@Zeroth Ah, ok. That makes much more sense than my previous assumption. All in all, I think the barrier manipulation is an interesting idea, and with his (or her) mental scarring due to the abuse, I wonder if they will have some sort of psychotic breakdown at one point and how it may affect the other characters, especially if some of those characters are "heretics" per say.
Either way, I love the character concept altogether and can't wait to see how it plays out
...As soon as we can get more people on board that is. Renfield, print more fliers damnit!
@Zeroth@Metal HeadOn a side note: After I decided to give my old Curse of Strahd gamebook another readthrough, I just noticed I made a serious mistake considering the races. As of now, I am currently including the following races next to the usual (boring!) humans. Ahem!
-Dusk Elves
-Dawn Elves
-Dwarves (Wait, I already said dwarves damnit!)
-Beastkin (There's *quack*ing minotaurs and fish people in Castlevania lore, so why can there not be beastkin, amirite?!)
Sub-races will include but may not be limited to:
-Undead (Yes I know vampires are technically undead, but I'm referring more to zombie type undead)