Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

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Ah, whoops XD I originally made him Queon, but rethought his personality and changed him to Sikth. Good eye, I'll fix that immediately.

Definitely feels like CSS. I loved that amine so much XD
*Clap clap clap*


I'm not going to be that guy, but I am amazed at Samantha's extraordinary reaction times, level of power, and complete an utter disregard of every hun- sorry, I mean the 5 other hunters in the tavern, who are mostly comprised of PCs that have a high level of experience. And she's only 19?


If I sound like an asshole, that is completely and totally intentional. The amount of Arena-built-irritation I'm having right now is enough to blow up a building. No offense to Noxx, but I have a very hard time believing that Sam is capable of what she just did unless she's secretly a ninja.

Edit: After only a few minutes, I instantly regretted posting this. I'm going to keep it posted for the sake of recording my stupidity, but my views were not meant to be as vitriolic as portrayed.

That being said, I still stand by the view that what Sam had just did was utterly ridiculous. Dramatically, thematically, and logically.
@Xiro Zean

Had to attribute character color to the section headers, but that’s about it on the “Gowi is a OCD moron” front. So let's get to the meat of things. This... this might take awhile to read.

Benchmarks: If you are content with lacking a full physical list, no comments here.

Um... it's good? Excellent really. Good to go.

Horrah! My stupidly-long-to-make-CS wasn't utterly annihilate- Uh, I mean... Thanks :D

There is a lack of Physical Benchmarks to underline Ochre's main role: A merchant. Most of his time in Pariah was taken up in his Armorsmithing and selling his pieces off. There wasn't really much time to build up on any sort of Physical Benchmarks for him, but I guess if I really wanted to I could give him enhanced strength for working at his forge for so long... Or give him some sort of Benchmark that could make up for his lack of presence on the battlefield.

Sure, he can fight as well as any other Adventurer who has played as long as he has, but don't expect for his efforts to be seen at first glance.
I mean... She wouldn't :D All in all, she's a nice little lady, if a bit airheaded :P

Maybe if Rose tried to take Caliope, she would do something of that nature, but she's more likely to "let herself out" than be "kicked out" if things get heated

*Mass Potion Transmutation, readies a <Flask of Rapid Crystal Formation> in each hand*


Nah, she ain't a fighter. Give her a reason to, though, and in a few seconds you'll have your lower body on fire. Wait a few more and you'll be skewered by rapidly cooling icicles.
@EnterTheHero T'was a joke, but since I'm not funny, the punchline doesn't really sink in...

Ha ha.

Truth, since Elaine is probably the second most childlike of the witches (Samantha gets first place, the sodding git). Still, funny as hell to me.

And who ever said that Elaine was weak?

Isn't that what Enchanting does ALL the time? XD I've never used the "grant fire to sword" type of Enchanting. Ever.

I know the technical term is "Affinity Enchantment, but idc :P

I love how Mirai calls Elaine a child, when the later is older than the former by 40+ years XD

She looks younger than she is, but still... I'm so happy with my design choices. I keep laughing hysterically for some ungodly reason.
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