has a rather depressive demeanor. She is typically found on her own, and is very unlikely to involve herself in any kind of conversation. She can even be somewhat standoffish, especially towards adults. While Eri is quite withdrawn with people, she is very fond of animals and can be brought of her shell a little bit with the presence of them. In spite of her distant demeanor, she is particularly sensitive towards being called creepy or weird. Indeed, she is more sensitive then she appears in general, and tends to take things to heart very quickly. While she has far better control over her abilities now, the fact she was once unable to control her telepathic abilities effectively is likely one of the reasons for her withdrawn and isolated personality. In spite of her apparent history, she has little personal hatred for Godzilla, though at the same time she has no resistance to the idea of tracking him for YATAGARASU's purposes.
  • Skills: Eri possesses little in the way of military skill, but her most notable capability is her psychic ability. An esper of considerable power, Eri can detect the presence of others at long range and even read past events or the thoughts of other people. Most notably this is the cornerstone of her use in YATAGARASU, as she is capable of detecting the thoughts and presence of giant monsters such as Godzilla. Her precision grows as she pushes herself harder, but this causes her greater strain, and particularly powerful psychic presences can endanger her wellbeing and even cause her to pass out. Her psychic abilities may possibly develop with more practice. Aside from her nature as an esper, Eri is a surprisingly good cook.
  • Equipment: Eri is never without her smartphone. She is not cleared to use any kind of weaponry.
  • Brief Backstory: Records indicate Sekiguchi Eri was discovered as an orphaned baby in the aftermath of a devastating attack on Tokyo by Godzilla, rescued by Lambda Foundation relief workers and quickly passed on to a foster family. Given she was an infant, she has no memory of the event or her birth family. What she does remember is that, as long as she can remember, she has been capable of hearing the thoughts of others. Initially, she had no ability to control it, and as a child was frequently viewed as creepy due to both her ability to say exactly what people were thinking and her isolated and distant behavior that came as a result. Eri was only isolated further, both due to her difficulty with closing out people's inner voices and the fact others didn't want to associate with her for the very same reason. It was when she was eight years old that the Lambda Foundation suddenly took her from her current caretakers and brought her to the Tokyo Institute for Development of Extrasensory Abilities. It was here that she joined a number of other children who possessed similar abilities to herself, and was not only educated but had her capabilities as an esper tested and observed. Even among those who possessed similar powers to herself, Eri's gloomy and withdrawn attitude left her with little social interaction, and it became apparent that she was the foremost among all the children being tested at the facility which only lead to further isolation as more and more of her time was taken up by tests. Perhaps the only benefit in her eyes was the fact she could now control her abilities more effectively. This is how her life largely continued, until the Lambda Foundation sponsored her addition to YATAGARASU as a form of special detection for giant monsters. While this decision was largely controversial due to her young age, eventually the move was approved. Soon, her abilities will be put to the test.
  • Position Within YATAGARASU: Special Operative for Detection of Anomalous Creatures. She is the new Godzilla detection system

Decided to get the primary character I'll be using aside from NPCs written up, since she'll also provide some further information about the setting.
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