Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

23 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

What is your favorite food, and why?

Wilben Felpip Oventamer, gnome pâtissier [x]:

"Do you even need to ask? Bread, you simpleton, bread! It is malleable, but staple and hardy. Simple, and yet complex. A perfect base, compliment, and in the hands of a master like me? A main dish on it's own! Bread is life itself."

- When do you do your best work? In other words are you an early bird or a night owl?

Location: @Ishin Academy Entrance
Interaction: @Jerks?
Ah, Ishin Academy. It looked exactly like all of the photos online: big, expensive, pretentious, and with no small amount of national pride. Actually that last part was kind of cool, it was always nice to see a traditional aesthetic mixed with a more modern one.

Touko stood outside of the academy's massive main gate, holding a large rolling suitcase with two more smaller ones strapped to it in one hand. The other hand pushed her glass up to once again sit on the bridge of her nose before gripping the strap of a cross-body bag tightly. She shuffled forward and mixed in with the crowd, finding warmth in the body temperature of the surrounding students as they moved as one mass toward the courtyard. She suppressed a yawn, but only barely. It was a nine hour ride from Tokyo here to the Academy, and she'd had pretty much no sleep since the night before last. Running on two hours! More than enough. Still, Ishin was pretty far from the city she'd spent all of her life so far in. She doubted that Sapporo had the sheer convenience of the capital. She'd had to get used to a whole new place. Plus it was still this cold in April. Plus she was forced to adhere to a very strict dress code (though to be fair she'd probably end up testing the boundaries there). Plus, she'd had to pack up all her beloved computers and drag them all the way out here, because like hell she'd be leaving them all alone at home.

...maybe I should have applied to UA.

She as she was daydreaming about a different school, a harsh shove brought her back to reality outside of Ishin's gate. A girl walked briskly through, inconsiderate to literally everyone around her.

"Hey! You forget to open your eyes this morning?" She called after the girl, harumphing as she readjusted her bags. There was excitement, and then there was downright rudeness. It wasn't long after that Touko felt another press of someone pushing her, followed by a similar demand for people to move out of the way. This time she held tight to her belongings, and though not nearly aggressive as the first push Touko still said bitterly, "Watch out!"

If that wasn't already bad enough, after heading in toward the gate like a normal person with the rest of the crowd, Touko heard the sound of a water geyser behind her. Her eyes widened and she scrambled to pull her luggage close to her, but thankfully there was no drenching to be had. There was another girl at the center of the disturbance, yet again demanding a path through the throng of people.

She couldn't believe it. Was this a city of savages or something?! Or did this type of elite school just happen to attract loud-mouthed bitches? Ooooh Touko could feel her annoyance grow. She was sure that there would be a visible vein pulsing on her forehead soon.

Touko made it into the hall quickly after that. Though she didn't push, scream, or threaten to douse anyone she had started to radiate a nasty aura stemming from her thoughts, complete with a small and somewhat creepy smile that made anyone who noticed it more likely to give her some space. Big egos and bullies were nothing she hadn't dealt with before, and she could be mean too - though currently she was trying to lull herself out of the bad mood by thinking to herself. Things like, if anyone thinks they can push I, Touko around at this school then I will just become a bigger bitch. The Mega Bitch if you will!! and of course, Lucky for them it's the opening ceremony and I'm feeling nice, or I'd destroy all their social media accounts! Fufufu.

Were they heroic thoughts? No. But that was what she was here for, wasn't it? To learn how to be a professional hero. And she was going to succeed at it.

Level: 7 - Total EXP: 82/70 ------ Level: 4 - Total EXP: 35/40
𝙱𝙿 ●●●● ---------------------------- 𝙱𝙿 ●●●●
Word Count: 1182 (+2 exp)
Location: Sandswept Sky

Once the two ladies had found the bathroom, Midna took her turn first. From outside Primrose could hear her complaints, and the dancer chuckled when she threw open the door and made her declaration. They swapped places, Midna departing and Primrose using the facilities. Primrose too found the ship lacking when it came to bathing amenities. She supposed it made sense, if it was similar to the ships she was familiar with just... able to fly. But given how futuristic it was, coupled with how large it was, she'd thought it might be advanced enough to hold a tub. Alas. The faucet was at least enough to wash her face and arms. She took her time, the meticulousness relaxing after the ordeal they'd just faced. Soon after she was finished the Virgin Victory touched down, with an explanation of the immediate area and Gerudo Town.

Men are prohibited, hm? Maybe it was a bit cold, considering all the men in their group had proven themselves to be good people so far, but Primrose was glad to leave them behind and sleep well in town. She made her way to the ship's main area, meeting up with everyone and being teleported to the oasis' shore.

The bazaar was lit by torches, casting it's modest buildings in a warm glow. After exiting the ship with the rest of the Seekers, Therion set his sights directly on the inn. He was no stranger to roughing it outdoors, and he'd even slept among dust and rocks in the Clifflands many times before. Given the choice though? He'd take a real bed every time.

He started to make his way there, only to turn suspicious eyes on Primrose when he noticed the dancer was following.

"Getting sentimental again?" he asked her, and she actually laughed.

"You heard what he said, right?"

"Yeah. Men not allowed, blah blah blah."

"I was speaking more about the be on your best behavior part."

"You wound me Primrose, you really do," Therion sighed, a touch dramatic. He was already tired, but suddenly most of the rest of his energy seemed to drain away. He was a thief by trade, yes, but right now the only thing he was thinking about was tucking his head into a pillow and getting some sleep. He lowered his voice before replying. "I actually can't tell if you're being serious, but I am too exhausted to try anything tonight," he assured her. Tomorrow is another story though.

She nodded, shrugged, and then gave him a smile before departing. It didn't hurt to make sure, she thought. Besides, maybe this Therion came from a time before he'd stopped nicking things just because he could. That was something she'd have to determine... another time. Tonight, rest.

"Goodnight," she bid the campers as she passed them, bound for the other women that had already started towards Gerudo Town.

"Have fun," Therion told the men (and imp) who were planning to camp out, giving them a sarcastic little wave over his shoulder. He followed Tora and Poppi's path toward the little inn.

The path to Gerudo Town was neither long nor particularly arduous. Primrose caught up the rest of the women quickly, who were being led by the foul mouthed lizard girl. Primrose was surprised at her abrasiveness, as earlier she'd only heard it directed at the monsters. Asbestos answered Jesse with a vague description of the town as 'ancient.'

"And I'm sure it will be cooler than the desert at least," Primrose added, misinterpreting Jesse's words. With the small waterfalls that they could see even from here, she was sure there was a nice source of water to offset the heat, and a breeze could even sweep it over the city too.

Though those that hadn't already seen it wouldn't actually know until they passed through the gate, given the high walls surrounding the settlement. They came up to the entrance and were greeted by women of impressive stature. This was definitely the right choice, Primrose thought. After passing the inspection she made sure her hood and face veil were in place, given the aesthetic of the locals it would be easier to blend in that way. She could also stow the cloak, which she would do as soon as entering the town proper.

"Thank you, ladies," she said after the guardswoman wished them well. The town behind the stone walls turned out to be much more beautiful than Primrose had expected. She admired the place, happy to note that indeed it was cool inside thanks to the water-filled canals and the breeze. There seemed to be quite a few interesting places here in town as well, though the only thing currently on her mind was a place to wash the sand off of herself and her clothes, and then lay her head to sleep. There would be time enough in the morning to explore most likely.

"Sectonia, would it trouble you to fly up and see if you can spot an outdoor bath?" She asked the alien queen. It was possible that the inn did have them indoors, but it wouldn't hurt to check. At that point Asbestos walked off without a word, and Alice wished them a good night's rest before heading off herself. Now that the Seeker's job was over in the area, if it took a few extra days to get the right parts and get back she didn't think anyone would mind. There were other teams looking into other areas after all.

With Asbestos and Alice gone, that left herself, Jesse, Sectonia, Tharja, Panther and Peacock. As for what their plans were, she supposed it would be best to figure that out.

"So," Primrose began, resting her hands on her hips. "My plan is to pick up a change of clothes, wash the rest of this sand off, and then turn in for the night..." She glanced over at the building that looked to be a jailhouse, where some ruckus could be heard even from here. If it wasn't dealt with by the time she was ready to sleep then she would check it out just to be safe, assuming none of the others got to it first. Anyway, with her plans laid out she prepared to set off toward the market area.

"If anyone wasn't planning to go right to sleep, I wouldn't mind the company," she mentioned, a small smile just barely visible beneath the transparent veil. As always she would be glad to have Panther's company, and she met the blonde's eyes in invitation - though given everything they'd been through, if the girl decided to turn in early Primrose wouldn't blame her. Any of the Seekers would be welcome as well, though after Panther Primrose pointedly turned her attention to Tharja. She didn't know what the poor girl needed most at the moment, to be in the presence of others or just to be left alone to come to terms to what happened to Robin, but at the very least she wanted the dark mage to feel that she had options.
Interacting With: Everyone Location: Room C-103: Auditorium

And so the faculty advisor arrived. He'd been listed alongside the team and meeting place, so Ken knew his name - though he'd hadn't expected such a titan. He was successful in not shrinking into his seat when Mr. Jouvessac approached.

"The, um, latter. Hopefully." He said. He reached out to take the paper handout, standing as he did. "I'm Ken. Kennedy. I've battled with my Pokémon before and..." Oh, crap. He hadn't actually practiced an introduction. He did have enough awareness to know he couldn't exactly say 'bet you're looking for some new blood what with the losing streak' if he wanted to get on the team's good side. Ken stared, silent for a few seconds before he continued. "...well if the team has openings, I'll do my best."

Bit of a lame first impression, but whatever - it was done. He nodded to Mr. Jouvessac and then turned to the other students gathered. Most of them he knew either from sharing a class with them or from hallway gossip about them. Well, knew their names and reputations at least. The whole point of him joining the battle team in the first place was to really get to know them. Clutching the handout tightly in both hands, Kennedy gave the team a slightly awkward bow of his head.

"I look forward to working together... and getting to know each other," he told them.

Welcome to the guild!
Welcome back!
Welcome to the guild!

Word Count: 690 (+1 exp)
Level: 9 - Total EXP: 90/90
Location: Edge of the Blue - Limsa Lominscuttle Town

It'd been years since the Cadet had been at the age where he'd stutter and blush when a pretty girl looked his way, but the kiss Nadia placed on his cheek still almost short circuited his brain. Though Nadia was more forward than what he was used to, it still came as a surprise. A pleasant one, of course. It seemed there was still some red coloring on his face, even after Blazermate had graciously healed him. The Cadet matched Nadia's smile with a bright one of his own before following the feral back into the thick of the group.

Now that Sakura and Karin's battle was over, it was time for the Seekers to move on. First was finishing up those dinner plans, and it appeared that everyone was of the same mind. Karin was even planning to join them after she some business she had to taken care of, which seemed like it might take a while if the list of things she was bringing up was anything to go off of. Either way it was great news. It was good to see Sakura so happy for her friend as well. Geralt had come over for some light conversation and mentioned it didn't sound good, but the words "strike" and "cannon" sounded pretty cool to the Cadet. "I think it sounds like it'd be useful," he laughed. "I hope she finds it!"

Everything else seemed more or less settled. While everyone was wrapping up the Ace Cadet fetched his armor. His treasure trove was easy enough to dump into his own cache, as it was all small save for the radio and the chest itself. He left the shell speaker where it was, still playing music. The rest was coming along with him. If it was really as valuable as Ms. Fortune made it out to be, he'd certainly be sharing, but that would come later. With some directions from Ishizaki, the crew got going to the restaurant.

The establishment's aesthetic was very cool, with the open courtyard and the plant life. With orange sky overheard and a soft breeze, it was a delightful place. And, thankfully, there was space enough for all of them out there. Once everyone was seated, and fore-warned about a staff issue, they began to settle in. The Cadet glanced over the menu. With as large a group as the Seekers, their orders were going to put strain on the kitchen either way, so his usual order of 'everything' would just add more on top of that. So this time he'd actually choose some things, but it was hard when everything sounded so good. One choice was easy though, which was the beverage. The place was called "Rum for Ale," so of course we went for the rum.

He'd stuck his nose back into the menu after Cerberus bounced off to get the other drink orders, but after hearing Blazermate's suggestion for entertainment he peeked over the menu's edge. Not to try and dampen the medabot's enthusiasm, but he had to at least try and counter her idea for his own peace of mind.

"Party tricks are probably beneath their level,", he said hurriedly. At the very least he knew Kamek was some kind of advisor to her king, so she wasn't at the level of a court jester or something like that. It was a weak argument, but he went on. "Besides, I bet our newcomers are as Quru- er, curious about us as we are about them. We could just get to know each other better!" After all it'd been barely an hour since they'd met Rubick and Susie, and barely a day since meeting Karin (for most of them, though the person in question wasn't actually present at the moment). He wasn't seated particularly close to the casters so if they did start a magic show he could at least focus on something else in the mean time. The restaurant itself, the menu, Nadia when she got back, or strike a conversation with those on his side of the table if they weren't too enthralled.
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