- Name: Valika Mannesson
- Callsign: Redknight
- Age: 20
- Gender: Female
- Appearance: "If your AUG ran as hot as MORDRED does, you'd dress like this too. Quit staring, unless you really are enamored with my good looks!" Valika is a short, slender girl, at around barely 5'0/152 cm.
- Personality: Valika is a confident, exuberant girl who seems to provide a contrast to some of the more dour mercenaries operating for EINHERJAR. She is deeply confident in her piloting skills and in the construction of her custom AUG, MORDRED. She is prone to pulling especially audacious moves in combat, to the extent that some question if she has any concern for her own wellbeing. Indeed, at times she adopts tactics that would seem unnecessarily hazardous. She is prone to boasting of her piloting skills and of MORDRED's capabilities, even labeling it with the affectionate nickname 'Momo'. She seemes to take some pleasure in teasing others, as well, projecting a somewhat unexpected attitude for a mercenary AUG pilot.
But, this is only one side of her personality.
Beneath her cheery, confident, and sometimes teasing demeanor is a girl with a great deal of resent towards both sides of the Universal War. Towards the LTS, for destroying the colony she once called home, and the UEC, for abandoning her new home to the neutral zone. Between the two, her resentment for the LTS is far stronger. In truth, MORDRED is, despite its cutesy nickname, a tool she created for the purposes of revenge. One day Valika wants to see the Lemnosian Knight who lead the destruction of the Argyre colony and crush them just like they crushed the lives of so many innocent people. While it is not as if her typical attitude is a facade, it is more apt to describe it as a way of burying her far more negative feelings as deeply as possible. But it is impossible to hide the fact she jumps at the chance to attack Lemnosian forces in the neutral zone, nor is she capable of preventing deep-rooted mistrust towards people of Lemnosian origin. At the same time, she isn't fond of UEC military, especially those in high-level positions, viewing them as the sort of people who were fine with abandoning Bifrost in the neutral zone. - Skills:
- Technical Knowledge: While not an engineer precisely, Valika has plenty of understanding of her AUG's inner workings, having participated in swapping out major components of its structure and even some of its construction.
- Theft: Valika learned how to subtly pocket things early in life, and this eventually grew to the point where she even stole the AUG that would become MORDRED in an audacious theft from Lemnosian forces. Naturally, she didn't do it alone, but she directly hijacked the AUG herself.
- AUG Piloting Skills: Initially largely self-taught with old loaders and MAs. It was only with the theft of the AUG that became MORDRED that she began to really learn how to pilot an AUG, but she swiftly took to it alongside her rapid customization of the armor, her prior experience in less advanced machines aiding in her understanding of its control systems.
- Combat: Not particularly impressive, but she's a relatively good shot with a handgun and knows the most sensitive places to kick.
- Brief History: The daughter of a couple of Argyre colonists, whose early days were largely peaceful even after the war began. Argyre was previously thought to be a low-priority target without much cause for attack. Even if an LTS force did arrive, it was assumed it would be small and thus the planet's defenses were relatively light. The last thing anyone expected was an attack lead by one of the Lemnosian knights.
That was exactly what happened.
Declaring the colony of Argyre a target for special eradication, a Lemnosian Knight in a brilliant white AUG lead a particularly intense and violent strike on the colony. The purpose was explicitly for the destruction of the colony and all who resided in it, with the reasoning for such an action never made clear even to many of those who participated in the attack. During the attack, the then six-year-old Valika was taken by her family in an attempt to flee the world.
She last saw them when she was being shoved into vessel bound to leave the planet, in the hands of a family friend.
Her Mother, Father, and elder brother would die on Argyre.
The family friend, a man by the name of Regulan Filber that she knew as Uncle Reggy, eventually brought her to Bifrost and did his best to care for her. Unfortunately, only two years later, Bifrost became the location of the final battle of the Universal War. During the clash, Regulan piloted a MA and was severely injured, no longer able to properly act as the young girl's caretaker. And when the neutral zone was created, Bifrost was seen as being left to wither and die along with much of its infrastructure being destroyed.
It was with a crippled caretaker in a broken world that Valika grew up. It's no surprise she developed a resentment for the UEC, on top of her already-strong hatred for the LTS. It's no surprise that she taught herself things like how to steal, when she had to ensure both herself and Regulan made it through each day.
Even a conditions improved, her resentment simmered. Even as efforts for serious relief began to make changes and finally begin Bifrost's reconstruction, the now-teenaged Valika wanted to find some way to express her feelings.
But instead, she spent much of this time working with basic loader MAs, though she spent some time practicing in their piloting as much as she was able.
Her adoptive uncle passed away five years ago, and it it was perhaps this which prompted the audacious action that followed.
Disguised as low-ranking mercenary agents after hijacking a vessel from the local port, Valika and several of her friends and acquaintances had become aware of a low-level Lemnosian AUG squad that had been operating in the neutral zone. It was deception, hubris, and no small amount of sheer luck that earned them a meeting with the squad under the pretense that they were mercenaries. It was this plan that lead to Valika's ultimate goal: The theft of a Lemnosian AUG.
Disrupting their ship's control systems and fleeing with the AUG in tow, Valika had obtained her prize at the expense of the people she hated most. While plenty of the other stolen items were sold off, she kept the AUG and began practicing with it. It was a different experience from the loader MAs she was used to, but she was able to steadily get the hang of it by building on her previous experiences.
After participating in some low-level work for EINHERJAR, she began to tinker with her AUG's construction, having it repainted red and adding further armaments to it.
Her new goal was still far ahead.
No matter how she hides her dark side, after all, the one person Valika hates most is the Lemnosian Knight who lead the strike on Argyre. Even now, beneath it all, she wants to be the one responsible for their death.
Augmented Armor:
- AUG Appearance: Greatly altered from its original appearance as a baseline LTS AUG, though overall proportions remain. Its name, and Valika's callsign, are both done in spite towards the Lemnosian Knights.
- Armaments:
- LUNALIGHT Beam Saber: A UEC-model melee energy weapon, possessed of a pale blue coloration. The LUNALIGHT Beam Saber is designed to combat other AUGs, with a thin, intense blade designed to sear through armor and deliver critical damage to main systems. Due to the modifications done to the MORDRED, the output can be sent into an overcharge mode for additional cutting ability at the cost of rapid energy consumption.
- LA5678 Beam Rifle: A mid-range beam rifle equipped with two firing modes, one for semi-automatic fire and the other for a charged shot capable of punching through sturdier armor. Capable of benefitting from MORDRED's overcharge system, with similar drawbacks as the Beam Saber.
- Type-104 Tankbuster: A close-range kinetic weapon resembling a squat, bulky shotgun. An armor-shredder designed to be fired at point blank range for maximum damage.
- Z-95 Micromissile Array: A missile launcher that releases a cluster of small, homing missiles on each launch, attached to the right rack on MORDRED's back. It is useful at most ranges, though its low yield means the missiles are unlikely to take down more armored opponents on their own.
- Specifications: While it has a roughly conventional silhouette from the outside, the internal components of MORDRED have been altered considerably. This is primarily to make way for further weaponry, in order to allow better support and overcharging capabilities for energy weapons as well as more ammunition storage for kinetic weapons. This involved sacrificing some of the AUG's heat dampeners, causing the armor to run quite a bit hotter then the average model. While not to hazardous levels, Valika does dress very lightly while in the cockpit to avoid overheating. All in all, MORDRED is a mid-weight AUG primarily focused on a variety of offensive options.