Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@Estylwen I posted the CEO and the co-agent under the Voidlight hider if you want to see if they're okay.

@Lexisheeps I agree with you. It is nice to have real-life companies to set the tone for things.
Here is Voidlight's CS. I will add the CEO's and Stella's co-agent later.

”We haven’t heard from Ghost in weeks, sir. I’m afraid one ofour best has been compromised.” A tall, olive toned, 30-year-old man stated to the older man with salt and pepper hair and gray eyes, however, his left eye had an eye patch over it.

The older man smirked as he stared out the window of the Voidlight building. ”We would’ve been contacted by HiveMind by now if they had her. She’s exactly where she needs to be.”

Voidlight, on the surface, is a maintenance company. Fixing vehicles, resetting technology and simple home repairs are all within their wheelhouse. They even hire employees for hospitals, laboratories, and various other healthcare businesses. At least, that’s what a majority of people thought. Voidlight is an information-gathering group that works outside the government’s boundaries.

Stella had joined up with Voidlight, shortly after she had accidentally hacked into their system when she was attempting to get deals on updated augmentation software. They were impressed her her ability to avoid detection and how she was able to just disappear. They nicknamed her Ghost as no one in the group gave their actual names for safety.

Days had turned into weeks and then weeks into months since Stella and #3 had escaped in the nick of time. Stella didn’t want to leave Nick behind, she honestly thought he was just behind her but she glanced back to see the drone knock him out. She hadn’t slept well since.

Stella and #3 had made themselves a little base in the abandoned section of the facility. They were pretty far down, but still close enough that Stella could move through the vents to find food and water. She also began to hack into HiveMind’s computer system little by little, leaving little trail markers for her employers to use but nothing that HiveMind would notice. Stella usually had only minutes to do so between rotations of guards and scientists.

Stella had slowly pieced together a submarine from parts that she swiped from the maintenance sector. She had it hidden in the abandoned garage port and finally finished installing the programming module.

It was when Stella and #3 were near Nick’s holding cell that they heard the guards talking about the dark matter and a heart. Stella listened to #3 and raised an eyebrow at the young girl tapping her collar. She thought for a moment and her eyes widened.

”We need to get Nick out of here. We all need to get out of here,” Stella murmured.

The plan was to first receive a drive of the memories the scientists had contained from Nick. Stella had watched a few of Nick’s sessions, she had plans for the bastard that was torturing him. No one deserved the things Stella had gone through growing up.

The white-haired woman waited until the observing room was empty before she stuck her ungloved hand down the vent and beamed a laser from her fingertips at the security camera. Disabling them long enough for her to hop down and hack into the security system to appear like nothing was happening. She spied Nick lying on the table in the exam and her heart broke. He was hooked up to so many machines and monitors. They weren’t special to keep him alive, they were to transform him.

Stella shook her head as she had to focus. She popped in the empty drive she swiped earlier and downloaded everything she could that had #4 memories. With #3 monitoring the actual security feed, Stella took the chance to unlock the door.

"We will get you out, Nick. I promise, just a little bit longer," she whispered in his ear before she went back to the observation room, safely ejected Nick's memories, and quickly climbed back up into the ductwork but not before she sent a message out using an anonymous email thanks to Von Galloes sending the video call within the facility. The message would be untraceable and deleted from HiveMind's mainframe as soon as it was sent.

It would be minutes after Thierry would get off the video call with Von Galloes, a message would appear. Upon clicking it open, Thierry's computer would show a blue screen and a series of dashes and dots. It would be unknown to most experts these days unless one was within the archaeology.

-- --- -. ... .. . ..- .-. ....... - .... .. . .-. .-. -.-- --..-- ....... -. .. -.-. -.- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... -... . ....... ... .- ...- . -.. .-.-.- ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .... .- ...- . ....... -- -.-- ....... .-- --- .-. -.. .-.-.- ....... -.. --- ....... -. --- - ....... - .-. ..- ... - ....... .... .. ...- . -- .. -. -.. .-.-.- ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... --- -. .-.. -.-- ....... -.. . -.-. . .. ...- . ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... .. ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... --. . - ....... .... .. -- ....... - --- ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... .. ....... .-- .- .-. -. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... - .... --- ..- --. .... --..-- ....... .... . ....... -- .- -.-- ....... -. --- - ....... -... . ....... - .... . ....... -- .- -. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .-. . -- . -- -... . .-. .-.-.- -.-. --- -. - .- -.-. - ....... ...- --- .. -.. .-.. .. --. .... - --..-- ....... - . .-.. .-.. ....... - .... . -- ....... - .... .- - ....... --. ....... .... .- ... ....... ... . -. - ....... -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .-- .. .-.. .-.. ....... .... . .-.. .--. ....... -.-- --- ..- ....... .- ... ....... -- ..- -.-. .... ....... .- ... ....... - .... . -.-- ....... .--. --- ... ... .. -... .-.. -.-- ....... -.-. .- -. ....... --- -. ....... .-.. .- -. -.. .-.-.- --.

The coded message would be read upon translation.

Monsieur Thierry, Nick will be saved. You have my word. Do not trust HiveMind. They will only deceive you. I will get him to you. I warn you though, he may not be the same man you remember.

Contact Voidlight, and tell them that G has sent you. They will help you as much as they possibly can on land.


After ten minutes, Thierry's screen went back to normal. The message was gone with no indication of who G was only that they were Nick's ticket out of the facility.

Stella caught her breath finally as she slid in after #3 into their little hidey hole. She put her glove back on but not before clipping Nick's memories safely into her forearm. It was a little storage section for such devices. Stella looked at #3, determination in her eyes.

"We're going to get Nick out and get that collar off your neck. As soon as they finish making their rounds. With Nick's memories safe, we can leave and hopefully reupload them at my base on land. I saw one of the lab guards have a key for collars like yours that they put on Nick. We've got this, #3." Stella said with all the confidence she had within her. It was all, honestly, she had left. Raised to be the perfect soldier, this was what Stella was meant to do with her life. Infiltrate, rescue, destroy if necessary and that was exactly what she was going to do.
I plan on posting later today. The posts were amazing! I’m happy that I joined. :)
@Lexisheeps@Estylwen I’m thinking Stella and #3 are hiding somewhere in the HiveMind’s ductwork and inner systems. 😆

Also, I have decided that this other company that hired Stella is a rebellion group against HiveMind and since she is one of the few people that isn’t linked to HiveMind’s systems, she’s great for infiltrating them.
@EstylwenI was thinking once the whole battle is over and they (hopefully) escape. Stella will contact her employer company. I was thinking that it is a secret mercenary branch that is trying to usurp HiveMind’s hold on the monopoly of the dark energy power. They want to level the playing field of the energy crisis.
Stella watched Nick put on the mask. She was a little shocked when he did so. The mask had dark energy to it, no telling what it was exactly. Stella put her sketch pad back into her pack when Nick showed signs of wanting to take it off. She was nervous that the mask would stick to learn all it could about him and would have to help take it off. Stella sighed in relief when Nick managed to get the mask off but noticed the tears that managed to escape his eyes.

When they reached the lava river, Stella raised her eyebrows. This wasn't right. The lava would be dark and crusted over from exposure to being underwater... Suddenly, everything disappeared, replaced by a white room. Stella gritted her teeth and cussed under her breath.

"Another fucking simulation. I should've known," she muttered as she didn't like the way the drones were nearing them. Stella quickly grabbed #3 and pulled the girl behind her to protect the young girl.

Stella rolled her eyes as the lead researcher spoke over a loudspeaker. "Well, this will be a fantastic time for target practice. She said as she pulled over her rifle from her pack, lined up her sight on her scope, and fired three shots at three drones. She hit each of her targets. The bullets went through the middle of the floating orbs of steel, where the memory bank and power source were. With a destroyed memory bank, nothing that was recorded by the drones would survive.

"These people are ridiculous. We need a plan, fast," Stella said to Nick as she ejected the empty casings and reloaded new bullets before taking down three more drones. Then the tremor hit, and her eyes widened slightly as Nick was right. They needed to get out of here fast.

Stella looked at #3 and smiled reassuringly down at her. Although her eyes flickered to the white collar. We need to get that off of her, Stella thought as she spied the door. She quickly reloaded her rifle and shot at the hinges of the door.
@Estylwen@Lexisheeps I'm sorry. I thought I was going to have time to post, ended up falling asleep instead.
I will post tomorrow! This weekend is kinda crazy.
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