Avatar of Yankee


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24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

In Yo! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Heyo, welcome. Or should I say welcome back?
Harriette Moore

? ? cell block : ? ? hours
The seconds stretched on, long and tense, while the girls crouched and waited until the sounds of their pursuers died down. Harriette's eyes were wide open, trying to take in as much light as possible in the dim jail house. She could only hear the soft rattling of prisoners in their cells now, but were those monsters really gone? She kept her attention focused outward, looking for any little sign that they might still be being followed, but none came.

She was still for some time, until the girl she'd been dragging around stirred and bid them to enter one of the empty cells. It was a lot less open than their current hiding place. Alina stood, and ended up pulling Harriette with her. At that point the grip Harriette had not realized she'd still had on Alina shifted, and with their hands linked the two slipped into a large open cell.

"I'm sorry for dragging you around," she whispered to the other girl, finally releasing her. Then she fumbled in fishing her phone out while Alina greeted their runaway. At some point they should really all introduce themselves.

"Are you alright?" Harriette asked of Jin. She flicked the phone's flashlight on, sweeping it over to them, but the device clattered to the ground soon after Harriette's exclamation of "Oh my God!"

Were those bodies? Harriette backed up quickly, but her back hit the cell's bars. The door was closed! Fear was growing again in her chest. Harriette pressed herself against the unyielding iron, breathing deeply and trying to force herself to calm down. Her phone had fallen face down, so the flashlight was pointed straight up and casting a weak light over the area. She could see that these bodies weren't human, they looked more like the faceless guards outside. She just had to keep repeating that to herself, that these weren't dead people they were... were dead monsters, they must be. Long dead, by the way they crumbled to ash, Harriette reasoned. Nothing to be afraid of...

And then their were the eyes. When the light flickered and died, Harriette held her breath and waited for whatever fresh new Hell they would be subjected to. When the glowing red lights appeared, the only thing she could think was that it was another demon like the ones they'd seen in the courthouse. Even if this cell was larger than the others, they were still trapped in this confining area with a monster - they had no where to go, and Harriette didn't have any makeshift projectiles left. She raised her fists up against her chest as if they could shield her, staring at the ominous red. It was hard to see anything else, to know if it had wings or claws or anything else that could hurt them. She only had a vague sense of where Alina and Jin were as well. Harriette could only wait and see how the creature would move, try and defend herself if it went for her - and find a way to help the others if it went for them.
Harriette Moore

? ? ? : ? ? hours
It was probably the fastest Harriette had ever run in her life. Her fingers were clamped tightly around Alina's hand even after they both were out of immediate danger. She didn't look back, not sparing the insanity behind nor their oddly familiar looking savior any last glances. Harriette rushed through the door, focusing too much on escaping to even breathe a thank you to Barney for holding it. Only when she heard the door slam closed did she slow to a halt, pressing her free hand to her chest as she fought to catch her breath. Her hair and clothes were mussed, but at the moment she could care less.

They needed to get out of the prison's campus. Harriette's eyes flickered wildly around the area, noting the different buildings, the wall, the guard towers - trying to determine how they could get out. Heading back to the water was tantamount to giving themselves up she was sure. So where could they go? Scaling the wall was out of the question. Maybe there was some kind of hole in the perimeter they could find? Once Harriette's attention was brought to the spotlight she looked up at it. Indeed, it looked broken - or at the very least malfunctioning. That woman really bought them a lot of time that they couldn't afford to waste!

"This is our chance," Harriette said, a harsh whisper drawn from her throat as she nodded, agreeing with the two young men. "If we stick together, we... we can escape."

And she believed it too. Now they just had to avoid the guards closing in.

Everyone dashed off towards the left, save for one person. One of the people Harriette didn't recognize as a student. While the others went one way, they went the other - and the red head was consumed with a feeling of dread that if that person went off alone, they would be caught. Beaten like that giant was, or maybe even worse, now. There was strength in numbers, if any of them were cornered while on their own... She was frozen in place for a split second, and then her feet carried her in the direction Jin had run.

"Wait, we should all stay together!" She said, but Jin was farther ahead of her and so panicked that they couldn't hear her words. They slipped into a cell block, their clothes blending in with the dark shadows. Harriette lost sight of them, but they had to be close by. The sound of heavy footsteps reached her ears and Harriette ducked down, pressing herself against the cold concrete wall as a patrol passed by. This was dangerous. She wanted to find the runaway quickly, group up and decide how they could meet up with the others without being spotted and figure a way out of this hell.

The whole time, with her head buzzing with fear and adrenaline, Harriette hadn't noticed that she was still unwittingly dragging Alina around with her.
Welcome to RPG! Make yourself at home. For fandom RPs, most of the group RPs focus on OCs, though I have seen some 1-on-1 checks mention playing canon characters. Noticed you had a check up of your own, good luck finding a partner!

Word Count: 1537 (+3 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 15/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

It was good, so good. Not the taste per se, the Cadet had definitely had way tastier food before. Breakfast at that tavern in Limsa for example. Even the makeshift lunch they'd had on that island. What this particular food tasted of was like being saved from the jaws of certain doom. He wasn't going to be starving to death today, that was for sure! Though he felt a little bad about not being able to resist with what he now considering the stronger willed members of their team, he couldn't really bring himself to regret it much now that he wasn't on death's door. While the others made to unlock the door and move on, the Cadet could feel his strength and stamina recovering little by little. At some point he did manager to rein himself in, reminding himself that he was only willing to tolerate a little bit of curse. Beside him, BB was still eating with all the enthusiasm expected of a still growing piglet.

"You Gobul up food faster than me," he chuckled, ruffling the minion's tuft of hair, "You sure you're not really a baby Nibelsnarf?"

Maybe when the curse started happening, with all the food BB was eating the baby behemoth might act like a conduit and siphon it away from himself? ...man, what was he thinking? He really needed to find these minion's mom, or drop them off somewhere safe that could do it for him. First though, getting through this awful submarine.

”... hey Ace! Catch!”


Thankfully the Cadet's dexterity was returning too, catching the bottle Junior tossed his way with no problem. "Uh, thanks? What is this...?"

He turned the bottle over in his hands. Clearly it was a liquid of some kind. The vessel holding it was ornate, seemed like it might be alcohol? There wasn't any label, just a picture of... actually he had no idea what this was supposed to be. Some kind of monster or animal? It sort of reminded him of some old stories but— oh, there was some writing. Undertow...? he read, tilting his head. The name of the drink? It clearly was meant to be consumed, and maybe the little Koopa thought he might like this kind of thing? Honestly with how crazy stressful things had been, the thought of having a drink sounded pretty good. He glanced back at Junior but he (and the rest of the group) was already making for the exit. The Cadet uncorked the bottle and downed the contents. It wasn't a particularly strong spirit, in fact it tasted water down... with sea water. There was a saltiness to it that didn't mix well with whatever other flavor it was going for. Bleh. Oh well. Intending to catch up with the others quickly he started to make his way to the door.

"C'mon BB, let's—"

Wait, something was wrong. Ace Cadet felt strange, in kind of a bad way. C-curse? Already?! The other diners all seemed fine last time he checked! Then, maybe the drink? Alcohol + child body = not a good combo? Yeah, obviously that must be it... unconsciously The Cadet had clutched his stomach, but when he looked down at himself it wasn't his stomach that seemed wrong, but his hands. Swirls of mist and sea foam were appearing and disappearing all up and down his arms, along with angry red welts. The patches of skin that weren't already scarred from the acid rain were burning a bright unhealthy color, bubbling blisters forming rapidly. This was not normal - and either he was having some kind of incredibly bad allergic reaction, or he was currently getting cursed!

At some point the Cadet had stopped walking, horrified. Panic was growing fast in his chest, and the condition of his hands was getting worse just as quickly. Some of the blisters swelled to massive sized and imploded, opening gaping holes in his skin. His whimpering, rubbing and swatting at his arms had drawn a small crowd of curious captive children, the ones that weren't bold enough to follow after his team. His team that consisted of some other people that had eaten - he had to go tell them what was happening!

It was pure fear that pushed the Cadet back into movement, running as fast as he could and chasing after the tail end of the train of kids. Fear for not just himself but his friends too. There were a billion worst case scenarios flooding the Cadets brain right now, but there was also a familiar little voice of hope that said if they just got out of the Maw fast enough, or found a cure fast enough, they'd all be okay. So, he ran - following where he'd seen the procession go. There was a small mix-up at a fork in the hallway, but a crashing sound pulled him in the right direction and after that the Cadet burst into the butchery, slamming into one of the random unaffiliated kids who were currently scrambling in the opposite direction. They both careened to the ground, but the latter pushed themselves up in a hurry and dashed away. The reason was obvious: two huge men, grimy and blood stained. With captives. Sakura, Bella, and Rika!

What a situation he'd barged into. The concern he had for his friends was still at it's peak, but morphed instead to what he could see right in front of him. The trio of girls in danger. The rest of the group was throwing anything they could get their hands on at the two chefs, and the Cadet propelled himself towards the nearest things he could reach to join in. However, pelting the huge men didn't do much and they ended up escaping with the girls, locking themselves into another room. There was no pause within the team, they scattered to find a way to help Sakura and the Abyssals. Except for the Cadet, who took a moment to breath. Shaky, he lifted his arms up to see how bad they'd gotten since he last checked.

"...what?" His arms and hands... they looked completely normal! The Cadet inspected every inch of them, but there were no rashes, welts, or holes in his skin. No trace of the mist either, his skin wasn't even wet. There was no way he was mistaken, just a minute ago it looked like he had some kind of disease spreading from his arms. "???"

He wanted time to think about what was happening, but if they wanted to rescue the others there wasn't enough left to do that, as Geralt pointed out. Their lives were way more important than the mystery of his arms, so of course the Cadet nodded and went to crawl in after Mirage, Geralt, and Link - but he found that he didn't quite fit. Not wanting to get stuck like Nadia he pulled himself out quickly, confusion plain on his face. Actually, why did Nadia get stuck in the first place? She was skinny and short...

Something clicked in the little monster hunter's head and he whipped around to stare at Peach and Ms. Fortune. They didn't seem bigger, but that might have been because he was bigger too. He couldn't fit in the vent and he was about the same size as the rest of the boys. None of those three had eaten, but he had. He'd just seen his body morphing, after all. Of course the Cadet couldn't know that he was misunderstanding part of the situation, all he could think was that the food was effecting them already. While the Koopa King and son worked on breaking the door, the Cadet all but ran over to where the others were converging to think of another plan.

"I know we gotta save them," he started, words tumbling out of his mouth as soon as he was close. He cringed, because there was a 'but,' coming. "And we will. But the - the food we ate. I mean, are you - do you all feel okay?" He looked around at Nadia, Peach, and Glenn. They didn't look any different. Even BB didn't look different. He didn't look different, but he knew what he'd seen. " 'Cause something happened to me, in the cafeteria. My arms um, changed." Yeah, that was a good word for it... "They look normal now but they weren't! Or maybe it was making me see things but... It could be affecting us already so just - be careful. We don't want things to get worse!"

The Cadet started to sound more frustrated than fearful the more he talked. They'd believe him even without the 'evidence' he was sure, they had no reason not to, he just wanted to make sure they were all okay - including Sakura and the Abyssals, of course. So with his current goal of warning the diners of what he assumed was a curse doing it's work on him complete, they now just had to find a way rescue the captives. Hopefully the vent team would be alright until the rest of them found a way in.
Are you looking for ideas/discussion or just looking for a roleplay? If the latter, I would suggest going through some of the interest check sections, or posting an interest check of your own. I know that isekai is usually pretty popular, and there are some groups in casual section that run those kind of games. There are also some one on one RP checks I have seen that mention doing isekai style. Might have to dig a little bit though. If you're looking for something specific but aren't finding it, it might be a good idea to make your own interest check too!
Harriette Moore

? ? ? : ? ? hours
Harriette had been quiet for a while now. When the faceless guards hobbled them, snatching herself and the others up and beating at their feet, she sucked in a harsh breathe and whimpered but otherwise remained silent. While the marched she kept her eyes pointed forward, her gaze cold and muted. Even while they were brought before the judge she was stunned into silence, the face of the university's president the very last thing she expected to see. Earlier she'd thought that this situation was too terribly real to be anything but that - real. But now her thoughts were whirling around in her head like a storm, throwing doubt on that. After all, Pondwater couldn't be moonlighting as... as some kind of evil, other-dimensional judge? And he'd said that this kind of thing happened before, but she'd been in Barclay for years and never heard of anything like this happening. Harriette's face was pinched in thought, in worry, as the students tried to explain things to Pondwater. The Pondwater-doppleganger. The man seemed to believe he was being gracious, something Harriette recognized immediately. Whatever was going on, and whatever was going to happen to them... it was apparently the most normal thing in this man's world, and something he reveled in. And now he was doing them a favor, in his mind.

What a joke. They weren't being put on trial to decide if they were failures or not. They had already been judged, judgement being that they were already failures. Now they had to be put through some horrible test to overturn the verdict? Harriette's hands were fisted at her sides, clenched so tightly that her nails were beginning to draw blood.

Until then she'd been quiet, yes. Compliant, just taking whatever was thrown at her like she'd always done. That's how she'd lived for the past few years. But it came to a point where she just couldn't be silent any longer. When a girl was picked up by one of those guards Harriette stepped forward with the intent to argue or even try and snatch her back, anything - "!"

But an ornery young man cut her off, clearly not afraid to speak his mind. It was kind of admirable. And it did the trick. The guardsman put the girl down. But then the situation, as insane as it already was, as completely unbelievable, and totally horrible - got even worse.

Finally Harriette's silence was actually broken, but it was with a shrill scream. The guards mutated into monsters, and they were expected to kill them?!

"Stop this!" She cried, futile. The judge looked back with glee, preparing to sic his beasts on Barney, but once again something seemingly impossible happened. Harriette thought she would have to start getting used to that. A vaguely familiar woman burst onto the scene. She was... on their side? She got right to work battling the creatures and bade them all to run. With everything going on, Harriette took her advice.

She backed away from the monsters and turned to follow the others as they made their escape, but ended up doing a 360 and going back to grab Alina's hand and pull her along too. She'd already been grabbed by those things once, no need to go through it again. Harriette rushed toward the exit then, dragging herself and the girl forward after the others. Her heart was pounding, and it felt like her brain was beating against her skull too. She was scared out of her mind, but there was no time to register that fear. Her only thoughts now were how to get out how to get out how to get out

The men made to crash right through. Not wanting to split up Harriette went after them. Her bag was still strapped across her chest, and she reached into it with her free hand and pulled out a shoe. She chucked it at the crane monster, not caring if it was a stupid move - it was all she could think to do. What else could she do? The other shoe came flying after it, as she threw anything she thought would be even remotely annoying at the things to make some kind of opening to get by.
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