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"I dun got an ans'er fer dat..." he drawled solemnly "But I intends ta fin' out. Go git da room ready, an I'll bring 'er back 'ere."

The girl nodded, shaken, then departed down the corridor, unlocked the door of the room at the far end, then motioned at him, indicating it was open.

Saying nothing, he strode back into the room with a purpose, then bent down beside the half-conscious girl, and softly drolled into her ear.

"Aright-- I's sorry I lef ya layin here like at.... I gots a room fer ya. I'ma gunna pick ya up naow, un'erstan? Get ya way from all dis noise-- git ya cleaned up. Aright?"

The girl made an unintelligible sound, which he wasn't sure was assent, or dissent. It didn't matter. She could NOT stay out here. Very carefully, like a father picking up a sleeping child, he scooped her up, layed her over his shoulder, then carried her out of the common room and down the hall. He could feel eyes on him, and he felt very vulnerable and naked all of a sudden, but this needed to be done. He'd suffer whatever baseless accusations would surely come from it later.

Moving with purpose, he shuffled down the hall, then beside the young tavern girl.

"She need's a bath-- Kin ya spare some hot water, a washrag, an some nice gen'le soap? Mebbe some towels? -- and... Ya knows where I kin git 'er some clothes ta wear? What she got on right naow... Aint fit fer wearin. I'd be much abliged."
"Hey uh..." he drawled, unsure how to put his and put it properly and discretely. "'Ere's a.. a... delicate sit'ation as needs taken care ah."

He hunkered down to get closer to the girl's ear, and spoke as hushed as he could.

"'At ere girl o'er dere-- on da table. She been through a lot." he seemed to try to almost disappear into the floor, trying to find the words to let the situation be known, and do it candidly. "She uh... She been mistreated bad-- I dun know when she had a proper meal, and she got dirt all o'er 'er... but more an dat..." If it were possible for him to cower any harder while trying to broach this topic, it was not readily discernible how. He was practically crouching now, rather than stooping, and practically trying to hide behind the furniture. "Some fellar as.... She been violated, if ya un'erstands me."

He slowly started to straighten back up, seeming to find his nerve again. "I wants ta help 'er. She need better an 'at table, surroun'ed by loud idiots out 'ere. Does ya gots a room she kin use? One wit a nice sof' bed, an away from .. all dis?"
Cedar eyed the meat and cheese tray jealously, watching a few hands snag a morsel here and there, longing to grab it and run.

A most peculiarly dressed man apparently was his last patient today-- if he hurried, he could still score the tray for himself.

Sucking in a deep breath, and motioning to a chair for the man to sit, he once more had that 'distracted' expression cross his face, while running his claws down the man's back.

"Got stuck wit a pig sticker.. Bruises... Nutin' else as fer as I keen tell... I'll get ya fixed up in a jiffy."

He moved his hand lower, to cover the area where the sword had penetrated the flesh, then looked distracted again while the blue aura flickered off his claws once more, then moved the hand up the back, then down the arms.

"A'right-- 'Ere ya goes. Try not ta get yaself stuck agaeen, a'right?" he said to the man, before giving him a playful pat on his back. "Now-en... I got's a date wit' some dinner!"

Swooping in like an absurdly oversized hawk on a tiny mouse, he glided to the table, snatched up the entire platter, then glided back out again to find a distant corner of the room. He rather disliked being around this many people at once. He wasn't entirely sure why-- Inwardly, he suspected it had something to do with being half bear, and bears being predominantly solitary creatures. It was like a mishmash of natures duking it out inside him, now that he thought about it more, while shoving a fat handful of meat, cheese, and day old rolls into his mouth and snarfing without any concern about table manners. The part of him that was bear, wanted him to just ditch this place, eat as much food as possible, and get the hell away from whatever madness was going to transpire. It didn't care about anyone, or anything, except food, sleeping, --and when circumstances presented themselves as favorable-- a drive for sex. It didn't really care for people. It didn't really care for company. It didn't really care for basically anything at all other than basic needs and wants-- and it was very crabby about it at times. But the other half of him-- The part of him that was a man--- It cared deeply about his dad, his forest friends, the town he grew up next to, and his siblings. It cared about wanting people to know and understand him as a person, it cared about what would happen to any kids that might be sired if he indulged his instincts, and a whole lot of other confusing things. Sometimes it felt like a knock-down drag-out in his soul as those two forces fought over what actions he should be taking.

Abruptly, he looked down at the tray, and noted he had consumed a little over half its contents without having any other considerations at all. Sure, he was several days underfed-- and it was making it harder to behave like a person-- But he was *STILL* half-person, damn it. He felt very embarrassed, and ashamed of himself for his behavior, and had a very sudden need for catharsis.

He slowly snuck back up to the table, and placed the half-emptied tray back where he found it, then glanced behind him at the still unconscious girl, laying face down on the table amid all those people. That feeling of shame burned on the back of his neck and across his brow in a very visceral way. That poor child was even more starved than he was. Was half naked, vulnerable, surrounded by noise and confusion, dirty... The idea that he had just completely spaced her off to run off with the tray burned him inside, and once more that fight inside his being flared up-- the demands to seek food, and do it immediately, butted heads with what was a moral imperative to get that girl someplace safe, cleaned up, clothed, and otherwise looked after.

He scanned the room, noting a small young woman darting back and forth from the common room, and a small side door leading, presumably, to the kitchen.

He sucked in his feelings, and made a choice. He was going to be a man today-- and a good man at that-- Like his pappy had taught him.

He glided around the edge of the commotion, and set up a small ambush for the girl, to catch her discretely as she left for the kitchens, then hailed her, while she carried a tray of empty glasses over her shoulder.

"'Scuse me ma'am.." he drawled "But kin I has a moment wit ya? I's important."
"Well.. I's can think a be'r ways ta go ifn' he din't make it... Sound' like 'e made a good call ta run off 'n join ya. Were awful sudden like. --Leas' he left a note."

He took his hands away from Yvonne, then stretched.

"Got any o'der takers? Od'erwise, I'mma gunna take at 'ole damn platter an run off wit it." he chortled, pointing at the charcuterie tray the inn keeper had left.
"Really naow? Ya dun say?...." he drawled with a cross between bewilderment and amusement. "Well-- At leas' yas all still alive. ... 'an still gots all ya arms 'n legs."

He moved to the ribs on that same side of her chest, just below her breast, and placed the other hand on her back.

"Breathe in-- slow an' gen'le-- All da way in naow... hol' it a minute... Aright, now let i' out..."

He moved his hands to the opposite placement, to work the other side of the chest.

"An' what 'bout 'at 'Enry fellar? 'E e'r make it up ta ya?"
"I cuud do 'at.." Cedar drawled with a chuckle "Bu' why? Ya WANTS ta ache fer the next couple days or summat?"

He was thankful he had snatched his hood back from the short interlude at the farm before the whole lot of them had scurried off across town to the inn. He offered it to Yvonne earnestly.

"Ere-- Bite daown on 'dis. 'Is is gunna hurt som'in fierce."

Without much further elaboration, he collected her wounded arm, held it by the wrist then straightened it out, before placing it flat against her side while holding it gently taught.

"Naow-- wass-is about 'NOTHER bear-man?"

He started pulling the taught arm out, and away from her body, slowly raising it up to the side while the other hand blared with that vibrant blue corona on top of her shoulder as she bit down and made nasty faces.

"What'd I tell ya 'bout pickin' fights wit' sommat like me?" he chuckled with an ornery tone. "Ya's lucky ya in one piece."

Slowly, he raised her outstretched arm equal to her shoulder, paused a moment, before gently making a small circle with her outstretched wrist, then turning the wrist in and out, then slowly moving the arm up. Yvonne made a baleful glare, and sucked air, but did not fight him. This was clearly not her first time. That was good. There were several trouble spots-- Torn and healed several times, and not always well tended. If she'd let him, he'd try to help iron those out for her more later, but while he had her in his claws, he would do what he could right now.

"...'An whaddya mean-- at lil' girl o'er dere? Beat up at tall, strong woman o'er dere? Ya been rollin' round in jimson weed or summat? Ya gots to be foolin' me."

Carefully, he extended the arm just slightly behind her head, while continuing his administrations-- guiding the tissue to grow, refining the scar tissue that was already present to be more supple and smoother, and ensuring that nothing was getting 'stuck' during the process by keeping the arm in motion, while taking it through its complete cycle and range of motion. He changed the exercise to a forward extension, and began slowly letting the arm down.

Yvonne spat out the hood and shot him a dirty look.

"So, Explain tuh me ageen how it was that ya got's yaselves all fucked up like is?" asked Cedar, while gently running an ungloved claw down Yvonne's back and shoulder. A subtle blue glow emanated from the claw tips in the dull gloom of the inn's common area, which had been immediately transformed from a site of immense boredom into a flurry of sudden spontaneous activity.

He was trying to diagnose the severity of the damage before deciding on a patient to treat first, while Solomon conducted his own investigations, focusing on the blonde elf woman's hand.

"Ya gots a torn shoulder, all the muscles in ya arms an thighs is all chewed up from da inside like you tried ta lif' a boulder a couple dozen times, and ya gots 4 broken ribs. Ya is bleedin on the inside a lil tuh. ... Who were it ageen as been beatin' on yas?"

He was not at all happy about having dinner swept out from underneath his nose, and the tone had impacted his normally jovial banter. He was hungry enough to consider eating the lot of them, but that would not do at all with the current situation. Taken together, the frustration he was feeling was thick enough be spread on toast. The hunters from the cabin had gone from excitement to stark confusion, and were milling about the common room looking at the spectacle with poorly concealed interest, and a great degree of disbelief and shock, as dinner had been snatched out from under their noses too.

"An' what about the girl o'er 'ere?" he asked, as he and Solomon glided past each other, moving from patient to patient, each doing their own examination in their own way. Cedar pointed at the white faced girl hunched over the back of a stern and extremely confused Rascade police or military official of some kind-- All these extra people.. "What's er name?"

He ran his clawed finger down her back, and once more the subtle pinprick of blue light glistened on its, and the rest of his fingers, as he momentarily seemed to be looking 'elsewhere' or perhaps 'distracted', making his list of diagnoses.

"What da hell...." he muttered under his breath, while examining her. "..Some dumbfuck dun put a pin through is here lil girl's chest! Got 'er in da lung!" he gruffed, but continued his assessment "Shit job healin' it... salvagable-- Ain't all though... Malnourished... Ain't seen da sun in years, bones is weak.. Eyes is goin bad.. .. Ears feels like 'eys heard lots o loud boomin... and.... aw no.. which one a yas?... Wit' a lil girl? What's wrong wit' the lot a ya, doin' sommat like at?"

He huffed a deep breath, then cast dour, vaguely accusative look around the room, before very gently taking the girl from the soldier, and muttering to her almost inaudibly while he cradled her against his chest to move her to a table.

"... There naow... I'l be aright... Come on o'er here, an lay daown o'er dis here table fer a minute.. Don' try ta breathe or talk jus' yet... Ya'll start bleedin ageen.. Thassit... Righ' o'er here hon.. Relax..."

He pulled the common room table's bench out away from the table about a third of a meter, then levered his ample bottom on top of it, causing the wood to creak and bend under the weight. It was thankfully a sturdy bench, but it still protested under who was seated. The look of "Distraction" returned to his face as he gently leaned over the table, with the full paw of his ungloved hand placed over the drugged girl's back. The tiny pinpricks of blue light had swelled to an odd but dazzling blue incandescence resembling St Elmo's fire flickering from the claw tips, while the bridge of his nose furrowed, and the girl made plaintive shallow coughs while he worked.

"... Easy naow... Breathe in..... An' out..... .. In.... an' out.... 'at feel better, now dun it?.... In.... An' out....."

The injury had been hastily and improperly healed in a ham-fisted way that would leave complications if left untreated. He had intended to treat Yvonne first, but this crappy patch job could come unraveled with just a good strong cough, sending the poor girl on a fast carriage to hell from a bleed out, and required his immediate attention, despite the seemingly less severe outward presentation.

The girl had a severely weakened constitution. Her body showed all the signs of having been brought up poor and neglected, from thin and fragile bones to wiry and taught muscle stretched between them, to skin that had clearly never seen the sun. Some disgusting pervert had been "Wifeing" her as well. Lots of people called his dad a pervert for sleeping with a bear, but the real and true perverts almost always seemed to get a pass from society, as long as "things kept quiet." And it looked here, like things had "Been kept quiet" for a very, very long time. His dad was a lot of things, but at least the relationship between him and his mother was a thing of love, and not cruelty, like this was-- and his dad would NEVER do something like... this.

His mind wandered into a memory of when he was a much younger cub, and he asked his dad what a pervert was, and why some of the village kids called him that. His dad had been so calm, and collected-- loving and earnest with his explanations of what kinds of things some people did, and why society looked down on it, before elaborating more about he and his mom's relationship, and how it was only perverted to people who didn't, wouldn't, or couldn't understand.

He very much hoped, for this girl's sake, that there was something here that he just didn't understand, but he could not for the life of him, fathom how such a thing could come to pass without some kind of predatory bullshit happening. This little girl wasn't even fully grown yet, and her... Parts... weren't fully mature. The odds of her being a willing and enthusiastic participant did not seem particularly high, and he raged a little inside, thinking about some lout doing something like this to one of his little sisters.

He revised the injury, healing carefully from the center of the lung outward, and very carefully controlling the process to only peak on the girl's weak inhalations. Slowly, the very fragile tissue regenerated a small patch of scar where the wound was, but at least the two sides of it weren't "Stuck together". She wasn't in danger of coughing and suddenly bleeding to death any longer, but she wouldn't be running any marathons any time soon, and he would need to give her additional treatments to further refine and guide the scar tissue back into something that more or less resembled lung over the next couple of days. She was breathing easier at least.

"'ere naow..." he gruffed softly at the girl, his rumbling baritone voice vibrating the table with his stooped posture over the top of it, as he planted his weight on the free hand beside her. ".. At'll do fer naow... Jus' res' easy hon--- Breathe in, an' feel it-- It'll be a lil tight now an' 'en-- but ya'll live. I'll keep workin' on it, as ya can handle it-- but it'll take time now, ya hear? Fer naow-- just lay 'ere an' rest... don' try ta move. Just lay 'ere an' rest."

He straightened back up, then heaved in a deep breath, taking a moment to clear his head.

"A'right 'vonnie, yur next-- C'mon o'er 'ere---"

Cedar breathed a deep breath as Matilda put the man back down, hoping the situation was on the path to being diffused.

"Aright-- 'ats bedder. Now den.." he said, scanning the room quickly once more, this time looking for something sturdy enough to sit down on. He noted Reinhold's hastily packed bag in the process of the search. Coming up essentially empty for anything he could sit on, he grabbed two chairs from the dining table, and politely scooted them over to Ingmar and Bertolf, so that they could sit, then levered himself to the floor with a small thud as his back fell against the wall. Seated, he was closer to eye level, and he felt he would be a lot less imposing that way than being hunched over and looming over them. It was a lot more comfortable on his back that way as well. Having gotten all settled in the matter of only a few seconds, he continued. "I sees ya is packin', 'at means ya eit'er wanna skip town, or ya has some idear where them barstards is run off ta."

He chuckled, and made an almost mirthful smirk with surprisingly jovial eyes when motioning toward Reinhold, and his narcolepsy.

"An' if that fellar's so tired as he can fall asleep up'in th' air like 'at, ya's been at it awhile now. Anythung yas could tells us'd be mighty appreciated-- e'en if i's jus' where them dumbshits went through at. I's a purdy good tracker muhself.. mebbe I'd sniff out summat as you fellars as missed.'

He shrugged and raised one paw gently above his shoulder with the pad up in a shrug. "I's worth a shot a' least... say-- You fellars hungry? When we found that fellar 'Birk' in 'at ol' fort tow'r, he's practically skin & bones. I dun see much a hangin up ta dry in here neither. If'n you kids is hungry, 'at fellar o'er 'dere went an' paid a small fortune to fix me up-- 'em nice people at de farm down de road is a cookin' it up fer us. While I's can eats it all down no problem, it aint gunna happen all at once'd. If ya can get a bowl full daown yas faster an I can makes it disappear, ya welcome ta it. Jus' be social, an' tells us all ya does know, aright?"

Cedar opened the door a bit, then popped his head inside while hunching over. Looking around the room, he saw Matilda holding one of the gentlemen he had come to politely ask questions from up by the collar like he was a misbehaving puppy. While he could certainly do the same thing himself-- He was more than strong enough-- it was just not something you were supposed to do with PEOPLE. At least, not fully grown ones, like that one. (Ornery, misbehaving kids-- like his baby brother and sisters, were an exception if you wanted to avoid having teeth in your shins, or getting bowled over.)

"uhm.. Miss Matilda, why ya got that fellar up in th' air like at? We's came ta ask 'ese fellars some questions, not scare em tills the' wets 'semselves... Put the fellar down.. ---You allright up there fella?" he drawled, trying to take in the situation and salvage it with as much polite decorum as he could muster.

He turned his attention to the other terrified man in the room.

"How 'bout you fellar-- Ya knows anythung about an ugly bald fellar wit' a big nose an' a jaw out ta here?"

He made almost comical gesticulations with his paws near is own head, as he made the description.

"Mebbe a silver headed fella wit' a smirk an' a cleft chin? Got one eye, like muh pappy?"

He paused a moment, as if trying to process something he might have missed.

"We's lookin' fer some fellars named Gerhard, Reinhold, Ingmar, and Bertolf--This *IS* a right place right? I mean, If' it ain't, I DOES apologize-- but the nice fellar down at th' farm as a said 'is was da place ta find em-- Don't worry none, I ain't gunna bite-cha."

Cedar shrugged at Solomon before responding.

"aww, dun worry tuh much 'bout it-- The nice fellar said he's a gunna cook it fer us no-how-- I'd prolly eat half o' it while fixin' it up-- Prolly works out better thisa way no how."

When solomon mentioned the potential for a fight brewing inside the cabin they had walked up to, it made him frown. He was raised to not start fights, or to try and get involved in them without very good reason, because it was how you invariably just got hurt. (or worse, hurt other people when you didn't really mean to, and have unending knock on consequences.)

He approached the small wood-framed home with some trepidation. It was "larger" than his single-roomed wood frame cabin, in that it had more rooms, but it was also "Smaller", in that it was not designed for his proportions. Getting inside and moving around would require stooping to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling, and other hazards-- fighting inside would be at a great disadvantage for him, unless he went down on all fours, --but he couldn't swing his walking stick that way.

He looked at Solomon, who had a similar look of trepidation on his own face, but for different reasons, clearly-- The building would be just fine for a person of his stature.

He sighed, then knocked politely on the door.

"Hey, uhm... Is this a good time?" he asked loudly through the closed door after knocking.

If there really WAS a fight starting to brew inside, it just showed a need to be mannerly more than ever.

"Polite and neighborly when dealing with strangers or meeting new people" his dad had stressed at him. "Try not to scare 'em"

He really hoped they would be affable and civil with a visit from a stranger, if they were so indisposed.
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