Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

22 days ago
I'm back, I got a new Halloween-ish avatar, and I'm ready to catch up on writing~
2 mos ago
Is there any better feeling than tsumo after a kan, and the dora turns out to be the four tiles you just called? I think not.
1 like
1 yr ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
1 yr ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
1 yr ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!


If you're on my page, check out the RP World of Light!
โ™ค 21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed โ™ค


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, traumatic (for character) stories. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two... or ten to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Level: 7 - Total EXP: 132/70 (-5 friend heart) ------ Level: 4 - Total EXP: 47/40
๐™ฑ๐™ฟ โ—โ—โ—โ—โ— ---------------------------- ๐™ฑ๐™ฟ โ—โ—โ—โ—โ—
Word Count: 1127 (+2 exp)
Location: The Land of Adventure - Twilight Town

Primrose explained much to Bede as they leisurely made their way back to the group. The Seekers' campaign against Galeem, it's Guardians, the nature of the world at large... the tell-tale signs of the Gleaming, what spirits were and the uses they had... and of course, about Smash City Alcamoth and the organization themselves. From time to time it was good to go over information like this, to collect her own thoughts and rationalize the current world again. Truth be told she may have abbreviated some things, though not without the promise that once they got back to the Alcamoth there would be a wealth of more information to learn.

Their return had been pleasant, but not boring - through Market Street there was no shortage of shopkeepers and merchants, through whose wares Primrose was happy to browse. She ended up making a purchase, figuring since she was already there she might as well. It was a sturdy cloth that apparently boosted the wearer's defense, the maroon and copper colors matching her aesthetic well.

When they arrived back at the train station where the group had initially split apart, she found that there were no familiar faces waiting for them. Save for one.

Therion was leaning against a lamppost, examining a shard of something in one hand. The other was tucked under his shawl as usual. When he noticed Primrose and Bede approach he tucked that away too and pushed off from his resting spot to meet them halfway.

"Done with the cars?" the dancer asked. Her thief friend nodded once. "More or less."

While Tora tinkered with Band and Jessie, Midna, and that local kid worked on building vehicles and driving them, Therion had taken an approach similar to Poppi's - just observing. It wasn't all he intending on doing, but for a while he stood off to one side, obscured by the shade of the garage's overhang. He'd heard that moose woman deliver some kind of song a few times, giving out licenses to drive. The thought of getting a license for anything himself made Therion scoff, but he paid attention nevertheless. After a while he thought he had the gist of things, from making one of the weird cars to operating them.

He joined in late, steadily working on the most simple build he could think of. It looked more like a mini wagon than anything else, but it had four wheels, a steering mechanism, and it could go. That was all he needed. He brought his cart out to the track, unphased as racers zoomed by. The raceway was wide since it was intended for people to be able to pass each other, so Therion stuck to the outside edge of it. He started the engine and he was off - at a much slower pace than the others.

The first lap was meant to get used to driving. He suppressed a smile once he'd completed it, pleased with himself that he'd gotten the hang of it so quickly. It was way easier than riding a horse.

The second lap he moved even slower, because now he wanted to actually take in the town. It was an almost leisurely drive, disturbed only by a few near collisions when racers sharing the track streaked by him. The route didn't go too far into the city's heart, but he got a good impression of it. He also spotted quite a few interesting things, the kind that instantly drew his eye - chests, sitting in lonely spots of the town just waiting for someone to find them.

That he abandoned the garage and race track after that shouldn't have come as a shock. He'd completed his goal of learning how to passably drive one of those "car" things, so he had no qualms about moving on. He practically made a beeline to where he'd remembered seeing one of the chests, by some bushes to the right of a path near the roadway. It wasn't locked, which was a bit of a disappointment. It's only been a day and I already feel like my skills are rusting, Therion thought as he popped it open, finding only a single health potion inside.

"..." he dropped his head low where he was crouching in front of the chest. Too much to ask for some real valuables, huh? He pocketed the potion, and as he moved to stand he noticed something else hidden in the brush nearby. It was a slim golden shard, faintly glowing in the twilight. He had no hesitation when reaching out to grab it. Guess this wasn't a total waste of time.

He moved on to the other spots he'd taken note of, finding two more identical looking shards and one more treasure chest with some other ore looking thing inside. It was hard to tell how much time had passed when the sky was stuck in perpetual sunset. Satisfied for now, Therion decided he'd better regroup with the others before he missed the whole 'meeting the other half of the team and going back to base' thing.

Which finally brought him back here, awaiting Primrose's return. He eyed the boy with her, noting that he no longer sported the ashen and red eyed look.

"Far as I know, the rest of them are headed to the shore to wait," Therion informed them both.

Primrose nodded. "Thank you for letting us know," she said, and wasn't surprised when she didn't get a response from him. With little else to do they began making their way to the docks together, giving Bede the choice to either tag along or do something else in town. The dock area was expansive, but once they arrived it was hard to miss the silhouette of Big Band and Sectonia. When they got close and met back up with them the Travelers found that Tora, Poppi, and Raz were there as well. In particular Big Band, Sectonia and Tora seemed to be spruced up, so Primrose thought their time in town must have been well spent. Therion did raise an eyebrow at the nude Nopon though.

"While Bede and I were sight-seeing, I spotted some hills that would be nice for a picnic lunch," Primrose said, offering some light conversation. She stood with one hand resting on her hip, overlooking the water with some degree of curiosity. When she initially set out from the Alcamoth she hadn't known any of the Seekers, and over the last few days of getting to know the Yellow Team and those it had picked up, she could only imagine what kind of people they were about to meet. As for Therion who just assumed it would be more clowns for their circus, he only wondered what was taking them so long.
Still around! Just taking it easy. How you doing Rezod?
Location: Dante's Run - Fito's Ferry // Evening

Accompanying Yrga's glare was a light chuckle sent the imp's way. Barbatos waved at him dismissively.

"I'll pay it," he told the barkeep. It was not an offer so much as a statement, and he didn't look to Yrga to see if she would argue. Instead he turned his attention back to the table where the unsavory patrons had emptied their pockets before fleeing. It was a decent sum. It would cover the debt. He told her as much.

"It's enough, yes." He had memorized the contents of his family's ledger long ago, and didn't feel the need to check it now. And besides, he knew better than to insult her by counting it coin for coin. Barbatos took the severed finger between two of his own, spinning it in his hand slowly. "And so generous too. I'll give it to Zagan."

He couldn't imagine his brother was in the mood to appreciate a gift like this particular item, but honestly that made it all the funnier. Barbatos had been leaning back in his seat with one arm thrown over the backrest and the chair balanced on two legs, but he let the chair fall back onto all four and leaned forward slightly over the table.

"Yrga, you make my job so much easier," he began, catching her gaze. "That's what I appreciate about you. But c'mon. You know this isn't why I came here, don't you?"

The collections was just a bonus, really. It hadn't been pressing, though he was happy to have it all the same. No, he'd come for a different reason. While Farfa had gone to the Stonehill District to fulfill his escort mission (which Barbatos was sure he would hear all about later, in great detail, which he was looking forward to), the youngest Comoita was here in this dingy shack suffering in the rain he hated for one reason.

Barbatos smiled slightly and lowered his voice, his eyes glowing brightly in the dim light. "The Don. I know he's not that busy, but he keeps dodging my attempts to meet with him lately."

There was a brief moment of silence as he let Yrga begin to process what he was asking. He sat back up straight, erasing the image of a conspirator he'd briefly donned. While brightening his placid smile, he continued idly spinning the severed finger between his own.

"He's avoiding me. And you can tell him I said that. You're my last hope Yrga."

That was, of course, a lie. Yrga probably knew it too, though he hoped she wouldn't call him on it just yet. He hadn't exhausted all of his avenues just yet, but the others were much less pleasant than enlisting the help of the orc in front of him.
Welcome back to the Guild!

Character submission, one more for the low karma sausage fest.
In Connect 4 2 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Hopefully we get someone in the party that understands money ๐Ÿ˜…

I gotchu bro.

Slowly working on a char, been going back and forth with @Haha about some lore stuff.
Well there went dessert. And the rest of Chabi's appetite, which was a shame because the dumplings had been pretty good. Chabi left one and half of them to languish on the plate as the director went back and forth with the people in the room. Whenever the red haired woman's eyes cut sharply to Saber, Chabi felt sweat build up on the back of her neck. Should she be doing something? She didn't disagree with her servant, she did want to know what was going on, but somehow it felt she was gaining the director's ire.

For her part, Saber just raised an eyebrow at Ritsuka. If the director wanted to drag things out for the sake of the dramatic, then Saber supposed she couldn't really stop her. Though the servant did wonder if she'd actually broken some kind of unspoken rule of this era. She did not feel remorse for the comment though, especially after the director threatened to have her wait in the hall. At that Saber laughed, high and light. In her eyes it was like a child throwing a temper tantrum that their play had been interrupted.

It continued with Ritsuka asking if Chabi had anything to say about the current situation.

"Huh? Me? Well, uh..." Chabi fiddled with the little charm attached to her bag, her eyes darting between the director and Saber - the latter of which sported an amused smile. As it turned out, the question had been rhetorical. Or it may as well have been, as the director and her assistant were drawn into an argument.

Chabi let her head fall onto the table in front of her with a dull thud.

"Sabeeeeeer! You nearly got me in trouble!" she whined. Saber sighed in response.

"Pick your head up," she tutted. "Despite what Chaldea's director said, it seems she's given us quite an amount of information already."

Chabi peeked up from behind her bangs. "Yeah, all that stuff she said about last suppers, not having a chance to say anything later, saving the world, the Coffins, and Assassin showing up and mentioning that..." she trailed off, but it was clear that the young magus had come to more or less the same conclusion as the others.

Their time had come, they were being called up the big leagues.

Master and servant then turned their attention to the master of Assassin, curious to hear what she had to say.

_ _ _______________________________ _ _

Financial travesty, he'd said. Nordrin snorted, shaking his head at the chairman's words. Poor man was just riling up the group further with statements like that. Not that Nordrin felt particularly bad for him. Now, after incensing some of the most powerful trainers in Galar, Hyacinth wanted them to pretend nothing had even happened. It was laughable.

"Fat chance that any of them will follow that order," Nordrin scoffed, lifting a hand from where they were folded across his chest. It was at that point that the Water-type leader left the room, and after a moment of silence Nordrin amended, "Except for that one."

As the league's fifth gym leader, Nordrin saw barely half of the participants that signed up to compete anyway - Iris, Isiah, Bianca, and Holly made sure to weed out the weakest trainers. But if those four disobeyed Hyacinth, he wouldn't be seeing any. A championship couldn't be held without it's champion, that was true, but it also couldn't realistically be held without it's gym leaders. If those in the Major league didn't participate, it didn't even leave Nordrin a chose as to if he was going to follow their lead or not. Like hell he was going to entertain a challenger that didn't have the right number of badges - was wasn't a fucking babysitter. He doubted that Hyacinth would promote Minor leaguers up to replace the disobedient gym leaders right now anyway, seeing as at the moment the Minor leaguers that already knew of Ryker's disappearance were split on whether they'd be acting like nothing happened or actually doing something about it.

The whole situation was beginning to give Nordrin a headache. Naturally that was putting him in an even worse mood. He glanced down to check his watch, noting that the entire affair hadn't taken that long. Nordrin was no investigator or detective, but he was sure as fuck a better battler than one. With that thought, Nordrin sighed heavily through his nose before speaking up, his voice taking on a bitter tone.

"I don't think you'll be winnin' this one, Chairman. The police and your goons are going to need all the held they can get, they got bigger fuckin' blockheads than an Eiscue. The sooner somebody finds Ryker, the sooner we can actually get back to doing our duties as proper gym leaders."

The Fairy-type leader gathered himself to depart at that point. "You'll be happy to know, chairman, that I'm not doing shite except running my bloody business, at least until someone gets a lead. Feel free to call me then and I'll beat the disrupting fucker myself and we can get back on track."

Nordrin had been against one of the room's walls, so he pushed through the small crowd to the door. There was no real use arguing with Hyacinth nor the other leaders. If the situation changed one way or another, he was sure he would hear about it anyway. Opening the door, he noted that Bianca was still gathering herself right outside, but seeing as he had nothing to say to the woman he brushed by her. It was barely passed eleven, technically still plenty of time before High Steaks was due to open, but he considered catching a taxi straight back to Hulbury all the same.
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