Heather Jepsen
Age: 28
Former Occupation: Court Stenographer
Personality: Heather liked to think she was a normal, well-adjusted person before all this. She had no problems talking to people - introducing herself, consoling others, sticking up for people or speaking her mind, none of that phased her. Heather was very close with her younger sister, and when she disappeared it deeply affected Heather. She grew a little more withdrawn, a little more cold, a little more pessimistic. When she wasn't needed at her job her mind was filled with a singular purpose, sometimes leading to her spacing out in conversations.
Desire: To find her sister, nothing else.
Class: Totem
Effigy Emblem: Heather's emblem takes the form of a
curled earring. It's permanently affixed to her ear, but losing the entire ear is a good way to separate her from it. The head of the earring sometimes transmits whispers from her sponsor. The emblem grants her the manifestation of her desire to seek out someone - her eyes can see through things. Physical things like doors, walls, and even people are no problem. With some effort, it also allows her to see through more complex things: lies, puzzles, even into dreams. For the immaterial things, the more something is hidden in the psyche the harder it is for Heather to "look" at it, and the more strain it puts on her eyes and brain.
Bio: Heather and his family grew up on the East Coast. Like all families they had their ups and downs, good times and hard times, but for the most part they were a typical family. Heather had always been studious and detail-oriented, good at absorbing and remembering information. Boring things like note taking didn't bother her, and eventually she took a job at the local court house as a stenographer. Things were going well.
Then, the community and Jepsen family were rocked by the disappearance of Laney, Heather's then 14 year old sister. Laney vanished without a trace. She wasn't the type to up and run away, but there were no clues whatsoever about her disappearance. Did she really run away, or was she kidnapped? Was she lost and still alive, or was she lying dead somewhere? Months passed and the answers to these questions never came.
The loss of Laney drove Heather and her parents into a depression that's lasted since then. Heather withdrew from her friends and family, spending all her extra money on hiring private investigators, bribing cops and criminals alike to help out, and offering rewards for any information about her sister. She was still searching when an otherworldly being approached her with a promise.