Avatar of Xiro Zean


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3 yrs ago
Current Have you heard of the MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial, you can play through A Realm Reborn and Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.
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5 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you feel like you should be doing something, recognize that you're not doing anything, but then proceed to continue to do nothing? That's me. Everyday.
8 yrs ago






...I got nothing. *shrugs*

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What do you mean? That Maxwell and Ochre aren't different at all? Or are you talking about moi? XD
O c h r e

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

"Yo, Orchid!"

Ochre averted his gaze from the current cadaver of an orc that he had been skinning, carving knife slack in his dominant hand as he slowly stood up from the half-desecrated corpse. Scarlet liquid painted the front of his bronze armor, drenching the lower half in particular as if he had been wadding in it. His blank, coal stare viewable from the T-shaped slit in his helmet locked with the pikeman's own, a measured nod his only response to Graves' call. The name was one he was quite familiar with, having been called as such each time he and the bloodied soldier met for a dungeon run. It wasn't the worst thing he'd been called, to say the least, since the man was essentially naming him after a varied kind of flora.

Gathering materials from the dungeon orc was... visceral, to say the least. Not that it couldn't be, as it inevitably boiled down to "relieving" a corpse of its natural extremities, but today the act itself seemed... disturbingly authentic for some apparent reason. He couldn't divine the reason from his own musings, except maybe theories upon the cause of it. The same catalyst that had increased the intelligence of the orcs they fought, perhaps? An update that the entire party, strange as it would be considering how many "in the know" members there were, was oblivious of? Once again, he only had theories, but they were all that made sense to him at this moment in time.

"-covered. You think you can handle that, flower boy?" Snapping out of his thought-provoked stupor, the armorsmith blinked his half-lidded eyes before giving the man another slow nod. Honestly, Ochre had no idea what once of the most vocal players had just said, having missed most of what he said as he pondered the strange happenings in the game they were playing. However, he was sure that the task set before him couldn't have been too difficult, nor anything pertaining to a feat needed outside a dungeon's confines. Worst come to worst, he could just go with the flow until someone called him out. Less energy spent than asking, anyway.

With a brief glance at the ruined corpse next to him, the young man deduced that he already had enough materials from the orc to experiment with, and proceeded to roll the body over to cover the mess he had made on the creature's chest and mouth. Of course, it didn't cover the pool of blood that had gathered below the body, as well as the three other carcasses in visually worse states, but the small act should weather the worst of the stomach bug that had recently settled inside him.

Aaaaaall right. I'm up, and typing. Whoooo! Also fuck college and its ridiculousness

Edit: Posted. Now time to wonder why the fuck it took so long.

Waking up in 10 hours to post. College blindsided my ass DX
O c h r e

• Tʜᴇ Dᴜɴɢᴇᴏɴ •

A low, almost breathless sigh released itself from Ochre's lips as his gaze lazily surveyed the fallen figure before him, its brutish form unmoving besides the occasional spasm as the runic circle beneath it shone dimly with yellow, arcane light. Small, almost imperceptible sparks ran across the paralyzed orc, its eyes open yet unseeing without the breath of life fueling their gaze. The blacksmith's blade gleamed with each tiny arc of light that spread across the corpse, the blood dripping from its tip the same hue as the liquid flowing from a single, deep crevice across the beast's throat. As the magical trap slowly faded from the dungeon floor, its power fading without constant stimulus from its creator, the young man half-heartedly flicked his sword to the side as loose droplet of crimson removed themselves with the motion.

Honestly, they should have expected the dungeon to be full of tricks and mysteries, seeing that most if not all of the adventurers here have at least dipped their toes into a dungeon's depths before. It's what their known for after all, besides the loot that is known to lay within their expanses, as well as the monsters that protect them. But none of them were quite ready for a surprise attack from the floor of all things, especially from the normally intrepid orcs that had gained a reputation for their lack of intelligence.

Tilting his head slightly to glance at his nearby allies, he couldn't help but give one of the fighters that helped him out a slow nod of thanks, the bronze armor that he chose to enter the dungeon with creaking as the bottom of the helmet scraped the chest plate beneath it. Besides the orc he had defeated on his own, there were three others of the kind that had ambushed the small section that he occupied. Thankfully, the others of the party were capable of picking up his slack before he was able to set down a few traps, aiding another in defeating their foe. With that done, his sword was nonchalantly returned to its scabbard while a smaller, more versatile carving knife came into the grip of his free hand.

And so, the blacksmith took it upon himself to begin to loot the bodies around them. Not for gold, nor equipment, but materials. Removing teeth, skinning the orcs' tough hide, anything that the body could provide for his work. Of course, the damage wrought by his allies had most certainly reduced the amount of quality items, but he had at least one, mostly intact body to scavenge from. Enraptured into his meticulous, methodical work, Ochre ignored the sounds of disgust coming from the closest of the party, as well as the yelling coming from two loudest nuisances a dozen feet away. They really didn't have to shout, they were in an enclosed space.

It wasn't clean, his efforts, but it wasn't a job most took to doing, anyway. It saved the hassle of needing to bargain in market places for good deals in leather, bone, and the like, as well as having the pleasant side effect of being around the same quality after a bit of refinement. After picking his own orc clean, he slowly moved to the next, content in his slow, yet steady drudgery until the party began to move again. It was much less troublesome than talking to another person, anyway, and with how practiced he was the energy-efficiency outweighed conversation as well.
<Snipped quote by Xiro Zean>
Given the time that has passed and a fresh thread, would it not be more intuitive to retcon to being with the group?

@Stern Algorithm

Eh, you right. Just thought it would be stupidly funny for the two to finally catch up in the last stretch of the dungeon. I'll have Ochre with the group, and Tessa's probably going to be doing whatever she does XD
@Stern Algorithm
Since we left off at heading towards the dungeon via sinfully slow cart, would you want to still be on the road, in the dungeon with the rest or at the entrance? I don't mind any of the three, tbh, just depending on whether or not you want to be in the thick of things or slowly ease into it.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

Let's start typing, yeah? XD
Yuppers! Locked and loaded, my people!
I did it :D Tell me if I got the gist of Arcane Domains wrong XD
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