Avatar of Yankee


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25 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Botan Naito

Jarvis was doing an excellent job from where Botan was looking. He'd already found a handful of people! Well, this will be even easier than I expected! She thought to herself. Botan was happily awaiting the people on the lower deck to start making their way up, the thought that they might ignore her not even once crossing her mind. A small commotion at the stairwell nearby drew Botan's attention away from the prospective teammates below, her hair bouncing as she turned quickly to find a young man with his hand clamped in the massive maw of a Pokémon. She regarded the two of them with wide eyes, struggling to remember what this particular Pokémon was called and if it was dangerous. Maybe this person needed help?!

She didn't expect that he would ask to join up with her. She blinked at the recently released man and the Pokémon beside him for a few moments, and then she dove forward with her hands outstretched and a smile from ear to ear.

"Hello! Of course you are welcome to join me!" She said, grabbing Felix's hand in her own and shaking it. "Felix, was it? My name is Botan! It is a pleasure to meet you. My Pokémon partner will be back any moment now with the rest of the group."

Botan was nothing if not enthusiastic. She couldn't wait for Jarvis to return now - he would be so proud of her, finding a member for the group all on her own! Nevermind the fact that Felix and his friend approached her first. Botan released her grip on Felix's hand and looked down at the Pokémon next to him, giving it a smile.

"This little one brought you over here, yes? She has a sharp eye!"

Meanwhile on the lower deck, the Machamp folded a pair of arms behind his back and nodded at Arlo's statement. The blue haired man was right, he was gathering suitable companions. A survivalist would be a perfect addition. Jarvis stood by, waiting patiently while the humans talked among themselves. He met the Ninetale's eyes with a neutral expression, though he breathed in and puffed his chest out a little, letting the other Pokémon know that he was no pushover despite the uniform (that he wore with pride). Once the trainers started moving, Jarvis gestured politely for them to go ahead, and he would follow after.

When he spotted Botan again with a stranger, Jarvis swiftly made his way over to the young lady. He gave Felix and his Mawile a suspicious look, but then Botan was tapping on his arm and introducing everyone.

"Hello everyone! I'm so glad you decided to chat with me. My name is Botan Naito, and this is Felix! We are building an amazing group for exploring Panmia Island, and you who were chosen by Jarvis are invited to join." Her demeanor was dazzling, and it seemed she was already quite comfortable with looping Felix into the whole situation even though they'd just met. The Machamp offered a shallow bow to the lot of them so they would be able to discern who exactly "Jarvis" was. Botan clasped her hands together in front of her and smiled. "An exciting proposition, isn't it?"

HP: 860/860 - MP: 660/660 - SP: 710/710
_________________ []
With Klein and Magpie's approval, the trio who stayed behind went to meet up with the others. Before they moved, Ames responded to Klein's thought about getting a reward with a shrug, and read the messages that Amulak and Raime sent back. So Lugh was definitely fine, that was a relief. She could read the scouts' frustration in the text, but Ames scratched her head. Weren't they forgetting about something? They were so pissed at Lugh, they forgot that initially he'd come down here at the request of his temple or whatever, right? Once Klein, Mags, and herself made it over there, Lugh barely acknowledged them before leading the whole group into some kind of hidden area.

It was all very strange. A frown formed on Ames' face and refused to leave.

"Um, don't you guys think Lew is acting kind of weird...?" she whispered to the others as they moved through the run down building. The place was creepy as hell, just as much if not more so than out in the open caverns. And then, Lugh brought them to a room with snake people. Honest to god snake people. Lamias, the creatures they'd been looking for. The ones Lugh had originally come down to investigate. He was acting completely charmed by them, and when Raime's chat text popped up the only thing Ames could think was yeah, no duh.

He was definitely brainwashed. It sucked because they might have to fight against him if things turned south. Raime mentioned keeping guard, but Ames didn't know if she could stay still and listen to the serpentess talk. When the woman first opened her mouth a wave of nausea passed over Ames. As 'Sarasa' continued, the feeling of... wrongness clung to Ames' senses. The red headed Animist's frown deepened, and her brow furrowed. Goosebumps were forming on her skin. What if... she's trying to hypnotize us right now? Wait, was it eyes or voice?

Ames swallowed a lump in her throat. She couldn't quite remember which Karan had warned them of, but if that was the case... then the group should cut to the chase. None of them really wanted to go on some quest for snake people, most of them wanted to go back to the city to prepare for the clan war. It would be better to just leave here as soon as possible, but they'd promised to look into the disappearances. Answers first. Who knew, maybe the lamias would be amicable, like those oni she and Mags had encountered before? Surely it would be better to ask questions before jumping the gun, like they had with that player in the dark cave.

"Actually," she began, cutting a glance at Raime, "we came to make sure Lugh was alright, and follow up on his investigation. There have been some children going missing from the human towns nearby."

Ames's voice was quavering slightly discomfort, but she went on with a direct question. "Do you know anything about that?"

Word Count: 780 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 7/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

Ace and Nadia were practically in a race against Moreau, frantically making their way as fast as possible toward the lower level before the monster could squash their friend. Fortunately Link was not a stationary target, and the Hylian was doing his best to keep away from the mutant - and succeeding! Well his plan worked! the Cadet thought, pulling some positivity into his brain while he worked his way down. All things considered, it was going pretty well for them in this area of the Maw. Just had to keep the optimism up - and he was trying, even as a distressing noise filtered over to them from the direction of the Command Center. The Cadet descended the ladder and landed next to Nadia, his eyes wide and confused. There had been nothing in the Command Center when they left it, only those that were handling the underwater part of the plan. Where would something even get in from?

"They'll be okay," he assured her after she tried reasoning with herself. Geralt had gone back there, plus Blazermate had just flown back with a big chunk of metal. Not to mention the rest of them keeping guard. Who knew, that noise might have even been some kind of weird echo with Moreau as it's source. Positive thoughts.

Ace Cadet followed her to the bottom level. The more people working on this "Moreau problem," the better. Once they were on the ground, the Cadet's mind shifted from thinking positive thoughts to thinking of solutions. It might be possible to play keep away with Moreau, shifting his attention from one kid to another to keep him from focusing on catching just one of them. While they did that, another one of them could go help Junior, and once they were in the clear they could all try and climb to safety. Nadia, with her speed and dexterity, might be a better fit for dodging the monster... but the Cadet knew she was exhausted. Her agility might not hold out. Besides, even if the Cadet was turned into a kid he was still monster hunter. Facing off against bigger threats was kind of his thing. He just had to figure out how to do that in his current state.

"Nadia," he said, catching the feral's attention. "Go find a way to get Junior out of here. Between the two of you, I know you can do it. Boost him up, or find a low hanging platform and pull him up - whatever works, okay? I'll go help Link distract fishface until you're both back to safety." He smiled at her, hopefully in a way she found reassuring, before he went ahead with his plan to split up.

Step one: find those cutters that had fallen into the water. He scoured the immediate area for them while Link was still the monster's target and Kamek tried talking it down. That definitely wouldn't work, but if it distracted Moreau then the Cadet hoped the koopa didn't run out of breath any time soon. Finally, the red head spotted the tool laying atop a junk pile. He snatched them up then ran towards where the creature was still thrashing. He studied Moreau, doing his best to judge what the weakest areas of the monster would be based on those from his own world, and some common sense. The tail was a no-go, it was waving about violently and one thwack from it looked like enough to seriously injure any of them, if not worse. It's arms were not ideal for much the same reason, and though it's face looked menacing the real danger was that belly flop. The analysis led into step two: make it split it's attention between two targets.

While Moreau was chasing after Link, the Cadet ran back to get on a higher platform again. Moreau was already trying to snap at the catwalks before, so getting him to turn away from the ground floor would help all of those still down there. His arms and legs were sore and aching, but he pushed himself up and waited. Soon enough the monster came by, crossing close under the platform the Cadet was on. The young monster hunter raised the cutters and - trying his best not to fumble - snipped off a few of the wriggling tentacles protruding from it's back.

"Ha ha!" He caught one of the appendages in his hand and threw it down at Moreau. "Yeah, listen to Kamek and give up, you can't catch any of us!" He taunted, resisting the urge to jump down onto the beast and stab like he would have done if he was still in his adult body.

Word Count: 582 (+1 exp)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 26/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon Northwest: Obelisk Temple

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
No matter how many times she stared at the same hieroglyphs in the room, Primrose's brain couldn't form any useful patterns to them. There was no codex she could see, and even if the symbols themselves were familiar in the way they depicted simple shapes or common objects, she couldn't make sense of them in a meaningful way. Their "Babylonian" ally confirmed that the door they wanted was enchanted, so there had to be something... so all she could do was keep looking.

The sound of people approaching quickly drew her attention away from the task. Surely not enemies? Primrose tensed herself in anticipation, but moments later the missing trio appeared. The three of them looked a little beat up, but they were otherwise in high spirits. It was good news. Primrose smiled at the lot of them, returning Panther's wave with a small one of her own. Everyone was safe there in the room, so rather than offering a healing spell to them Primrose refocused on trying to discover the secret to opening the door. Hopefully with more eyes, they would make quick work of it.

The dancer didn't expect that she would be the first to find a clue. With her eyes on the pillars and walls, she hardly noticed shapes in the sand on the ground. Her foot kicked something rather hard and she winced, glancing down at it. It was a smooth stone... too smooth. She knelt down, brushing sand away from the thing and unveiling a beetle statue. A magical one too, if the glow was anything to go by.

"Look at this," she said, calling attention to the discovery. She placed her hand on the beetle sculpture and it's glow strengthened, but nothing changed within the room. She tried turning it, but no part of the statue budged. The professor would have a field day with this, she thought, but when it comes to puzzles, I am a little more direct... Primrose stood up and kicked the beetle with her heel. It's soft light intensified, and then the matching carving on the door shifted. A lock undone, she guessed.

Pleased with herself, Primrose listened to Band's story. It was, sort of, corroborated by Kan-Ra. Even if the story ended up having nothing to do with the puzzle, the group didn't have much in the way of other theories. So, they just had to look for some other stone beetles. Primrose didn't see any with a cursory look, but she had another idea.

"Someone should inform Tora and Poppi," she said first. Then, she summoned her more recent Striker. The hunting wolf spirit was as eager to come at her call now as it was when she'd summoned it before in the museum. It fluttered around her once, but she ran a hand over it's head and brought it's attention to the beetle statue at her feet. "Here, Makami. Find us more of these."

The spirit barked and put it's flat snout to the stone. After a second or two is floated into the air, it's body twisting as it flew in a tight circle. Then it moved with purpose, flying over to a beetle statue mounted on a far wall. It was partially hidden within the shadow of a pillar, but while it was concealed from sight the wolf's nose was able to point it out. The spirit disappeared soon after that, but not before Panther and Carmen struck the statue and set it's light shining.
Botan Naito

On the upper deck, a young woman stood against the railing overlooking the bow of the ship. She was smiling brightly, taking in the sun and salty breeze, letting it warm her skin and blow her long brown hair about. The cruise had been a lot of fun, for being on the smaller side. The dining hall had a decent spread of tasty foods, and there had been all kinds of things to do. Even the time spent just getting to the port before boarding had been an interesting adventure. Botan had pointed out all the interesting Pokémon to her companion, amazed at how different two of the same species could be. Who knew Ponyta could have puffy manes made of anything but fire? Or that Weezing could have such elongated heads?! She'd been absolutely charmed seeing such Pokémon in person - and now, they were almost to their destination! Panmia Island, where they would go exploring where no one had before! Botan was eagerly listening to the voice over the PA, but one thing mentioned in particular made her smile widen even further.

"A Pokédex! Oh Jarvis, did you hear that? We'll get a Pokédex!" She cheered, raising her arms up in celebration. "I wonder if it already has information in it? Or maybe it's one of those advanced ones that can call and take pictures!"

She stepped away from the railing and spun around in a circle. "I almost feel like a little kid!"

When she came to a stop, Botan was facing towards a little alcove nearby. She thrust her hand out, pointing at the Pokémon standing beneath it. "You won't complain if the first thing I scan with it is you, right?"

The Pokémon uttered a rumbling noise, which Botan took as permission granted. Her companion walked out of the shade, revealing a huge, muscular form that nearly towered over the girl. Jarvis was the Machamp her family had asked to take with her on the expedition. He was an older 'mon, but with strength and loyalty to spare. Plus, he was secretly Botan's favorite of all her family's Pokémon employees. The journey on the island would have been a lot of fun with just the two of them, but their hosts urged the importance of safety in numbers.

"Almost there, Jarvis! We'll have to find some other people to -"


"I know, you are more than enough to handle anything dangerous. But it could be fun!"

The Machamp crossed one pair of arms in front of his chest, while the other pair was dutifully folded behind his back. He seemed skeptical of traveling with others, but Botan quickly caught on.

"If it's the people you're worried about, by all means please vet everyone on board! Now, let me think about the kind of people I'd want in my group..."

Botan looked over the side, checking to see if she could spot people on the lower deck while she hummed to herself.

"Smart people, fun people, people good with Pokémon... or a big mix? What do you think, Jarvis?"


"Hmm, good point!" Botan glanced at the Machamp over her shoulder. "Well, I trust you, so would you go find me the best group members? I'll wait here safe and sound, promise."

She waited until Jarvis swept a hand in front of his chest and bowed before she turned away, staring out over the water and the ship with a content smile. Her companion straightened up and turned toward the stairs leading to the lower deck. His footfalls were heavy, and when he reached the more populated area of the ship most people and Pokémon gave him a wide berth.

Operation "find Lady Botan a suitable group" was underway. Now, Jarvis was a Machamp. He was strong, he was helpful, and sometimes he was clever. What he wasn't was some Psychic-type that could read minds or auras. So he had to rely on his intuition to find the perfect candidates... and his eyes of course. For example, there was a blue-haired woman doing her best not to be sick of the side of the ship. Jarvis shook his head. A weak constitution like that wouldn't do.

He walked around the deck with all four hands clasped behind his back, scrutinizing everyone with a look that bordered on haughty. What few people caught his attention were already settled in their groups from what he could tell, so he moved on. Eventually he came upon a few people milling about the refreshment area. Jarvis brought a hand to his chin, stroking it thoughtfully. Would they make good companions for Lady Botan? He didn't sense that they were bad people, and like many Pokémon his instinct when it came to that was seldom wrong. Plus if he didn't act soon, he might miss the chance to actually choose partners for Botan. Rather than sit back and watch them, Jarvis gave in to his Fighting-type nature and approached the group - three humans and a Ninetails. If it turned out any of them were trouble, he would have no issue dealing with them after all.

When his presence was known, Jarvis snorted and pointed at the individuals. Then, he turned his hands upward and pointed at a young woman on the upper deck, who seemed to notice this and waved cheerily. She made a beckoning motion with her hand, inviting the group up.
Harriette Moore
Moore Household : 0700 hours
When she woke up it was slow and quiet. The last remnants of false adrenaline that her brain cooked up for that dream were still pounding beneath her eyelids. Harriette sighed, her eyes still closed, and laid still in her bed until her consciousness caught up with the rest of her. Once it did, it was still a few minutes more before she got up. Lately she'd been waking before her alarm, so the house was pure silence. Unsurprisingly, she was alone.

She sat on the edge of the mattress in her nightgown, reaching towards the end table for her phone. She fiddled with it in her hand for a few moments before opening the notepad application. Writing her dreams down was something she used to do often, and it'd been a while since she'd had one so... vivid. That plane, those people, the heat and turbulence...

Harriette stared at the phone's screen for a while, thinking. It was some dream alright. Her subconscious was bringing up images of war. She was sure the psych students would have a field day with that. Personally, she might have chosen another metaphor - though Harriette tried not to think of her... situation if she could help it. With the exception of fruitlessly fantasizing about ways out of it.

Should you find your worth... That seemed almost like a cruel joke. And from her own mind at that. Harriette squeezed the phone in her hand. Her fingers hovered over the keypad. She stayed like that for a long time, or so it felt. A few minutes later the device vibrated in her hand, the bzzz bzzz of her Monday morning alarm. She was shaken from her trance, surprised to see water droplets on the screen, but there was no time left to wonder about where they'd come from. Thanksgiving break was over, and it was time to get ready for the day. She stood, tossing the phone onto the bed with not a word written, knowing that whatever was in store for her would wash the dream from her memory.

Barclay Waterfront University Campus : 0900 hours
The campus looked just the same as it had before the break. The halls and classrooms did too. There was still a little time before Harriette's first class, and even more before her assistant work. As she walked through the corridors she could see students and professors alike hustling to their obligations. Many of the latter juggling mugs of coffee in their hands. Harriette knew the drink's source and made her way there. Fortunately, the faculty lounge was open to her even while she was "off duty," so to speak. It was crowded this morning. Harriette let herself zone out as she poured herself a cup and let the conversation flow around her.

"You'll never guess who I ran into over the break - "

" - finally got to work on some hobbies - "

" - son's been struggling so we hired - "

" - flowers, a huge bouquet! It was so romantic - "

" - wasn't the type of work I'd come to expect from him - "

" - are you listenin', Harriette?"

Voices were floating around the room, but Harriette wasn't processing the words. Only her own name pulled her attention forward, her eyes coming back to life as the landed on the face of Mrs. Meadows. She was a portly little lady, open and kind, and bless her - she didn't even look half offended that Harriette hadn't heard a word she'd said.

"I'm sorry," Harriette said, giving the other woman an apologetic smile. "Not enough coffee yet."

Meadow giggled and playfully swatted her shoulder. "Oh don't you worry, I've been there! I was just sayin' that I don't understand the point of givin' students projects over break. Never have. How many of them actually get turned in at the end of it? Seems a mite silly."

Harriette nodded. The two kept up light conversation for a little while. Other professors and assistants filtered in and out. A woman that Harriette had grown to know quite well entered the room a few minutes later, and she could have sworn that the temperature dropped a good few degrees when their eyes met. Professor Rowen, well groomed but aging, smiled and walked right over.

"Ah, good morning Mrs. Meadows, Miss Moore," she greeted. Harriette raised her mug to her lips, glaring at what little coffee she had left in it. It was always 'Miss Moore' with her. Meadows barely had a chance to return the greeting before Rowen went on. "I passed by the cafeteria on my way here. Did you know they're still fixing things? They had the whole week to do that, were they slacking off the whole time? Honestly."

Harriette's taste for conversation had soured, so she said nothing, but the lack of response did not deter the other woman. "I trust you both had a nice Thanksgiving Break, but from what I've been told, Professor Samson had an amazing one."

"Oh? Why's that?" Mrs. Meadows questioned. She seemed mildly curious, but Rowen just gave her a mischievous smile and finally turned to get her own cup of coffee. "Ask him!" she said.

By then most of the people in the room had finished their breakfast and left. The three women who'd been congregating around the coffee maker left too. Mrs. Meadows split off to go upstairs to her classroom, leaving Harriette and Rowen headed in the same direction. The older of the two glanced at her companion and said suddenly, "he had an affair."


"Professor Samson. With a younger woman too, so I've heard. Word like that gets around."

Harriette took a deep breath, keeping her eyes on the hall in front of her. How Leanna always seemed to know everything about a person's personal life she would never know, nor did she care to find out. The woman was like a queen bee being fed gossip by her little drones. Harriette doubted that rumor was even true. Professor Samson was a sweet old man.

"I'm only telling you because I trust you, Harriette. I want some advice, too."

This statement surprised the red head. Her steps slowed slightly and she looked at Rowen. Somehow, Rowen could always appear like she was never doing anything wrong on the outside. The picture of innocence, or maybe ignorance. She looked like that too, now, even though her eyes glittered darkly.

"Should we tell her? Samson's poor wife," Rowen said. "She ought to know something like that was going on with her husband, don't you think?"

The two of them came to a stop where the hallway separated into two opposite directions. Harriette stared at the professor. She couldn't tell if Rowen was being genuine, or if this was some kind of veiled threat directed at Harriette herself. She didn't know which was worse either, that Rowen still acted like a friend or that she felt the need to remind Harriette of her situation. She narrowed her eyes.

"...you have class in five minutes," she answered with, lowering her gaze. Professor Rowen blinked and checked her watch.

"Oh, you're right. Thank you dear, you're so thoughtful - memorizing my schedule like that."

Rowen smiled pleasantly, and Harriette returned the expression with some difficulty. Both of their smiles were full of teeth. They said nothing more to each other, separating.

Word Count: 599 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 5/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

The duo's steady work was coming to a close. All climbing, jumping, cutting, lifting and moving certainly made for an intense workout. Maybe a little too much for the children, though the Cadet was handling it a little better than Nadia. She seemed completely exhausted, but a tremendous noise startled the both of them and signaled the end of their distraction-making. It was the heavy creaking and churning of an old machine coming to life, and it quickly began draining the water beneath them. That meant the diving team had been successful!

Moreau tried a last ditch effort to get at the kids up on the catwalk, but due to the lower water level he fell way short of his target. "Not even close!" The Cadet hollered over the railing, watching the monster crash back into the water with a splash. Things were looking up, weren't they?

"Hellblade yeah they did it!" the redhead said, matching Ms. Fortune's enthusiasm. If he thought any in the command center or in the submarine would have been able to hear him, he would have shouted out praises for them. That would have to wait until they all regrouped. He waited, watching the continual drain of the water with Nadia until it stopped completely. Now that it was visible, the lower level looked pretty much the same as the upper ones. It was dank and full of random machine parts. Rusted and water log pieces of metal were all over the ground. The only things that moved were fish, or fish-like creatures anyway. There was also... Moreau.

The creature was down there, but it wasn't stranded - it was walking around! What the Cadet had thought were huge fins turned out to be sturdy legs that it dragged it's hulking body around with, and it was moving about the bottom level wailing in anger. Of course it just had to be amphibious, if that could label even apply to the mutation. Ace Cadet glanced at Nadia, intending to respond to her with an affirmative, but his stomach growled fiercely.

"Ugh... why'd you have to mention fishsticks." The magically induced hunger was really at odd with unappetizing scenery around them, but man what the boy wouldn't do for some food right then. "Let's go. That thing doesn't seem like the brightest Jaggi in the pack, we can probably make it without getting caught."

The Seekers' destination was still one level above it, so as long as the monster didn't have any means to reach them, they'd be alright to make their way to the lift. With mission "lower the water level" accomplished, those in the command center would be free to just come back out to this area and they they'd find a way across. While that was true for most of them, Bowser - through his loud conversation with Kamek - pointed out that his son was on the lowest level. Duh, the sub! The Cadet smacked a palm to his forehead. Of course the submarine and it's pilot would be stuck down there, no water meant no maneuvering it. This revelation, which seemed pretty obvious in hindsight, had Link going to use himself as bait again to drawn Moreau's attention away from the young koopa prince. Though Link was clever and capable, it had the potential to go poorly. The quicker the Cadet and Nadia got down, the quicker they'd be able to jump in if they needed to.

The hunter sped up his movement over the catwalks, looking over the side at the situation below every couple of seconds. "What's the fastest way down?"
Welcome! Hope you find some fun here!
I wouldn't be against one, whatever's easiest for people.

The other individual Bart mentioned was me all along. They accepted my sheet over PM, and now it's up in the Character tab for the curious.
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