Avatar of Vixere


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current New role is going well, I'll be able to start replying soon.
4 days ago
Starting a new remote role tomorrow, so I may be slow with responses as I settle in.
15 days ago
25 days ago
-- and I don't know what's got it's teeth in me, but I'm about to bite back in anger. | On a semi-hiatus for my mental health.
26 days ago
Most 'white' horses aren't white. It was technically a grey.


Welcome, welcome!

The short and sweet:
I'm an old lady in my thirties, so I ask my partners be 18+.
A veteran of many years of writing - I started way back in the days of wolf packs on AOL.
Female and pansexual; I write with any and all genders - recently, I'm delving into attempting to write male roles.
Dog mom and outdoor enthusiast; medical professional, volunteer firefighter, first responder, and wildlife rehabilitator.

I'm a fairly open book that has written just about everything at some point or another. I tend to write decent to long posts, play female characters (attempting to round that out), and I'm amenable to most ideas. I love slice of life, historical, fantasy, and apocalyptic adventures.

World building is fun, but so is quick play. I have a few partners that go back with me for years that I've built entire worlds and multiple generations with.

I tend to have "flawed" characters; perfection is boring, character development is not. Learning to work through their flaws, or overcome fears, is a driving point to play for me. Some of them have profiles, some of them do not. Preferences are for the dark, gritty, and rough - I don't go for fairy tales because everything being perfect would be boring.

This will keep growing with time, but feel free to PM with any questions or ideas you have in mind! I prefer one on one, but a good group might be able to catch my eye. It's been literally a decade since I wrote in a group because of a mixture of work, mental health, and obligations outside of the online world.

Discord: Honor and Pride#7694

Most Recent Posts

@Lamb Of Goth This was a good while ago now, longer than a lot of people have even been writing.
@Ever Hey there, still looking for someone to write with?
@Anthyny Are you still looking for zombie partners? I'm interested.
@Pandalope Are you still looking? Zombies or wolves would be my digs.
Celeste had taken a fair bit to seemingly relax fully, though the redhead proved to be a good listener. Somehow, she had not been surprised when he had revealed that he had once participated in mixed martial arts - his form alone was too fit to be that of a passive military man. Part of her felt some hurt at knowing how much muscle mass he was going to lose in recovery, and her heart broke at the knowledge that not being able to move his legs had to be like being completely trapped within his own flesh. At the same time, having that much knowledge on how to hurt people also struck a chord in her, as if sending up a red flag to stay away... but, for now, he was harmless and she could enjoy his company.

Every bite was a little victory for them both - Chambers needed to eat, and Celeste felt a bare bit of pride knowing that she had been able to get him to do so. Every sip of Coke, every fry was something in his stomach that would give his body fuel to begin recovery.

One leg folded up under her, she had eventually shown him pictures - they were tasteful, but she had shown him progress of completing the large World Tree on her back, the healed version of the blue roses on her hip. Her right ankle held a Celtic triangle, and a Viking compass rested on her left foot.

"I would show you my solar plexus piece, but... well, the only shot I have of it only has my arm covering me, so I think that's one earned," was chuckled after a moment, her iPhone slid into her cargo pocket. Gathering up the garbage onto the tray, she had been slow to rise from the seat, as if it felt a monumental effort. Just sitting with the man and relaxing had been strangely comforting. "I have some things to see to, but I'll try to get in here before morning to get your bandages changed, so long as things don't get crazy tonight. Try to get some sleep though, okay? It's the best thing you can do to heal."

Using her hip to bump his table back into place, she had given a grin and touched his shoulder before she had left the room. It hadn't been a grip, but a nearly affectionate gesture. Even still, as the door was cracked behind her to filter out the noise of the hospital, Celeste hadn't been able to drop the ease that she felt in his presence.


The night had proven to be anything but quiet. If Jason was awake for any of it, he would have heard the insanity that had happened - the scuffle of people, the calling of security and codes. Celeste's voice had been with it all, but the last incident had happened not long before the end of shift.

"Stand down, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help--" Those had been the only words she had been able to say to a man lost in psychosis before he had lunged at her, larger and physically stronger despite the broken leg that should have made him be on crutches. Before she had been able to think, he had ended up in a choke hold and security had come running, managing to pry the man off before he had either crushed her wind pipe or she had gone limp. Even still, it didn't mean there was any less alarm when she had collapsed to sit in a pile on the floor with a mixture of gasps and shock.

It had been sudden and violent, and she could feel the swelling and bruising before it would have even been present. Helped to her feet by other staff, she had been slow to fill out the paperwork and report off to the other nurse before she had gotten herself a coffee. Standing before the machine, she had almost thought about sleeping on the couch before there was a curse, paying for a second one. Dumping ice into it and grabbing a straw, her feet had taken her right back to 516, where she had been able to relax earlier.

Managing to knock quietly on the door, her form lingered for a moment before the ginger had entered and stood a few feet from his bed.

"Mind if I sit with you for a few minutes? I brought some morning coffee."
War and post apocalyptic always interest me!

"Far From Home" interests me!
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