The hulk turned his attentions on the woman when she addressed him. He'd seen her in the factory-cathedral before; the bionic eye and the bearing she wore were familiar to him as he gone about his business as a newly minted techmarine. Her eye implied perhaps some kind of battle, but her bearing was not one of a warrior. She had a methodical approach as she moved across the crime scene, making audible deductions most likely to Vigrid's benefit. It seemed she saw him as an ally in the pursuit of discovering the truth of this matter. Maybe she even felt the same disquiet at the Skitarii's pronouncement of burglary as the cause for the Archmagos' death.
In fact, she voiced the same concern now, aloud. She stood up the facts in flimsy fashion, to knock them down as 'grox shite.' At that the Space Wolf's brows rose, betraying his mirth at the base deduction. Vigrid noted the coat of arms on the woman's coat. The seal was familiar to him as belonging to one of the Rogue Traders in this sector. 'One of' being that of the two, her master was not yet embroiled in the political theater taking place around them. He met her eyes as he replied, "The facts do not add up, yes. Every counter measure the Archmagos possessed misfired too late." The Astartes left the doorway and approached the pooling corpse of Toros.
After a moment studying the wounds of the victim, Vigrid noticed the woman deploying a servo-skull to further investigate the space. Toros' skull splayed out a gaping rupture wherein the Archamgos' brain matter and circuits lay exposed to the air. The Space Marine experienced a glint of inspiration, turning to his would-be companion, "Steel yourself for what I am about to do may give you pause."
And with that, the Astartes touched the corpse of the Archmagos Toros with the intention to eat her brain and unlock the mysteries within.
In fact, she voiced the same concern now, aloud. She stood up the facts in flimsy fashion, to knock them down as 'grox shite.' At that the Space Wolf's brows rose, betraying his mirth at the base deduction. Vigrid noted the coat of arms on the woman's coat. The seal was familiar to him as belonging to one of the Rogue Traders in this sector. 'One of' being that of the two, her master was not yet embroiled in the political theater taking place around them. He met her eyes as he replied, "The facts do not add up, yes. Every counter measure the Archmagos possessed misfired too late." The Astartes left the doorway and approached the pooling corpse of Toros.
After a moment studying the wounds of the victim, Vigrid noticed the woman deploying a servo-skull to further investigate the space. Toros' skull splayed out a gaping rupture wherein the Archamgos' brain matter and circuits lay exposed to the air. The Space Marine experienced a glint of inspiration, turning to his would-be companion, "Steel yourself for what I am about to do may give you pause."
And with that, the Astartes touched the corpse of the Archmagos Toros with the intention to eat her brain and unlock the mysteries within.