Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 mos ago
Final day of vacation... It's gone by way too quick. It always does.
2 mos ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
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2 mos ago
Feeling lazy today, so I'll just have some cup noodles for dinner I think
2 mos ago
Remember that food I bought a while back? WHY IS ALMOST ALL GONE ALREADY!? What am I, a black hole?
2 mos ago
Welp, done everything I need to for today, now what?
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Do stay safe.
D'awwwww, widdle Par-par is so cute~ ^-^
More friends, more characters, more mayhem! Yippiiieeeeeeeeee~!!

Urgh, that blows. I've had that happen to me when I accidentally closed down the tab I was writing in, or my browser just decided to crash. I feel your pain. :<
You jerk, dropping a "You'll just hafta wait and see~" bomb like that. xD
Southern District

Wayland Keep

Vanessa had let out a surprised "Ahnn~?!" when her butt got smacked by the man who came sailing past. Initially thinking it just a petty gesture of 'Well, if I'm gonna slam into the wall, the least you can do is let me feel up your butt!'-deal. However, after the slap, a sudden drowsinessx came over her, and she felt herself get weaker at an alarming pace, the dark mage knew something more was afoot here. Looking back, she spotted the little slip of paper that had been attached to her (shapely and squsihy) rear end. While many monsters would've been outraged or had their pride hurt, Vanessa just smiled.

"You cheky devil."

She couldn't muster much more than that though, s she felt so drained and woozy now that she had to get down into a sitting position. She didn't recall much more beyond that for a bit. She thought she heard the voice of Mr. McStudmuffin, as well as the cheers of the other men in the room, but it was all mostly just a garbled mess. Even when the armored soldiers came and each grabbed a seperate limb and hoisted her up, she didn't have the enrgy or presence of mind to even make a joke about 'four of you at once? Oh my~', or something of that nature.

And then, she was unceremoneously plopped into a transport circle.

Outside the Keep.

Plopping out on the other side of the circle of magic, Vanessa felt herself land on her butt. This small bump shook her senses back to at least demi-consciousness and she tried to stand with wobbly legs. Using her staff - which thankfully hadn't been confiscated as recompense for the dmagae cused to the castle - the dark mage slowly got onto her own two feet and looked around, a bit bleary-eyed.

Reaching back, she fumbled with her hand for a bit, before finally finding the culprit of all this and, just as one does with a bandaid, ripped at it. However, in her weakened state, it was more like a tug, and it took a few tries before she actually managed to yank the damn thing off her (supple) cheek. Only then, as the magic-sucking, monser energy-sealing talisman was removed, did Vanessa finally begin to realize where she was and what had transpired.

But, before she could make any real comment about it, she saw an excitable Iskah. Initially, things looked like they'd gone poorly, which would've been a big set-back for the sorceress. However... Then the little one exploded into a big smile and announced happy(?) news.

"... I... Do not... But I'm... happy for you....?" Vanessa's words were a bit slurred and her voice a bit unfocused, as were her eyes. If one didn't know any better, she might've sounded and appeared to be drunk. "But I can't wait... To hear you tell me... All ... about it..." She added, taking a few breaths inbetween her words. Her arms were both resting ontop of her staff and she was slightly leaning forward. It was fairly clear to see she wasn't her usual self at this point. Still, she managed to smile at Iskah nontheless.
Why not both? 8D
Oh wow, that's actually a really helpful thingy there! Now I won't have to constantly go and flip through everyones character sheets in order to figure out how tall they are when compared to Milla. Thanks! :D
*Beeg hug*

I usually tend to make shorter female characters, but I figured since she was the "eldest"; she'd probably be a bit taller than I usually go. :P
Aww, you didn't have to, but thanks. :)
How can Ludo know she's not his type if he's never talke dot her though? JUDGY! D<

Pretty much, yes. xD
Yeah, I know. I just felt like I should mention so there wasn't any misunderstandings though. ;o
I'd just like to clarify somehting, since Camilla's performance has been brought up twice now.

Camilla's performance was anything but impressive. In fact, it would be more accurate to say it was staggeringly mediocre. At least as far as the floating tile target-portion is concerned. Camilla didn't destroy particularly many of her targets, nor was her control and use of the magic bullet anything to write home about, it was actually not that good at all, seeing as she hadn't done or used that sort of spell and maigc in (most likely) several years.

Where the pillar test is concerne,d I suppose you could call it "impressive". But really, there're likely plenty other applicants and candidates who could do the same level of damage as she did, if not more. Do recall that CAmilla's got an issue with people whore' "try-hards" or "ambitious", and as such she wouldn't exactly put any significant effort into her own actions - even for something as (supposedly) important as the Magic Knight Exam.

Now, if anyones characters are remarking on her being impressive for pacing herself or not using needless amounts of mana to cast her spells, that's fine. If someone picks up that she doesn't seem to be going all out or even trying to put on a good show, that's also fine. But her actual practical performance has been anything but noteworthy.

... But perhaps people are just noticing her because of... Certain anatomical reasons... xD
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