Linirea: The Lunar Capital
Southern District
"Well, I could certanly give them a big welcome if I blew the gates off their hinges, but that seems counter-productive when we've come all this way to grab someone BEFORE we make a stink." Vanessa laughed, amused at Iskah's question about how they were intending to proceed now that they stood face to face with the Castle of the Lot Knights.
The first thing Vanessa did was close her eyes however, reach one arm out infront of her, causing a small, semi-transparent circle of blue light to appear and slowly rotate counter-clockwise.
"Detect: Magic. Eye of Oros, grant me sight." A slightly more verbal and lengthy incantation than Vanessa's usual one or two-word spells, which may indicate just how much more advanced it probably was when compared to the ones she'd shown Iskah and Aun prior.
However, instead of a being flash or massive surge of spectacular lights and natural phenomenon... The circle simply... Disappeared? Vanished, like a popped soap bubble. Of course, the spell hand't failed - it was just that, unless you were a trained mage or one of the very magically inclined species of the world, you were very unlikely to even notice what the spell's effect was.
When the small circle 'popped', it released a dome-shaped wave, that spread out in all directions, washing over both the castle keep and the city and areas to the side and behind of both Iskah and Vanessa. Like a scan-line at a cash register, or soemthing similar. In any sources of magic, items that contained magical energy, individuals with particularly potent mana or magic constructs/wards/devices were now being 'scanned' by the dark mage. In her mind's eye, thaey would appear, both in their shape, their location, their facing and their purpose or properties. Of course, the spell didn't give her a full, three-dimensional map or anything like that, but any sources of sorcerous qualities would now be known to her. And knowing where and what she was dealing with before going in, well, that was half the hard part right there!
Those who were magically sensitive would be able to sense that ... Something.... had just passed them by. Sort of like when you can feel that someone is looking at you from afar, or you get that feeling that someone or soemthing's staring at you from somewhere. However, without knowledge and training in spellcraft, and more specifically in counter-magic, that was all you would be able to sense, and it would've only lasted for the briefest moment. If you were trained in magic though, you could probably do some kind of counter-divination to locate the source and origin of the spell. But again, what were the chances that a bunch of human knights had that kind of caster on their payroll?
Vanessa opened her eyes again and looked to Iskah.
"Next, we just call on my little helpers again." The same spell she'd used in the town before, the dark mage unleashed her myriad little ... Bug... bird... familiar... things! However, instead of letting them zip off as she'd done before, she made sure to gather them all around herself... And then;
"Mass Invisibility."
And then, Vanessa was gone.
And so were her little minions.
Come to think of it, Iskah wasn't there either.
They'd gone invisible! Completely invisible! Which... Come to think of it, might not be too pleasant for the unprepared lizardman, seeing as, she couldn't see herself anymore either. Like, if she tried to look at her arms or hands or feet, they weren't there anymore. It was like she'd become a disembodied pair of eyes, floating aboe the ground. It could be ... Unnerving... to first-time victims.
Vanessa seemed fine though, cool as a cucumber and not saying a peep. Other then making some kind of motion - which made the air swoosh a bit - and then, the sound of the little magic drones taking flight and disappearing off into... nothing... Even though they were already unseen... So... Theyu became more... unseen... Uh...
"There we go. Now we just wait for them to find Aun and for me to suss out where to go, what and who to avoid, and then we'll be in and out before the day's over."
Vanessa disemboided voice spoke up out of nowhere. Hopefully, iskah wouldn't do somehting silly, like throw a panicked fit and run off somewher or in some direction... It'd be a major headache to try and find her again... At least until the spell wore off.