Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Welcome! Not to worry, there's a big mix of ages here so and plenty of RPs to jump into as well. Hope you have fun!

? ? cell block : ? ? hours
A dead end. It hadn't mattered what routes they took, those creatures had run them into a trap and now there was no way out. Harriette rested her fists against the wall, panting from the run and looking over her shoulder warily at the shadow and it's macabre posse. Were they actually going to die here? Be torn to shreds, like that bloody red eyed person? Was she going to let herself be killed? Harriette trembled, with fear, frustration, and anger. If she was going to die, she didn't want it to be in some dingy, optical illusion jail cell. But what could she do? There were so many, too many to try and fight even if they crumbled apart. And the other two, Jin and Alina - if she tried to make a break for it, could she forgive herself just leaving those two here? If it was for survival, maybe...

"It's riiiiight... here."

"Got it right this time?"

"Stop doubting me and just open the hole!"

∎̵͍̅͜∎̵̰̽̏͝∎̷̢̻̞̂∎̸̨̻̹̈∎̵̰͚̝͆∎̷̮̋̄̚ ̵͆ : ̷?̷ ̶?̷ ̷h̸o̴u̴r̸s̶
Light suddenly cut through the dark, twisted room. Bright and pulsing, it shone at the trio's feet and curled around them in a wide arc, laced with glowing sigils and glyphs. In seconds a magic circle appeared beneath them, and before anyone could so much as think that it might be a bad idea to be standing at the center, it disappeared - taking a clean cut of the floor with it.

For the second time the three of them fell. Above them, shadows of the ashen corpses could be seen milling around the hole as it shrunk, and a glint of glowering red eyes until it closed completely. Below them, pitch black. It would have been hard to even tell they were falling, if not for the sensation itself and the gentle rush of wind. Harriette thought she might actually be dead this time, but after a few seconds of free fall a pinpoint of light appeared... and grew and grew until it engulfed the lot of them, and they landed on a bed of moss.

It wasn't a soft landing, but it was far from fatal. As soon as she got her bearings Harriette pulled herself to her feet and fought to catch her breath. She wanted to find out what fresh hell they'd been pulled into this time. Gone were the cold concrete walls and iron bars of the cell. No part of the prison remained, not the humans strapped to the machines, the cathedral, nor the courthouse. Instead, they found themselves in a large open cavern. Light filtered gently in from small openings in the cave's ceiling, varying colors of blue and gold. The cave's jagged rock floor was dotted with patches of green, small plants fighting to stay alive amongst their wilted cousins. Though heavy and humid, the air was much less oppressive in the cave than it had been in the cell with the shadow - and though it was enclosed, it featured a few dark passages that Harriette could only assume led to other cave openings.

Are we... underneath the prison? She never would have expected that there were tunnels beneath the area, but then again how could anyone expect it?

A few minutes passed, enough for Harriette, Jin, and Alina to regroup. They stood in the middle of the cavern.

"What now...?" The red haired woman asked, folding her arms in front of herself. Should they try to find a way back up? Or maybe there was an escape route somewhere down here in the cave system?

The stillness of the cave was disrupted by a shuffling sound nearby. Behind a large rocky outcropping, four antennae sprouted up - quickly followed by two sets of large inhuman eyes. There were two creatures, and they blinked at the humans for a few moments.

"...we did it!"


The creatures jumped out from their hiding spot, revealing small thin bodies and bulbous heads. Each sported a pair of leathery wings on it's back, and their faces were spread with wide toothy smiles. They were tiny monsters, not more than two or three feet tall. Though their appearance called to mind little devils, neither made to attack the humans in front of them. In fact, one flapped its wings and flew up and away, heading to one of the holes in the cavern wall.

"Her Gloriousness will be sooooo pleased with us! I'm gonna go let her know!" It said, and then was gone, leaving it's partner behind. The little demon looked very content to lounge in a dead flower bed, watching the humans and snickering to itself every now and then.
Harriette Moore

? ? cell block : ? ? hours
It spoke. That red-eyed being that Harriette couldn't tell if it was monster or man, or both, just started speaking to them. She supposed it was better than immediately attacking. Harriette stayed put right where she was, half curled in on herself, coiled tight like a spring, as it approached. It looked like another corpse, though instead of being burnt and charred it was torn and bloody... and moving. It was actually chiding them.

Harriette narrowed her eyes. Mounting confusion, fear, and frustration was beginning to take it's toll. Her head was pounding. And just what did this thing think it knew about her anyway? Though she wanted to refute it's words, her throat was dry and she couldn't seem to muster her voice. It was probably the hundredth time since they'd bee dropped into this world that Harriette wondered to herself about just what the hell was going on and what was going to happen to them when she felt the bars at her back give way.

She stumbled slightly, catching herself before she fell over. A glance over her shoulder showed that the interior of the cell had changed. Significantly.

She looked forward again, pale and worried, at the ashen bodies slowly getting to their feet. Both Jin and the red-eyed being told them to run, and though sore and exhausted Harriette heeded their instruction. She, Alina, and Jin took off, away from the danger as fast as they could go. But they were flagging, and as they moved the area twisted and grew confusing. Harriette's eyes were constantly on the move, checking every mysterious doorway and paradoxical stairwell that appeared around them.

Where were they supposed to run to? What were they supposed to do? Before the situation overwhelmed her, Harriette tried to put her brain into overdrive and think of someway out. While the three of them ran she breathlessly voiced what little thoughts she had. "We can't... keep running forever. If we can duck into somewhere, just get a chance to... to think of a plan..."

Unbeknownst to Harriette, while Alina and Jin were contemplating splitting up for various reasons, the red haired teaching assistant was growing all the more desperate to keep everyone together. She considered trying to navigate the stair ways, or try to barricade a door somehow - even turning to fight the burnt up monsters, hoping they were still as fragile as they were while they were lying prone. If only they were presented with some kind of opportunity..!
Welcome back!

Word Count: 1342 (+3 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 20/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

"You didn't think you were going on a solo meowssion, did ya?"

Glad to see that she hadn't gotten into trouble in her haste, the Cadet readily returned the gesture. It was a nice little bump of optimism, in spite of everything. With the others not having followed just yet, it seemed it would just be the two of them again - and there was no time to lose. Nadia gave her findings, and the Cadet nodded.

"It'll be hard getting around them, if it's even possible." That left going above or below, and as the feral pointed out going up top seemed the more dangerous route. With their eyes glazed over and their mouths constantly swallowing anything that could fit inside, it was easy to imagine either one of the children being grabbed up and eaten by the guests. But the slovenly slurping and chewing all around them was an inescapable reminder of the predicament their friends found themselves in, so which ever route they had to brave they had to do it quickly. Nadia led the way towards the dark underside of the tables, but not before she mentioned she was glad she stopped before the food curse changed her to be one of those gluttonous guests. Ace Cadet paused for a moment with a grimace on his face before he followed her.

Though it had been a good idea, unfortunately it looked like the low road wouldn't be traversable. There were almost as many guests on the floor as there were at the table, crawling around to pick up scraps. Cadet regarded them with a growing pity, but it still didn't stop him from letting out an audible "bleh" when seeing the gluttony up close. It wasn't only the food delivered to them nonstop, they didn't have any qualms about gulping down dirtied and pre-chewed morsels either. "Well, up we go."

Although the tables were littered with food, dotted with fork-like waiters, and lined with ravenous people that weren't picky at all with what they put in their mouths - it offered a relatively straight shot in getting closer to their goal. A simple, if dangerous, path. Nadia pointed out the stairwell and he gave her a nod of understanding. The two set off, hopping over plates and piles of all kinds of cuisine. Though food practically surrounded them, they kept their mouths firmly shut, neither of the children wanting to stop when their friends were still in danger, let alone risk turning into one of the diners they saw around them. They moved with steady pace, hurrying while being careful not to get too close to a hungry mouth. If they tried to run through any faster they risked slipping - something they'd discovered firsthand when Nadia shifted a little too close for comfort toward one of the guests. It reached out to her and in her panic Nadia nearly went right off the table. The Cadet snatched her by the arm, hauling her back up toward him with wide eyes. She thanked him and he whispered back, "Don't mention it."

Yes, running along the table was dangerous, but they still needed to make tracks. It wasn't long before Nadia really did go off the table - the this time with intent. She hopped from diner to diner, making the trip much shorter for herself without warning. The Cadet almost panicked, thinking the worst, but he soon realized what her strategy was.

He couldn't blame her. The longer it took to reach Sakura and the Abyssals, the more likely it was that harm had come to them. Not to mention they had no idea how the boys, Mirage, Link and Geralt were faring. They could have saved the girls by now - or they could be stuck in a predicament of their own. Speed was crucial; the Cadet only wished Nadia wouldn't go where he couldn't follow. He took a deep breath and prepared to meet her at the goal.

Ace Cadet scooped up as much food as his arms could carry: bundles of grapes, slices of cheese, pieces of sushi. Then he booked it as fast as he could go across the table tops. The movement drew the eyes of some of the guests, and they stretched their hands toward him. When they got too close comfort the Cadet tossed one of the pieces of food he had in his hand. The guests' eyes - and mouths - would follow the food's arc until it landed, where they would either grab it up or lament that it was too far out of reach. It wasn't a perfect strategy, but it was working so far. Run, dodge, toss, run, and repeat. He was getting close to the exit where the stairs led down a level. The Cadet swerved around a Volbonan, tossed a few fruits ahead of him to draw away the roaming hands of the diners, and then his path was clear! Just barely suppressing a relieved laugh he pressed on - and then leapt from the end of the table.

He did not expect there to be a couple of guests on the ground, vacuuming up spilled sushi into their maws. There was just enough time for him to think Oh, crap. before he fell right onto the back of one of the men. What remained of the food he'd collected went flying, adding to what already littered the floor. The Cadet bounced off of the guest's round body, landing on the wooden floor. He scrambled up, eyes on the stairwell. As soon as he made to moved the Cadet found himself on the ground again, falling over when something tightened around his ankle and pulled.

He already knew what he would find when he turned back, and sure enough one of the slobbering diners had their fingers curled around his leg and was pulling the boy closer. The guest clacked his teeth together in anticipation, and though his pull was weak his grip did not let up, no matter how vigorously the Cadet shook his leg.

"Let go! Let go you Kecha-wacko!" He said, looking around for anything he could use to get himself out of this. A weapon would be great, but no such thing presented itself. He threw every piece of food within reach into the guest's waiting mouth, and though he happily ate it up he did not release the little monster hunter. As the fate of being eaten alive drew closer and closer, the Cadet raised his arms, ready to fend it off by whatever means necessary. He would have beat at the guest's face or poked his eyes out, but it didn't come to that. When the red head shoved his arms out to push the guest away, the pores he'd seen open up before started manifesting again. The sea foam reappeared, and then a torrent of water sprang forth from his palms. The force separated the Cadet and his captor violently, washing both of the fallen guests and the poor waiter away and pushing the Cadet in the opposite direction. The stream of water disappeared and the Cadet tumbled backward down the stairs, landing on his back. The pores on his arms were already closing up, but the moisture and smell of salt remained.

Alright, so he was definitely for sure cursed - it wasn't just a hallucination. He could make this work though, until they escaped or he succumbed then he could keep the diners off of them as a living hose. He'd be able to stop the chefs that held the girls captive too, as long as they made it there in time.

The Cadet had been blinking up at Nadia from his spot on the ground, but he sprang up onto his feet with a renewed resolve. He wasn't sure how much of that Ms. Fortune saw, if any, but it didn't change the mission they had to complete. They just had to watch out for any other symptoms. He sure hoped they'd get through this before he tried eating his own friends.

"Let's go!"
There we go. I hope this is coherent. Kind of leaned harder into the traumatic backstory and the driving goal. The D&D sheet is a WIP, but slowly working on it.

I was planning on making my character a fire genasi, but I fear there might be too much overlap with Feyblue's cool tiefling so I might choose something else ^^;

Not to influence you one way or another, but since the party size is only 4-5 and there looks like there will be well over 4-5 character sheets submitted, there's gonna be some competition either way. Concepts are probably going to overlap. I think whatever your strongest idea is, go for it!

Word Count: 883 (+2 exp)
Level: 8 - Total EXP: 17/80
Location: Edge of the Blue - The Maw

The Ace Cadet slipped into the next room after Nadia and Kamek - almost literally, but seeing Nadia go down right in front of him gave the monster hunter some forewarning about the condition of the floor. Pressing a hand against the wall for balance (and giving it the same suspicious glances he'd been giving his limbs for the past few minutes), the Cadet slowly made his way further down the room's perimeter. Unsurprisingly it was another section of the huge kitchen area the Maw housed, a washing station. He eyed the various occupants in the room, more creepy-looking humanoids, koopas, and some sentient silverware - all so engrossed in their tasks that even the ones that did look at the little intruders ignored them in favor of going back to trying to make a dent in the mountains of dishes. At least they wouldn't have to sneak through the room. Though getting through it might be a bit difficult given the soapy water all over the floor.

It didn't seem to be an issue for the front runners though, as Nadia slid over the ground with her fan and Kamek used his shell to swiftly traverse the - oh, wait, he was coming back. He watched Kamek slide right back out the door, and from it the voices of the other koopas in their party. So they'd be coming through soon. Well, time to start making some headway!

Inching through while trying not to slip would be painfully slow. Instead, the Cadet braced his legs and then shoved himself away from the wall towards one of the washing stations. He slid across the floor almost like it was ice, with his arms thrown out to each side to keep himself on his feet. He slowed to a stop underneath one of the free standing sinks, and crept his way towards the sink's legs to latch onto.

"Not so bad," he said to himself, "like dealing with a Mizutsune." Except that the imminent danger was not a leviathan but several strange workers, though it still didn't seem like they cared much at the moment.

The Cadet's movement was still slower than Ms. Fortune's, so by the time he'd made it to the other side she was already up on the conveyor and out through the dish slot.

"Hey, Nadia, what's on the other side?" He tried to speak into the slot, once again balancing on the wall and standing on his toes. She didn't answer, but there also wasn't any other kind of commotion that would indicate she'd been caught. She must have continued moving on. Without a nifty boost he wouldn't be following her through the slot, though he doubted he'd be able to fit through in the first place.

The Cadet reached up to the nearby door handle, stretching his arm out for it, but it was just out of his reach. One of his feet slipped and he stumbled around dramatically until he managed to right himself. Maybe he could drag over one of those rubbery mats or something...

Once Bowser and company came through the door into the room and start shouting the Cadet looked around at those he was addressing - and those he wasn't. If this actually worked it would be awesome, but if it didn't then he'd just have to find a way to open the door up quickly. While the gleaming dish washers' attention was focused on the koopa king, the Cadet got a head start in seeking something to help him get up to the door's handle and open it. Something like... oh, one of those planks of wood might work - at least to stop the slipping!

Alright, let's go! Ace Cadet slid himself toward one of the unoccupied planks. It was heavier than expected, but he was stronger than the average... whatever-year-old he was now. Pushing the wood was slow going but it was possible! He shoved the plank against the wall, and once it sat solidly on the floor he stepped onto it. Perfect! Even slightly damp the wood wasn't slippery at all. With a little more effort the Cadet reached up to the door knob and turned it, popping the door open.

"Yes!" He pushed through the opening and arrived in a carpeted area, with the sounds of plates clattering and open mouthed slurping not far off. Before venturing on the Cadet and reached back through the door, grasping the wooden plank and propping it just inside the door frame to hold the passage open. He peeked back at the koopa troop, waving at them and mouthing this way! before going on. He followed the noise to a restaurant, filled with food and ravenous diners. Since his disturbing vision the Cadet had no desire to eat or drink anything else in Maw, but even if he had he doubted he'd have been able to swipe anything off that table. Food was gone in seconds, devoured by the restaurant's patrons. He didn't watch the buffet for long, there was a much more important task at hand. There had to be a way into the room the chefs had locked themselves into. He spotted the swishing tail of Nadia still ahead and darted after her, hoping she had a plan - she certainly looked like she did anyway.
Welcome. There are plenty of romance roleplay checks in the "1x1" section, so you shouldn't have any problem finding what you are looking for. Have fun!
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