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Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do art sometimes. I am the GM of two tabletop roleplays on this very site:

- Beyond Moonlight's Reach, a story of four young dragons growing up in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, and using the Powered by the Apocalypse game Epyllion.

- Search for Tir na Og, a DnD 5e campaign set in the Planescape setting where a group of strangers from all across the multiverse come together to solve the mystery about what happened to the Celtic gods after they and their homelands were mysteriously spirited away.

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Flicker's face became grimmer with each new sentence out of the imp's mouth, and a strong desire to send the creature back from the hellhole it had crawled out of began to fill the genasi. However, they knew enough about fiends to know that fire was likely to do jackshit, and they didn't really fancy the idea of getting close enough to this creature to punch it, not with that stinger tail and whatever other nasty tricks it might have up its sleeve.

They clenched their fist. "Going to be entirely honest here," they said. They look around at their party members. "And stop me if I'm presuming anything, but, err, I don't think we'd want anything that a fiend could offer. Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction." They realised they probably sounding a bit overly superstitious right now, but given everything they had been through recently - and the way that one shopkeeper had reacted when they'd tried to sell the things they'd taken from Nanna May during their first encounter - they felt they had the right to be.
Sorry, I know I've been posting a bunch, but I just found this video, it's hilarious and it perfectly describes the two wolves constantly at war within Flicker's soul:

I read through an imp's statblock out of curiosity, because I assumed it was either resistant or outright immune to fire. I was right... but I also found out it was resistant to bludgeoning. So now I just have this mental image of Flicker pointing at the imp and shouting...

"There's two things I'm really good at: punching and setting things on fire, and this little shit is resistant and immune to both respectively!"
Imp: Hey, do you want some freebies?
Flicker: I don't trust like that.

Imp: Btw, I'm Nanna May's familiar.
Flicker had been keeping to themself after the group's impromptu drinking contest. The whole situation had been weird, but they doubted they could explain why succinctly to any of their traveling companions. Not without sounding crazy, anyway. So, they'd mostly just avoided talking about it... or talking at all, for that matter.

They did hope however that once they were in Zephyr and things weren't so hectic, they'd have a moment to talk with the more religious members of the party. Various existential thoughts had been bubbling around in their mind for a while, probably as far back as their encounter with Nanna May, and while they could easily just write a letter to their old order, getting a reply would take some time. Besides, Flicker had stopped living with the Order for a reason. They respected the monks and thankful for what they had done for them, but their philosophies just never quite worked for Flicker. Maybe the fire genasi just didn't 'get' it.

Maybe I'm just stupid in general, Flicker thought to themself as they traveled, not for the first time in their life and definitely not going to be the last.

Before they could finish that thought, the party stumbled across some sort of... shop(?) in the middle of nowhere, manned by someone Flicker immediately felt they shouldn't trust. After all, wasn't there some proverb about 'fiends bearing gifts'?

"And who might your master be, exactly?" Flicker asked, not moving to take anything from the imp until they got an answer.
Imp: Hey, do you want some freebies?
Flicker: I don't trust like that.
You know, when I started this roleplay with the intention of Jub having a sassy little spider familiar, I didn't suspect Jub's quest to try and re-summon her after her untimely death would be a running subplot...

... but here we are, two years into this roleplay and Jub is still trying to get his spider back, while the universe mocks him.
Jub the Peculiar

Jub had been so lost in his own stress he hadn't really paying attention to Brutrumukk's attempts to tempt the macaw over to him... that is, until the macaw spoke, in a way that was much more succinct than that of the average parrot.

"Huh..." For a moment, his stress lifted slightly as he realised that the parrot in their presence was actually someone's familiar. Which meant, there was a wizard or some similar spellcaster around, and if they had a familiar, it was likely they had the components for a Find Familiar spell. Which meant...

Before Jub couldn't finish that thought, Brutrumukk apparently got offended by the parrot's words and ran after it as it flew off, likely to speak to its master. "Brutrumukk, hold on!" Jub shouted, giving chase to the gnome.
I can't really think of anything for Jub to add right now.

Just a reminder, you have yet to update Skobeloff's Friendship Gem tracker after he spent one to teleport to Shieldwing.

Oop. Thanks for reminding me.

totally didn't forget that we'd ruled that using the sand casts a friendship gem
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