Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

25 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Hello, welcome! I'd say there's usually quite a few of those types of RPs going around the site. Hopefully you can find some that interest you! Enjoy!
Botan Naito

Her own Pokédex. Her own Pokédex, her own Pokédex! Ah, it was so exciting! Botan eagerly waited in line, and once it was her turn to accept the device she squealed in delight, turning it over and over in her hands. The technician seemed charmed by the display, and if she took a little extra time showing Botan the ins and outs of the Pokédex then who could blame her. Still she was ushered out to make way for others to receive their own Pokédex, and it was only the sight of the others in her group already reconvening and getting ready to head out for real that stopped her from using up even more time meticulously looking through the pile of stickers that were being offered out. She ended up grabbing a sticker of a random Pokémon and then hurrying over to rejoin the rest with a big smile on her face.

"I got one! That lady showed me how to add contacts, so," A quick glance around while they all synced up showed that besides herself and Arlo, the rest of the group made much sleeker Pokédexes. The difference was pretty clear, but this big blocky thing was hers and she loved it. She grinned at Arlo, her fellow newbie. "Let's test them!"

She swung the device towards Jarvis, who did his best to strike a pose while still burdened with bags. After only a second of fiddling, the Pokédex beeped and a tinny mechanical voice rang out from it.

MACHAMP: The Superpower Pokémon. One arm alone can move mountains. Using all four arms, this Pokémon fires off awesome punches.

"Wha...! Jarvis, you can move a mountain?!" Botan exclaimed, sparkles in her eyes. In reply the Machamp just smiled mysteriously. After that it was a spree as she pointed the Pokédex around the group towards another Pokémon.

MAWILE: The Deciever Pokémon. Its giant jaws are actually steel horns that transformed. It fools foes into complacency with its adorable gestures, then chomps them with its huge jaws.

"Ma-wile?" she said, mimicking the species name. "Ooooh, this is amazing!"

Just when she thought she couldn't get anymore excited, the topic of catching Pokémon was brought up. The smile on her face couldn't get any wider. "Catching a Pokémon! I'd very much like to try!" What an accomplishment catching their first Pokémon was for a person. She could give Jarvis a proper Pokémon friend, and then they'd have even more hands to help out with the adventure! Wisely, Felix pointed out that they should all probably have a goal in mind for the expedition before anything. Excitement tempered, Botan giggled and agreed with him.

"Hehe, right... Um, well, the map..." she looked at her Pokédex and brought the map back up. There was an outline of the main island they were on, but not much else besides the base they were at now. "Maybe we can set out in a direction none of the other groups are going in?"

That very well could lead them up that mountain, and though Botan was a bit intimidated by trekking up a mountain for the first time she felt that she would be okay with this perfect assembly of reliable people with her!

Word Count: 930 (+2 exp)(-2 friend heart)
Level: 5 - Total EXP: 32/50
Location: Sandswept Sky - Al Mamoon Northwest

𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
It was a relief to know that Tora and Poppi were alright after what looked like a brutal battle. She would have to remember that the duo were more resilient than they looked, what with Tora's fluffiness and Poppi's maidenly form. Although the pair said they were fine, Tora went on to describe the hard won victory. It was clear just looking at the spirits of Beast and Dante what they'd done, and they were not taking it all that well. Then again, they seemed the overly heroic type. Primrose gave Tora a grim nod just to show that she was listening and that she understood, but she did nothing to reassure the nopon. She thought it might be disingenuous coming from her, considering her past and bloody personal goal. Surely they knew that sometimes it came down to you or them in a fight. Hopefully they could move past this particular kind of loss.

Primrose stood, putting some space between the pair and herself while Poppi reassured her creator of her feelings. The dancer was getting ready to rejoin what was left of the battle, though she mirrored Tora's glance back at Earthquake when he brought it up.

"It wasn't easy," she commented. She could only imagine that there were bruises already beginning to show where the heavy weighted end of the bandit's weapon had pelted her. She didn't spare Earthquake much thought after that, going after Tora and Poppi back into the fray after they'd dealt with Daisy.

It seemed things were drawing fast to a close. Her one on one fight must have taken longer than she'd thought. Though nearly magic-ed out Primrose still had some fight left in her, and she ended up joining in with Skull, Panther, and Fox during their all-out attack. Her silhouette showed her reclaimed dagger in hand as she flitted to and fro in a deadly dance, but it was cut short by the spiky brown haired boy. After being thrown back Primrose decided that was enough, and she watched the rest of the proceedings while leaning against a nearby pillar. It was dramatic, and even a bit terrifying when the mage duo looked like they were going to unleash some awesome power, but it ended well enough with a heartfelt declaration.

Scratch that, it ended bittersweet when Azwel drew everyone's eyes to the execution he preformed. It was cold blooded, a stark contrast the defensive killing that their own Tora and Poppi had done. Considering that Azwel hadn't died from his wound, something Primrose herself had made sure of, the killing was just wrong even if he claimed it was payback. Primrose narrowed her eyes from behind her mask. If there was any last sentiment that the Grimleal weren't as bad as their aesthetic made them out to be, this would wipe them away. She remained wary of the two captains as they made their way out, but once they were gone she sighed and shook her head. There were still more survivors than not out of the Resistance. They had to take some wins where they could get them, she supposed.

The topic of freeing the resistance from the clutches of Galeem's mind control wasn't much of a discussion at all, given that all of the Seekers were for it. Primrose was feeling eager to put another heart to use, almost as though to make up for the one she used on Azwel. She pulled the glowing pink heart from her chest, looking over the Resistance members, though once more her attention was brought to Earthquake by Tora.

Primrose actually laughed, despite the situation. It was quiet and quick, but it'd happened all the same. The cute nickname on top of the genuine affront Tora seemed to feel on her behalf just tickled her heart.

"I've faced nastier," she assured the nopon. Earthquake was vulgar and rude, but there were far worse men out there. If they could even really be called men. While Band restored the ninja, Primrose decided to put her own friend heart to use. In a somewhat expected move, the target for her friend heart was the spiky haired youth. If she recalled correctly he had suddenly appeared in the middle of the fight, though she wasn't sure of his role. He could have even been an innocent bystander, brought into the fray against his will. Whatever the case the battle was over now, and Primrose knelt beside Sora to press the friend heart into his chest. In no time at all the others had finished up their healing and spirit smashing, and collectively they all made their way out of the temple - and even faster they were already being urged to check in with the other team.

It wasn't a bad idea. They had little contact with the other half of their group, and if they needed help then it would be better to get there sooner rather than later. Even if it meant more running around. Primrose took a deep breath, summoning as much energy as she could muster. Her magic would recover somewhat during the trek, so at least she had that.

"Do you still have a way to talk with Alibaba?" Primrose asked, looking at Fox. "It might be good to know what we will be walking into."

Or who knew, maybe with some luck the other team were already on their way back. Regardless, Primrose prepped herself for a sprint across the city and fell into step with the rest of the group as the headed out as back up.
In Howdy 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
In that case welcome back!

Everything she needed for school was packed. Her uniform was clean and wrinkle-free. It was the start of a new week, which was when Umiko felt the most refreshed. The last thing she tended to do before heading out and trying to arrive early was check the television for any news that needed her attention. Most days there were mentions of small events like localized monster invasions that another "magical children" could handle in their ward, or single beasts that she could face off against and defeat before her day really got started.

Right, Umiko was a magical girl tasked with protecting the city.

Reports state that the torii materialized earlier this morning. As of yet nothing else has happen— wait a moment. Back to our live feed—

The picture swapped from the anchor commentating over a photo of the gate to a slightly wobbly video of it. Even in the video it was clear to see that the structure was pulsing with magical energy. Before the feed got to show the torrent of yōkai Umiko was out the door of her apartment, a brilliant shining light masking her transformation before she leapt up to the rooftop, and from building to building towards the bay.

She hadn't expected to be the first on the scene. There were other magical people who were stationed far closer to the bay, after all. Plus with this kind of attack, it was a given that many of them would make their way here. However, it looked like she'd lost some time on her way cleaning up the few flying monsters that had snuck by and tried making a move into the city proper. So she'd arrived a little later than she would have liked to - and after all of her neighbors, which was very annoying. Still, Umiko wasn't one to sulk for long (in public). She burst onto the scene from among the buildings lining the bay. There were a couple of magical people that hadn't yet advanced onto the ice. Umiko was quick to give her opinion out to those she saw, as was normal for the magical children that had worked alongside or adjacent to her before. That zombie delinquent rode by in a blaze, and though Umiko internally cringed at her vulgar language she did agree with the words themselves.

"Make yourself useful and help protect the civilians," she told the shadow user. With her head held high and her magical uniform, Umiko had the appearance of a general all but commanding the young man, though experience told her that he was loathe to do what he was told. Umiko glanced at the magical musician and gave her an approving nod and a smile.

Then she was off again, dashing onto the ice and thinking of her options while she moved forward following the wake of some of the others. Would her magic affect the torii? If she was able to sink it through the ice and into the bay, then what? She had to assume yōkai would still spill out of it, though hopefully the water would slow them significantly. The gate would most likely not be destroyed just by being submerged, so she would have to work on that with a few of the others. She noted that the water using... Calypso, was it? Was already on the scene.

Umiko's advance was slowed by one of her neighbors, the punk girl, melting the ice in her path. She jumped over the newly opened patch in the ice and was, again, slowed by another neighbor - this one sliding his huge ship into the area. Umiko nearly collided with it, pivoting just before she crashed to land on it's side and push off with her feet, jumping up onto the deck. The look she gave Jun was far from amused, but since he was offering...

"I'm not sure this ship will be swifter than going on foot," she greeted him with, "but we should hurry up regardless, we don't want this to go on for too long!" For multiple reasons, but the most pressing being she didn't want to suffer a tardy mark for being late to class.
In New 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome. Most likely you'd be wanting to post an "Interest Check" if you're looking for very specific scenarios, but of course feel free to browse and see if any other checks pique your fancy (though I don't recall seeing any themes you mentioned recently). Anyway, have a nice time writing!

Word Count: 1071 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 12/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

A rescue from and retaliation against Moreau dotted the children's escape from the area. Once everyone was free and clear from the mutant it was a mad dash to the elevator, and away from the last ditch effort Moreau was raining down on them. Like the others Ace Cadet ran as fast as his legs would carry him, smashing into the elevator and squeezing himself in among the many bodies trying to fit into the small space. There were some spikes to contend with, little monster horns and some metallic limbs. He hadn't even realized he still held those clippers in his hands too, hopefully they weren't poking into anyone. Despite the tight fit and how uncomfortable it was... it seemed like they all made it. Some worse for wear, though Blazermate was making quick work of their wounds. The Cadet didn't care at all that some of the areas where the acid has splashed him the most were pulling and forming into scars. He was just glad that they were out of there. Once their healer finished her work the Cadet let go, sagging. He dropped his tool and would have slid to the floor if he wasn't tucked between two people.

His energy level was just about zero. His eyelids were even drooping, though he perked up slightly when he noticed Link raising the dartboard up to get his attention. It was in a sorry state, but it was always meant to be a makeshift piece of equipment. The redhead mustered up a weary grin. "S'fine, 'bout time for an upgrade anyway."

The Cadet spent the rest of the ride up in silence, drifting in and out. He could feel the behemoths shifting around at their feet, and the thought came to him that he'd have to thank someone for looking after BB. He was kind of surprised no one had tried to eat the little piglets yet. Or maybe they had and they just got fought off, there was a lot going on at once down there.

When the elevator door opened with a soft dinging sound, everyone piled out. Some practically fell out, collapsing on the ground. The Cadet was among them, falling to his hands and knees and crawling off to the side to rest. All that running around in the junk room, the flooded room, cutting the chains with Nadia, getting thrown and splashed with acidic bile, and no stamina increase even after being healed twice... on top of that, the hunger so bad that he was sure his stomach was trying to eat it self... the mini monster hunter was running on less than fumes. He seated himself against a wall with his head tipped back and eyes closed. He shut out the pessimistic words, glad that others were refuting her, even though the statements that were more stubborn than optimistic. They were down, but not out. Nadia herself wasn't out either, she probably knew that somewhere deep down. Of course, the food probably helped—

Wait, food? Did they say food?

Cadet cracked his eyes open again, looking over. He'd heard right, right? Indeed, Ms. Fortune and two thirds of the Koopa were starting to eat, and beyond them was a banquet behind a wall of bars. At the same time, there were people crying out not to eat, reminding them all of the warning they were given before even setting out onto the ocean. Right, the food here was bad, cursed or something... he thought to the tune of his stomach growling painfully. He struggled to push himself up and onto his feet again, but somehow managed it. He also caught BB by the tail when he spotted the baby behemoth making it's way toward the food, but in his weakened state he couldn't even keep hold of a piglet. It whined and thrashed until it slipped from the Cadet's grasp, running over to join in on eating. Sighing, the Cadet trudged forward, standing beside the holdouts and wincing whenever his stomach grumbled.

"Hey hey, they're right - we weren't supposed to eat here, it was some kinda... kinda temptation thing, right? If you eat you'll end up cursed or... uh..." he didn't really remember what was said, just that they were warned not to eat. Fatigue was even getting into his brain. His eyes were practically spirals as he stood there wobbling. There were reasonable arguments on both sides, though the one that spoke to the Cadet the most was Bella's.

'The food is probably cursed, so just don't eat a lot of it.' Okay, that might be paraphrased, but that logic was sound wasn't it? The more you eat the bigger the curse, so if you only eat a little you only get a little cursed. Yeah, that made perfect sense! His resolve was quickly crumbling, and after seeing nothing immediately happen to those that were eating the Cadet's feet began to move on their own, shuffling forward through the opening that was made.

"It's probably okay... just a little bit, just enough to survive... I can take a little curse..." he mumbled to himself. Saying that last part out loud though sent a shiver down his spine and he slowed, reconsidering again. Curses were bad news, what if it made the hunger even worse after a while, or... or something worse that he couldn't imagine right now. "No... no I can make it through without it, I..."

The indecision was making things worse, and the Cadet collapsed beside the table. To be cursed or not to be cursed... he laid there bemoaning the predicament until BB came back to his side, carrying something that looked and smelled like a mini meat pie in it's mouth. It dropped the food item on the Cadet's chest and then went back to the table to fetch more. It's snout was grimy with the evidence that it had already made it's own dent in the banquet. All hesitation fled the Cadet and he stuffed the meat pie into his mouth, nearly swallowing it whole.

"Oh my gog," he sighed, overtaken with relief. He had betrayed the anti-eating team, and it felt so good. He pulled himself closer to the table and sat up, sitting cross-legged and reaching blindly up to find something else to eat while some of the others went to explore. BB was amassing a small pile of assorted meat and vegetables nearby.

-- Matou Residence : day --

There was a monster in Fuyuki.

Well, there were actually many monsters in Fuyuki. Both literal inhuman beings and magi that bordered on the threshold. The city attracted them like flies to honey, and now they were all gathered. The stench of them, mortals and spirits, evil and heroic, filled the air.

This particular monster was stationed at a particular manor in a particular district of Fuyuki. If she were on the street she might have been mistaken for a homeless vagrant with her disheveled hair and clothes, were it not for the pair of horns that curled up from her skull. But, she was on the roof of the building - stretched out on her stomach with her elbows and hands propping her head up. A plain cloth mask covered her face, with the strings holding it up tied to each horn. It was hard to tell if she was awake with the covering, as she'd been there for a few hours already, unmoving. Initially, the monster had ventured up there after being told off by a particular someone within the manor. Apparently, there was something important going on inside called "cooking." Less than impressed, the monster had gone to soak in the sun of the world above.

Yes... the world that existed on the surface. This was the first time she'd ever been outside of Yomi. She had no desire to travel here in the first place, but she'd been summoned as a servant, and now she might as well make the most of it.

There were so many things that she'd learned within her first moments. Knowledge of the world granted to her so that she would be able to function top side. Complex things, like the language of modern people and what electricity was. Basic things, like what the sun was.

The air was warm. The "sun" was bright. The above-world was noisy. There were a lot of strange sights, sounds and smells. Rather than being intriguing, it was actually kind of annoying... she wasn't here to learn stuff, she was here to fight and eat. Actually the more she thought about it, the more pissed off she started to get. She was a "servant" in the Berserker class, with a "master" who was spending way too much time "cooking" and not enough feeding. Stupid man. Irritating man. She considered how long she would be able to survive in the above-world if she ate him. The thought was fleeting.

She might not have asked to be summoned here, but she'd already decided to accomplish what she could. A magic wish granting device sounded interesting. She could run, battle, and consume all kinds of top side food - and then at the end she would get that cup and... think of some kind of wish. Maybe she could use it for...?

Berserker was beginning to nod off and her head slipped, bobbing sharply. She slowly lifted it and shook it like an animal dusting off it's fur, her hair flying. She peeled herself off of the roof limb by limb, and when she was standing she began sinking through the tile until she was back inside.

What did that man say his name was? Shun...? Shin...? Like hell she was going to call some human "master," even if their fates were tied together. For now.

Berserker padded through the halls and down stairwells until she found the way back to where the Matou that had summoned her was. She threw open the door with one clawed hand, the other in a fist resting at her hip.

"Hey, Chin... Chini...?" Her dynamic entrance was softened by the name fumble, and the fact even with her horns she was much shorter than most humans. She regrouped quickly, and the smirk in her voice was easy to hear. "Ochinchin! Hurry up! If you aren't done soon I'm going without you!"
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