Name: Marsel 'Zell' Brooks
Age: 23 years old
Country on Earth: London, England
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 185lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Personality: Laid back & Party animal. This would perhaps be the most succint description of Zell, on the surface. Brimming with confidence and daring, Zell can command a certain degree of respect and even admiration from his peers. When he sets his mind on an objective, he often gets what he wants... pity that what he wants is usually vapid, shallow and fleeting. Enjoys playing sports and following sports teams, drinking beer and going to the gym.
Brief Backstory: Coasting through university on a football scolarship, Zell has used the entirety of his time in education to have fun and fend off the responsibilities of real life. On campus, he was popular, sold recreational drugs to fund his partying and paid other more studious peers to write his assignments. It was only during the last few months of his life that his persisent and passionate lecturer, Dr Bradford, started to get through to him. He was finally convinced to take life seriously and was beginning to put his head down and start working hard to finish his studies. But then he was tragically hit by bus, crossing the road, and died at the scene.
Adventurer Class: Fighter
Starting Common Gear: Longsword. Studded leather armour with some steel plating. Cloak and belt satchel.
Special item: None
Notable skills or abilities: Zell has the power to teleport short distances (roughly 6 feet in distance) He doesn't fully understand how it works, and will take some time before he can do it on command, but right now, it only activates on instinct. He has also been blessed with a keen understanding of swordplay and a slight enhancement to his athletic gifts.