Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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2 yrs ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
2 yrs ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
2 yrs ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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She was waking up...

Lily's hands clenched a little tightly. She couldn't help but fret. There wasn't much she could do from here, her purification abilities extended only to outside contamination. She couldn't do anything about physical injury, but it seemed as if Sanae could.

The girl under the beam was slender, possibly in her early teens by her appearance, with grey hair reaching to her mid-back and blue eyes. As she began to stir, she blearily blinked a few times. As Lily watched, she was somewhat relieved to see that the girl was able to sit up all on her own.

"Mnn... what happened?" the girl asked, placing one hand to her forehead. She paused for a moment as she realized her palm was now marked with a streak of red from where she'd sustained a minor head injury.

Lily found herself reaching out for her, but then she hesitated. There wasn't much she could do.

"I remember..." the girl trailed off for a moment, her eyes widening moments later.

"The Raven Heralds! Where... are they still here?! Where is everyone? Are they alright?! Is Father-..."

She trailed off again, as if remembering something, her bloodied hand falling into her lap.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze
@Vlad Tepes: I think we can take on at least a couple more characters.
@Ariana Grey: Sorry I didn't respond more quickly, but no-one has taken Aerith.
@Ariana Grey: They wouldn't be accepted, due to having no canon personality to work with.
Upon hearing her name, Lily looked up. It was Rayne, and it seemed like she was alright. It seemed as if everyone was, in fact. Even though the situation was far from over, the white-haired girl still found herself smiling slightly at the news.

She couldn't respond more directly, though. And the Umbral Knight couldn't emerge at the moment.

After all, Gerrod's enormous form was clearly visible, the hulking knight wordlessly pulling aside rubble and stacking it to the side on the search for any survivors who may have been caught in the damaged buildings. Lily was far from strong enough to do anything like this herself, but what she could do was summon someone who was.

Wait, was there someone there under that fallen beam...?

@DracoLunaris@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y

Fanilly found herself leaning back, her cheeks coloring somewhat as the maid leaned closer. Of course, her family's maids and the maids assigned to her were a familiar sight, but this unfamiliar girl dressed as a maid felt different somehow. In a manner that left Fanilly uncertain what to say.

She hesitated a moment, her cheeks growing redder, and quickly tried to make some distance between herself and the taller girl before considering what she'd say next.

"I, er, see...?"

Of course, the moment she said as much, Fanilly realized it didn't really make any sense at all. Especially given that the maid had been brought here in the first place, and introduced as requiring further experience. There had to be something else going on with her, wasn't there?

The witch-Knight had mentioned it was a request from her little sister, or something? Did she have any siblings...? The history books hadn't said anything about them, if she did, but it wasn't as if the written record necessarily recorded everything. Especially given that Merilia's personal history was shrouded in mystery.

She took a deep breath.

"I understand it may not seem like it, but you must be here for a reason. I don't think..." Fanilly trailed off for a moment. She still couldn't be certain exactly what was happening here, aside from it not being a dream. She'd learned of particularly powerful Fae being able to establish their own, closed-off spaces in which the logic of the world could be bent. Faerie Realms were rare, but they were a known phenomena. Was this something akin to that?

The Knight-Captain didn't know enough to say.

"I don't think you'd be caught up in this by accident, and the Knight-Witch mentioned something about more experience."

When Sir Cyrus spoke, she tensed for a moment. It was still hard to accept being in the presence of a living legend such as him, even if he'd proven himself to be every bit as friendly as the tales said.

"I-I understand," she replied, taken aback by the casual mention of Saint Elionne. Was she really here?

Fanilly wasn't certain she'd be able to handle meeting her if she was.

"For now, Sir Gerard is right," she added, trying to push that thought from her mind as she raised her voice, "It's for the best that we get something to eat. Whatever this test might be, we probably shouldn't undertake it with empty stomachs."

@Octo@The Otter@Raineh Daze@HereComesTheSnow
The barrier had been smokescreen this time. Her Astral Lance, at the very least, had been considered a real potential threat by the opponent. The mage wasn't certain if it would have truly pierced completely and hit her enemy, but at the same time it was clear that her enemy believed it was a possibility.

Blood dripped down her arm, from her broken shoulder. She winced again.


An order to retreat...

Slowly, the small mage lowered her staff. What remained of Six Petal Lily faded, as well.


Wordlessly, she drifted away, rejoining the other magi just as swiftly as she had initially appeared.

@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y
It was hard to wrap her mind around what she was seeing. When she thought it to be a dream, it was one thing, but the person standing behind her was undeniably Sir Cyrus.

Perhaps not the original Sir Cyrus, but how was some sort of magical recording or some other manner of strange occult construction. Perhaps something only a Witch could manage to create.

She took a deep breath, trying to clear her thoughts.

They had an objective here. As surreal as it was, there was a goal that they had to fulfill. Thus, they had to pursue it as soon as possible. If they were supposed to prove their skills, then---

Could she really stack up to the expectations of one of the Order's founding knights?

Could she truly manage such a thing?

Could she-

Fanilly's train of thought was swiftly interrupted when she was approached by one of the maid twins, who proceeded to call her a squire and ask for food.

The Knight-Captain stared in blank incomprehension for a moment. Certainly, she was not always confident in herself, but being mistaken for a squire and addressed as such took her by total surprise.

"I..." she trailed off for a moment as she attempted to collect her thoughts, trying to compose herself.

She cleared her throat.

"... I may not stand at the same level as my predecessors," she said, finally, managing to gather herself enough to speak with a firm tone, "But I am not a squire. I am Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses, and while I won't judge you for your mistake I will ask that you do not make it again."

@Raineh Daze@Octo
For a scant few moments, she thought she had stumbled into the same dream once again.

The cloudless sky. The sunlight without warmth. The empty plateau stretching before her vision. Fanilly recognized all of it immediately.

The sight of that dream. The one where she'd faced seemingly endless opponents. Where she'd fought the Gentle Blade.

But in moments it became clear this was no dream, after all. Because the young Knight-Captain wasn't alone.

There were others. A number of her knights who seemed just as perplexed as she was to be there once again. But before she could even speak, she was suddenly met with the sight of the one who had to be responsible for all of this.

The Knight-Witch. It was hard to comprehend what was happening, but it wasn't difficult to put together how this was connected to the prior 'dream'. Someone had asked her to do this? Who? So many questions arose in that very moment, and Fanilly found herself unable to voice even one of them.

The 'dream' had been a test? And this was meant to build further experience? Was that how it was? But where was this? Where were they? How was this even possible?

It didn't fit with any kind of magic she was aware of at all.

Even more confusing was when two identical maids were suddenly deposited ahead of them.

They had little choice but to play by this scenario's rules, regardless, so once Fanilly found herself able to speak properly again she managed to pull herself together as quickly as she could.

"I... Iron Rose Knights, we'll..." she trailed off, attempting to compose her thoughts. What did she even say in this situation?

"We... we need to get moving."

That was all she could think of, as she tried to direct her knights down the path. This massive city... where could it possibly be? Was it a fictional location, or modeled on some real place? She'd never seen one that was so enormous before. The massive white fortress almost had a certain familiarity to it, as if she'd once seen an illustration of the same building, perhaps, but she simply couldn't quite place it.

The fact that the path lead them to what was unmistakably Candaeln, even though it was different. The windows weren't the same, and the fact it was in a wall was strange, but there was no mistaking the home of the Iron Rose Knights.

But she stopped dead when she saw the person who was inside.

She'd seen Lilette in battle before, but not only was the elven knight still alive but she'd thought that she was dreaming at the time.

Now, she was faced with someone who had seemingly stepped out of a painting.

"Sir... Sir Cyrus?!"

@HereComesTheSnow@Raineh Daze@Conscripts]@Crimson Paladin@Creative Chaos@The Otter@Krayzikk@Psyker Landshark@6slyboy6@Octo
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