(Picture coming soon...can't find a good one)
-Name: Anastasia "Anna the Red" Udinovich
-Age: 19
-Primary Weapon: VSS Vintorez with a laser/flashlight attachment and a 4x32 compact scope
-Secondary Weapon: MP443 Grach Pistol
-Gear: One tactical knife, 3 fragmentation grenades, 2 flashbangs, load bearing harness, 4 spare rifle magazines, 3 spare pistol magazines, 1 IFAK (Infantry first aid kit), 1 canteen, 1 small backpack with rations, 1 cigarette lighter, 1 pack of Lucky Star Red cigarettes, 1 communications radio with headset, 1 old but still working MP3 player, 1 pair of headphones, 1
old world comic book-Clothing: Olive drab combat uniform shirt and pants with a white tank top underneath, military issue combat boots, fingerless black leather gloves, solid red bandanna wrapped around the neck
-Bio: 19 years ago, a troop of Gunner mercs came across a massacred settlement somewhere in what remained of the great state of Maryland. All of the settlers were found hanging from a great tree by their necks, some horribly dismembered and disfigured. Among the dead was an unknown woman, her long, red hair obscuring her brutally burned face. As the mercenaries neared the grisly scene, they soon heard a baby crying out. Much to their disgust, the child was still attached by her umbilical cord...trailing from her dead mother's womb.
Krug, the leader of the mercenaries, picked up the crying baby, cutting her cord with his knife. He handed the child over to a female mercenary, who immediately took to naming the child Anastasia, or Anna for short. Sadly, she would only care for Anna for a short while, as the next day she was killed in a gunfight with a band of raiders. Instead, Krug raised Anna.
Krug was a cruel and abusive guardian unfortunately, and often subjected Anna to vicious beatings and other torment, as she was raised in a world of death and violence under the Gunners. Before too long, Anna herself adopted the Gunners' title and became a mercenary herself. She showed excellent prowess as a soldier, following orders without question, but as the years went on, something was telling Anna in the back of her head what she and her fellow mercenaries were doing...was wrong. Countless people were slaughtered by their hands, both guilty and innocent. Whole villages were being burned down, their occupants raped and exterminated. Anna had a sick feeling in her gut. Her father Krug, and the rest of his bloody band, were no different from the raiders and other sick bastards of the wastes.
Surprisingly, there were others among the Gunners who shared her sentiment. However, they knew escaping the mercs meant they would be hunted for the rest of their lives. Nevertheless, a plan was hatched between Anna and the benefactors to break free of the Gunners' grasp on their lives.
As the sun crested over the hills one bright morning, a massive explosion rocked the mercenaries' outpost, dragging all, including an incredibly pissed off Krug, out of their beds. The munitions depot was set ablaze, rounds cracking off as they cooked in the roaring flames. Suddenly, gunfire erupted as Anna and her allies opened up on the entire Gunner base. A massive battle broke out with many casualties on both sides. Eventually, Anna and her men pushed back Krug's forces, and she brought an end to her abusive stepfather by putting a bullet through his left eye. After the battle, what remained of Anna's forces split up and went their separate ways. However, there were four of them who stayed with Anna, vowing they would continue their lives as mercenaries, but only to protect the wasteland and its settlements from raiders, slavers, and all who threatened them.
Anna and her comrades then commandeered a Gunner vertibird and took to the skies. As they soared over the smoldering wreckage of the base, Anna looked down, relieved that she was a free woman and confident in her future ahead with her brothers in arms.
(More to come later)