Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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I'll take a closer look tomorrow, I've been feeling a bit under the weather.
When someone is nervous, they may want to take comfort in food. Especially when there is such a wealth of excellent cooking on display. It was said that the two greatest of chefs in all of Thaln resided in Aimlenn: One in Candaeln, and one in the Royal Castle itself. The array of edibles on display ranged from piping hot pot pies, to golden-brown fresh roast duck, to honey-glazed pork, to a lovely-looking rack of lamb. The scent that emanated from the food table was one that indicated quality, the savory flavors of seared and roasted meats, vegetables cooked to perfection serving as sides... And of course, there was the impressive-looking multi-tiered cake, decorated with some manner of dark purple and gold frosting, resting on the most distant table closest to the opposite end of the hall to the entrance.

The fact that Fanilly was as nervous as she was and that there was so much lovely food on display made her reaction only natural. The young Knight-Captain found herself taking a plate from the table and approaching the food even as the herald continued to announce the knights as they entered. The blonde girl was only a few steps away from the roast duck when someone approached her.

It wasn't unexpected. Fanilly knew that she was likely to be approached across the whole knight, and had done her best to steel herself for that outcome. Undoubtedly some of the nobles who were among the guests knew her from before her ascension as the Knight-Captain of the Iron Rose Knights, and others would desire to meet her. On top of all that, she had to anticipate being spoken to by the Princess herself given the nature of the invitation.

What she hadn't expected in the least was the presence of a hundi noblelady. She supposed it wasn't impossible, given that the dog-like race lived only just across the border in the South of Ithillin, and that one of the knights she had selected to attend the ball was himself one as well. But she didn't remember ever speaking to a hundi noblelady, at least not recently. Was this someone she had met when she was very young?

Smiling sheepishly, Fanilly fidgeted a little before responding.

"F-forgive me, but if we met before it must have been very long ago," she began, head bobbing apologetically, "Your name is...?"

Fanilly was not the only one who had been approached for conversation.

In perhaps what was possibly Sir Gerard Segremors's worst nightmare given the situation, it was not long at all before some of the nobility noticed him and Sir Sergio and approached them.

In what may have been a source of relief for him they were not seeming to look for a way to use a conversation with him politically.

Three young noble girls had approached the men, two of which had eyes sparkling with excitement while the third looked more or less bored with the entire situation.

"Aaaah, good Sir Knights!" called the first girl, who had trailing blonde hair in refined curls and a red and white dress. She looked towards her two companions at her sides with a somewhat smug smile on her face, "See? Didn't I tell you they would be here?!"

"Ah, how exciting!" cried a second, this one seeming to be the eldest of the three. She was clad in a blue and white dress, her blonde hair paler and worn loose. "Yoohoo, Sir Knights!"

She waved towards Sir Gerald and Sir Sergio.

The third girl, who appeared to be the youngest of the three and had black, neatly-cut hair and a black dress, looked rather less enthusiastic.

"It's not as if it was a secret or anything..." she half-murmured in a rather flat tone with a sigh. Still, she followed the other two girls as they eagerly crowded around the man.

"Tell us of your adventurers, Sirs!" said the first girl, "We wish oh so much to hear of them!"

"Yes, tell us, tell us!" declared the second.

The third simply sighed.

Of course, the knights were not the only guests of particular interest tonight.

To the left of the hall their stood a girl in a blue dress, no older then thirteen. Her gray hair was up in wavy pigtails, already distinct before being coupled with her almost golden eyes. Her slight features contrasted with a rather sharp gaze, and her slender figure contrasted with the one who stood beside her.

A towering knight, pitch black plate armor completely obscuring their features, obsidian surface gleaming in the light of the party. While the one they presumably guarded was quite petite, the opposite could be said of the knight. They stood at least a head taller then even the next tallest partygoer. Perhaps more.

There was no mistaking the girl for anyone else.

Veilena Cazt.

The daughter of the traitorous Anzel Cazt.

At only eight years old, she had demanded that her father be buried in disgrace, in an unmarked grave. And yet, that did not clear her of suspicion in the eyes of some of the other nobility. Her magical talent was that of a prodigy, having entered the College when she was only ten years old.

For the moment, she was drinking some manner of crimson, non-alcoholic drink, seated close to the window, as her guardian stood wordlessly beside her.

@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow@Saiyan@The Otter@Crimson Paladin@ERode@Psychic Loser@Richard Horthy@VahkiDane

There was nothing even resembling further memories this way.

Damn it. She'd made a mistake. This ominous expanse was nothing useful for her, and put her at far too much of a risk of being exposed directly to massed curses.

The only choice Fio had was to try and cancel the spell, at this point. There was no way head back as far as she could tell. Her hubris had wasted her opportunity to gain further knowledge.

At the very least, she now knew that Cethlann was connected to the three-armed Fomorian, and she had some inkling of direction to drive her questioning at the very least. Any knowledge gained this way was valuable.

Then the great sphere in the eye split apart. Within, there was an eye. Swollen, reddened, fixed upon her and bleeding cursed ichor from within, weeping blackness onto the world below.


The fear that rose in Fio's heart simply wasn't something she could control. But even as she tried to turn, to cancel the spell and break the connection, she felt her lungs burning. Her skin, the sigils she'd painted on her body, burning. Her entire body felt like it was on fire.

It was difficult to breath, to move. The world around her was collapsing, melting away, becoming a thick mud to entrap her feet and drag her down. The terror was mounting in her heart, cold fear eating away at her, her eyes wide as she tried to struggle against the decaying dream around her. She could hear a howling voice in her mind, demanding something from her, to claim something of her.

How could she escape? She'd mired herself this far from the Fomorian's memories, in a land of hatred and malice, a nightmare dreamscape of curses and anger. How could Fio possibly pull herself away from this? Even as the Sword Witch... she'd been so foolish. So utterly foolish to come this way. It felt as if the sigils were going to scald her flesh, to burn their marks onto her skin.

Had she failed?

Was she going to be drowned in curses?

And yet... there was the faintest light, flickering away...

Even the sight of it suddenly reawakened something deep in Fio's heart.

Her fists clenched.

"... You... you won't have me, filth! I'm not an amateur who can be defeated by something like this...!"

The glaring eye was no longer her concern. She had to leave it behind. She would leave it behind!

The Sword Witch dragged herself towards that flickering, seemingly-distant light, putting all her power into her limbs to push herself onward, away from the cursed mud...!

@JDubs: Okay, don't want to be pushy at all but I just think it's best to get a good variety in the cast and all.
@JDubs: Hey, I've actually been working with another player on a researcher character and was wondering if you'd like to try making a more active character who participates directly in combat situations? We have a bit of a lack of them is the main thing.

Not pushing, but it'll make it easier to implement a lot of the smaller monsters so I figured I'd mention.
@Mangrale: I'll give this a full lookover when it's complete.

@JDubs: Hmm, I'm a little uncertain about some of the backstory details, let me think this over a bit.
Cethlann. The prisoner's name was Cethlann. That much was already more new information, but it went further than that. The masculine voice was one she couldn't place, not immediately, but after hearing him talk a little longer she realized that it was the very same voiced as the Fomorian warrior they had faced before, with the distorted three-armed form. So they had been working together.

Though it sounded like that relationship had been rather shaky. As if Cethlann herself was not performing as their leader-whoever that may be-desired.

But that couldn't be it.

She had to learn more.

Fio's eyes narrowed at the faint sound of the voice beckoning her deeper into the cavern.

It was dangerous. It was far more dangerous then anything she had done here so far. Fomorians were cursed beings, and there was no telling what touching that deeper blackness within the target's memories would do.

And yet...

"Oh wind. Oh water. Oh light of stars," began the diminutive witch, be it in her oh mind or words she was truly speaking it was difficult to tell, "May purity be granted upon me. May no curse or wickedness find purchase in my soul. May my body repel all evil."

It couldn't possibly hurt to reinforce the purifying seals that she had painted all over her form. After a scant few moments more of hesitation, Fio steeled herself once again.

It was not because of that whispering voice that she proceeded down this path.

It was because she had to force her way deeper into the Fomorian's memories.

And with that, the Sword Witch proceeded into the cavern.

@Martian: Hmmm. I feel like it's a bit hard to justify why he'd end up in Japan(which has a lot of its own heavy kaiju research), since if anything it'd make more sense for him to go to the US which would be more familiar ground for him anyway if he's studying what's almost certainly a purely North American entity.

As for the kaiju ideas, I want to keep this strictly to Toho monsters and originals, so as to avoid questions on why I'm not including lots of other franchises in the mix which could get a bit messy. The closest to any crossover is King Kong(as referenced in the OP), but he's already a Toho kaiju anyway.
@Sanity43217: I imagined it about 20 meters. Significantly smaller than major kaiju right now, but big enough to fight some of the smaller ones.
@Sanity43217: @Rin was considering switching to a different character concept, but I'll let her state as much since I just realized she hadn't said so in the thread. ^^;
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