Avatar of WhiteAngel25


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3 mos ago
Sorry partners! I’ve been exhausted lately. I will try to have posts out soon. :)
4 mos ago
Sorry for slow responses, this holiday weekend has been crazy busy for me. I will for sure be getting replies out tonight if not for sure tomorrow! :)
4 mos ago
I will be offline until tomorrow that’s when I will also get back to replies! :) Happy 4th to all my fellow Americans!
4 mos ago
Apologies to my RP partners, I was away from my computer most of the day and I'm exhausted. Replies will resume tomorrow. :)
4 mos ago
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


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@PandolinSounds good!

@IzurichOo! I have an idea that could work with the royalty thing. I’ll PM you soon. I’m on my phone right now. :)
@Izurich Both concepts are very interesting. I don’t know if I would have the mother of the first be the Emperor’s daughter. Mainly because it’s a bit too convenient for social situations plus anyone found with magic is sent to the Htead Gallow. The mother could definitely be a noble if that is the route you still want to take.

My character’s guardians are nobles. She is a half-Elvian as well. Her mother’s clan was nomadic in nature, wandered the Evergreen Forest, it is how her mother and father met.

For your second character, it would be interesting because it sounds like she would be more of an underground witch due to the fact magic users get sent to places like the Htead Gallows. But I could be wrong. I might just be adding subtext. 😅 I just woke up and haven’t had coffee yet.
@Izurich Sure! Go ahead and make a character sheet.
Thank you @Days and @Estylwen! :)

I thought it was just Theo, Auri, Cosy, and Sabrina? I can always edit it. :)
@Lexisheeps Thank you!
Sabrina stood amongst her children as they explored the designated areas that Thierry had deemed safe. She smiled as Theo called for her assistance in translating some hieroglyphs. "You're doing well, Theo," the mother praised her son's gentle brush technique with the ancient stone. She carefully ran her right pointer finger along the etchings, as if she were reading a book.

"This says, 'The sacrifice is great.' A tad ominous but-," Sabrina started to explain as she caught her husband's retreating figure moving past the boundaries he set in place in the corner of her vision. Her gaze swept over to the disappointed expression on Cosette's face. She started to stand up to stride over to comfort the youngest de Viller child but Cosy cut her off, saying that she was done.

"Alright, petit. Please, mind the ropes and cones on the way back though, okay? It is important," Sabrina warned, hugging Cosette back as she glanced at Auri for assistance. She smiled appreciatively when the eldest offered without her saying anything when Cosy took off.

She turned back to Theo, laying a proud, tender touch on his left shoulder. "As I was saying before. It is a tad ominous. However, many pyramids were etched with such warnings to keep bandits from thieving the burial chamber," she explained as if she were a professor at a college. It was hard to believe that any of the kids were old enough to join them on field digs, but Theo especially. Sabrina blamed Theo's thirst for archaeology on Thierry's theory rants of artifacts as she translated Latin and Mesopotamian for him while she was pregnant with Theo. Of course, Sabrina loved the ancient world just as much as her husband, but it had taken a backseat since Aurelie was brought into the picture.

Sabrina blinked her eyes as the ancient dust began to sprinkle excessively from the ceiling while the room began to shift. Both mother and son hopped to their feet as the hieroglyphs glowed and changed before their eyes. The images shifted to something even more terrifying than the normal warning the Ancients gave thieves.

"'Appease me'?" Sabrina translated without blinking as she felt Theo's hand grip hers tight. Suddenly, a forgotten feeling filled her body. They were sliding down a chamber shaft. Before they knew it, the glow of a familiar Hello Kitty flashlight shone on the ground. Her head snapped to Auri and Cosy with her youngest holding an artifact.

Sabrina squeezed Theo's hand for a moment to collect herself, breathing deep through her nose before she let go of her son's hand. She walked over to her daughters and knelt down in front of her youngest. "Auri's right, Cosette. Why did you run when you knew she was looking for you? Why did you lie to me? You said that you were returning to camp. Vos enfants, vous auriez pu être blessés." Her voice was calm and collected, but also held the tone of being upset. Her youngest just lied to her to follow her father, it was only natural that she would be frustrated with the situation they were in now.

"Petite fille, nous pourrions avoir de gros ennuis," Sabrina informed as she stood up and dusted off her knees. "Well, I suppose we better try to find a way out. Or, at the very least, hope your father can reverse this or find us," she added as she laid a gentle hand on Cosette's head. "We'll find a way out, don't worry. I've been through worse situations with your father."

This is a reboot of Welcome to Vradia. More will be up momentarily. :)

A strange plague has begun to spread across Vradia. First, it was just a few individuals, then it took over a whole village. Currently, the strange illness is being contained with the Royal Guard setting up checkpoints throughout Vradia along the Trade Roads. Those that exhibit symptoms are taken away.

People that contract this disease first have symptoms of pneumonia but as they’re being treated for that, their skin, hair, and flesh becomes necrotic causing chunks of their muscle to fall off with the simplest of movements. Once the whole body has molted its original body, gray flesh is left behind as well as soulless blind appearing eyes. By that time, the infected person attacks, consuming whoever is within the household, however, they leave one victim behind to continue the disease.

These infected individuals can only be killed by cutting off their heads or burning them. Some experts believe that the person they once were is stuck within their minds as their body is controlled by whatever the disease is. Some believe that the disease turns the person into a mindless beast. No one knows for certain as no one can get a clear study of these infected without being attacked themselves.

The people that show symptoms, whether reported to village or town authorities or the checkpoints, are immediately taken to the nearest mage tower as the mages have been granted temporary protection in the public to allow these infected to be contained. This ‘protection’ for the mages is quickly camps built with poor conditions, nothing like the slightly better towers depending on which tower a mage was sent to.

About Our Characters...

Our characters are all apprentices of the current experts in different parts of Vradia secretly studying the disease for the Emperor. One day our characters wake up and their respected mentor has disappeared. Clues bring our characters together and find that the mentors are a part of a secret society, they realize that they have a duty to continue their mentors’ work.

Now your character’s mentor can be a parent, guardian, uncle/aunt, or whatever. Just that they are experts in their fields of study. These fields are combat, strategy, magic, apothecary/medicine, cryptology/zoology, and biochemistry/biology.

Each character should have some combat knowledge of at least one of the following:

  • single-hand weaponry (ex. sword and shield)
  • two-hand weaponry (ex. Great sword)
  • staff combat
  • dual-welding weaponry (ex. daggers)
  • archery/crossbow
  • Martial arts
  • traps

Your character can be at least two classes, max is three. For example, my character is a Druid with Rogue and Bard skills.

Your character can be Dragonian, Elvian (Elves), Human, Dwarf, Goblins, or Orcs. They can also be 'half' races too like a half-elf.

For simplicity's sake, if your character is a warlock, witch, sorcerer, or wizard they will all fall under the Mage title in Vradia. The Emperor and the church (called the Cleric) don’t care if your character has different practices, magic is dangerous and should serve man not rule over them. Again, those areas that are further from the capital are looser on their laws with magic, and magic is accepted more by the common folk.

One of the Eight Realms of Laelilon...

One of the Eight Realms of Laelilon. Vradia is a secluded realm isolated by the Western Rife Mountains, the Evergreen Forest, the Sea of Contenious to the South, and the Frozen Ocean to the North.

Our band of heroes begins their journey here in the small towns of Vradia's countryside.

No not anymore. Although, sounds like an ice storm is going to happen sometime this coming week. 🙃
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