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Fell, she/they, English, currently obsessed with DnD and other ttrpgs. I do art sometimes. I am the GM of two tabletop roleplays on this very site:

- Beyond Moonlight's Reach, a story of four young dragons growing up in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, and using the Powered by the Apocalypse game Epyllion.

- Search for Tir na Og, a DnD 5e campaign set in the Planescape setting where a group of strangers from all across the multiverse come together to solve the mystery about what happened to the Celtic gods after they and their homelands were mysteriously spirited away.

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Yeah, I'm also still keen on trying out this system.
Great Bazaar, Market Ward, Sigil

@Lurking Krog @Abstract Proxy @Guardian Angel Haruki

"Not too long," Lissandra responds to Aaliyah with a small smile. "I wanted to come by before the rest of you got here, just to make sure the portal was still there." She leans forward in somewhat conspiratorial manner. "The thing about Sigil is that portals tend to disappear just as suddenly they appear. Makes cataloguing all of them quite a chore." She chuckles, taking a step back. "It seems everything is the same, though I do have some back-ups just in case it decides to wink out existence at the last minute." She starts glancing around, hoping to spot the two other people she invited her. "Also paid the shopkeeper who runs the place a little so they don't get all upset about us using it. Apparently this portal has caused quite the stir."

She then addresses Beigeiros. "Everything's going well so far, it seems, which for Sigil is practically a miracle," she says. She gives a small laugh before turning her head to survey the crowd once more. "I had asked someone else to be here, but it appears she's running a little late." She turns back to her companions. "Never mind. She still has some time to arrive if she chooses. For now..." She motions from Aaliyah to Beigeiros. "Aaliyah, this is Beigeiros, a member of the Plane-tenders sect who resides in Tir na Og." She then motions from Beigeiros to Aaliyah. "Beigeiros, this is Aaliyah. She's new to Sigil, not aligned with any of the factions, and has an interest in finding out what had happened to your homeland." She looks between them before nodding. "While we wait, is anything either of you would like to ask me or each other? I find it's good to gather as much information you can beforehand."

Ubiquitous Wayfarer, Lower Ward, Sigil

@rush99999 @Fading Memory

Ulgad glanced over at Fyodor. "Well, I don't really come here often, but from what I hear, you'll want to talk to the proprieter," he said. He points a thumb at the older human woman behind the bar. "That's her, I reckon. Though from what I hear, she's not too fond of travellers using a portal without buying something first." He gives Fyodor a very strong pat on the back before turning his gaze to the other members of the group, a small grin on his face. "I says we all have a nice drink before we head out."

"Best news I've heard all day!" Jarret practically shouts as he starts to make his way to the counter, only for Ulgad to grab his arm the moment he takes a step forward.

"One drink, Jarret," Ulgad says, his face immediately becoming grim. "I mean it."

Jarret scowls. "What you pickin' on me for?!" he shoots back.

As the two continue to bicker, Wynvere lets out a small sigh, her breath somehow being visible despite the warmth of the tavern. She then begins to walk towards the counter, not bothering to look at any of her companions as she does so.

Meanwhile, the tiefling regards Zaraknyvr with the same wary look at that the human bartender had previously cast in his direction. "Let me guess," she says. "You're heading out towards Tir na Og? You and everyone else this week, mate." She looks at the coin in her hand before heaving a sigh. "You know what? Sure. There's a large barrel of wine down in the cellar that leads to Ecstasy, though you'll need the portal key to open it. And no, I don't have one on me, before you ask." She indicates with her head towards the woman with the cat sat at the bar. "I think Tabiah's heading that way. She comes here every so often, always by herself. A wizard heading to the Outlands by her lonesome seems a tad suicidal, so maybe she'd appreciate some assistance." She shrugs. "Or not. That's up to her." She glanced in the direction of the bartender. "Though, some advice? Riaen don't like it when people use her place as a shortcut without paying, and if you head to the wine cellar without buying something, she might have a problem with that." The tiefling gives a snort. "And given the look she's casting your way right now, you're unlikely to slip by unnoticed."

If Zaraknyvr happens to glance over towards the bar, he will indeed see that the bartender is no longer paying any attention to the Bleak Cabal members and is solely focusing on the drow.

The tiefling continues, "Anyway, that's all I got for you." She then holds out a hand for the rest of her payment.

Former site of Tir na Og, the Outlands

@Digizel @Rune_Alchemist

"Yes, Miss Raella," Arndell says, almost automatically and he goes to pick up the girl, only for her quickly rebuff him to which he repeats his previous sentence before taking a few steps back to his original place. He doesn't seem to have much reaction to anything that's going on around him, and obediently follows after his lady as she goes to speak with one of the druids.

The druid Raella happens to approach was a halfling dressed in robes of a robin's egg blue, and when Raella is close enough to see his face, she'd notice he had vitiligo, with the right side of his face being patching with lighter tones than the left. He regards her for a moment, blinking up at her as if needing time to even register that she was there. "You're kidding right?" he says eventually in a high and nasally voice. He narrows his eyes at her, as if trying to figure out if she is genuinely joking. He quickly realises that she indeed is not. "Well then. I'd ask if you live under a rock, but I have friends who live under rocks, and even they know what's going on right now."

At this, Arndell makes a little noise. It might have been a small laugh, a sharp intake of breath or just a cough. It's hard to tell. A lot of his noises tend to sound the same.

Meanwhile, the two firbolgs take a moment to register Tanrith speaking to them and both, at the same time, turn their heads towards the kobold. The younger firbolg man looks angry, while the older firbolg woman looks wary but curious. The two armored guys standing to the side don't make any aggressive moves towards Tanrith, though one of them nudges the other and they share a look. One of them is even smirking. Clearly, Tanrith's intervention is making the situation even more amusing for them.

"Where do you people even keep coming from!?" the firbolg man shouts. "Isn't it enough that our home is gone without everyone from across the multiverse coming to gawk at us!?"

"Sarceron," the firbolg woman says firmly.

The firbolg man - apparently called Sarceron - rounds on her. "Don't use that tone on me," he says. "I am not a child anymore-"

"Could have fooled me," the firbolg woman interjects.

"-and I will not be talked down to by anybody, let alone you."

The firbolg woman shakes her head before turning her attention to Tanrith. "Apologies," she says. "I am Faelee, factotum of the Doomguard." She motions to the two armored figures. "This is Vivir and Rhuk."

Vivir raises a hand while Rhuk merely nods and grunts. Given how heavily armored they are, its not easy to really see what race or gender either of them are.

Faelee then points towards the water. "Our newest factioneer, Azorigal, is in the water right now," she says. "He's capable of breathing water and a better swimmer than the rest of us, so we thought it best to send him down to check on the state of Tir fo Thuinn. See if it too has been spirited away." She glances over towards Sarceron. "Because apparently, no one else has done so."

Sarceron glares at her. "You realise how dangerous it is down there, don't you?" he says. "I've almost lost most of my sect at this point, I'm not going to risk anyone else until we have a better idea of what in the Nine Hells is going on."

"Well," Faelee says. "I'm sure once Azorigal returns, we will have a better idea of our situation."

Sarceron scoffs. "Our," he says. "You say that as if we're in this together."

"Tir na Og was my home too, Sarceron."

"And yet you ran off to join them-" Sarceron motions to Vivir and Rhuk. "-instead of stay with your own family!"

Faelee doesn't respond right away, merely absentmindedly running a finger across wrinkles on her own face. She has a lot of them. "I had my reasons," she says.
Aight, so Abstract Proxy has been absent for three days and they haven't responded to my PMs. I'm gonna finish writing this post today and get it up. They still have a little time to get their intro in before Lissandra moves Beigeiros and Aaliyah anyhow.
As Fellwing followed after Garrock, she'd once again note he has a surprising amount of speed and grace for a dragon of his size and age. He very quickly barrels through the hallways, not stopping to even nod at any dragon who passes him by, so it doesn't take him long to exit the Snouthold. Once he's out the door, he does briefly pause to re-orientate himself as he tries to recall the directions Skobeloff had given him. After a moment, he decides it would be easier to take to the skies to survey the area, and after a short run quickly takes flight.

Fellwing can still see him from the ground, thankfully, but following on foot it going to present its own challenges.

Rudrick took a step forward, likely to intervene in Lazward's attack against the plants, when Skobeloff made his dramatic entrance, causing the bearded dragon to stumble back slightly in surprise. "Moons above!" he exclaims, holding up claw to where his heart would be. A moment later, he gives a laugh. "You certainly are full of surprises, young one." He raised an eyebrow as the trickster addressed him, listening to him relay his conversation with Garrock. "Giant... spiders?" He looked confused - and even a little concerned - but eventually he nodded his head. "I'll be there, then." He addressed the rest of the room. "I'll be back." He then exited the room.

His sudden departure caused Lazward to briefly pause in his actions as he glanced over towards the door. "What was that about?" He then glanced over at the drakes in his room, acknowledging them for the first time. "And who are you guys?"
She would follow from a distance!

Alrighty! I'll try and get the next post up tomorrow.
"I'm not sure why, but I've got this feelin' that this is meant to be some kinda break from everythin' what's 'appened so far."

Apparently turning into a gnome has allowed Brutrumukk not only to speak to animals, but also perceive the fourth wall.

Does Fyodor know anything about his Bleaker companions other than what you've already mentioned?

I'd say Ulgad's open enough about himself that you know that he's from the Outlands originally, and that he used to be part of a gnoll pack called the Howling Hoodlums. Apparently after a failed attack on some travellers, he was left for dead before a member of the Bleak Cabal found him, and he's been loyal to them ever since.

Ulgad's also a bit of a gossip so he's probably warned you prior to this mission that Jarret has a bit of a reputation for being a drinker, and is from Bedlam, the gate-town in the Outlands that leads to Pandemonium, which is apparently not a very nice place to live.

Wynvere, if Fyodor has attempted to speak to her at all during or before this, speaks cryptically in a mixture of riddles and poetry (whenever she bothers to speak at all). Ulgad also has no information on her either, other than the fact he heard her sing one time and her song was so beautiful yet sombre that it had in him tears for at least an hour. You are not sure if this is an exaggeration on Ulgad's part.
Welp, Jub got a 10 on a investigation check.

Tbf he's probably too emotionally distraught to figure out anything that's going on right now.
Is Jub still exhausted? Also does the lucky stick will work?
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

Haha, I rolled a probably not (aka a 9.)

Good to be back in a D&D campaign already~ At least it wasn't a save or an attack~ xD

I'd say you recognize the armored guys and the people in martial arts gear as two of the ascendant factions from Sigil, but you have a hard time recalling which ones exactly.

You don't recognize the druids.
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