Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Ammokkx: Obviously no problem here, accepted.
Human emotions are one of the things that makes people who they are. While many animals can feel emotions and experience emotional thought, human beings are among those most capable of expressing these feelings.

Indeed, this sort of expression is intrinsic to human nature.

Happiness. Comfort. Kindness. Love.

Positive human emotions are only one side of the coin, however.

A student stresses out over her upcoming test. A salaryman resents his boss. A young couple has a fight that, even for a moment, they're scared that they'll never recover from.

Fears. Stress. Frustration. Anger.

Negative human emotions that coalesce like shadows in dark places.

Certainly, they are a part of what makes someone a human being, but in concentrated numbers they can become something far darker.

Shades form of negative human emotions, composed of darkness. At their weakest they can drain the energy from people and cause them to become increasingly depressed and beaten down by their mere existence. The stronger they get, the more capable of causing real physical harm they become.

They can even kill someone.

Composed of negative energies, it isn't possible to harm a Shade with conventional weaponry.

But that's why magical girls exist.

Sought out from young girls with high potential by fairies, magical girls are capable of destroying Shades, dispelling the energies composing their bodies permanently. These girls are capable of defending the world from the destructive influence of Shades.

But in a large city, like Tokyo, the sheer number of human beings populating it results in negative emotions building up at a high rate, producing dangerous Shades far more quickly.

And so, that's why such a city needs plenty of magical girls to keep these monsters in check.

And in Tokyo, there is a certain group of these magical girls, who have united to defend its citizens from the midnight threats known only to those who fight them off.

This is their story.

The abilities of magical girls come from a conceptual source of power. That is, each magical girl has their own Concept as a source of power. For example, a Magical Girl with the Concept of a fairytale as their source of power would have abilities based on that fairytale. Concepts can range wildly, from weapons to events to stories to nearly anything in history.

But this is not the end of the powers of a magical girl.

All magical girls wield some sort of item, be it a tool or a weapon or something else entirely. This item is their Archetype, something from stories or myths that grants them further powers, something related to their concept. A girl whose Concept is Cinderella could perhaps have the Pumpkin Carriage as her Archetype. However, when a girl first becomes a magical girl, they will not be aware of their Archetype. They must figure out what their Archetype's nature is on their own. This will unlock their most powerful abilities.

The Power of a magical girl's Concept and Archetype are influenced by a variety of factors. Age and fame are strong influences, but so to is the imagination inspired by them. This allows for more recent concepts, such as Wonderland, to be quite powerful in their own right.

The powers exhibited by magical girls are vast and broad. Some are straightforward, whereas some are more strange and difficult to use.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Brief Backstory:
    • Magical Girl Appearance: (Usually, the eye color and hair color changes as well)
    • Concept:
    • Archetype:
    • Abilities:

I'm looking for six players tops, so it will be a case of first come first serve. People who post interest first will be considered first! Additionally, this is a team-based magical girl RP, so every girl will be part of a group of girls who have teamed up to fight shades.

Finally, this RP will operate on a weekly post schedule. Try and post at least once a week, and go no longer then two weeks without posting!
Human emotions are one of the things that makes people who they are. While many animals can feel emotions and experience emotional thought, human beings are among those most capable of expressing these feelings.

Indeed, this sort of expression is intrinsic to human nature.

Happiness. Comfort. Kindness. Love.

Positive human emotions are only one side of the coin, however.

A student stresses out over her upcoming test. A salaryman resents his boss. A young couple has a fight that, even for a moment, they're scared that they'll never recover from.

Fears. Stress. Frustration. Anger.

Negative human emotions that coalesce like shadows in dark places.

Certainly, they are a part of what makes someone a human being, but in concentrated numbers they can become something far darker.

Shades form of negative human emotions, composed of darkness. At their weakest they can drain the energy from people and cause them to become increasingly depressed and beaten down by their mere existence. The stronger they get, the more capable of causing real physical harm they become.

They can even kill someone.

Composed of negative energies, it isn't possible to harm a Shade with conventional weaponry.

But that's why magical girls exist.

Sought out from young girls with high potential by fairies, magical girls are capable of destroying Shades, dispelling the energies composing their bodies permanently. These girls are capable of defending the world from the destructive influence of Shades.

But in a large city, like Tokyo, the sheer number of human beings populating it results in negative emotions building up at a high rate, producing dangerous Shades far more quickly.

And so, that's why such a city needs plenty of magical girls to keep these monsters in check.

And in Tokyo, there is a certain group of these magical girls, who have united to defend its citizens from the midnight threats known only to those who fight them off.

This is their story.

The abilities of magical girls come from a conceptual source of power. That is, each magical girl has their own Concept as a source of power. For example, a Magical Girl with the Concept of a fairytale as their source of power would have abilities based on that fairytale. Concepts can range wildly, from weapons to events to stories to nearly anything in history.

But this is not the end of the powers of a magical girl.

All magical girls wield some sort of item, be it a tool or a weapon or something else entirely. This item is their Archetype, something from stories or myths that grants them further powers, something related to their concept. A girl whose Concept is Cinderella could perhaps have the Pumpkin Carriage as her Archetype. However, when a girl first becomes a magical girl, they will not be aware of their Archetype. They must figure out what their Archetype's nature is on their own. This will unlock their most powerful abilities.

The Power of a magical girl's Concept and Archetype are influenced by a variety of factors. Age and fame are strong influences, but so to is the imagination inspired by them. This allows for more recent concepts, such as Wonderland, to be quite powerful in their own right.

The powers exhibited by magical girls are vast and broad. Some are straightforward, whereas some are more strange and difficult to use.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Skills:
  • Brief Backstory:
    • Magical Girl Appearance: (Usually, the eye color and hair color changes as well)
    • Concept:
    • Archetype:
    • Abilities:

I'm looking for six players tops, so it will be a case of first come first serve. People who post interest first will be considered first! Additionally, this is a team-based magical girl RP, so every girl will be part of a group of girls who have teamed up to fight shades.

Finally, this RP will operate on a weekly post schedule. Try and post at least once a week, and go no longer then two weeks without posting!
It was true, the Goddess of the Deep Lake wasn't so commonly worshipped, as Fio understood it. The fact that she was apologizing was even more surreal then the realm they had arrived in. Her life had just been saved, and the one responsible was making an apology?

"... Hmph, I'm showing you gratitude, you know," Fio replied with a huff, folding her arms over her chest as she spoke, "Don't apologize when I'm being thankful."

After a few moments of silence she let out a sigh.

"In any case, I can't stay here. Even ignoring my own personal wishes, I have plenty of things to do in the waking world," she continued. The rabbit-eared girl seemed lonely, and had shades of clinginess to her behavior. But the Sword Witch supposed a Goddess without worship would naturally be rather drawn to any newcomers.

"But I can return, if you're willing to help me look into her dreams again, like you said," she added, "And... and maybe I can... do something for you, or something."

The petite witch averted her eyes.

"You know, to thank you for helping."

"You haven't heard of the Witch-Queen!?" exclaimed Tenessa excitedly, earning a silent eyeroll from Violette as she did, "I thought everyone knew!"

Angenese gave a somewhat apologetic laugh to the knights.

"Ah, Tenessa is something of a history buff, especially the more esoteric parts, do forgive her," she commented, clearing her throat, "A last holdout of the rebellion from five years ago, then? How frightening, to think a man like that was still wandering the land... and yet, the brave Iron Rose Knights crushed him!"

It was only natural that young nobles raised on tales of the Iron Rose Knights and the heroes who predated the order entirely would be enamored with such a story, especially when the goriest details were omitted.

Violette's disinterest stood out, however, as she simply sipped her drink quietly with another sigh. While she didn't comment, it was clear she didn't find the tale of the slaying of the bandits quite as enthralling as her friends did.

Tenessa, however, was rather eager to tell her part of things.

"The Witch-Queen was, and possibly still is, the greatest of all Witches!" she declared brightly, "She was the first of them all, a divine spirit who came to our world and instructed her followers in all sorts of strange things even the most learned magi were unaware of! Her followers grew, and she began to forge insidious machinations to accrue more power and threatened the lands!"

Her eyes were practically sparkling as she spoke, leaning towards the knights eagerly.

"It was about a thousand years ago when Ithillin's current Silver Knight at the time, Mauren Dantielle, lead a force of knights and magi to do battle with the Original Coven, and ultimately it was by his blade that the Witch-Queen fell! Nine of the original witches still live, and-"

The young girl leaned forward in a conspiratorial fashion.

"-It's said that the Witch-Queen herself fell but did not perish, and now appears as a mysterious waif in lonely places!"

@Nightwing95: They'd likely be a pilot from the JSDF, since we're focusing on YATAGARASU's Japanese branch.
For a few moments, it was clear that the young Cazt heir was too taken aback by the offer to respond, her golden eyes widening at the sight of the offered hand.

After a moment's pause, of hesitation on Veilena's part, she raised her own delicate gloved hand and placed it in Serenity's, her confident expression returned.

"They have picked a lovely set for tonight, haven't they?" she commented, a small smirk crossing her lips as she spoke, her head tilted slightly to her left. "I think I'll accept your offer, Lady Arcedeen."

There was an audible clank as the black knight raised one hand, but Veilena looked back over her shoulder towards them.

"There's no need, Haelstadt. I'm sure I'll be safe during our dance. I'll only be faced with the impotent gaze of fools."

Perhaps she took a little too much pleasure in the idea of angering those among the nobility who were unhappy to see her there.

After a few moments of silence, the black knight's arm lowered. Still Haelstadt said not a single word, instead eyeing their charge silently for several long moments before straightening slightly. Indeed, Veilena was never seen in public without the knight in black plate, no matter what the situation would entail. Perhaps that should have made it unsurprising the bodyguard accompanied her even here, but it didn't stop the whispering of some of the nobles nearby. Not all of them were showing their distaste for the Cazt heir's presence. Perhaps not all of them cared.

But enough certainly did.

@Nightwing95: Alright, what is it?
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