Avatar of Yankee


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23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
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1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 91/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 34/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 430 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

The roar of Red Eye and the swarm of arrow-headed creatures spun the train's passengers into a flurry of activity. There was much to do, and not much time with which to do it. Midna raced off to collect the cannon's ammunition, playing to store it in her dimensional pocket. Sectonia, Raz, Panther, Mona, and the stranger were handling the wave of Trilids, which Primrose assumed was only the first of more to come. Briefly she considered dancing for them, but the flying enemies were easily dispatched as it was. Her gaze flickered to the beast, with it's unnerving eyes and even more disturbing jaws. She very much doubted her spells would have any effect on it. Now the dancer found herself in place where her magic was useless. With some apprehension she looked at the various panels that Tora laid out for them. The closest thing she could relate them to was how the inside of Necronomicon looked. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, Tora had said that the controls were simple after all.

Meanwhile, Therion was coming to much the same conclusion, though he couldn't help but let snap, "What part of all that was simple to you?!" Even if the thief's flame came back to him, it most likely wouldn't help fend the monster off - and he was not planning to get anywhere near close enough to try and lower it's defenses or take it on with a blade. So he'd either have to try and take on one of the many roles in operating the main gun, or sit around waiting for the Red Eye to kill them all. Obviously he would take his chances with the former, he just had to choose what seemed like the most straight forward job.

"I'll take the turning station," the Travelers said in unison. They blinked at each other in surprise, but with no time for teasing or amusement they rushed to their places; Primrose on the left turning station, and Therion on the right. This would go well, or so they hoped. Though Primrose and Therion weren't strangers to butting heads with each other, their familiarity would theoretically make maneuvering the gun together a smoother process.

"Once the cannon is loaded we will start to get it moving," Primrose said. Her hands were on either side of the panel, and she studied it closely to make sure she would be ready, and that it was really as simple as slapping a directional button. A glance in the direction of Therion was met with a nod from the thief.

Level: 6 - Total EXP: 89/60 ------ Level: 2 - Total EXP: 32/20
𝙱𝙿 ●●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●●
Word Count: 1373 (+6 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky - Split Mountain Base, Tostarena

It was a strange feeling to see a friend being beaten up and not even try to help them. Knowing it was for their own good, in fact. All the same Primrose winced as Therion took his licks and was then freed courtesy of Big Band. Privately, she was glad she hadn't had to suffer the same process. If they were lucky Therion wouldn't take it too hard, and maybe they'd even be able to joke about it sometime.

"What just happened," Therion said, mostly to himself as he took Big Band's hand and let himself be hauled to his feet. A bit dazed, his question came out more like a statement. Physically he felt great, despite just being thrown by a giant monster, bitten by metallic teeth and then pummeled by an enormous detective. He was assured that they would fill him in later, and although he didn't particularly like that answer he bit his tongue before he could make any snappy remark. With his mind now unclouded he was bewildered that he would even attempt to fly up and fight that giant beast, he was a survivor and that would have been reckless at best, suicidal at worst. He heeded Band's words to focus on the battle, only it looked like the battle wasn't coming back. Off Phalanx flew, leaving the group to their own devices on the ground.

They'd decided that now was the time break the statues and see whatever was waiting for them in relation to bell. At the sound of his name Therion, still not in the best of moods, glanced over.

"Uh, sure," he said in reply to Tora's misplaced praise. Wait, was that furball being sarcastic? Ultimately it didn't matter, Tora and his friend flying off and a couple of others spreading out to break the bell's clapper free of it's chains. The huge metal piece fell and rung once, and for a long moment nothing happened. Neither Therion or Primrose relaxed, the former defensive and wary and the latter poised and determined. They had expected something to leap out at them, or some enemy to manifest, but not the sound. Whatever was inside thrashed around so violently that it struck the bell's body and let loose a horrible, cacophonous noise that near paralyzed those that heard it from it's sheer volume alone. The Travelers' hands flew up to their ears, trying desperately to block out the sound.

Damn, I knew it was gonna wreck this stupid mountain! Therion thought. He really hated being right sometimes. Now wasn't really the time to say 'I told you so' though, if anything could have been heard above the awful clanging in the first place. To his left, Primrose lifted her pained gaze up and caught sight of Phalanx making it's way toward them again. Her heart nearly sunk, until she spotted not just Midna and Sectonia on the beast's head, but Poppi flying brightly towards it. The Seekers prepared to evacuate the mountain, and it seemed the sky serpent was their ticket out. Primrose shook Therion by the shoulder, pointing up until he turned to catch the same sight. Instantly he understood what was going on, but he still didn't want to go up there. He'd just thought about how flying up there was a bad idea, but once again he didn't have a choice - though this time for a different reason. The Travelers looked at each other just to confirm they both knew what to do before they took off. Still with the afterglow of ascending they flew up to the mighty colossus and held tight to it's back as it crossed over Jondo and then away.

As the mountain's peak crumbled and gave way, they spotted something massive and writhing. It's thrashing threw it from the summit, and it began to slide down the side of the mountain. It has hard to make out just what the monster was, only that it was gigantic and angry.

"Surely that is the beast we sought?" Primrose wondered. Concealed as it was in the great bell, she found it hard to imagine it was some kind of second ruse. Plus there was nothing else on the mountain's top - or at least not anymore. She supposed they'd find out for sure once they followed the monster down.

After a certain point it was clear that the monster's trajectory had it landing dangerously close to Tostarena. A harrowing minute later and the creature came to a stop with a great crash, sand and debris spilling over it - just outside of the town. A second titan, the one they were riding atop, was soon to follow.

The dancer suddenly realized that the ground was coming up quick. She couldn't fathom that the creature's driver would intentionally crash it, but it looked like that was going to happen with or without Midna's input. "Time to get off," she said, reaching up to grip the front of her scarf. Nearby Therion turned at her words, blanching as he saw the collision about to happen. Neither of them hesitated to throw themselves from Phalanx then, and they landed a little ways away with a tumble but ultimately alright.

They got their bearings again as the colossus burrowed it's way into the ground, shielding their eyes from the sand it kicked up. Once the sand in the air was gone they had a much clearer picture of the situation. Primrose looked to where the monster had landed, struck with sudden unease as it's full form was revealed. Despite it's incredible size, wriggling legs, and the spikes that stuck out from it's body, what unnerved her the most was the glaring red eyes. They ran along it's length from front to back, and reminded her of the nightmarish stories H'aanit passed along to them whenever she'd found more information about her quarry, 'Redeye.' That alone made her loathe to get close, but thankfully the group decided their best bet was the railway gun they'd traveled in on. She certainly wasn't going to disagree with that, and so she ran with the rest of the Seekers back to the train.

At some point during the group's mad dash, Primrose felt the familiar - and yet unfamiliar - effect of a buffing spell placed on them. For that she was grateful, as with the performance aspect of her ability it would have taken the dancer double the amount of time to speed everyone up. With the buff she focused on making it to the train, sure they would all figure things out from there. Scattered thoughts about warning the residents of Tostarena, or even trying to evacuate the town entered her head, but ultimately the citizens could see the giant monster laying just outside. Far too late for a warning, and anyone smart enough would already be heading to a safe place.

She leaped onto the train just after the quicker Therion, the both of them making space for anyone entering after them. The two Travelers split up then, Primrose moving up to lend a hand however she could.

Being his first time on the train, not to mention being completely out of his element, Therion watched the others go about their preparations. He gripped the railing tightly, his gaze flickering to the monster they apparently had to kill. He could just picture it rampaging toward them and leveling the entire town as it did. He didn't have any allegiance to Tostarena besides living there for the past week, but he'd still hate to see it demolished. Hopefully someone who knew what they were doing could get this big lump of metal moving before that happened.

Then a Tostarenan boarded, one he'd seen once or twice before. Tall, with a black metal body, and - wait this guy wasn't a Tostarenan at all. Why the hell had he ever thought that? Was it the hat and poncho, and his spell-addled mind hadn't been able to see through it before?

"Better late than never," Therion told the man. He wasn't sure what would need to be done on board until someone more familiar with running it started calling the shots, but he was sure they would need as much help as possible.
Pun in the Sun

collab with @Lugubrious
Word Count: 5376

After fighting through all manner of aquatic creatures the day before, it was actually a little cathartic to chow down on the seafood spread that Kanzuki's staff had prepared. Was that weird? Yeah, it was probably weird, but it tasted so good that the Ace Cadet didn't care in the slightest. Prawns, fish, clams, and more all spiced and broiled and delicious. The hunter didn't eat quite as voraciously as usual given their present company - it wouldn't do to get his invitation revoked after all - but the amount of food he managed to consume was still impressive. Between himself, Link, and Bowser, the cooks and caterers really had their work cut out for them, and they still had to feed the rest of the Seekers and any stragglers too.

No matter how good the food was though, the Cadet didn't plan to spend the entire day parked in front of the grill. He wandered into the shade with a skewer in hand, looking out over the beach as he finished the last of his lunch. It was a far cry from dark and foreboding sands. Even the ocean looked peaceful, with small gentle waves rolling up onto shore. The Cadet was happy to just soak in the sea breeze and the general positive atmosphere, but only for a little while. If he was going to relax and enjoy the day it would be a lot better with friendly company close by. He had someone in mind, and he made his way over to the shady spot she'd dragged her beach chair out of.

"Hey," he greeted Nadia with a smile as he approached. Though seeing how content she currently looked made him ask, "Not bothering you am I?"

Nadia visibly brightened up at his approach, her ears high but relaxed. “Not at all!” she grinned. “In fact, I was kinda hopin’ ya might wander my way.” As he seated himself she shifted in her beach chair so that she could recline comfortably while partially facing him, her finned tail beneath the chair’s arm. She wanted to start talking to him straightaway, but all of a sudden she found herself having a hard time coming up with what to say. A million things raced through her mind, like a school of fish beneath the sea, yet no matter how she grasped at them each slipped right through her fingers. Did she want to praise the food, or would that be too mundane? Congratulating him on their efforts from yesterday might come across as dwelling on a stressful past. Why am I having so much trouble all of a sudden, anyway? she wondered. Normally the fast-talking feline never lacked the gift of gab, but as it turned out, being anything but jokey, perky, and distant didn’t come quite so easily. She ended up taking a long sip of her mojito to stall for time. Hopefully a little rum would help her loosen up, relax, and just be herself. If only she could find an icebreaker, everything else would surely follow...

Some movement along the beach caught her eye, and she spotted a man walking along the shore. He was squat, with a bushy white beard, but so incredibly broad and brawny that Nadia had to do a double-take, and with his speedo only scant few inches of him were left to the imagination. “Holy cow,” Nadia breathed, her eyebrows as high as they could go, as she motioned at the dwarf for Ace to see. He turned to look at the specimen of masculinity, letting out an amused Wow, as he settled back into the beach chair.

“My dude is yolked! You think he has trouble wipin’ his ass by himself?” Nadia giggled. “And with that swimwear, if he so much as dives in the water too hard, everything’ll be out to ‘sea’!”

Her grin subsided somewhat as she shrugged, turning the conversation inward. “‘Course, I can’t exactly complain when it comes to clothes, what with my usual outfit and all. Most gals would wear more ‘round town and less to the beach, but here I am.” She flipped her hair like a diva for comedic effect, then gave a chuckle. “Still, I’m actually kinda diggin’ my new outfit. Whaddya think, Ace? Like it?” As she gave a little pose she returned his wink from earlier, giving him a good look at her new clothes.

"Well the eye patch is pretty cool," he said, tapping the side of his own face that mirrored where Nadia's accessory sat. It made him think of a kind of sealed power waiting to be unleashed for some reason. It was a look he definitely appreciated - at least currently, with that spirit's effect on his personality. Speaking of spirits, the Cadet took in Nadia's complete new look, from the new clothes to the flowing hair and the swirling marks on her skin. The changes were pretty, he'd thought so yesterday but it was especially true today in the sunlight. Ah, but the thought occurred to him that it’d probably be weird if he said anything about her body, even if it was good things. She'd asked about the outfit after all.

"I do like it, it looks good," he offered easily, smiling all the wider at her gesture. "Can't really say I'm an expert on other-worldly fashion, but I think blue is definitely your color."

Come to think of it, the 'usual outfit' she'd brought up also had a splash of blue in the form of her crop top. It suited her. Actually now that she’d mentioned it, that outfit had been pretty revealing… Of course he’d noticed before, but he hadn’t really thought too hard about it. Right now though, after growing to like Nadia in more ways than one, it would be hard not to think about. The Cadet brought his thoughts back to her current ensemble again instead, the juxtaposition she’d pointed out between her beach outfit and her normal clothes rather cute.

Even a simple complement left Nadia practically beaming. “Aw, thanks! Glad to hear my spur–of-the-moment ensemble worked out.” Remembering just what she’d gone through to procure them, she shook her head with a laugh. “I actually sent my copycat to get them, carrying my head around so I could see. I was in such a daze last night, I threw away my old clothes without even thinkin’. It’s a wonder I didn’t conk out in the shower after all... all that.” She sighed, realizing she’d accidentally retreaded old territory. The next moment, however, she shook it off with a smile and a curious look at Ace. “Now, I’m no fashionista myself, but I gotta say you picked out some real interestin’ duds for the beach. I mean, with that armor in the sun you’re gonna fry up like an egg! No way you’re the shy type, right? With all the crazy stuff I’ve seen you pull, I bet under all that you’re ripped enough to give ol’ speedo over there a run for his money.”

As she chatted Nadia couldn’t help but fret that she was speaking too intimately. Of course she was interested in this guy, but maybe she was being too obvious? Her ears perked up as an idea came to mind. “Oh hey, if you’re worried we might get attacked or somethin’, maybe ya oughta have a drink yourself. Here!” The feral offered the monster hunter her second beverage, still in pristine condition while she worked at its partner. “It’s a mojito. These bad boys are full of sugar, lime, and mint, plus a li’l rum. Perfect for relaxin’ on the beach!”

"Wouldn't it be just our luck if something did attack us?" he chuckled, taking the offered drink. He raised the glass to his lips, pleasantly surprised at it's refreshing sweetness. He considered everything Nadia had said, picturing her head and clone's shopping adventure through Limsa. He would have liked to see that. As for the rest of it… he could have been reading into her words too much, just hearing something in her tone that he wanted to hear, but maybe she was just a little bit interested in him, like he was in her? Or maybe he was totally off the mark, as was his usual luck with women. Probably the latter, but it was alright, he was having fun chatting with her either way. After another sip he grinned and spoke.

"Alright so I'm not quite as jacked as that guy, 'cause like, come on." He looked over again at the dwarf, whose steps were slowly taking him farther down the shore away from the pair. "Buuuuut yeah, you could say I work out." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully at Nadia following the understatement.

"And as for the armor, I guess it was dumb of me huh? I was kinda in the same boat as you. I didn't throw my clothes out, I just don't have anything else besides my armor." He guessed things would have been way too convenient for them if Galeem had seen fit to give everyone all of their stuff when the worlds got mashed together. Plus while traipsing from one adventure to the next, the Cadet hadn't even thought about picking up some casual clothes. He wished he had now, for moments like this when they all needed a break.

"You'll have to help me pick out a ‘mew’ outfit," he suggested. "But in the mean time, you're right. Between the sun and the sand... ugh." He laughed at himself and shook his head. "I've only got my underclothes but hey, it's the beach, right? One sec."

It took a heroic effort to keep Nadia’s eyes from bugging out.

He leaned over and sat the mojito snuggly in the sand and then stood up, moving a few feet away. It could have been the most technical strip Ms. Fortune had seen. There were belts and harnesses to be undone, clamps released and metal plates shifting against each other. Once free of the armor and the shipgirl rigging, The Cadet sat the chest piece upright in the sand and positioned the rest around it as a silent, headless, mock sentinel.

"That'll make anything think twice about ruining a good time," he joked, returning to his spot beside Nadia. The underclothes he wore consisted of a pair of shorts, a top that wrapped around his back and covered his upper arms and pecs but not much else, and matching gloves and boots that he promptly discarded by the beach chair. Before he sat down again he performed a classic flex with both of his arms raised. "Well? Think I should go ask that guy for some pointers?"

Having done her best not to just stare shamelessly at Ace as he removed his armor, a feat made none the easier by the intricacy and length of the process, Nadia did her best to ignore the furious swishing back and forth of her tail and the sudden rush of blood to her cheeks. After trying and failing to keep her eyes on Ace’s face until she averted her eyes altogether as she replied. “Heheh, heh, well,” she just about stammered, tugging at her collar as she looked off into the middle distance. “I certainly ‘cat’ complain.” In fact, she couldn’t seem to form any coherent thought at all, which frustrated her to no end. Calm down, you blithering idiot she told herself, but goodness, was this guy purrfect! He was just the right amount of brawny, neither an overblown caricature like the dwarf nor stuffed with show muscle like a bodybuilder, but the natural product of incredible effort and diet. Fusion with the lovely Jamaica might have made him a little smaller, but it also did wonders for his complexion, pushing him way over the line between well-built dude’ and ‘certified looker’. Plus, with Ace on Nadia’s radar for his genial, pun-loving, and heroic nature first and foremost, this new revelation came as icing on top rather than a superficial infatuation. Man, did I luck out or what!?

Of course, that left just one issue. How in the world could she get her interest across to him without being weird? Wait, should she be thinking about that right now? Even though they’d already been through thick and thin together, they’d been in one another’s company for only a day and a half or so. Even in Nadia’s profound inexperience, she knew that wasn’t much. Her first order of business ought to be getting to know Ace better. And for that, normal conversation would probably work a whole lot better than any schemes she might conceivably cook up.

The feral took an extra-long drink from her mojito, which helped her calm down. “Y’know, seein’ you outta your armor reminded me I forget to grab sunblock. Guess neither of us get beach vacations often, huh? I mean, I lived right on the seaside back in Little Innsmouth, but even if there were any beaches, the water wasn’t exactly clean, y’know? Still, it was a wonderful place, lemme tell ya. Fulla color, everythin’ all connected, all the balconies and chimneys branchin’ off like coral. And at night when the tide’s high, the light from all the neon signs and jellyfish lanterns would reflect on the canals. Ah, nothin’ better than an evenin’ stroll ‘long the walkways, just smellin’ what’s cookin’ in all the li’l restaurants and listenin’ to the waves.” Unable to suppress a wistful sigh, she glanced back in the direction of Limsa Lominscuttle Town. “Still, this place is way cool, too. A whole city on the water insteada just a district, and a helluva lot less rotten than New Meridian, heh. Really makes me wish I didn’t get stuck in the damn Dead Zone for who knows how long.”

The Ace Cadet took his seat once more, not entirely shameless as there was a strip of red on his face that ran from cheek to cheek after his display, that definitely did not come from a sunburn (not yet anyway). He scooped up the mojito that had been waiting for him and crossed one of his ankles over the other. Plenty of sun, plenty of sand, but not much beach, he agreed silently in regards to the comment about vacations. Nadia went on to talk about where she lived before all of this, and the Cadet listened intently. He did his best to picture the scene that Ms. Fortune was painting for him, taking bits and pieces from places that had been wholly unfamiliar to him a week ago and putting them together in the best approximation of Little Innsmouth that he could think of. The nostalgic way she talked about it brightened the place up in his mind's eye. Briefly he wondered if he sounded like that whenever he brought up Dundorma and Val Habar while in Astera, or if that feeling was strictly reserved for the people he knew there. He recalled Nadia's story about the gang that was her family, and figured that might be part of her feelings about the place too. It was endearing.

"That's really nice," he told her. "Not the Dead Zone part, obviously. Everything you told us about it at the Mizzenmast was awful." The Cadet also didn't want to dwell on unpleasant topics, so he moved on. "Maybe we can find a little piece of it somewhere out in the world, you never know with this place." He would definitely enjoy a tour with her.

"I like Limsa too, it's lively," he added, "and it kind of feels familiar. It's not exactly the same, it's a lot bigger for one, but it's similar to the cities I'm used to." Beside's the Guild Hall, and when the land would spawn an actual chunk of his world, the town he'd ended up in was more on the podunk side. Maybe closer to Kokoto or Pokke, villages he wasn't well acquainted with. The Cadet glanced over at his conversation partner. "Plus, it's got this whole out-sanding shoreline." Perfect for that beach vacation they finally got to take!

The pun made Nadia smile as she mulled over what Ace said about Little Innsmouth. While he meant his words as assurance, and of course she wanted to see the place again, she couldn’t help but wonder if such a thing would be for the best. “Maybe, but... I don’t know if I really want that.” She shifted herself in her seat again, uncrossing her legs to cross again them the other way around. “This world is all mixed and matched and jumbled together, right? If we did find Little Innsmouth, it could be a totally different place from the one I know and love. All the spots and friends I miss, Yu-Wan and Minette... who’s to say whether or not they’re still there, or haphazardly replaced by other stuff, from other worlds? It’d be... I dunno, uncanny. I don’t think I could be happy with that. With the dysphoria.”

Nadia gave a long and wistful sigh, her eyes shut, then looked out into the vast blue sky. “When this is all over, I wanna go back to my real home, just how I remember it. It’s not perfect or anything, but it’s where I belong.” Unable to stand the rather angsty tension any longer, she gave a short laugh, mostly at herself. “Heheh, well. ‘Til then, I guess I’ll see what all this patchwork world has to offer. Sure it’s a little crazier than what I’m used to, but I was gettin’ into fights all the time anyhow, and it sure ain’t all bad.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Ace before laying her elbow on the arm of her beach chair, and resting her head in her hand. “So, you missin’ anyone, too? Stand-up guy like you’s gotta have tons of chums back home. Maybe even... a lady friend?”

While she explained her thoughts on potentially running into a mishmash version of Little Innsmouth, the Cadet nodded. "Hm, I get that." He hadn't considered things that way before, but he supposed he could understand the feeling, even if he didn't share it. The hunter himself had just been relieved and grateful to see any chunk of his home world so far. As Nadia's reminiscences started to take a turn for the melancholy all he could think was, Good going, Ace Idiot. He almost apologized for suggesting the idea, so he was grateful when Ms. Fortune steered them forward. He had chuckled at her playful insinuation then taken another sip of the mojito as she went on, though the last question she asked almost made him choke on his drink. After a poorly disguised cough he looked back at her.

"Not... exactly," he said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He wished he did have a certain sweetheart to leave behind, as that would mean going back to her once everything was over. There was certainly no lack of trying on his part, but things had never panned out the way he wanted them to with his heartfelt crush on the Guildmarm, even after reuniting in Lumbridge. Sure, he could tell Nadia about his one-sided feelings but that didn't seem like the right move. Setting the interest he had in her aside, the Cadet didn't want things to potentially get weird between them. So he went in a different direction with his reply, pushing a grin into place.

"Despite my amazing hunting prowess and winning personality, I didn't have anyone like that. It's tough competition back where I'm from," he said, playing things up for Nadia's amusement. Not that what he said was necessarily untrue, as around the larger gathering hubs one was always able to find at least five or six Geralts around, the rugged and handsome types. The Ace Cadet took another drink and settled back with one arm tucked behind his head.

"Actually before this all happened, I was already away from home and my team for weeks. On a research commission. Sure you get to know everyone you're working with, make friends, but once it's over everyone goes their separate ways." The exodus of hunters headed back to the Old World after the mess with the Elder Crossing was resolved had left the base feeling lonely for days afterward, even if part of the commission remained. "We were just about to move even farther out, but then..." he gestured vaguely at the second sun in the sky with glass in hand as he concluded.

‘Not exactly’ wasn’t ‘no’, but Nadia wasn’t going to read too much into it. Ace’s past was his business, and what to share about it was his choice to make. The feral simply took his reply as a relief. When the monster hunter described the events leading up to his world’s sudden end, she offered a sympathetic nod. “Mhm. Galeem, more like... ga-lame.” Totally unrepentant about her bad joke, she leaned back in her seat and drained the last of her beverage. With the sun’s heat really starting to sink in now, the cool drink felt that much nicer, and she kept the ice-filled cup in her hand. She’d hoped that Ace might have more to say about his friends, or responded to her reminiscence about her home in kind, but he wasn’t exactly the voluble type. Not a problem, of course, when Nadia Fortune could run her mouth a mile a minute when she felt like it.

“I feel ya though, it’s tough where I’m from, too, but not for the same reasons, I don’t think. New Meridian’s a huge city, always hustlin’ and bustlin’, everyone movin’ a mile a minute while lookin’ out for number one. And who can blame ‘em, really? Durin’ and after the Grand War, the whole Canopy Kingdom boomed like crazy, but crammin’ so many different people under one umbrella ain’t without its downsides. Sure, it looks great, but on the other side of all the glitz and glam it’s crowded, dirty, and even cutthroat. Crime is ridiculous, the damn Medici Mafia worst of all, and the crooked cops sure don’t give a crap. And as if all that wasn’t enough, everyone gets to live in fear of a new Skullgirl appear’. Disparity, discrimination, despair... if you’re not upper class, it can be tough just gettin’ by day to day, let alone meetin’ people. ‘Specially when you’re someone... well, like me.”

Nadia gave Ace a grin. “Now, I know you’re askin’ yourself, who in the world wouldn’t like Miss Fortune? She’s just so smart and lovable and talented, not to mention humble! Well, things ain’t exactly sunshine and rainbows. Where I’m from, most people don’t like Ferals a whole lot, even if we got it better than the poor Dagonians. And once in a while you run into someone who likes ‘em too much, obsessin’ over their real-life catgirls and crap. Treatin’ us like animals, no matter which side of the spectrum they’re on.” She sighed, running her fingers along her scars. “There’s also my whole separation thing. I could hide it, I guess, but that’d mean tryin’ to build relationships on a lie, and there’s no way that turns out well, right? But when people see how I am, they’re liable to think I have a parasite, which is taboo, or worse, that I’m connected to the Skullgirls somehow. Even aside from that, though, it’s just sort of... gross, you know? I mean, it’s body horror, plain and simple. No matter how you slice it, I’m just not...normal. Can’t really blame people for not wantin’ any of that.”

After a brief pause, staring down at the sand as she realized she might have loosened her tongue a little too much, she continued. “Plus... well, I dunno why I’m telli-nya any of this. I guess I just wanna come clean, or maybe it just feels good to get it off my chest. But remember what I said about it bein’ tough gettin’ by? Well, the last piece of the puzzle is that I’m... well, a cat burglar. Surprise, surprise.” Shrugging as if to say what can you do, she put on a wry smile. “Me and the Fishbone gang. We’d steal from the rich out in the city, usually the Medicis, and spread it around the poor folk of Little Innsmouth. Keepin’ some for ourselves, of course. Not that a li’l charity makes it right.” A dry, almost despondent chuckle escaped her, before she turned back to Ace with an apologetic look. “Sorry for spillin’ my guts like this, even if it’s just figuratively for once. All things considered, I’m surprised a great guy like you’d give a trash fire like me the time of day.” With that Nadia fell silent, knowing that she’d gotten carried away and fearing that her reality check might scare Ace off. But if she was going to have any chance with him, she knew he would have to confront this, and that meant the end, better sooner than later.

The hunter was surprised to hear all of that about Nadia's home. He'd heard her talk about her backstory before, and so he knew it didn't have a happy ending, but this was despair inducing. It didn't get any better when she brought it back to focus on herself and her own experiences. And yet her personality was normally so vibrant! Making the best of a bad situation. He sympathized with her, and couldn't help but let out and incredulous half-chuckle at the joke she'd thrown in, but the last thing she said had a frown forming on his face.

"Hey..." The Cadet sat up so that he could turn to fully face his friend. "Don't say that, you're great too! And you don't have to apologize."

After laying it all bare like that the feral, understandably, seemed a bit down. Nervous even. They couldn't have that. The Cadet jumped right into encouraging her.

"You go through all of that and still get back out there, and still even love your city? That's ameow- amazing.

"Plus anyone would be stupid not to see you're beautiful, insides included!" There was a beat of silence after his words when he realized how weird that probably sounded, even given the context of their conversation. "I mean like, inside and out. Aaagh..."

He pushed a hand through his hair. Hopefully that didn't come off as strange as he worried it did. He didn't want to take his words back because they were the truth, and besides he hated to see a girl disparage herself. The way Ms. Fortune could separate her body was shocking, yes, but it just took some getting used to. "What I mean is, you're awesome. We've only known each other a couple days and you're already one of the most Radalos people I know."

He had yet to address her profession confession, and it would be a few moments more until he did. Realistically he thought he probably should have a problem with it given his own background, but he didn't - and he very much doubted anyone else in their group would either. He knew there was a difference between malicious thievery and turning to crime to stay alive.

"...you know, in the Old World I was a Guild Knight," he began. "The Knights do all kinds of stuff besides hunt monsters. We're basically peace keepers, so our job included tracking down people that broke the law. Punishing them too sometimes, but thankfully I never did much of that part myself." He met her gaze, his eyes showing a hint of amusement at the irony of their situations. She seemed on edge, but hopefully Nadia could see the humor in it too. "So I've seen my share of criminals. Mean, totally corrupt, no remorse...

But you don't seem like them at all. You were helping people then, right? And you're here trying to save the world now!"
The Ace Cadet smiled at her, warm and reassuring. "You're a good person."

After letting the cat out the bag Nadia braced herself for the worst, but to her surprise -and soon after, delight- Ace wasted no time setting her worries to rest. He washed the doubts and fear with an inundation of praise, using terms like great and awesome and even beautiful. The goofy way he phrased his appreciation brought a laugh out of her, making its delivery all the sweeter. A surge of emotion struck the feral, a little embarrassment mixed with relief and, above all, gratitude. Sure, she’d pretty much forced him into a position where he had to say something nice about her, but this was no mere front on his part. The man could genuinely look past not just her unnatural bodily condition, but her past as a criminal despite once being something of a lawman, and come out on the other side to tell the girl that even if she didn’t believe it herself, she was a good person. She wasn’t so soft-hearted that Ace’s kindness would make her burst into tears, but she couldn’t stop her eyes from watering just a little, either. In her heart Nadia could now conclude that the Ace Cadet absolutely liked her too, and even if that put some butterflies in the feral’s stomach, she couldn’t be happier.

In her somewhat tipsy giddiness Nadia wanted to tackle Ace and hug him like her life depended on it, rubbing up on him like, well, a cat, but she managed to keep herself under control. Instead she reached over and squeezed his shoulder with her hand, hoping that her touch helped to convey the thankfulness her words alone really couldn’t. “Thanks, man. Really.” she told him. “If my world were full of people like you, it’d be a much better place.” After taking a deep breath of the fresh seaside air, she sat up, planted her feet in the sand, and put on her best smile. “Anyway! That’s more than enough of me sittin’ around, bellyachin’ over purr-sonal stuff. I’m ready to tire myself out again. Maybe see if I can whip up a game of volleyball, or we could just go in the water.” She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees. “Whatcha think, Mr. Ace Cadet?”

Seeing the effect his words had on Nadia brought the Cadet a great deal of joy. She could have easily brushed him off, but instead she took them to heart. She deserved to feel good about herself, so he was more than happy to bring up all of her good points. He thought about going on, but paused as she thanked him and reached out. Despite the heat of the sun, her touch felt pleasant and warm.

"Aw, c'cmon." He ducked his head a little to hide the pink that was starting to bloom on his cheeks. He didn't think he was some shining beacon of goodness. After all, how many times had his dumb antics almost gotten people killed? It was only a scant few years ago that the ace hunter was inconsiderate. But since then he'd been trying to grow, become someone that others could rely on, especially to lift their spirits. If such a great girl thought so highly of him, then maybe he'd succeeded.

"Well if you need a pick-me-up, you know who to come to," he offered with a grin as Nadia moved on. She had some ideas for activities, and he considered them while finishing off his own mojito, tipping his head back until the glass was empty. Between playing a game and swimming, the former was his preference. Though unfamiliar with it, he could pretty much guess what was involved with "volley" and "ball."

"We can play first, cool off later?" he suggested. The Cadet got to his feet and extended his hand for her to take.

"Shell we?"

After tossing her hair in a faux-dignified manner, Nadia accepted his hand with a gracious smile. “But of course!”

Once on her feet, Nadia went off with an irrepressible pep in her step and Ace right behind, both eager to see who among the vacationing Seekers might fancy an impromptu volleyball game.

HP: 1920/1920 - MP: 1920/1920 - SP: 1920/1920
_________________ [X]
Chilling with the crew in the Sweet Maid felt pretty damn good. Ames wondered if she could convince Raime to work there too, or if it was too close to his real life responsibilities to consider. Still, the food was great and the company was... well it was the same old party, Ames thought, and left it at that. They talked shop and traded crass jokes. Britomart cleaned up the kitchen in the mean time, and when she was finished she stood nearby with her lips pursed in concentration, listening the group's discussion about strategies. As per usual with them their plans ranged from reasonable to completely stupid. But they had more experience than the squire, and so she just absorbed the information.

And then, the sound of people coming in.

Ames blinked, momentarily forgetting that her Nuclei was technically a place of business. After all, she hadn't had any customers yet, and mostly just concerned herself with decorating and not advertising. Once the scene sunk in and she registered there was a group looking to make use of the inn, she gaped like a fish and looked back and forth between her friends. These were the Sweet Maid's first real guests! It was happening! She was only knocked out of her stupor when Raime's message appeared, and her expression when from flabbergasted to straight up affronted. While she quickly replied to the message, the young squire stepped towards the group and offered them a shallow bow.

"Greetings," she said, "We would be happy to host you. The price of a room is..."

At that moment Britomart was bombarded with the telepathic messages of her lord.

Bri! It's happening! Okay, we researched this! And - and we're going with Prime Rate plus one! No! Wait that's for loans! Oh man, what was the price of that one place in Nyu-Taro on the street with the flower shop? Should we price higher or lower than that?!

Sir... I believe you mentioned wanting to start with a lower price until the Sweet Maid was well established...?

Oh, oh yeah. Okay, tell them it's...


Aaah, hold on I'm just thinking it over again.

Sir Ames... Was that a touch of pity that Ames thought she heard in Britomart's mind-voice? The inn's master took in a breath through her nose to recenter herself.

Okay. Okay, tell them it's...

The brief conversation took place over the span of just a second or two. Britomart's eye twitched, but then she carried on speaking aloud. "...600 Rishi."

And now the duo would either prepare for guests, or prepare to console a disappointed Ames. The red head in question sunk lower into her seat for a couple seconds before suddenly leaning forward toward the group.

"If you guys wanna head back out into the field I'll catch up," Ames whispered. Though she wouldn't mind if they stuck around a little longer either, as long as they didn't do anything to mess up the burgeoning business opportunity.
Welcome! I know the Nation RP section has a small but dedicated playerbase, otherwise some of the other things you mentioned I see around here from time to time. Either way, hope you enjoy!
@Nightwolf Hey friend, just pinging you over here in the OOC tab. Character tab is for accepted characters, this one is for questions and such! Welcome to the site by the way!
I hope you were planning to show us that tabby! Anyway, welcome to the site!
I've heard of them, but I've never actually played the system before. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually run a campaign of it on this site or anywhere else.

I have! Sorta. Here! I think I saw another more recent one in Advanced but I'm not 100%, could be mixing it up with another more general "Weird West" setting.
In Hello 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
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