Avatar of Xaltwind


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1 mo ago
Final day of vacation... It's gone by way too quick. It always does.
2 mos ago
Wish someone would tell me to just hut up and take THEIR money... Y'know, instead of them telling me to shut up and taking MY money...
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2 mos ago
Feeling lazy today, so I'll just have some cup noodles for dinner I think
2 mos ago
Remember that food I bought a while back? WHY IS ALMOST ALL GONE ALREADY!? What am I, a black hole?
2 mos ago
Welp, done everything I need to for today, now what?
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Wooh, more friendly(?) faces to add to our cast.

Again though, in Zeroth's setting, traffic and emigration/immigration between Hino and the Clover Kingdom has become much more frequent - I even think there's like, a little settlement specifically made by Hino-folk who moved to Clover (correct me if I'm wrong). So your character wouldn't need to be exiled in order to have a reason to live in the kingdom.

That said, if you're going for a Hino Noble, I suppose they wouldn't have a reason to move to Clover unless they were exiled or bansihed. After all, why would you wanna move when you got land, money and power? xD

In any case, looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Always fun to read new CS'es. ^^

@Agunimon, @Expllo
Oi, where you two at?
We miss you guys. :<
As Zeroth said a few posts/pages back, it's still fairly early in the RP, and as we're still dealing with the "trials" of the Magic Knight selection, now is as good a time as any for new people to join.

As with RoadkilBanana, you're the one who has to decide on what your character's background is - though, as this takes place 150~ years after the events of the canon, and traffic/interaction between the CLover Kingdom and Hino has increased, there isn't strictly a need to be exiled, unless you want that particular fact as a key motivational point for your character to join the Magic KNights, either to "regain their honor" or something along those lines.

Also, I'm not the GM and have no authority, so take everything I say or suggest with a grain of salt until Zeroth actually replies to you.

When it comes to magic though, I don't think there actually is any sort of just "summoning magic" in Black Clover. There are ways to create minions or golems via certain elements or magic, but nothing that strictly conjures living creatures or being to serve under your control. The closest thing I can remember doing that was either the guy who could create undead puppets from corpses (and that was his ONLY spell) or the girl who could create a large earth golem from dirt.

If you're going to use Moon Magic, there's only one example of a person in Black Clover using that, so I'd recommend you checking this wiki page to learn more and see if it's actually something you'd like. Though granted, there isn't much info there, except for the fact that Mono magic is apparently a "special" type of magic, so I imagine it's very rare, like Light or Sun magic.

When it comes to Obsidian magic, I can't really help though, as that doesn't seem to be a type that exists in Black Clover - at least not on the wiki. I imagine it'd be an advanced form of Earth Magic? In any case, depending on what you imagine it capable of, you'd probably be best off running it by our GM.

Hopefully, these answers were use-or-helpful until Zeroth gets back to you with a real response and answers. ^^
For earth magic, you could always just visit the wikipedia and check there. Just keep in mind that, typicall in Black Clover, magic is very specific. Like, "earth magic" doesn't incorporate every aspect of things found in the earth or ground. Metal, for example, is a seperate type of magic from earth, as is sand. So the first thing you'd wanna do is decide what "kind" of earth magic you want.

As for backgrounds, that I can't really answer, as that's a big part of your character that you need to decide on. But typically, people belong to one of three major "groups".

- The nobility
- The commoners
- The foreigners from Hino (Who're essentially Black Clover's version of our Japan).

I hope this helps in some way.
And now,charging in from the sidelines, Parin joins the fight against Edward!


It's crazy that half my vacation's almost over already. time sure does fly. I dun wanna go back to woooooork... *beeg crai*

Anyway, it'll be curious to see f there's a fourth test after the ball-hunting. Or, if this year's "combat" exam gets skipped because everyone decided to throw down during the "flight" exam. :P
Albie vs. Gunnar, go!


Oh, and Ludo vs. Edward, also go!

Weeeeheee, Databug and my collab is up. :3
Edward Power-Creep:
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