Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Martian: Okay, think you're good to go.

However I'm really worried about the lack of a JAGUAR pilot. I thought for sure we'd have one.
"Oh, forgive me, Sir Knights," the eldest of the three girls began, curtsying as she did, "I am Angenese Tulburn, and this is Tenessa Heinlein and Violette Scarnsbek."

She gestured to each of her companions in turn, Tenessa curtsying and Violette looking rather disinterested as she followed suit, holding a drink in one hand.

"My, these bandits sound positively dreadful," she continued, excitedly. It was only obvious that these girls had been raised on tales of chivalric romance, hardly uncommon when it came to children of their age, and thus there excitement to meet Iron Rose Knights should not have been unexpected. Indeed, if one were to look across the room, Sir Gerard and Sir Sergio were hardly alone. For example, Sir Dunnelt was being spoken to by a noblewoman and her young son, who was excitedly asking him questions, and Dame Thalia appeared to have caught the attention of a pair of twins.

"I heard they were terrors! Ah, both of you are ever so brave, facing them for the sake of the common folk!" declared Tenessa, brightly, "Coming to the defense of those who cannot defend themselves..."

Violette was the only one who had yet to comment, simply quietly sipping her drink and looking away.

"A giant... was he really a giant? My friend Erezebet said the bandits were led by a monstrous man, eight meters tall," Angenese looked between the knights eagerly. Removed from the realities of battle was they were, all they knew was the tales of heroism.

"I heard he was almost like a fallen divine," commented Tenessa, "Like the Witch-Queen of old! Did you know they say she's still out there?"

"A fallen divine? Tenessa, that's a bit much, isn't it?" Angenese replied, with a slightly apologetic chuckle, "There's no-one like that roaming the countryside, let alone with a bunch of brigands."

"Don't be stupid," came Violette's flat and rather blunt opinion of her own, "He was just a bad man with too many muscles."


It was the impossible-to-read, hidden features of the knight in black that first turned to face Serenity as she approached, the subtle clanking of their armor only barely audible over the sounds of the party. Then the silvery head of the Cazt heir followed, golden eyes falling upon the approaching knight's form.

The blue dress she wore shimmered slightly as she moved, the Cazt family sigil displayed proudly upon her breast in red in contrast. It was a many-pointed star that bore a sword upon it. It was said Veilena did not see her own father as a member of her family. Perhaps this display of pride in her lineage was meant to be a symbol of that fact. After all, there was no shame in your bloodline if the traitor was no longer considered a part of it, was there?

Perhaps that was how the Cazt heir felt about it.

"Dame Arcedeen," she acknowledged the other young noble before curtsying, "Good evening."

She paused a moment, glancing briefly at her bodyguard before continuing to speak.

"You can't possibly be surprised that you're the first of my fellow guests who wanted to approach me, can you?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side, "Not that I mind, of course. The mere fact the Princess invited me here when so many others would rather not have seen me is satisfying enough."

A smirk crossed her lips, likely at the thought of how irritable the nobles who did not trust her, hardly few in number, were at her mere presence.

"In any case, I was hoping for a chance to speak to the Princess herself tonight, so I've been waiting for her to arrive," added Veilena, "In the meantime I'd rather not be privy to whatever idiocy some blowhard decides to spew at me, so I decided to enjoy the sunset through this window instead."

@Sanity43217: Were you still planning on making the JAGUAR pilot? It's just it's kind of necessary for the RP to start.
@Martian: I guess my biggest issue specifically for this position is why they'd be desperate to recruit someone for it in such a way when they'd almost certainly have more accessible experts. Not that he couldn't defect or something, it just feels weird that he'd end up in such a position specifically.

Sorry for the delay.
@Martian: aaah sorry I forgot to get back to your bio. I'm still kind of sick and it completely slipped my mind. I'll try and get my response together soon.



Many questions flowed through Fanilly's mind at that moment. Exactly why one of her knights had chosen to come to the ball crossdressing was one of them. Certainly, there wasn't really anything stopping them from choosing their own manner of dress, even if it wasn't usually associated with their gender, but at the same time that didn't mean it was expected, nor that Fanilly could comprehend such a decision. Did Lein have some sort of... unusual tastes... that resulted in his choice to masquerade as a woman at the ball? Was it really a good decision to invite him? He'd performed admirably at the raid on the bandit camp, but now he stood before her dressed... like this.

It wasn't as if crossdressing among knights was unheard of. Mirror Knight Florian had dressed as a woman to deceive the depraved Lord Dorian Walstrek. In Ithillin, Dame Anette Vioverge had preferred men's wear.

But still... this felt very odd.

"... I... see," said the blonde knight-girl, "That's... I hope you... enjoy yourself..."

The look of confusion, concern, and dismay on Fanilly's face most certainly said it all.

You won't have me!

She felt something gripping her leg. Her heart hammering, her eyes burning, she pulled away, no matter how strong its grip was she would fight back.

You won't have me!

The earth was melting away around her, collapsing even as the grip on her ankle didn't falter, pulling harder, to drag her further down. The world itself was trying to devour her.

You won't have me! You won't have me! You won't have me you won't have me you won't have me you won't have me!

Something gripped her wrist, and she clung back onto it just as tightly.

The mud gave way. The grip on her leg loosened and then lost her completely. Fio was rising now, a soothing feeling like cool water washing over her as she was pulled further and further into the air.

Only briefly did she look back, to see scores of writhing, flailing limbs snatching at the air, emerging from the increasingly-distant muck as the cursed realm fell away.

They wouldn't have her.

Somehow she was somewhere else now. She was falling, but the soothing sensation around her stayed her heart and kept her from panicking as she had before.

The slender, petite girl felt her bare feet lightly touch cool water.

When she was able to examine herself, the sigils on her body seemed to have almost completely burned away. Their protections would have lasted scant seconds longer, at most, the pale skin beneath nearly completely exposed.

That was more then the mere curse inhabiting the body of a Fomorian. That was something deeper and more ancient. Something twisted at the very core of a cursed being's existence.

And yet here, in this place, that hatred and malice was gone.

It was relaxing. Calming. Had Fio not had a goal in mind, she could have easily slipped into the dreamworld herself.

Above her the stars. In the distance a tower stretching towards them.

And she wasn't alone.

The Sword Witch's eyes fell upon a slight figure, not incomparable to herself, seating in a gently swirling about them. A girl, with the ears of a rabbit extending from atop her head.

There was no doubt in her mind who this was, for she had invoked her a the very beginning of the ritual.

The Goddess of the Deep Lake. The Sleeping Girl in the Dark Water. But a gentle and soothing darkness, not unlike that of one's bed.

When Fio looked at her, she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. But she shook her head and inhaled deeply, trying to steady herself.

The Sword Witch wasn't entirely done here.

To be face to face with what was undoubtedly divine was hard to come to grips with in her mind, but at the same time that didn't mean she was going to become speechless.

Her voice came form her, but also from the entire shallow lake.


Fio hadn't found that particularly exciting at all!

"Hmph, well, I guess if you thought it was a good story then something came out of it," she found herself saying, folding her slight arms across her chest as she shook her head again slightly to try and clear the sleep away.

"You must be the Goddess of the Deep Lake. The one I invoked to come here in the first place," continued Fio, "I didn't intend to tell a story, myself... I guess it's more like I came here to read one."

Given how the Goddess had reacted, perhaps she had ended up telling a story anyway.

"... I shouldn't have strayed into that cave. I can't believe I let myself do something so stupid," she found herself saying, her frustration growing once more, fist clenched at her side as she averted her eyes from the Goddess. It was a waste of all her preparations. Certainly she had learned quite a bit, but she'd lost her opportunity for more.

"... I-if you want to hear more stories, I don't know if I have many to tell, though maybe you'll see something in my dreams," she continued, still looking away, "A-and... and I'm... I d-don't sing, so..."

While their loss was a severe one, there was no further time to dwell upon it. Nor was there any reason to deny Fra's request to remain at the cathedral. It would be a shame for such a place to remain in a state of disrepair, after all. Indeed, in as much as things could be in order after the seeming loss of one of their number, Aleksiya felt now was the best time to move on and begin to cast a wider net. To deepen their understanding of the state of the world.

While her heart was somewhat heavy, it was hard not to be amused by the sight of ragged beasts in the dark, prowling as if they had spotted their next prey item. Even in her weakened state, such creatures were nothing compared to her power, let alone the power of all of their number.

She almost considered declaring that she would give them a little fear, before deciding it was best not to drill that understanding into them quite yet.

Not until they had a more stable supply of higher-quality blood.

Until they understood humanity's state in this world.

Speaking of which, the dead beasts were far more intriguing then the live ones. Twisted canine-cervine abominations, antlered wolf-like beasts with limbs far too long for their bodies. Beyond was the only light for quite some time, atop a tall building surrounded by somewhat less impressive structures.

Shameful. Humans were beneath her, certainly, but humans were still capable of far more then this. It was shameful to see such ramshackle housing. Aleksiya's dismayed expression was easily read.

She had once commissioned resplendent works of art from humans. Her home was built by human architects. Her lands, indeed, were filled with similar structures.

Thus this place was a sad sight in her eyes.

On the other hand, it meant places where humans lived, where more suitable blood could be obtained, still existed.

When Giselle strode forward to ask the villagers questions, Aleksiya improvised swiftly, clinging to her arm and putting on a somewhat frightened expression.

It wasn't a ruse she necessarily intended to keep up, but for the moment the presence of a frightened child seemed likely to disarm them.

@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Rune_Alchemist@Pyromania99@Click This
That voice...

Fio could practically guess who it was, even with the fact her body was almost burning up. Her lungs were on fire. Her limbs felt weighted down, like they were coated in lead.

Everything was dying. Crumbling, Melting. A yawning abyss of curses opening behind her with every struggling step she took.

The enormous eye beholding her, staring down at her, fixing her in its gaze.

The light seemed no closer. Everything seemed like it should be hopeless. Despair was indeed licking at the edges of Fio's spirit, like a fire slowly consuming a library. It threatened to consume her. To leap up and devour her.

The faces of the people she knew were growing ever more distant. The other knights, the Queen... her family...

It would all burn away and melt into the muck, just like she would.

Just like...

Just like...

Perhaps being a particularly confident person was the reason why.

But the more those voices screamed at her, the angrier the Sword Witch grew. How dare they. How dare they think she had any right to keep her here. She had a life to live. Promises to fulfill. Knowledge to grasp ahold of. And she wouldn't let any damned curses interfere.

"Like hell I'm sticking around, you bastards!" Fio snarled, not even bothering to look over her shoulder as she dragged her petite body through the mire of corrupted mud, "The Sword Witch doesn't sit around in muddy swamps full of curses, and she doesn't waste her time indulging nothing but a bad dream!"

@JDubs: Accepted

@Mangrale: Accepted.

@Martian: Thinking this one over a little, hopefully will make my decision tonight.
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