Avatar of Vixere


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current @Tally Dor: youtube.com/shorts/5BAPCDoE…
15 days ago
-- and I don't know what's got it's teeth in me, but I'm about to bite back in anger. | On a semi-hiatus for my mental health.
16 days ago
Most 'white' horses aren't white. It was technically a grey.
19 days ago
I'm going to attempt to get some writing done today and tomorrow. Thanks for your patience, guys!
21 days ago
Meanwhile, I'm hyped for Trench Crusades.


Welcome, welcome!

The short and sweet:
I'm an old lady in my thirties, so I ask my partners be 18+.
A veteran of many years of writing - I started way back in the days of wolf packs on AOL.
Female and pansexual; I write with any and all genders - recently, I'm delving into attempting to write male roles.
Dog mom and outdoor enthusiast; medical professional, volunteer firefighter, first responder, and wildlife rehabilitator.

I'm a fairly open book that has written just about everything at some point or another. I tend to write decent to long posts, play female characters (attempting to round that out), and I'm amenable to most ideas. I love slice of life, historical, fantasy, and apocalyptic adventures.

World building is fun, but so is quick play. I have a few partners that go back with me for years that I've built entire worlds and multiple generations with.

I tend to have "flawed" characters; perfection is boring, character development is not. Learning to work through their flaws, or overcome fears, is a driving point to play for me. Some of them have profiles, some of them do not. Preferences are for the dark, gritty, and rough - I don't go for fairy tales because everything being perfect would be boring.

This will keep growing with time, but feel free to PM with any questions or ideas you have in mind! I prefer one on one, but a good group might be able to catch my eye. It's been literally a decade since I wrote in a group because of a mixture of work, mental health, and obligations outside of the online world.

Discord: Honor and Pride#7694

Most Recent Posts

Hey there, I'm assuming you're still looking? :)

This seems like a fun character to play with. I'd like to go for a FxF pairing - would you require a CS?

I'd also love to add supernatural/fantasy themes in there to spice up the slice of life (though slice of life is always nice), but I don't have an immediate idea for how to incorporate it.

I also found your post-apocalyptic comment interesting!

Hi Shift! I don't require a CS, and FxF is fine by me! You can shoot me a message and we'll work something out.
Welcome! Hopefully you find something to scratch that writing itch!
<Snipped quote by honorandpride>

All of you are brave, I'm not sure I could do the same in your shoes.

Thank you for your service.

Military shouldn't be the only ones we thank, all the nurses and doctors who lay their own lives on the line to save us or family members, etc.

Thank you! Once all of this calms down, I want to return to working hospice. It definitely isn't for everyone.
<Snipped quote by honorandpride>

So do you wish that you statyed with the original ? Or ara ya happy where your at?

I still have a passion for history, but nursing is where my heart is at. I definitely wouldn't have done it if I didn't enjoy it. The new pandemic surge is definitely a recipe for burnout, though.
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