Location: ARC Center - PRCU
Dance Monkey #4.054: When Disco Plays Our Loon
“What’s your favorite food?”
Haven passed over the twin snack she’d swiped from a passing tray. Her eyes were lit with the delight of holding such a small and meticulously crafted appetizer. Its tiny garnish only added to the fun of their food being served on a silver platter. She wasted no time in passing her own between her lips as they continued their way towards the buffet tables. Her eyes crinkled at the edges as each flavor hit her taste buds, looking to Rory so that she could see his own reaction as she savored each chew.
He tossed the appetizer into his mouth and began chewing almost immediately, giving his fingers a quick lick afterwards. His eyes scanned the dance floor, trying to make a note of his teammates in the crowd. He spoke through his last chews. “Hmmm… I mean, Poutine is a nice guilty pleasure. But I found a good recipe for a Buffalo chicken dip last year that is fairly low in calories.”Rory turned his gaze back to Haven, a soft smile on his lips as he noticed she had been watching him. “What about you, Dove?”
“I could eat a burger anytime, anyplace, but buffalo chicken dip is definitely up there.” She couldn’t deny the way her stomach started growling at the mention of it. “And honestly, anything to do with fries is amazing.”
She tucked in close to Rory as they passed between two groups of students milling nearby, her eyes taking a moment to follow where Rory’s had passed over earlier. If she noticed anyone from Blackjack within the crowd she didn’t mention it. She wanted to turn off that part of her brain that wanted to keep an eye on everything around her tonight. To allow herself to relax by minding what was right next to her instead. Her eyes moved to the buffet table as they approached, a smile growing at the sight of the spread before them.
“My stomach is telling me to fill a plate… or two.”
Rory grinned, eyeing up the spread himself. “Yeah, I haven't eaten much today… but I also don't want to get too full before we dance.” He tilted his head from side to side as he observed each platter and tray, doing calculations in his head. He gently lifted a hand up towards the small of Haven’s back as they walked, barely conscious of the move until the imperceptible jolt of energy that came from touching her. His fingers hovered for a moment, before his palm pressed against the fabric of her dress. His heart beat a tiny bit faster as he shared a glance with others nearby.“Besides… I've got some snacks back at the dorm if we're still hungry after.”
Haven turned her head to him, leaning into his touch as her eyes wandered over his face. The corners of her lips curled before she spoke in a hushed tone. “We’ll need them after we’re through with each other.” There was a mischievous spark to her eyes as she looked into his, and then she left him fumbling for a response as she turned to reach for a plate. “We’ll load up a plate and share, then we won’t get full before we hit the floor.”
Shock flashed through Rory's eyes, but his smile never wavered. Within a mere moment, he retorted with his own smirk. His eyes clearly drifted towards her hips as he spoke. “One plate works… I'm leaving room for something I want to taste later.” He turned his attention to the buffet table, the tiniest growl from his stomach reminding him to grab something filling.
Haven’s knees went weak in response, her dress suddenly feeling like too much fabric between her skin and his hand. His smooth words made her want to drag him to the bathroom to see what exactly he wanted to taste, but she pushed the indecent urge out of her mind by grabbing the closest tongs to them.
“What would you like to taste now?” She glanced at him with flushed cheeks and a grin before she turned her full attention to the table before them. They moved down it together, his hand a distracting presence against her back as she filled the plate with options both agreed to share. At the end of the table they paused so that Rory could fill two cups with punch. The space where his hand had been a moment ago felt naked as she stood with their plate held in both hands. Her eyes moved to the tables nearby and she was glad to find that some of the chairs were backless to accommodate any students with special needs like her own.
“Lead the way, hot stuff.”
Rory grinned, carving a path through their classmates while taking small sips of the punch. He sought out a mostly empty table, setting down the drinks before pulling one of the backless seats out for Haven to sit. He made a show of presenting it with his hands, before taking a seat himself and resting an elbow on the table. He closed his eyes and swayed gently to the music. "What kind of music do you like to dance to, and what kind of music do you like to listen to? Cause while I like to dance to EDM and classic pop, Katja got me into hard rock and metal for when I work out. But that isn't, like, dance music, you know?”
“Katja introduced me to hard rock and metal, too. Though I only listen to it when I’m lifting weights.” Haven smiled softly at the memory as she settled into her seat, although for a moment she worried where the blonde had been for the past two weeks. Something had been off about Katja since the trials. Her wings shifted behind her, as if releasing her worry through the action of tucking them closer to her back. She took another bite of the pork she’d put on their plate, thinking further on her music taste as she chewed. It would be better to answer his question, anyways.
“I could dance to anything, really.” She said after a minute, smiling at him as she noticed how he moved with the music. "But if I had to choose something to listen to while I’m flying or resting, I’d probably listen to indie or R&B. Something soft and peaceful, but nothing sad.”
Rory nodded as he continued to sway, watching Haven briefly as she ate. He observed the decorations, a slight unease felt at the thought of the scenery shifting before him. He half-expected this all to be another trick of the shared Hell they had experienced. His body tensed as that anxiety planted itself deep in his gut.
That anxiety was not lost as Haven spoke. His smile remained as she answered his question. It felt so… weird, to be asking such basic questions after everything. His eyes shifted to Haven's wings, and his mind swelled on the protests he had encountered on his way into the island at the start of the semester. The statement left his lips before he even realized he had voiced it, almost like a whisper to himself. “I miss when things were norm-.” He flinched as soon as the words left his mouth, cutting himself off and shaking his head. “Sorry, I just… I don't know, I just…” He hesitated, a question probing at the front of his mind. He grabbed at the closest thing on their shared plate he could. “Nevermind.”
Haven’s brows rose as her curiosity and concern grew with Rory’s hesitant words. Her fork hung between her plate and open lips as Rory’s flinch stopped her mid-bite. Her mouth slowly closed as she set the fork down. Should she pry? Should they continue onto a different topic to avoid any unpleasantness?
“Rory…” She began as her body shifted to face him. She reached out her hand to rest it on his knee, her body leaning in as she placed her whole focus on what he might say next. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
Her eyes flitted between his, her next words resting hesitantly on the tip of her tongue for only a moment before she continued. “When you say normal… Do you mean like before the trial?”
Rory sighed, leaning back in his chair to shrink away from her slightly. He placed a hand absent mindedly on hers, as his eyes shifted to look out towards the crowd. “No… I meant like, before PRCU. Before Hyperion. Before…” He paused, closing his eyes as he thought to form his words. “If you could snap your fingers and wake up without the hype gene, would you?”
She blinked. The question caught her off guard. It hit her in the chest, and then settled into the bottom of her stomach amongst the liquor and what little food she’d had so far. “I… haven’t thought about that since I was in the girls' home.”
Her head tilted to the side as she studied him. Her hand shifted from holding his thigh, turning itself to slide her fingers through his. She ran her thumb over his, a subconscious instinct to soothe him and herself through the action. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but it held the weight of the question between them like a wall that Haven was currently trying to lower. Her lips twisted, the memory of her teen years threatening to sober her up with heartache.
“When my wings began to grow, I hated them.” She admitted quietly, her eyes looking to their intertwined hands for further comfort. “I hid them, wrapped them to my back so no one would see them until they ached… But I can’t imagine my life without them now. I feel so free when I’m in the air. Like my life on the ground is a weight on my shoulders, and my wings allow me to free myself of it.”
Her smile was small and sad, until she took a breath and squeezed his hand. She looked into his eyes, a steadfast light shining through the gold and green despite her solemn expression. “They’re a part of me. I just wish that other people wouldn’t look at them and see the hype gene instead of who I am. Things would be a lot easier that way.”
Rory squeezed Haven's hand back, leaning a little closer. He looked to her wings as they spoke, nodding along. When she finished, he smiled softly, but his eyes still mirrored that faint sadness. “I understand what you mean. It's how a lot of us view it. And I find all parts of you beautiful, Haven. But…” he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes locked on their hands as he softly circled the back of her hand with his thumb. “I don't view it as part of me. It hasn't done me any favors. All the Hype-Gene has done for me is hurt everyone around me. Disease, violence, kidnapping… it's not normal. Not out there, and not in the same way.”
He noticed how a particular word affected Haven. How it made a muscle in her neck tick as her wings gathered closer to her back, her grip on his hand tightening ever so little as she was reminded of what she’d gone through. That light in her eyes dimmed as her gaze fell to their hands once more.
Rory squeezed Haven's hand back, sighing as he refocused. His eyes turned back to their hands. “I watched what everyone went through in the Trials… and the hype-gene has really only destroyed a lot of our lives.”
“Maybe I'd view it as a part of me if my power was mine. But I'm just a mirror. And not a good one. Most of the time I'm just as normal as anyone, and the only time anyone had interest in my powers it's to use them. So if you asked me a month ago if I'd get rid of my powers, I would have said yes in a heartbeat.” Rory paused, finally choosing to try and maintain eye contact with Haven. This was a heavier conversation than he had wanted to have, but a part of him was content with this kind of vulnerability.
“After the past couple weeks… I don't know if I would. It still doesn't quite feel like part of me, and it feels like a curse. But it is also the only thing that gives me some kind of control on what's happening around us.” He moved a hand up towards Haven’s cheek slowly, his thumb tracing her cheek bone.
Haven gratefully tilted her head towards his touch as she allowed his words to distract her mind from what had been triggered within. She closed her eyes for a moment as she found comfort in the motions, her chest rising and falling with a soothing breath. When her eyes opened again, she looked into his blues with a soft, yet determined gaze.
“I’m glad you’ve changed your mind. You’ve done so many great things with and without your ability already.” She reached for his hand, taking it into her own as she moved it to rest against the skin on her chest. At the place where her heart beat a gentle rhythm inside. “I’m here because of you, Rory. You pulled everyone together to make it happen, and I will always be grateful for that. Whether you used your ability to do it or not.”
“I realized a long time ago that the only thing I can control is my heart. My actions. Good things happen, and terrible things do too, things I wish I could have changed or prevented, but when there’s nothing I could do or could have done I remind myself that I don’t want it to change me. I don’t let it.” She figured she was rambling now, and that sometimes her heart made terrible decisions too, but she didn’t let it stop her lips from moving. “I hope you don’t let what’s happened change you, Rory. I don’t think my feelings for you would change if it did, really, but-” Was this what word vomit felt like? “I just hope you stay the kind and caring man I’ve known. The one who always puts his best in even if it looks like he’s going to lose the game. Hype gene and all.”
Rory felt awful for the momentary excitement he felt as Haven moved his hand. But as she continued speaking, Rory's soft smile grew warmer. When she finished, he responded by leaning in closer. His kiss was soft, tender, and genuine in a way that words often weren't for him. He let the kiss linger, before pulling back and resting his forehead against hers. “We're both going to change and grow, Dove. But I will do my best to be me, as long as you do your best to be you.”
Haven’s smile was wide as she pressed her forehead into his. She responded with a nod, her thoughts already fluttering away in the wind as his kiss left her dazed and warm inside. The touch of his skin against her chest shifted from a comforting pressure into something intimate and cherished. A physical lifeline between their hearts. She tilted her chin for another kiss, feeling her knees graze against his. Her wings relaxed behind her again. The heat of his hand slowly spread across her skin, traveling to her neck and further down to the pit of her stomach. Her own hand skimmed down his wrist until it rested on the edge of his sleeve.
She broke the kiss when the heat became unbearable. Her body leaned away from him with a sheepish grin on her face, the hand on his wrist gently moving his own away from her chest. “That’s just… It’s hard to stop when it’s that perfect.”
Rory grinned as his heart raced and his breathing had become a bit shallow. His cheeks were bright red, only partially due to the embarrassment as Haven had moved his hand. He fought the urge to close the distance again, settling to lean back and rest his hand on Haven's own knee as he composed himself. “Yeah, it's pretty hard.” He grabbed for the cup of punch taking a greedy sip. He wiped away the lingering droplets with his thumb as he continued.“Something tells me we aren't going to make it through the whole dance.” His playful smirk returned, as he reached for a small slider on the plate.
“Definitely not.” She giggled, still catching her breath as she reached for her own cup. She downed the entire thing, and traded the empty cup for the second slider on their plate. “I know a better way we can make the night last, though.” She murmured before taking a bite. She chewed slowly, smiling at him as she let the words linger between them. It was only when she was down to the last bite that she quelled his anticipation. “We just need the right song to begin with.”
Rory rolled his eyes playfully, downing his slider before standing up. He held a hand out towards Haven. “Only one way to find out.”
Haven happily discarded the last bite onto the plate. Her now free hand reached for his. She let him pull her to her feet, her heart already beating faster with excitement as he guided her towards the dance floor. Within the last few feet she couldn’t contain herself any longer, and she playfully took the lead as she pulled him the rest of the way. Her wings shifted between being tucked and untucked as they moved through the crowd until they found themselves at the center.
Rory gave Haven a little space as he let the music wash over them. His movements started a little stiff as he got started, but her smile egged him on. They let the world around them dissipate as their dance became more about making the other laugh and smile than being smooth and choreographed.