Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@Raineh Daze: Accepted.
@Noktys: Currently we have someone aiming for every character slot, but if it doesn't work out for one of them there will be a space open.
The lightning dissipated when the Witch took note of the arrows hurtling towards her on either side. This time, she couldn't draw them away with whatever manner of spell it was, so she was forced to move, leaping back, darting out of their trajectory as swiftly as possible, one hand on her head to keep her hat in place.

And yet, her attentions seemed to be drifting elsewhere. Indeed, aside from keeping on her toes, Fierense's target had ceased to be the archer knight at all.

Instead, it seemed, now that she had positioned herself further back in the room, her eyes were falling on the barrier around the necromancer and his hostage.

Before anything else could happen, though, a bag of flour hurtling her way took her off-guard. While she was able to jump out of its direct trajectory, the fact it ruptured only a meter or two ahead of her still made for a somewhat more difficult situation.

"Tch, trying to make it even harder for me?" she complained with a sigh, electricity crackling around her once more, "Fine, I've still got a clear shot."

She was raising her arm again, lightning flowing along it. This time, she wasn't aiming in Cecilia's direction. She was aiming past the undead, around the swarm, directly towards the side of the barrier, through the cloud of flour.

It wasn't as if it was going to move.

She didn't have to see it. She knew it was going to hit.

All she had to do was-

Fierense's gaze fell upon a knight that had just arrived.

He was an ingvarr, that much was obvious to her. That alone wasn't anything of note.

No, it was the axe he gripped in his hands.

The air was vibrating, now. The cloud of flour in the air began to burn, catching fire, as lightning crackling across Fierense's body, carrying her hair into the air. As she turned to face the knights, the scattered armor from fallen undead began to vibrate, too, rattling across the ground.

There was fury in her eyes.

"It wasn't enough to kill him, was it?" she asked, "I knew it. I knew it all along. I knew that bastard would send him to his death. But that wasn't enough, was it?"

She raised her arm as electricity ran across it, sparking between her fingertips.

"You're a knight, aren't you? You're supposed to be noble, aren't you? Not some kind of damned vulture!"

The flour burned brighter as the lightning witch took aim.

"I'm going to kill you, ingvarr. And anyone who gets in my way."

@Rune_Alchemist@PigeonOfAstora@Conscripts@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos
It hurt.

There was no denying that. Being shot at that close range, even if it didn't even break her skin, was painful.

But it didn't compare to that. Nothing compared to that. Nothing ever would.

Elizstrazia gritted her sharp teeth, leaping back to evade the razor edge of the sword that had lashed out for her neck.

She was invited here. She had a contract.

Fuck this bitch.

Fuck this bitch.

She wanted it, she was going to get it, plain and simple. It didn't matter who she was, what she said, none of it. All that mattered is that she was going to end up a corpse.

And not one that was in only one piece, either.

"They won't even recognize your corpse when I'm done, you piece of trash!" Eliztrazia snarled, digging one clawed hand into the earth and ripping free a chunk of it, lifting it into the air and hurling it towards her opponent. But the moment it left her grasp, she was already off and running, aiming to get around to the woman's side.

All she'd need was one good hit.

Then she'd show the bitch what a mistake she'd made.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@AzureKnight
  • Name: Suzuki Tomoko
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human("About 88% human!")
  • Appearance: A petite girl with pale blonde hair and green eyes. Due to her small size, youthful looks, and less mature figure, she is sometimes mistaken for younger then she actually is. Her right arm appears to be bandaged, and her left leg is a mundane, albeit very well-made and effective, prosthetic.
  • Personality: A highly intelligent and mentally capable girl. Gifted with excellent intuition, and pride in her own mental capacity. It's undeniable that Suzuki Tomoko excels in matters of problem-solving and reason. Certainly, it appears to be one of per primary reasons for positioning herself as someone who can resolve supernatural cases for others. But this seeming altruistic intent does not change, fundamentally, who Suzuki Tomoko is.

    A ruthless and manipulative girl who has absolute no issue in doing whatever is necessary to achieve her goals. Blackmail, emotional browbeating, lies, it's all in the table for Suzuki Tomoko. Even if it means placing herself into serious danger in order to secure a solution, or perhaps the assistance of a reluctant party, she won't hesitate. Perhaps it's because she always plans ahead. Perhaps she places plenty of faith in her ability to think on the fly.

    Or maybe she's just that confident that things will work out, somehow.

    Playful and often prone to toying with her employees, Tomoko will amuse herself in a variety of ways. From teasing someone who has no choice but to deal with her to indulging in logic puzzles, she occupies her free time with anything she finds emotionally and mentally stimulating.

    Despite her manipulative and ruthless nature, ultimately Tomoko is a rather friendly and open girl towards humans, yokai, and spirits alike. All are seen equally in her eyes, and thus all are treated with the same approach. While this means she is quite outgoing, it is important not to mistake her for the kind of person who will only met out judgement towards the supernatural. If a culprit is ultimately proven to be human in nature, there is no reason to treat them any differently then a wicked spirit or yokai.

    Tomoko's ego enjoys being stroked, and thus she indulges in praise wherever she can find it. Her many eccentricates include playing up her own cuteness whenever possible, even when it's something such as summoning a ghost to interrogate. There's no reason she should pose like a magical girl when doing so, but she will anyways. She is also highly competitive towards perceived rivals, and can be extremely clingy if she takes a liking to someone. Combining these two traits can be disastrous.

    While the loss of her arm and leg was doubtlessly a painful experience, and the fact she was offered as a sacrifice should have left deep scars upon her mind, Tomoko shows little evidence of feeling as such. If anything, she's almost thankful that she was subjected to the ritual, as it has granted her capabilities that even skilled practioners of onmyodo would have to cast complex spells to achieve.

    In short, Suzuki Tomoko is a ruthless hellion who will stop at nothing in the name of achieving a resolution for a case.
  • Abilities: The sacrificial ritual that took Tomoko's right arm and left leg was intended to create a spiritual entity from a human being, one that would function as a human-derived deity once enshrined. Though the ritual was deemed a failure, as Tomoko's entire body was not taken, her nonexistent right arm and left leg are still considered to be of the spiritual world. Rather then being killed and transformed into a spirit, Tomoko instead stands at the intersection of the spirit world and the material world, bridging the gap between both. This allows her to effortlessly perceive the invisible, and to physically interact with the intangible. Spirits with no corporeal form are like solid objects to her, allowing her to touch them. Her presence is immediately recognizable to the denizens of the unseen world, be they yokai or ghosts, though less easily understood by creatures of foreign origin. Her nature also grants her skill comparable to an adept onmyouji in the areas of exorcism and spiritual invocation, as well as anti-yokai spells.
  • Skills: Tomoko is highly intelligent, and gifted at using deductive reasoning and her natural intuition. She is also a capable liar, adept at spinning potential truths if she believes they are more convenient then reality at the moment. While she is hardly the sort of person who seems capable in a fight, she is less of a slouch then would be expected. Her cane makes a surprisingly effective weapon, and due to her nature she can even strike intangible threats with it.
  • Equipment: Aside from her cane, which is mostly ordinary and also useful as a weapon due to the fact that Tomoko is the one using it, her left leg is a high-quality prosthetic. She can even walk without a cane, but finds using her cane marginally easier(plus it makes people more considerate of her). Her right arm, however, is concealed entirely in bandages. No physical limb remains beneath them, and Tomoko asserts that removing the bandages is something she would only do if absolutely necessary. Finally, her bag is filled with ofuda, for use in various spells.
  • Brief Backstory: The child of a faded branch of an onmyouji family, Tomoko's early life was not particularly out o the ordinary. She did express an interest in the unusual from a young age, and enjoyed puzzles, but she was otherwise possessed in the same lacking talent as her parents.

    This would not have lead to anything if not for the fact that the main family's bloodline was faltering too. While other families continued to flourish, they did not. And so they decided to use the branch families for the very purpose they had been created: Sacrifice.

    Selecting Tomoko as the one best suited to this role, they summoned her parents to their estate and swiftly snatched her away at only ten years old. The intent was to perform a sacrificial ritual, to convert Tomoko into a guardian deity with no aspirations or will of her own, whose presence would strengthen their faltering blood.

    Initially it seemed as if they had succeeded, Tomoko's parents at once horrified and yet unable to do anything to bring their daughter back.

    And yet, four years later, Tomoko was returned. At the very same time, a disaster struck the main family, their estate destroyed and many of them dying as a result.

    Tomoko was found in a park near her family's home. She was perfectly healthy, and yet in spite of having been gone for four years she hadn't aged a day.

    That, and she was missing both her right arm and her left leg.

    From that day forth, she was gifted with abilities much like the main family had desired, and stood at the intersection of the spiritual and human worlds. As she grew older, having involved herself in numerous incidents, Tomoko chose to establish an agency that would allow her to better handle them, carefully seeding rumors in order to better draw the attention of those who would require her assistance.
@Rune_Alchemist: Accepted.

@Vertigo: Glad you were interested, hope you find another good RP!
Character List:
Rumors are strange things.

Rumor has it that there's a special agency that only opens at night. Rumor has it that this agency is run by a waifish, doll-like girl with only one arm and one leg. Rumor has it that this agency is specialized in handling the abnormal.




Rumor has it that this agency handles the sort of cases you only hear about browsing the internet late at night, on paranormal boards, or on strange TV shows covering mysterious topics.

But such things are only rumors, aren't they? There's no way they could exist. Ghosts filled with grudges and mindlessly exacting revenge on anyone who sets foot in their haunting grounds. Yokai that prey upon humans in dark places. Curses that bring woe to entire bloodlines. All manner of wickedness lurking just out of sight of the average person.

Realistically, such things can't possibly exist. Common sense dictates that this simply can't be the case.

But common sense fails more often then you might think.

That girl's right arm, wrapped up entirely in a bandage, not a hint of flesh to be seen beyond it. Her left leg, replaced with a prosthetic. Her petite figure and doll-like appearance perfectly matching the rumor.

Surely it had to be a coincidence, right? Surely it had to be a nasty rumor started about someone who was already facing disability due to injury. There was no reason to think there was anything strange about her.


You might even remember that news story, about the girl who was found in a park.

It had to be at least seven years ago.

She was missing an arm and a leg.

Was this that girl?

But there was no way those rumors were true.

At least, that's what you thought.

The Midnight Exorcism Agency is real. The yokai, phantoms, and curses? All of them real. The world isn't so simple as common sense would tell you, as it turns out.

It's a far stranger place then most people ever want to think about.

So, this is an urban fantasy RP focusing on an exorcism agency run by one Suzuki Tomoko, an unusual girl with a missing arm and leg who was the subject of a ritual that allowed her specialized capabilities regarding the supernatural. She has set about founding an agency through which to utilize these capabilities, and using questionable means("As long as it works, it's fine!") to obtain employees. In terms of what we'll be dealing with, it's going to primarily involve various different youkai and other supernatural beings(onnmyouji, ghosts, yokai, and other supernatural entities, some from the west too) as well. I wouldn't necessarily call this a mystery RP(those never work D:), but it will have some investigation and mystery elements to it in regards to figuring out just what's going on in different cases.

In terms of influences and the tone I'm expecting, I'm pretty inspired by Kyokou Suiri(which comes through pretty strongly I suppose), the Nasuverse, Yozakura Quartet, and a lot of other urban fantasy anime/manga/lns/vns/other general stuff.

I'll be accepting a total of four players, not including myself.

Each of these character slots is going to be coupled with a character concept. While I'm not going to demand anything more specific, if you want to sign up your character should fit within one of these concepts.

The concepts for each slot are as follows:

  • The New Hire(Male or Female): You're a student somewhere from high school to university age. You were minding your own business, when one day something unusual happened. It was through this extraordinary and bizarre event that you came into contact with a weird girl who has only one arm and one leg. Maybe you knew her somehow beforehand, or maybe this is the first time you met. Regardless, she certainly knew about you, somehow. One thing lead to another, and she managed to forcibly recruit you into her Exorcism Agency. Perhaps it took a lot of coercion(or even blackmail). Perhaps it didn't. Regardless, you're new to this whole supernatural world, but somehow you're uniquely suited for it. Maybe you're a hanyo, unaware of your lineage until now. Maybe you're the descendent of onmyouji. Maybe you have some kind of special sight, or trait in your blood. Regardless, you're here now.
  • The Child(Preferred Female): Why would any kind of business hire a little kid? That's the kind of question anyone would ask when they look at you. You're a child, at least in appearance. But maybe that's not all you are, really. Maybe you're a human, but you have some sort of supernatural capability. Maybe you're a yokai, such a zasshiki-warashi or some other form of childish entity. Maybe you're a cursed doll concealing your inhuman nature beneath your clothing. Whatever the case, you're working for the Midnight Exorcism Agency. You're probably excited to meet the new hire.
  • The Shady One(Preferred Male): A lot of people would ask why you're here, but not for the same reason as the kid. Maybe you're generally abrasive. Maybe you make jokes that tend to annoy people. Maybe you're just that shady that no-one trusts you. But for some reason, Suzuki keeps you around. You might have some ulterior motive, but if you're truly secretly antagonistic is impossible to say for anyone but yourself. You might be a human, you might be a yokai, but you're the type of person that grates on the others for some reason regardless.
  • The Former Enemy(Male or Female): You were causing trouble. A lot of trouble. Somebody told a certain one-armed and one-legged girl, and that's how you've ended up here. You're definitely a yokai, or a ghost, no doubt about that. It's debatable how willing this is. Maybe you renounced your wicked ways. Maybe you're seething about being forced into servitude. Maybe you're somewhere inbetween. Regardless, you're serving Tomoko now.

Also, this RP will be running on a weekly schedule. I expect at least one post a week. Please try to keep to this schedule, and inform me if you are unable to.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Race:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • Equipment:
  • Brief Backstory:

There's already been some interest expressed in a few slots, so I'll be letting those people try for those spots first.

@Rin@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze@Vertigo
Rumors are strange things.

Rumor has it that there's a special agency that only opens at night. Rumor has it that this agency is run by a waifish, doll-like girl with only one arm and one leg. Rumor has it that this agency is specialized in handling the abnormal.




Rumor has it that this agency handles the sort of cases you only hear about browsing the internet late at night, on paranormal boards, or on strange TV shows covering mysterious topics.

But such things are only rumors, aren't they? There's no way they could exist. Ghosts filled with grudges and mindlessly exacting revenge on anyone who sets foot in their haunting grounds. Yokai that prey upon humans in dark places. Curses that bring woe to entire bloodlines. All manner of wickedness lurking just out of sight of the average person.

Realistically, such things can't possibly exist. Common sense dictates that this simply can't be the case.

But common sense fails more often then you might think.

That girl's right arm, wrapped up entirely in a bandage, not a hint of flesh to be seen beyond it. Her left leg, replaced with a prosthetic. Her petite figure and doll-like appearance perfectly matching the rumor.

Surely it had to be a coincidence, right? Surely it had to be a nasty rumor started about someone who was already facing disability due to injury. There was no reason to think there was anything strange about her.


You might even remember that news story, about the girl who was found in a park.

It had to be at least six years ago.

She was missing an arm and a leg.

Was this that girl?

But there was no way those rumors were true.

At least, that's what you thought.

The Midnight Exorcism Agency is real. The yokai, phantoms, and curses? All of them real. The world isn't so simple as common sense would tell you, as it turns out.

It's a far stranger place then most people ever want to think about.

So, this is an urban fantasy RP focusing on an exorcism agency run by one Suzuki Tomoko, an unusual girl with a missing arm and leg who was the subject of a ritual that allowed her specialized capabilities regarding the supernatural. She has set about founding an agency through which to utilize these capabilities, and using questionable means("As long as it works, it's fine!") to obtain employees. In terms of what we'll be dealing with, it's going to primarily involve various different youkai and other supernatural beings(onnmyouji, ghosts, yokai, and other supernatural entities, some from the west too) as well. I wouldn't necessarily call this a mystery RP(those never work D:), but it will have some investigation and mystery elements to it in regards to figuring out just what's going on in different cases.

In terms of influences and the tone I'm expecting, I'm pretty inspired by Kyokou Suiri(which comes through pretty strongly I suppose), the Nasuverse, Yozakura Quartet, and a lot of other urban fantasy anime/manga/lns/vns/other general stuff.

I'll be accepting a total of four players, not including myself.

Each of these character slots is going to be coupled with a character concept. While I'm not going to demand anything more specific, if you want to sign up your character should fit within one of these concepts.

The concepts for each slot are as follows:

  • The New Hire(Male or Female): You're a student somewhere from high school to university age. You were minding your own business, when one day something unusual happened. It was through this extraordinary and bizarre event that you came into contact with a weird girl who has only one arm and one leg. Maybe you knew her somehow beforehand, or maybe this is the first time you met. Regardless, she certainly knew about you, somehow. One thing lead to another, and she managed to forcibly recruit you into her Exorcism Agency. Perhaps it took a lot of coercion(or even blackmail). Perhaps it didn't. Regardless, you're new to this whole supernatural world, but somehow you're uniquely suited for it. Maybe you're a hanyo, unaware of your lineage until now. Maybe you're the descendent of onmyouji. Maybe you have some kind of special sight, or trait in your blood. Regardless, you're here now.
  • The Child(Preferred Female): Why would any kind of business hire a little kid? That's the kind of question anyone would ask when they look at you. You're a child, at least in appearance. But maybe that's not all you are, really. Maybe you're a human, but you have some sort of supernatural capability. Maybe you're a yokai, such a zasshiki-warashi or some other form of childish entity. Maybe you're a cursed doll concealing your inhuman nature beneath your clothing. Whatever the case, you're working for the Midnight Exorcism Agency. You're probably excited to meet the new hire.
  • The Shady One(Preferred Male): A lot of people would ask why you're here, but not for the same reason as the kid. Maybe you're generally abrasive. Maybe you make jokes that tend to annoy people. Maybe you're just that shady that no-one trusts you. But for some reason, Suzuki keeps you around. You might have some ulterior motive, but if you're truly secretly antagonistic is impossible to say for anyone but yourself. You might be a human, you might be a yokai, but you're the type of person that grates on the others for some reason regardless.
  • The Former Enemy(Male or Female): You were causing trouble. A lot of trouble. Somebody told a certain one-armed and one-legged girl, and that's how you've ended up here. You're definitely a yokai, or a ghost, no doubt about that. It's debatable how willing this is. Maybe you renounced your wicked ways. Maybe you're seething about being forced into servitude. Maybe you're somewhere inbetween. Regardless, you're serving Tomoko now.

Also, this RP will be running on a weekly schedule. I expect at least one post a week. Please try to keep to this schedule, and inform me if you are unable to.

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Race:
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
  • Abilities:
  • Skills:
  • Equipment:
  • Brief Backstory:

There's already been some interest expressed in a few slots, so I'll be letting those people try for those spots first.
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