Ofcourse she knew that the grass she was chewing on wouldn't sustain her forever, but it appeared as if they had missed the point. Even in an open field, grass wasn't necessarily the only plant their was. Small fruit bearing plants might be growing in patches close to the ground that they couldn't see from far away... Her solution wasn't meant as a permanent one, but something for them to stave off the hunger pains until they could find real food. Which brought about a thought of other beings in the new world they had found themselves in. Were there even others here, what if they were the first and had to figure things out on their own... The thought never recieved an answer due to Nova's attention being pulled to the glowing light and radiating heat from the fox-girl, Rae.
Nova hung back as Adam had requested, taking the time to scan the area around them while he dealt with the glowing girl. Whatever her "new" form was, it must have been hard working adjusting. So many more senses to process, undiscovered abilites that a natural born would grow up learning... Now that she thought about it, she herself had no idea what her own transformation brought to the table. She felt incredibly light but aside from that, if she closed her eyes and concentrated, she could feel her body hum in unison with the world around her. Nova had no idea what it meant, but she found it intriguing enough to file it away in her brain.
She paid little attention to the conversation between Adam and Rae but welcomed them back to the group with a small nod.
"Glad to see you're feeling a little better, hopefully we can find you something soon to get your strength up." Despite Nova's decision to be the tough character, she wasn't completely heartless. This girl before her was in obvious pain, she'd help in any way if she could. Her eyes trailed in the direction Luke had stormed in with a sigh.
"If you're referring to the old man, he made his position clear. He'd rather make his own decisions than listen to the council of others, even if his decision lead him to bodily harm." She meant what she said, but she couldn't help but to stare in the direction he had disappeared suspiciously. It was entirely possible that they were far enough apart, and that the grass was high enough to hide his form from them... But something didn't sit right in her gut. Nova sighed again.
"But if you're that worried about him we can always go check up on him. A little fresh air might have cleared his head. That being said, we should still search for somewhere to rest before the sun goes down. What do you three suggest?" She asked turning to Marcus, Adam and Rika to see if they had come up with any solutions to their "problem".