Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Welcome! And might I say what a beautiful choice of avatars, one of my favorite stories. Well I hope you can can flex your creativity here, enjoy your stay!
There are currently a few superhero games recruiting that I can see, in fact there seems to be one in General, Casual, and Advanced. I'm not part of any of them so I wouldn't want to point them out and say "these will fit!" but if you browse the interest check and roleplay sections, you can scope them out and see if the settings would be a decent fit for the hero you want to write. Seems like a fun concept!


The message reply to Zen came a few minutes later, and it was only the one word with a curious lack of punctuation. Sometimes this happened, but very rarely. Umiko's fellow high-schoolers were aware that they would probably be receiving a deluge of messages to the group chat once she had significantly recovered.

Had Jun behaved? Yes, she thought so - but Umiko also thought that she had probably blacked out once she'd seen the... the... the guy who was... with the... once she'd seen that. That swinging thing. Umiko recalled blood rushing to her face (and probably her head), letting out a shriek so high pitched that surely not even dogs could hear it, and then after that - everything was vague.

She thought that perhaps she'd seen Sora and Sunny board the ship, and that the Grand Admiral had ordered the boat to ram itself into the torii gate. She had a fuzzy memory of touching her hand to the deck to strengthen the vessel with her power, but had she actually done it or just intended to? And after that, a voice in her ear letting her know about someone who needed help. Trading spots with someone else as she disembarked and the other person got onboard. Landing on the ice below only to hear something above her, looking up and seeing THAT, again.

The second time she definitely blacked out, because suddenly she'd blinked and she was no longer out of the bay but back on shore, uniform damp and rapidly forming little ice crystals. As usual, she herself was unscathed.

The battle had not gone at all as she'd expected. With all hands on deck there was no other way it would turn out besides chaotic, but Umiko's own performance was pitiful and undignified. She let out a long, weary sigh and checked the time. If she was quick, she should be able to just make it to homeroom after stopping at her apartment to grab her bag... and maybe something to warm up with too. She'd hate to catch a cold.

She sighed again. She would put this incident behind her and move forward. Who ever heard of a Night Parade in the winter anyway.

Please give my apologies to everyone, I won't have time to help with clean up.

The resolute magical girl was off right after hitting send, leaping and soaring over the rooftops of Tokyo. After such an eventful morning, she was actually looking forward to the simpleness of high school.

Word Count: 459 (+1 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 30/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

'Dinner and a show,' as Nadia had put it, was a horrible experience. The Seekers could do nothing but watch from their spots beside the audience as that kid was closed in on. The kid that could have been anyone of them, if they'd remained separated. That he wasn't didn't make the scene any easier to watch. The little voice in the back of the Ace Cadet's head that demanded optimism told him he might still be alive, but he couldn't make himself say it aloud, not when he was surrounded by tears and rage.

The Lady had the audacity to taunt them after the display, and if that didn't just rile the group up. She and her monsters slid back into the darkness, daring the Seekers to go after her. The Cadet wanted to do it, show that woman that they weren't afraid of her, but that would just be putting himself right where she wanted them, just as the others had said. She seemed to want to put on a show for the people here, but that wasn't about to happen.

The group went to talking about their next steps. None realistically thought that rushing after the Lady was a good idea. The doors leading off from the room they were in seemed like the best option at the moment, as most of the discussion boiled down to one simple plan: find something to help them take care of the Maw's mistress. Whether it was a secret weapon, or a secret weakness, they needed some kind of leg up.

The Cadet threw in his two cents, as between the four rooms he thought, "Mirage is right, if that's really her chambers then we might find something useful in there."

The idea that she might have booby trapped the room came up, but that didn't worry him. He still thought that the Lady was underestimating them, so she wouldn't have any reason to rig her own office on the off chance of intruders. He could be wrong, but he was willing to take the chance. "If she comes after us then we'll deal with her. We'll still be on her turf, but it'll be our terms."

Some turned their attention to the storeroom, which was fair. With their large group splitting up wouldn't normally be a problem - they'd done it often already and always came back together - but with the mastermind so close it felt all the more dangerous to be apart from one another... but that just meant they had to be fast.

"C'mon, we'll ransack the place quick and see if there's anything useful," he said, looking among the remaining group for any that would brave the "Lady's Chambers" as well.

Word Count: 1036 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 27980
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

That the duo's - recently turned trio with Blazermate's arrival, assistance, and then flight service - reunion with the rest of the Blue Team saw them arrive in the middle of some kind of confrontation with tempura-headed enemies was not surprising. Unexpected maybe, but after everything they'd been through on the Maw alone it was no shock that their friends were facing down yet more danger. As it turned out, getting the literal drop on one of the wizards turned the tide in the Seekers favor, and after some cathartic pummeling the children stood victorious above the spirits of the food sorcerers.

The Cadet puffed out his chest triumphantly, returning Mirage's thumbs up. "Getting here was kind of a pain in the Astalos, but we made it! I'm glad everyone's alright!"

As Nadia went on to explain what happened, Cadet broke into a wide grin seeing that every single one of the team was present and accounted for, just as Mirage had said. Sakura, Rika, and Bella were captive no longer, and all the chefs that had stood in their way were taken care of. His smile faltered slightly when he noticed Geralt's condition, but Bella's reassurance kept it from getting any dimmer. they were all tired, sore, hungry, and haunted - but they were alive. And they needed to stay that way, bringing the conversation to the topic once more to the pros and cons of eating while inside the Maw.

He and Nadia had already surmised that eating too much would probably turn them into great blubbering gluttons just like the diners they'd had to avoid, and judging by Bella's weight gain he guessed she may have eaten more than anyone else at the moment. So they just had to pace themselves. The Cadet nodded at Nadia's words, backing her up with a few of his own. "Yeah, we probably couldn't have done it without the energy we got from eating," he said. "I might have been eaten myself already if I didn't get that weird water-curse-thing..."

With a quick flex of the muscles in his arms, the pores opened up again showing off the ugly changes to his limbs, though as before no water or mist formed around them. Having experienced no other side effects from eating besides the size increase and the vigor's power, the Cadet was a bit confused at the urgency in Bella's voice. He hadn't seen the horrifying implications that some of the other children had, and their dance around the issue didn't click with the Cadet just what had them so wary. Until Mirage explained his side, then it slowly dawned on the red head. Hunger, lack of control, a person's blood and it's scent, and of course the fact that the chefs had captured Sakura and the others for meat in the first place...

"That's... sick." Ace Cadet furrowed his brows, but off at the thought of eating again all together. But the fact remained that the food had helped them out so far, and since he certainly hadn't had these water powers before, the ability bestowed by the drink had been invaluable at times. He had to suck it up and eat, they all did. And just be careful of their intake. They could do that.

Once everyone regrouped, he and Ms. Fortune led the way out through the ruined dumbwaiter. They passed another chef, but the man was smart enough to let the kids have the run of the place. While most of them mean mugged the guy, Geralt requested a meal. Surprisingly the young witcher got it, but while Fujimoto was preparing it the Cadet jumped up and swiped an armful of sushi and assorted sides off of his work station, not nearly as polite as the other boy. He popped the slightly larger than bite sized morsels into his mouth, with more to share if anyone else was so inclined. A quick test of the water conjuring ability showed that the power had been restored after eating, just as he'd guessed. Refueled and ready, the group had a clear shot through the restaurant. Another grin reached his face as Geralt admired the Ace Decoy's handiwork. "You're making it sound like it was easy."

On their way towards the helm, Nadia suddenly exclaimed that she'd seen 'her' - and that could only be one person. The Cadet's eyes shot upward where the feral pointed, seeing only darkness, but he trusted the senses of his partner in crime and looked to Nadia with a determined expression upon his face. "Yeah, let's go! If we're quick maybe we can catch her!"

They bounded up the stairs, followed closely by the members of the party that could make the trek quickly and at a little more distance the rest of their group. He heard Kamek's voice filtering up warning against the monsters that had done this to them in the first place. "Good thinking!" The Cadet called back. Soon they were at the fifth floor, and through the door was... huh?

It was a theater of some kind, with a distinctly Yukumo-aesthetic. Or maybe it was more Kamura-like, but ether way. It actually went pretty well with the sushi. The Ace Cadet looked over all the gathered guests, even larger than the ones downstairs, and some not even vaguely human looking. Hearing the chatter of the Koopa Troop, his eyes landed on the "crocodile guy." "You know him?" he asked, eventually looking away and squinting into the darkness, trying to find any clues as to where the lady had gone.

"She must be running scared at this point," he added to Mirage's observation, "Turning us into kids and dumping us in that trash pile... she must've thought we were long gone by now." It might have been wishful thinking on his part, but optimism and wishful thinking was what was getting them through this hell hole so far. He scratched the back of his head, wondering if they hadn't already been found by the mistress of the Maw, but if there was a way for them to slip into the shadows as well as the lady did, then stealth might be the best choice as some of the others pointed out.
Welcome! There's usually a plethora of RPs with those types of genre here. As far as your experience goes, no worries! If you lurk a bit you'll see there's some basic etiquette that applies, such as inquiring about joining in the "OOC" tab of an RP before just jumping in, but otherwise I hope the hobby treats you well!
Hey there, welcome! I know there's at least one or two MHA and Percy Jackson RPs living somewhere in the forum at the moment, so you're in good company. Hopefully you enjoy your stay!
Welcome. You are certainly not alone on the Bethesda fan front, there's usually a couple of interest checks or topics about Elder Scrolls and Fallout every now and then on the site. Coincidentally I also went through the AIM -> Neopets -> GaiaOnline -> TTRPG pipeline Anyway, enjoy your stay!
Welcome (back)! You're in good company. Enjoy!
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