Avatar of Xaltwind


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1 day ago
Current That feeling when you realize that your vacation's almost over and you'll have to go back to work in a few days...
6 days ago
My cat just decided to take multiple dumps on multiple of my carpets.... Being a pet-owner sure is magical sometimes
10 days ago
My sleep schedule is so whack.... I really need to fix it
11 days ago
Happy new year, and all that jazz
18 days ago
Merry Xaltmas, one and all.


  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

Thanks @Lemons, if I manage to get into the RP, I might take you up on that. :)

So let's see, so far the accepted characters are...

- The Aquarium Owner
- The Museum & Observatory Owner
- An Artiste who spray-paints the forest and comits vandalism on an island-wide scale.
- The starry-eyed Adventurer who think he's bound for historical recordings.
- The dispassionate, unfriendly and angsty proprietor of the local general store(?).
- An accountant obsessed with doing everything herself and telling everyone else how to do things her way better.
- Farmer Boy who lives with his sister and tries to work soil with unsuitable pH levels.
- Farmer Girl who lives with her brother and tries to raise animals that're clearly in need of a vet-visit.
- A reclusive bookworm who thinks a tiny island populated by mostly a gaggle of senior citizens is too crowded.

... Did I forget anyone?
I imagine Yumi and Yuki have a nice shogi set. Now, how good is Yumi at it...

They do, 'cuz Miyuki nicked confiscated one - among other things - after she had to "quit" working at the palace. xD

As for yumi's skill... Depends on how much she likes board games and how invested she was in getting good at it, I suppose~
That's a big he-- Hey, What're you doing here, neckbiter!? D<

Guess I should start thinking up a good character concept. I did go and read all of the accepted CS'es by the by, so no longer a bad noodle.


Oh, and I am in no way, shape or form equipped to do fancy things with graphics or image-editing, fyi. The best I can do is add color to my test.
Alright, quick-read through the OOC (I haven't looked at any of your CS'es yet, because I'm a bad noodle, orz) and couldn't see that anyone had asked the questions I wanted to ask, so I'll ask them.

Quesitons d'Xalt:

1. What sort of technology level are we looking at here? Is there electtricity?C om,puters? TV? Radio? Refrigerators!? AIRPLANES!?!!?

2. Since it's a fantasy world, do people use things like swords, axes, suits of armor and what else have you of ye olde dayes? Or are there things like muskets or modern firearms?

3. Is there magic, and if yes, can we use it?

4. What climate is the island? Is a tropical/mediterranean enviroment? A temperate one? Boreal? Taiga?

5. Are there BAD MONST0RZ lurking on the island surface? Or all the nasties down in caves, old tunnels and the vconveniently abandoned old mine that still has tons of ore in it for some reason?

6. Are we all supposed to be humans, or can we play other races? Again, fantasy and all.

7. Are there cookies, and can I eat them?

That is all I wish to know for now.
Now to lurk and wait most menacingly.
@Expendable If Velvet knew what Qaymu was thinking she would be personally offended. She is just fine at chess, thankyouveryMUCH!

... Sure you are, precious.

Miyuki on the other hand, had to play shogi - among other traditional asian games - during her time in the Imperial Court, so she could probably play a fair game, if you could convince her to take it seriously. Which is probably more effort than you'd need to put into the actual match...
*Pokes head in*
... It says you're still open to appications, soooo...

Just wanted to stop by and express interest in potentially joining. But I'll hafta read through the OOC tomorrow after work, and then possibly ask some questions if they haven't already been answered, before I express anything more than interest.
More like...
You've left your mark on this world, rejoice! Thy deeds shall echo throughot history!

... Or, at least until the internet implodes sometime in the future...

But until then, GREAT SUCCESS!

Ryu Dragon (Uh oh) in the modenr world~
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to withdraw from this. But hey, at least if anyone else wants Freyja they won't have any competition now.

Best of luck to you all. :)
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